SPORTS MENU TIPS Celebrate MLKDay EAST SIDEny NEWS A Delicious Twist ISSUED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Willie Pastrano January 19, 1998 On The Traditional Dies At 62 SeePag~4 SERVING LARCHMERE- WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY See page 7 CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF FREE - HIGHLAND HILLS AND EAST CLEVELAND George Fraser publishes READ ON • WRITE ON Thesday, January 6, 1998- Friday, January 9, 1998 'Race For Success' book Though born pooG guide packed with tools, tips, When Earle B. Turner is toric significance of this position history this past November, and black and one of nine children in contacts, and techniques in­ sworn in as Clerk of Courts of in the state of Ohio. thus is the first to be sworn in to Brooklyn, New York, George structing black America how to the Cleveland Municipal Court Turner, a 44 year- old hold this office. Fraser learned at an early age to do well while also doing good. on Friday (Jan. 9), at I :OOp.m. in Democrat, became the first Afri­ ''It is with a deep sense importances of a persistent, posi­ Fraser believes that for Cleveland City Council Cham­ can- American to be elected to of pride for African- Americans tive attitude from a family that those subscribing to the new Fraser bers, the event will take on his- this prestigious office in the Ohio in Cleveland and throughout our shunned the "dependency men­ black mantra of vertical network­ tality" and the "doomed to fail" ing - reaching down and lifting attitude. up - the rewards will be signifi­ he Real Meaning of the Through education and can't. hard work, Fraser became a suc­ Race For Success offers cessful entrepreneur and ·a true readers invaluable advice on: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday inspiration to millions of blacks Key building blocks for By LERONEBENNEIT nonviolence army gave America · For it is not enough to celebrate Thrner nationwide. economic success at home and a new birth of freedom. They King; it is necessary also to vin­ nation that I acknowledge the He is the nationally at work. Three hundred and sev- banished the Jim Crow signs, dicate him by letting his light confidence that the voters of best - selling author of Success Strategies for saving enty seven years after 20 blacks browned American politics, and shine in our own lives. Cleveland have placed in me by Runs in Our Race, which popu­ and for investing in the future. landed at Jamestown, 133 years transformed the student move­ It was King's genius to electing me Cleveland Clerk of larized the principle of network­ More than 200 critical after the signing of the Emanci­ ment, the women's movement suggest that every man, woman Courts,'· Turner said. 'To be he ing in the African American com­ career choices enabling Blacks to pation Proclamation, and 42 years and the church. and-child is responsible for his/ first African American in the munity. serve themselves and their com­ after the Supreme Court banned And all Americans are her own freedom_ state of Ohio elected Clerk of Now he wants to do for munities. segregation, the United States of indebted to King and the non­ "A man who will not die Courts is an honor that I shall black America what he did for Dozens of low - cost America North and South, black violent liberators who broke into for something," he said, "is not long remember. himself: fulfill seemingly impos­ business start - up suggestions. brown and white- will stop for American history like beneficent fit to live." First appointed by sible dreams. To order the book, call 24 hours to honor the memory burglars, bringing with them the And the only question judges of the Cleveland Munici­ In an unprecedented (212)261-6563. and the life of a black American gifts of vision, passion and truth. move, Fraser will embark on a fifty Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King before us in this hoi iday season pal Court to the clerk's office in for the twelfth year. January 15, 1929. April4, 1968 It can be argued, in fact, that King " one city tour spanning five CSU sponsors is what are we doing and what January 1996 as a replacement for Because he lived and freed more white people than countries - entitled "Race for are we prepared to do to ensure the previous clerk who has re­ MLK celebration dreamed and died, many facto­ forced to take official notice not black people. Success: The World Network­ that King did not dream and die signed, Turner has responded by Celebrations in honor ries, offices, schools and all fed­ only for Martin Luther King, Jr. This, then is a national ing Tour" - to promote his new in vain. redefining the purpose of the of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr_ will eral and many state agencies will but also of the maids, the share­ holiday with national implica­ book Race For Success. The Ten Beyond all that, we are Clerk's office, creating new job be held at Cleveland State Uni­ be closed. croppers, the students and the tions. And we are called, in and Best Business Opportunities for challenged in this month to re­ definitions for Clerk's office em­ versity on Thursday, January 15 All over America, men, Rosa Parks, who made him what through the holiday, to the na­ Blacks in America (William Mor­ member one of his greatest lega­ ployees and launching a number and Saturday January 17. Both women and little children will link he was. tional task of continuing the row; February I, 1998; $26.00; cies, hope. For he never ceased of new programs and services to programs are free and open to the hands and hopes in an unprec­ Martin Luther King, Jr. struggle for the fulfillment of hardcover; 0- 688- 15248- 1), to believe that the Dream and the enhance customer service for ci ti­ public. edented national holiday for was born on January IS, 1926 King's dream. and will donate the profits to the dreamers would prevail. zens being served by the Clerk's Thursday's tribute, Martin Luther King, Jr., the and he died on Apri\4, 1968. The crucial point here national organization 100 Black And if he could ~peak office staff. sponsored by Cleveland State's grandson of a former slave, who This is the tradition and and elsewhere is that this is not Men of America. to us this month from his grave, Turner and his wife, Black Studies Program, will be at • rose to spiritual heights attained the hope that the Martin Luther a holiday for rest and frivolity Sponsors are clamoring he would tell us that nothing can Marcia, who have four children: noon in the University Center by few mortals and thereby ful­ King, Jr. holiday brings to and play. This is a day for study, to take part. Fraser has already stop us here if we keep the faith Shiloh, Christina, Lacora and Auditorium, 2121 Euclid Avenue. filled the Biblical adage which America. And that tradition struggle and preparation for the lined up the corporate support of our fathers 11nd mothers walk Kierra, has been an active voice The celebration will in­ says that he who is last shall be speaks in and through the King victory to come it is a day set of Anheuser - Busch, Allstate, together and dream together. in the Greater Cleveland commu­ clude music, poetry, dance, prose first. holiday, telling us that a people aside for measuring ourselves BFI, The Black Collegian Maga­ It is with this under­ nity for many years. and commentary by Cleveland The first astonishing who could produce a King has and America against the terrible zine, Continental Airlines, Lin­ State students, staff, faculty and standing, and this hope, that we Turner, who is a gradu­ recognition of black initiative and no need for fears or apologies or yardstick of King's hope. coln - Mercury, Proctor & alumni. dedicate this holiday to the ate of John Adams High School leadership would have been in­ doubts. And if we ever loved Gamble, Shoney's Restaurants, Saturday's tribute, memory of an American giant and Central State University with conceivable a few years ago, an As the first black him, we will use this time to mo­ Sony Music, and Wal- Mart. Making It Happen: The Bottom. who will be remembered, to ap­ a B.A., degree in Political Science Line, is sponsored by the Black it marks a great divide in the rela­ American honored, Martin Luther bilize against the evils he identi­ "The state of our urban propriate the words of poet Rob­ and Business Administration Studies Program and the Unity tionship between black and King, Jr. joins the most exclusive fied in his last article -the evils poor, especially Black males, is ert E. Hayden, "not with statues' was the youngest person to Network, a business organiza­ white Americans. of all American clubs. Ironically, of racism, militarism, unemploy­ in a crisis. It's time for every rhetoric, not with legends and serve in Cleveland City Council tion. The program will be at 7 For on King's Day, and significantly, the only other ment and violence. Black male of sufficient means to p.m. in the University Center Au­ poems and wreaths of bronze at age 21, an office he held for 21 January 18, Americans of all American honored by a national It is on this deep level, step' up to the plate and lend a ditorium. alone, but with the lives grown years.
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