© Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical means without prior written permission of the publisher. Topical List of Entries Terms and Concepts aposiopesis carpe diem Genres and Forms apostrophe catachresis appreciation catalexis Periods, Schools, and Movements archaism catalog National, Regional, and Diasporic archetype catharsis Poetries Poetry in Culture and Society archilochian cauda argument caudate sonnet Terms and Concepts arsis and thesis cento absorption arte mayor chain rhyme accent arte menor character, Theophrastan accentual-syllabic verse artifi ce, poetic chastushka accentual verse Arzamas chiasmus acephalous asclepiad choliambus address assonance choriamb adonic asynarteton chorus adynaton asyndeton Christabel meter aeolic attention Chuci aestheticism audience. See PERFORMANCE; READER; classical meters in modern languages aff ect READER RESPONSE; RHETORIC AND POETRY classical poetics aff ective fallacy aureate diction classicism affl atus autonomy clavis agudeza auto sacramental cliché alam. kāra autotelic climax alcaic auxesis close reading alcmanic verse bacchius close rhyme aleatory poetics ballad meter, hymn meter closure alexandrine bard cobla allaeostropha barzelletta. See FROTTOLA AND codework alliteration BARZELLETTA cognitive poetics allusion bathos colon ambiguity beat colonial poetics amphibrach binary and ternary commonplace amplifi cation bob and wheel composition. See ORAL-FORMULAIC anaclasis book, poetic THEORY; POET; RHETORIC AND POETRY; anacoluthon boustrophedon VERSIFICATION anacreontic bouts-rimés composition by fi eld anacrusis bridge concatenation anadiplosis broken rhyme conceit anagram burden conceptismo analogy. See METAPHOR; SIMILE; SYMBOL Burns stanza concision anapest bylina concrete universal anaphora caccia connotation and denotation anceps cacophony consonance anthimeria cadence constraint anthology caesura conte dévot anticlimax cancionero/cancioneiro contests, poetic. See POETIC CONTESTS; antimetabole canon POETRY SLAM antispast cante jondo contrafactum antistrophe canticum and diverbium convention antithesis canto copla antonomasia canzone coq-à-l’âne antropofagia canzoniere corona aphaeresis capitolo coronach apocope carmen correlative verse aporia carmina fi gurata cossante © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical means without prior written permission of the publisher. xvi TOPICAL LIST OF ENTRIES counterpoint en(h)oplian hendiadys counterpoint rhythm enjambment heptameter coupe envelope heptasyllable couplet envoi hermeneutics courtly love epanalepsis hermeticism cretic epenthesis heroic couplet criticism epiploke heterogram cross rhyme epitrite heterometric cuaderna vía epode heteronym cueca chilena equivalence hexameter cultural criticism estilística hiatus curtal sonnet estribillo hieroglyph cybertext ethnopoetics historicism cynghanedd ethos homodyne and heterodyne cywydd euphony homoeoteleuton dactyl evaluation hovering accent dactylo-epitrite exegesis hudibrastic verse dansa exemplum huitain dead metaphor exoticism humors decadence explication hypallage decasyllable explication de texte hyperbaton décima expression hyperbole decir eye rhyme hypermetric decorum fancy hypogram defamiliarization fatras hypometric deixis feigning hyporchema demotion fi gura hypotaxis and parataxis descort fi guration hysteron proteron dhvani fi li iambe diaeresis fl yting iambic dialogue folia iambic shortening diction foot iconicity diffi culty formalism iconology dimeter formula ictus dindshenchas fourteener identical rhyme dipodism, dipodic verse fractal verse ideogram discordia concors fragment idyll dissociation of sensibility Frankfurt school image dissonance frottola and barzelletta imagery distich furor poeticus imagination dithyramb gai saber imitation ditty gaita gallega incantation divan galliamb(us) incremental repetition dizer generative metrics indeterminacy dochmiac generic rhyme infl uence dol’nik Geneva school in medias res double dactyl genius In Memoriam stanza dozens Gesellschaftslied inscape and instress duration glosa inspiration dyfalu glossolalia intensity eclogue glyconic intention écriture grammatical rhyme intentional fallacy eisteddfod Greek Anthology internal rhyme elegiac distich greguería interpretation elegiac stanza Guslar intertextuality elision haibun intuition ellipsis Hebraism invective emotion Hellenism. See GREEK POETRY; HEBRAISM invention empathy and sympathy hemiepes ionic enargeia hemistich irony end-stopped hendecasyllable isochronism or isochrony © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical means without prior written permission of the publisher. TERMS AND CONCEPTS xvii isocolon and parison novas (rimadas) point of view. See PERSONA; PLOT; VOICE isometric number(s) polyptoton ithyphallic numerology polysemy je ne sais quoi objective correlative polysyndeton jitanjáfora obscurity postcolonial poetics jongleur octave poststructuralism kenning octonarius poulter’s measure kharja octosyllable préciosité Kokinshū odl pregunta laisse Omar Khayyám quatrain presence lauda Onegin stanza priamel laureate. See POET LAUREATE onomatopoeia priapea leich open form proceleusmatic leonine rhyme, verse oral-formulaic theory promotion letrilla oral poetry pronunciation line organicism prose rhythm lipogram originality prosimetrum lira ornament prosodic feature analysis of verse litotes ottava rima prosody logaoedic oxymoron prosopopoeia mal mariée paeon pseudo-statement Man’yōshū palindrome pun. See PARONOMASIA masculine and feminine parabasis punctuation matrix paraclausithyron pure poetry measure paradox pyrrhic meiosis paralipsis pythiambic melopoeia, phanopoeia, parallelism qit. a¶ logopoeia paraphrase, heresy of quantity metalepsis or parenthesis quatrain transumption paroemiac querelle des anciens et des metaphor paronomasia modernes meter partimen quintain metonymy pathetic fallacy reader metrici and rhythmici pathos reader response metron patronage reception theory. See READER RESPONSE mime pause recitation mimesis pentameter refrain minstrel penthemimer refrán molossus performance refrein monk’s tale stanza period rejet monody periphrasis relative stress principle monometer persona remate monorhyme personifi cation renga monostich phalaecean repetition mora phonestheme representation mosaic rhyme pie quebrado resolution mote pitch responsion motif plain style reversed consonance muse ploce reverse rhyme myth plot rhapsode naïve-sentimental poet rhopalic verse narrator. See PERSONA; VOICE poète maudit rhyme national poetry poetess rhyme counterpoint nature poetic contests rhyme-prose Natureingang poetic function rhyme royal near rhyme poetic license rhyme scheme negative capability poetic madness rhythm neoterics poetics, Western rhythmic fi gures New Criticism poet laureate rich rhyme New Historicism poetry reading rime riche. See IDENTICAL RHYME; Nibelungenstrophe poiēsis RHYME; RICH RHYME © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical means without prior written permission of the publisher. xviii TOPICAL LIST OF ENTRIES rising and falling rhythm symbol versi sciolti ritornello synaeresis vers libéré rota virgiliana synaesthesia vers mesurés à l’antique rune synaloepha verso piano running rhythm synapheia verso sdrucciolo Saturnian syncopation verso tronco saudosismo syncope vida scansion synecdoche villancico scheme system visual rhyme. See EYE RHYME Schüttelreim syzygy voice scop tail rhyme volta seguidilla taste Wartburgkrieg senarius technopaegnion wheel. See BOB AND WHEEL senhal telesilleum wit sensibility tenor and vehicle word-count sentimentality tercet work septenarius tetrameter wrenched accent septet tétramètre xenoglossia serial form text yuefu serranilla textual criticism zaum’ sestet textuality zeugma sexain texture Shijing thematics Genres and Forms Shinkokinshū timbre abecedarius Sicilian octave tlacuilolli acrostic sign, signifi ed, signifi er tmesis air signifying tone alba simile topos allegory sincerity tornada anecdote slang. See DICTION Tottel’s Miscellany anthem, national śles. a touchstones aphorism. See EPIGRAM songbook tradition balada sound translation balagtasan space, poetic tribrach ballad spatial form trilogy ballade speaker. See PERSONA; VOICE trimeter beast epic speech act theory trimètre bestiary Spenserian stanza triple rhyme Biblical poetry. See HEBREW POETRY; split lines triplet HEBREW PROSODY AND POETICS; HYMN; spoken word. See PERFORMANCE trobairitz PSALM spondee trobar clus, trobar leu blank verse spontaneity trochaic blason Spruchdichtung trope blues sprung rhythm troubadour broadside ballad stances trouvère bucolic stanza typography burlesque. See CONTRAFACTUM; stave unity PARODY; PASTICHE stichomythia upamā calendrical poetry stichos ut pictura poesis calligramme stock utpreks. ā canción stornello variable foot canso strambotto variation cantar strophe vates cantiga structure Venus and Adonis stanza carol style verisimilitude. See MIMESIS chanso, chanson. See FRANCE, POETRY stylistics vers OF; OCCITAN POETRY; SONGBOOK; sublime verse and prose TROUBADOUR; TROUVÈRE substitution verse paragraph chanson de geste syllabic verse verse systems. See METER chanson de toile syllable verset chant syllepsis versifi cation chante-fable ©
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