Observations with the Peter van de Kamp Observatory Eric Jensen Swarthmore College Swarthmore College Astronomy van de Kamp telescope, Sproul refractor, 1912 2009 Peter van de Kamp (1901–1995) Director of Sproul Observatory, 1937–1972 First US National Science Foundation Program Director for Astronomy, 1954–1955 1975ARA&A..13..295V Low-mass star mass-luminosity relation (van de Kamp 1975, ARAA) August 2008 January 2009 • 0.6 m Ritchey- Chrétien • f/7.8 • Typical seeing ~ 3″ Instrumentation 4096x4096 CCD, 26′ field of view UBVRI and SDSS u′g′r′i′z′ filters Instrumentation, cont. Jupiter E limb Jupiter W limb Fiber-fed echelle spectrograph, R ~ 12,000 Site characteristics Altitude: 65 m Longitude: 79° W (UT – 5) Latitude: 40° N Science • YETI cluster photometry • Eclipsing binary M dwarfs • Transiting planets - TTV • Transiting planets - Search for long-period transits • Spectroscopic monitoring of early-type stars YETI Trumpler 37 4-point mosaic, 60s exposures YETI Trumpler 37 4-point mosaic, 60s exposures Eclipsing binary M dwarfs Collaboration with Leslie Hebb, Vanderbilt M dwarfs have larger measured radii than Ribas et al.: Fundamental properties of low-massmodels stars predict 563 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 ) ) o o 0.5 0.5 R (R R (R 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 Stellar radius Model prediction 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 M (Mo) M (Mo) Fig. 1. Left: M–R plot for low-mass eclipsingRibas binaryet al. 2008 stars with empiricalStellar determinations. mass Right: Same but for stars with uncertainties below 3%. The solid line represents a theoretical isochrone of 1 Gyr calculated with the Baraffe et al. (1998) models. Ribas (2006). We refer to that study for back- masses and radii below 3%. The systematic ground information and detailed references. offset of 5–10% between the observations Here we shall only discuss new results ap- and the 1 Gyr isochrone from the models of peared since 2006 and also the progress made Baraffe et al. (1998) is apparent. in understanding the origin of the difference between model predictions and observations of fundamental properties of low-mass stars. In addition to the “classical” eclipsing bi- naries, there has been an increasing number of 2. Recent observational data discoveries resulting from follow-up of plane- tary transit candidates. In some instances, the New low-mass eclipsing binaries have re- object responsible for the transit was found not sulted in the past two years from dedicated to be a planet but an M-dwarf secondary to a monitoring of carefully selected targets F-G-type primary star. This is the case of the from photometric databases of variabil- recent study by Beatty et al. (2007) of one of ity surveys. These have been published the HAT network planetary candidates. These by Lopez-Morales´ & Shaw (2006) and objects are single-line and single-eclipse bina- Lopez-Morales´ et al. (2006). In addition, ries that directly provide a value of the stel- the low-mass eclipsing binary reported by lar density but that require certain assumptions Hebb et al. (2006) resulted from a deep (e.g., orbital synchronization) to derive the ac- targeted search in several open clusters. In tual masses and radii. A similar technique ex- other cases, low-mass eclipsing binaries were ploited by Torres (2007) has provided masses serendipitously discovered over the course and radii (dependent on the assumed effective of photometric monitoring campaigns with temperature) for the M-type star GJ 436, which different scientific aims, and later analyzed hosts a transiting exoplanet. A mass-radius plot specifically in detail, such as the objects stud- of all the objects resulting from single-line ra- ied by Bayless & Orosz (2006), Young et al. dial velocities and single-eclipse light curves is (2006), and Blake et al. (2007). A mass-radius shown in Fig. 2. The only object in this sample plot of all presently known low-mass stars in with an error bar below 3% (making it a re- detached eclipsing binaries is provided in Fig. liable test of models) is GJ 436. Interestingly, 1 (left), while Fig. 1 (right) shows only those it also shows the 10% radius differential with objects that have reported error bars in both model predictions (Torres 2007). Transit timing variations Search for new transits in long-period systems Collaboration with Stephen Kane, Caltech Refining Exoplanet Ephemerides 5 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 Fit parameters for HD 190228b. Fit parameters for HD 231701b. Parameter Original fit Revised fit Parameter Original fit Revised fit P (days) 1146 ± 16 1144.14 ± 2.09 P (days) 141.6 ± 2.8 141.89 ± 0.15 −1 −1 V0 (km s ) −50.182 ± 0.004 −50.181 ± 0.003 V0 (m s )... −2.413 ± 1.824 K (km s−1) 91 ± 5 90.75 ± 4.36 K (m s−1) 39.0 ± 3.5 39.06 ± 2.64 ω ◦ . ±2.9 . ± . ω ◦ ± . ± . ( ) 100 7 3.2 101 03 4 14 ( ) 46 24 54 40 3 69 e . ±0.047 . ± . e . ± . ± . 0 499 0.024 0 501 0 041 0 10 0 08 0 096 0 069 tp (JD − 2450000) 1236 ± 25 4672.076 ± 9.085 tp (JD − 2450000) 3180.0 ± 4.2 4885.141 ± 1.422 td (days) 1.155 1.152 td (days) 0.495 0.491 δtmid (days) 88.9 14.9 δtmid (days) 40.91.6 twin (days) 178.9 31.0 Searchtwin (days) for 82.33 new.7 transits Note. — The original orbital parameters for HD 190228b as Note. — The original orbital parameters for HD 231701b as measured by Perrier et al. (2003) and the revised orbital param- measured by Fischer et al. (2007) and the revised orbital parame- eters with the four addditonal measurements, along with original ters with the four additonal measurements, along with original and and revised transit duration, transit mid-point uncertainty, and revised transit duration, transit mid-point uncertainty, and transit transit window. window.in long-period systems Refine ephemeris with new RVs, then search for transits Fig. 5.— Best-fit solution (solid line) to the original radial veloc- Fig. 4.— Best-fit solution (solid line) to the original radial veloc- ity data of HD 231701 obtained by Fischer et al. (2007) and four ity data of HD 190228 obtained by Perrier et al. (2003) and four Kanesubsequent et al. simulated 2009 measurements. subsequent simulated measurements. time baseline of the radial velocity data. The main bene- sufficient to constrain the orbital period to within a cou- fit to constraining the transit window will come through ple of days. However, enough time has transpired since improving the baseline (measurements during the same discovery such that the first predicted transit after JD phase at subsequent orbits) rather than additional phase 2454979.5 has a mid-point uncertainty of 40.9 days and coverage, since phase coverage mainly aids toward con- a total transit window of 82.3 days. straining the shape (eccentricity and periastron argu- Figure 5 shows the discovery data published by ment) of the radial velocity variation. Fischer et al. (2007) along with four additional simulated It should be noted that this analysis does not take radial velocity measurements. The simulated data are into account the more typical situation where the addi- each separated from each other by 10 days. As was the tional measurements are acquired with a different tele- case for HD 190228, we found that the optimized con- scope and/or template spectrum than the discovery data. straint on the period resulted from spacing the new mea- In this case, a floating offset (whereby the radial velocity surements to cover a large range of radial velocity (am- offset between datasets is included as a free parameter) plitude) space rather than phase space. This comes at between datasets will need to be applied during the fit- the expense of refining the shape of the periodic varia- ting process, such as that described by Wright & Howard tion which, as described earlier, is determined by e and (2009). This however has a neglible effect on the accu- ω. The results from performing a fit to the combined racy of the fitted orbital parameters provided the addi- dataset are shown in Table 2. The significant improve- tional measurements have suitable phase coverage. ment to both the precision of the period and time of periastron passage parameters results in a subsequent 2.3.2. HD 231701 improvement to the uncertainty in transit mid-point and A more recent planet discovery is that of HD 231701b transit window size that is impressive - a factor of almost by Fischer et al. (2007). This planet has an orbital pe- 25! This would result in the first transit window beyond riod of ∼ 141 days with an eccentricity of ∼ 0.1. Even JD 2454979.5 being a highly accessible window to obtain so, the slight eccentricity and an argument of periastron good coverage, particularly if longitude coverage could near 90◦ gives the planet an elevated geometric tran- be achieved through appropriate collaborations. sit probability of ∼ 1.3%. The host star for this planet 3. is a late-F dwarf. The data acquired at discovery was PHOTOMETRIC FOLLOW-UP STRATEGY 4 G. Maciejewski et al. Table 2. Parameters of transit light-curve modelling. T0, Td, δ, σ, and E denote the mid-transit time, the transit time duration, the depth, the averaged standard deviation of the fit, and the epoch, respectively.
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