Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 20, Number 1, January 1, 1993 �TIillThe LaRouche Record An I8-year fight to save Mrica from catastrophe For nearly 18 years. Lyndon LaRouche and his associates were issued as a book under the same title, the next year. and collaborators around the world have documented the August 1980. Several activists in LaRouche's presiden­ genocide targeting Africa. and fought to restore the most tial campaign, led by former Manhattan (New York City) basic human rights to that continent. What follows are high­ Borough President Hulan Jack, founded the Committee for lights of those efforts. a New Africa Policy. The committee carried out an extensive campaign for massive short-term aid to Africa, as well as for Summer 1974. LaRouche convened a task force to study the the longer-term development of infrastructure. implications of the International Monetary Fund decimation 1981. LaRouche issued a book-length commentary on of the African population. The task force, which ran an inten­ the "Lagos Plan of Action," adopted by the Organization of sive study from Labor Day to Christmas, reported its prelimi­ African Unity in April 1980. Entitled Stop Club of Rome nary findings to the founding conference of the Fusion Ener­ Genocide in Africa! the book was designed to remedycertain gy Foundation on Nov. 23, 1974: "We forecast at that time," conceptual flaws in the Lagos plan, to provide a theoretical reported task force leader Warren Hamerman, "that, given basis for the continent's rapid development. Two chapters the policies then being implemented by the IMF and World from the book are reprinted on pages 26-57. Bank to slash the food and energy consumption of the world's October 1982. The Club of Life was founded in Chicago population, a global ecological holocaust would be the inevi­ at the behest of Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The founding confer­ table consequence." ence featured several panels on Africa. In November, the April 1975. Returning from a visit to Iraq. LaRouche Club of Life issued a policy paper, "How the Club of Rome's proposed at press conferences in Bonn and Rome, the estab­ Food Crisis Can Be Stopped," which highlighted the crisis lishment of an International Development Bank, which he in Africa. said should replace the IMF. In written form, the proposal 1983. LaRouche addressed a memorandum to the Non­ was circulated to almost every government in the world. One Aligned Movement, entitled "The Role of a Debtors' Cartel of the "great projects" which such a bank should immediately in Bringing President Franklin Roosevelt's Anti-Colonialist take up, emphasized LaRouche, would be the development Policy into Immediate Actuality." of the West African Savanna-Sudan-Sahel region, a potential July 25, 1984. The Club of Life's Africa Commission breadbasket of Africa. issued a white paper, "Emergency Measures to Stop the Food May 1978. The U.S. Fusion Energy Foundation (FEF) Crisis in the Countries of West, Central, East, and Southern sponsored a conference in Washington, D.C., 'The Industri­ Africa." al Development of Southern Africa," with participation of September 1984. LaRouche's presidential campaign several departments of the U.S. government, and several platform included prescriptions for delivering emergency African leaders. food supplies into the interior of Africa, rather than a few, June 1979. An FEF international conference in Paris, large food distribution sites to which starving Africans make "The Industrialization of Africa," was followed by a similar a virtual "death march." The engineering methods to build conference in Rome in November. The proceedings of both roads, bridges, and ports deployed during World War II 16 The LaRouche Record EIR January I, 1993 © 1993 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Hulan Jack. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. and Lyndon LaRouche in Philadelphia in 1984, during LaRouche's campaign for the presidency. Former Manhattan Borough Presidel1l Jack was a founding member of the Committee for a New Africa Policy (1980). which launched an il1lernational drivefor short-term aid to A./dca, as well as longer-term development of infraslructure. should be brought to bear, at the same time that longer-term 5) Creation of a major catch-basi in Zaire, moving the development is being mapped out. surplus water into the Chari system in the Central African Jan. 15, 1985. The Schiller Institute organized the first Republic and Chad. international demonstration in Washington commemorating 6) The establishment of a Nile- I ictoria water manage­ Martin Luther King's birthday, with 10,000 people calling ment treaty organization among E 'ypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, for defense of the "Inalienable Rights of Man." Demonstra­ Kenya, Uganda, Zaire, Rwanda, and Burundi. tors carried signs demanding, "Export Food, Not Famine; November 1985. The Schiller I�stitute commemorated No to IMF Conditionalities," and "Stop Starvation in Africa the 1,600th anniversary of St. Aug;ustine's conversion to With American Technology." Christianity with an international c0nference on "St. Au­ I May 1985. The FEF magazine Fusion published the re­ gustine, the Father of European and frican Civilization" in sults of a study on the breakdown of health care in the conti­ Rome, Italy. AI . nent, entitled "Stop the Biological Holocaust: Science Can April 1986. After meetings by his associates in South Still Save Africa." Africa with leading black Africans, LhRouche issued a mem­ 1985. The National Democratic Policy Committee orandum, "Resolving the DebtiCredi Crisis of Africa." (See (NDPC), which represented the LaRouche wing of the Dem­ page 18.) ocratic Party, issued a pamphlet entitled "A Certain Differ­ January 1988. LaRouche add essed an international ence Between the Great Jesse Owens and the Present Jesse conference of the Schiller Institute h Id in Andover, Massa­ Jackson," written by LaRouche. Discussing Africa at length, chusetts, on how to replace the defun t Bretton Woods mone­ he proposed the following development projects. tary system. Numerous speeches to t e conference dealt with 1) A modern trunk railway across sub-Saharan Africa, proposals to solve the crisis in Afric . from Dakar to Djibouti. This must intersect the existing rail­ Sept. 3-4, 1988. LaRouche initIated a Food for Peace way networks, and must pivot upon a leg of the trunk con­ organizing effort, at a conference i Chicago. Among the structed across southern Chad, from the railhead at Maidu­ resolutions adopted was an emergency resolution to stop the guri, in northeastern Nigeria, to the railhead at Nyala, in genocide in Sudan: "I) Provide all nbcessary food to Sudan Sudan. to prevent mass starvation. 2) Beg n emergency spraying 2) A modern trunk railway link, from the Marrakesh­ programs to wipe out the locust swarms and their breeding Casablanca-Oran-Algiers-Tunis system, down to the Dakar­ areas. 3) Reverse the policy of IMF �onditionalities in order Djibouti trunk system. to relaunch and complete all neces ary water control and 3) A modern trunk railway line, extending the Egypt­ irrigation projects, such as the Jonglei Canal project, to en­ Sudan system to Lake Victoria ports in Uganda, to Mombasa, sure that Sudan and the rest of the coJtinent of Africa is never and into Tanzania. again faced with a holocaust of such magnitude." 4) A comprehensive freshwater management project for Sept. 12, 1991. The Schiller I�stitute issued a policy West Africa, centered upon the Senegal, Volta, and Niger paper, For a True U.N. Fourth Development Decade: A river systems. Concrete Solution to the World £con mic Breakdown Crisis. EIR January I, 1993 The rROUCbe R"o,d 17 .
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