* * * GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT February 10, 2014 The Honorable Tommy Wells Chairperson Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety 1350 Pennsylvania A venue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Dear Chairperson Wells: This letter is in response to your conespondence of January 9, 2014, in advance of the Committee's Fiscal Year 2013 Performance Oversight hearing of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). 1. Please provide, as an attachment to your answers, a current organizational chart/or the agency that shows where all FTE positions are allocated. Please include the number of vacant, frozen, and filled FTEs marked on each box. Also include the effective date on the chart. The organizational chart is attached, and a table with the personnel info1mation is below. The table below identifies civilian vacancies that are funded and approved for hiring. It does not reflect sworn vacancies, as all new recruits are assigned to patrol upon graduation from the training academy, and veteran sworn members are allocated to address current and emerging issues as needed. Chief Cathy L. Lanier 1 Executive Office of the Chief of Police AC, Exec Ofc. Alfred Durham 14 5 General Office of the General Counsel/Labor Relations Terry Ryan 4 7 2 Counsel ' Agency Chief Fiscal Officer AFO Leroy Clay 0 34 1 Executive Protection Unit Lieutenant Angela Cousin 12 0 Office of Risk Management Inspector Essray Taliaferro 2 8 I Office of Chief Technology Officer CIO Barry Gersten 17 45 9 Office of Communications Director Gwendolyn Crump 4 3 1 Office of Research and Analytical Services A/Director Brandy Cramer 2 10 Subtotal S6 112 13 Internal Affairs Bureau Asst. Chief Michael Anzallo 6 1 Internal Affairs Division Inspector George Dixon 39 3 EEOC Division Director Angela Simpson 1 3 I Court Liaison Division A/ Inspector Brian Grogan 26 5 Subtotal 72 12 I 0 P.O. Box 1606, Washington, D.C. 20013-1606 Civilian FTEsCivilian Sworn FTEs FTEs Sworn Vacancies Civilian Civilian Name Title As of 6-Feb-14 Homeland Security Bureau Asst. Chief Lamar Greene 4 1 Tactical Information Division A/Commander Ralph Ennis 47 0 Special Operation Division Commander Steven Sund 210 25 12 Intelligence Division A/Commander Ralph Ennis 42 8 2 Patrol Support Division Commander Charnette Robinson 15 7 Subtotal 318 41 14 Corporate Support Bureau Exec. Director Leeann Turner 3 5 Police Business Services Division Commander Willie Dandridge 44 69 General Support Services Division Director Vacant 7 20 Human Resource Management Division Director Diana Haines-Walton 15 22 Subtotal 69 116 0 Strategic Services Bureau Assistant Chief Patrick Burke 3 4 1 Strategic Change Division Director Kelly O'Meara 1 3 Policy & Standards Division Director Maureen O'Connell 3 10 Recruiting Branch Commander Matthew Klein 18 18 1 Reserve Corp Lieutenant Daniel Ewell 1 0 Metropolitan Police Academy Commander Keith Williams 47 21 9 Recruit Officers Commander Keith Williams 187 0 Subtotal 260 56 10 Patrol Services & School Security Bureau Asst. Chief Diane Groomes 23 4 School Security Division Inspector David Taylor 109 4 1 Special Liaison Unit / Language Access Unit Captain Edward Delgado 20 1 Central Cell Block Division Captain Edward Delgado 12 0 First District A/Commander Jeff Brown 383 11 Second District Commander Michael Reese 330 6 Third District Commander Jacob Kishter 340 7 Kimberly Chisley- Fourth District Commander 349 11 Missouri Fifth District A/Commander Dierdre Porter 332 8 Sixth District Commander Robert Contee 360 9 Seventh District Commander Robin Hoey 363 8 Subtotal 2621 69 1 Investigative Services Bureau Asst. Chief Peter Newsham 4 2 Narcotics and Special Investigations Division Commander Melvin Scott 95 6 Crime Scene Investigations Division Captain Teresa Weedon 75 1 Criminal Investigation Division Commander George Kucik 341 24 Youth Investigations Division Commander Daniel Hickson 88 12 Subtotal 603 45 Total 3999 451 38 2. As an attachment, please provide a list of all positions, department wide, with the names of the employee filling each position. Please include columns for: duty status, whether acting rank above, and whether detailed elsewhere (identifying detail). Please see the attached document. Page 2 of 57 3. Of the total number of positions, how many are sergeants? Please provide a list of those positions, including the name of the person filling that position and where they are assigned and/or detailed. There are currently 451 sergeants or acting sergeants. Please see the attached document for details. 4. Of the total number of positions, how many are lieutenants? Please provide a list of those positions, including the name of the person filling that position and where they are assigned and/or detailed. There are currently 133 lieutenants or acting lieutenants. Please see the attached document for details. 5. As an attachment, please provide a roster of all details and special assignments. Please see the attached document for a roster of current details. Per General Order 201.04 Special Assignment Positions (also attached), for members below the rank of Sergeant, all non-patrol assignments are special assignments. 6. Please provide, as an attachment, a Schedule A for the agency, which identifies all employees by title/position, duty status, current salaries, fringe benefits, and program office, as of January 9, 2014. This Schedule A should also indicate any vacant or frozen positions in the agency. Please do not include social security numbers. Please see the attached document. 7. (a) For fiscal year 2013, please list each employee whose salary is $110,000 or more. Provide the name, position title, and salary. Also, state the amount of any overtime and also any bonus pay for each employee on the list. (b) For fiscal year 2014, please list each employee whose salary is $110,000 or more. Provide the name, position title, and salary. Also, state the amount of any overtime and also any bonus pay for each employee on the list. While sworn members of the rank of Inspector and above are not eligible to earn overtime, while they were in lower ranks they may have earned compensatory time which had been carried over to the present. In FY14, when the District Department of Human Resources switched to a newer version of Peoplesoft, DC Comp time balances that had been carried by command staff members were converted to FLSA. Rather than accrue the FLSA balances, the District paid these down so that they do not accrue to eventually be paid at potentially higher rates of pay. These payments are reflected below as overtime; all information related to these figures was provided by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). In addition, upon his retirement in FY13, Commander Lojacono received a similar one-time payment for accrued comp time. FY2013 Actual Overtime Name Title Salary Total OT Local Court Grant/Reim FLSA Anderson,Kevin CAPTAIN 115,636 599 95 504 Page 3 of 57 Actual Overtime Name Title Salary Total OT Local Court Grant/Reim FLSA Anzallo,Michael L ASST CHIEF 173,757 0 Atcheson,Robert E CAPTAIN 115,636 755 755 Atkinson,Virlynn* FINANCIAL MGR 111,197 0 Aurigemma,Daniel M CAPTAIN 115,636 513 513 Beach,Mark E CAPTAIN 115,636 6,038 3,471 2,568 Bolden,George Michael IT SPECIAL 112,698 7,770 2,909 4,861 Bray,Brian S INSPECTOR 122,545 0 Brito,Victor V CAPTAIN 115,636 0 Brown,Jeff L CAPTAIN 115,636 769 769 Bryant,Regis CAPTAIN 115,636 829 829 Burke,Patrick A ASST CHIEF 173,757 0 Burton,Hilton B CAPTAIN 115,636 920 920 Carter Sr.,Mark V CAPTAIN 115,636 2,184 1,035 1,150 Chisley Missouri,Kim COMMANDER 138,389 0 Clay III,Leroy* AGENCY FISCAL OFC 124,360 0 Coleman,Lamont D CAPTAIN 115,636 4,000 2,549 39 1,412 Contee III,Robert J. COMMANDER 150,053 0 Crane,James O COMMANDER 147,660 0 Crawford,George H IT SPEC (NETWORK) 112,698 24,793 23,809 985 Cummings,Christopher CAPTAIN 115,636 1,380 244 1,136 Dandridge,Willie E COMMANDER 157,556 0 Delgado,Edward CAPTAIN 115,636 664 664 Dixon,George C CAPTAIN 115,636 746 746 Douglas Jr.,Lewis J CAPTAIN 115,636 490 490 Durham,Alfred CHIEF OF STAFF 178,178 0 Eldridge,Michael I INSPECTOR 128,673 0 Ennis,Ralph G INSPECTOR 116,486 0 Etinoff,Rosanne L* ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DIR 111,197 0 Gersten,Barry S Executive Director, IT 152,686 0 Gonzalez,Sheryl IT SPEC 118,598 599 599 Gottert,Michael J CAPTAIN 115,636 1,162 1,162 Greene,Lamar D ASST CHIEF 145,454 0 Gresham,Melvin E CAPTAIN 115,636 1,571 292 1,279 Grogan,Brian C CAPTAIN 115,636 0 Groomes,Diane C ASST CHIEF 173,757 0 Haines,Diana Director Human Resources 146,300 0 Halbleid,Robert J CAPTAIN 115,636 26,856 10,826 16,030 Harris,Brian E CAPTAIN 110,129 5,294 4,252 1,041 Henry,Burt A CAPTAIN 115,636 1,297 1,297 Herold,Jeffrey D CAPTAIN 115,636 1,367 1,367 Hester,George G Fleet Services Manager 116,717 0 Hickson,Daniel P. Commander 177,000 0 Hill,Francis J CAPTAIN 115,636 739 739 Hoey,Robin INSPECTOR 122,310 0 Hope,Byron B CAPTAIN 115,636 4,918 1,801 1,212 1,905 Johnson,Marvin GRANT PGM MGR 110,592 0 Kishter,Jacob M COMMANDER 138,389 0 Klein,Matthew COMMANDER 147,660 0 Page 4 of 57 Actual Overtime Name Title Salary Total OT Local Court Grant/Reim FLSA Kucik,George COMMANDER 147,660 0 Lanier,Cathy L Chief 230,743 0 Lojacono,Christopher COMMANDER 157,556 13,701 13,701 Lyons Sr.,Marvin E CAPTAIN 115,636 2,495 795 1,699 Major Jr.,Jacob Lieutanant 139,050 334 334 Maupin,Joel R COMMANDER 157,556 0 Mclean,Ralph W CAPTAIN 115,636 2,293 370 1,923 Medina,Angel L INSPECTOR 128,673 0 Miranda,Matthew H.
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