GREASY PRINTS .A PUBLICATION OF THE ORLAlIDO .AREA CHA.PTEB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUME 4 NUMBER 4 FEBRUARY' 1987 Happy Valentine's Day FEBRUARY EVENTS 7 -­ 2ND ANNUAL ANTIQUE AND CLASStC AUTO SHOW IN PORT ORANGE SPONSORED BY SOS CORVETTE STREET RODS INFO ERIC V. GILL, (904) 788-1776 14 -- REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7=00 PM AT SANFORD MOTOR CO. 3418 S. ORLANDO DRIVE (17-92) IN SANFORD. 21-22 FLORIDA ANTIQUE AUTO FAIR AT VOLUSIA COUNTY SPEEDWAY AT DAYTONA BEACH, ADMISSION $4, CAR AUCTION, ANTIQUE CAR SHOW, FLEA MARKET, CONTACT VOLUSIA COUNTY SPEEDWAY 1500 E. HIGHWAY 40 DELEON SPRINGS, FL 32028 (904) 255-2243. 22 -- BREAKFAST WITH THE BAKER BREAKFAST BUNCH AT FRIENDLY'S RESTAURANT 985 SR 434 (LOEHMANNS PLAZA) AT 8:00, BYOB (BRING YOUR OLD BAKER) • 26-MARCH 1 13TH ANNUAL ANTIQUE WINTER FESTIVAL AT FESTIVAL PARK ON HIGHWAY 301 JUST SOUTH OF ZEPHYRHILLS, FLORIDA, AUCTION, FLEA MARKET, ADMISSION $3.00 PER DAY, INFO P. O. BOX 1929, ZEPHYRHILLS, FL 34283 (813) 782-0835 I ORLANDO AREA CHAPTER - STUDEBAKER DRII,£RS ClUB P. O. BOX 8e2 FERN PARK, FLORIDA 32138 PRESIIlEHT: VICE PRESlllEHT: SECRETARY: EDITOR: FRNf( Al'lJROGIO JERRY SI£.TON DAVID STRAUGt4 ANITA WROGIO 1025 NODDING PIfES WAY 8321 VII.l.& GREEN RD. 3113-0 ItIISPER LAKE LN 1125 NODDING PINES WAY CASSElBERRY I fL 32717 ORlANDO, FL 3281B WINTER PARK, Fl 32792 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32707 (385) b99-~ (305) 295-1199 (385) 677-1329 (305) 699-8446 TREASURER: ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR: MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: HISTORIAN WAvt£ ~BERRY PAIl. iiiITE JEFF auOTT BECKY ELLIOTT 1078 NODDING PINES WAY 28 OKALOOSA TRAIL 11 WACASSA TRAIL 11 WACASSA TRAIL CASSELBERRY, Fl 32717 SORRENTO, Fl 32776 SORRENTO, Fl 32776 SORRENTO, flORIDA 32776 (315) 699-8855 (984) 383-7279 (984) 383-0841 (904) 383-1841 GREASY PRINTS IS A PUBLICATION OF TI£ ORLANIJO AREA CHAPTER OF 11£ STUDEBAKER DRIVERS ClUB. ALL MATERIAl FOR PUBLICATION t1UST BE RECEIVED BY TI£ 20TH OF n£ I'IONTH. ANY OPINIONS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE ATTRIBUTED TO THEIR AUTHOR AND 00 NOT t£CESSARILY REFLECT TI£ VIEWS OF TI£ ORLANDO AREA CHAPTER, tile BOARD OF DIRECTORS, OR TI£ EDITOR. MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FO~ DIS Sll•• PER YEAR (DUE ON OCT 1 EACH YEAR) (tEW I'1E/'IBERS, SEE SCIOlLE) ~ Membership !'lAKE ()£CI(S PAYABLE TO AND !'IAIL TO: ORLANOO AREA CHAPTER - SOC P. O. BOX BI2 FERN PARX, FLORIDA 32738 • Application NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BIRTH DATE (1'IONTH/DAV) •••••••••• Memberships are for one year and include twelve issues of Turning Wheels. SPOUSE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BIRTH DATE (~/DAY) •••••••••• Duel' US & Canada· 2nd class mail • $ IS US AtfUVERSARY DATE (/IIONTH/DAV) .......... Foreign· 2nd class mail • $?c; US Ute Membership. (2nd mail) ADDRESS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• US & Canada • $200 US CITY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• STATE •••••••••••••••••• ZIP •••••••••• Foreign • $250 US Send your application and cheek or money order ~ PHONE (•••• ) ••••••••••••••••••• WORK PHONE (•••• ) ••••••••••••••••••••• in US fundi to: SOURCE OF REFERRAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SOC •••••••••••••••••••••• The Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. C.I.S., PO. Box 901696 OHLDREN (LIVING AT THIS ADDRESS) BIRTH DATE (MONllI/DAY) Dallas. TX 75390 ......................................••...............•.....•..............• If you have any questions call TolI·free 1-800-527­ 3452. In Texas and foreign locations, call 1-214­ ..................................................•........•.•.•.•.•.•....... 475·7499. A complete 1984 membership roster is ..•..........•..........•.......•.......•....................••.•..•.....•... available for $3.50 plus .SOC poslage . STUDEBAKER OR STUIlEJAKER RELATED VECHICLES OWNED YEAR !'tAKE I'K)DEL . BODY STYLE .•.........•........................•......••••....••••.....••....•..•••.. Name _____ SPOUM ---_ ...........•.......•.........••..•..•••.....•••......•••......•••••...•.•• Addr... ___________ ..•••...•..• ..........•........ ....•..••••..•...•.•.•• ..••••......•...•.•. City ___State ___ Zip ___ MOOERSHIP DlES SO£DULE IPAY AI'IOUNT ACCORDING TO TI£ I'IONTH YOO JOIN) Phone (ar•• COde) ) • _____ OCT - $18.00 w:N - $11.01 DEC - Sll.. JAtt - 19•• FEB - $ 8.. I1AR - $ 7.. APR - S 6.. !'lAy - $5.01 If new member, ,ource of referral ____ JIJN - $ 4.. .ru.. - S 3.. AUG - S 2.. SfP - $1 •• If renewal, month due __ member" __ PleaM fisl your studebaker(s) on the back of thll ALL I'£I1JERS ARE REWIRED TO JOIN TI£ NATIONAL. STUDOAKER DRIVERS ClUB. application. Include year, mOdel, serial II, etc. SANFORD MOTOR CO•• INC. All of us ~n the Orlando Area Chapter :M'. I. 0tIncID Or. IAHFOAD. fIl.ORII:)A :Ir711 would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Mr. Donald Bales for ,.. AMC/JeepORENAULT his kindness in allowfng us the use Allilnct , EnccIt' 5poftr 811l1li. tIgIt • CcInwIcIIt MIngIa' a.a.....IgDI'Iftf .....LirnIItd' QnnI ...... of hfs dealership facflities for our DONALD J. BALlI monthly meetings. ""..,. A "WHITE" CHRISTMAS BY: FRANK AMBROGIO DECEMBER 21, 1986 After a one year absence, the Orlando Area Chapter presented version 3 of the annual Christmas Party and it was another success. Our host9, Paul and Marion White saw to it that everything went like a clock fixed by Ole Doc Clock himself. Attending the Action City event were Jeff, Lou, & Becky Elliott, Frank & Anita Ambrogio, Art & Bernie Bogdon, Larry & Barbara Golub, Jerry, Cindi, Jeremy, & Katie Shelton, Wayne & Dee Newberry and Dee's parents Mr. & Mrs. Mel Burger who were visiting from Denver, Colorado. I am no expert on such things, but I am told that the food was excellent and except for a "shortage of gravy", there certainly was an ample amount. We could have fed the Chevy Club. Since I can't remember what I had tor lunch today, I am not going to give you all the details of what was served. I can tell you that we had meat, bread, vegatables, potatoes, drinks, and dessert. Ketchup and Milk Duds were NOT in evidence on this night. Santa arrived about an hour into the evening and presented gifts to the young and the young at heart. His Ho-Ho-Ho was a little Ho-Hum but it was early in the season and he had plenty of time to work on that. Katie didn't seem to appreciate his crashing our party at first but she seemed to warm up to the idea and was really getting into it by the time he left. Sometime during the course of the evening, we managed to playa little game in which everyone took part and had a great time. Anita and Dee each put on a pair of Paul's longjohns and we stuffed them (the longjohns) full of balloons trying to get as many into each union suit within a given time period. We were split into two teams and then after the stuffing, we had to count to see who did the best job of stuffing. I am not going to tell you how we counted them. That is the price you have to pay for not attending. The score was something like 56 for the Anita/Wayne team and 46 to the Dee/Frank team (give or take a couple). Winning or losing was not as important as the fun and friendship we all shared that night. The time passed all too quickly as it has a way of doing during times like these and we all departed the Action City "White" House with a little more of the Christmas spirit than we had a few hours earlier. I especially enjoy functions such as this one because it gives me the chance to relax and visit with my friends without being burdened with the responsibility of Chapter business. By the time you read this, we will .be a month into 1987 and the Christmas season will be only a memory. One of the better memories for me will be the good time I had celebrating, with my friends, a White Christmas. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 13, 1986 The meeting was called to order by President Frank Ambrogio at 7=45 P. m. Members present were our hosts, Paul & Marion White, Jeff & Lou Elliott, Frank & Anita Ambrogio, Art & Bernie Bogdon, Becky Elliott, Larry & Barbara Golub, Wayne & Dee Newberry, Jerry & Cindi Shelton, and guests Mr. & Mrs. Mel Burger from Denver Colorado (Dee's parents). Frank turned the meeting over to Treasurer Wayne Newberry who discussed changing the Chapter checking account over to SUN BANK. Wayne stated that it would be more convenient to place the account at Sun Bank since he already does his banking there. He has discussed the changeover with Frank and also with Sun Bank Officials. After some disscussion by several members it was suggested by Paul White that the account be placed at the institution which was the most convenient for our treasurer. All present were in agreement with Paul to have Wayne take care of changing the account. Paul White commented on the possibliity of the Chapter making an annual contribution to the SOC Restoration fund. He stated that since this meeting was being held as part of our Christmas party, that we just think about his suggestion and we could discuss it at the regular January meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Frank Ambrogio for David Straughn. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:46 pm by President Frank Ambrogio. Members in attendance were Anita Ambrogio, Wayne Newberry, Jerry & Cindi Shelton, Art & Bernie Bogdon, Ted Janowski, Paul & Marion White, Larry Golub, David D. Straughn, Becky Elliott, and guest Scott Piloian. Wayne gave the Treasurer's report for the month ending 31 December 1986 showing a balance of $1,510.87. He informed the members that he had opened a new checking account at Sun Bank. Editor Anita Ambrogio stated that she still could use articles for Greasy Prints such as how you acquired or restored your car, Meet the Member articles, and especially technical tips. The Chapter extends its thanks to Paul and Marion for their fine efforts at hosting the Christmas party at their home on December 13. Under new business, Frank stated that Landis Ketner of the Treasure Coast Chapter called about the possibility of the Chapters all getting together in April for a State Swap Meet and Car Corral.
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