NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES PO BOX 42O9O WAINUIOMATA PHONE (o4) 562[8--578 FAx (O4) 56um-s78 NEW ZEALAN STOCKISTS OF THE WIDEST SELECTION OF MODEBN CHESS LIERATURE IN AUSTBALASIA, CHESS SETS, BOABDS, CLOCI(S, STAIIONEBY AND ALL PLAYING EQUIPMENT. ELECTBONIC CHESS AND DATABASE - CHESS COMPI.'TEBS A SPECIA- ") LITY DISTBIBUTOBS OF NoVAG and MEPHISTO WOBLD CHAMPION MODELS. CHESS SEND S,A,E FOR BBOCHURE AND CATALOGUE (STATE YOUB INTEHEST) Registered at Post Office HO, Wellington as a magazine AUCKLAND IM ORTVIN SABAPU - 8 BABBINGTON BOAD, AUCKLAND 2. STOCKISTS ALL PLAYING EQUIPMENT AND CI-IESS STATIONEBY, R $3.00 scHooL. suPPLrEs A sPEctALrTy. pHoNE (0s) 763-083 VOL 18 No 1 FEBRUARY 1992 PBIME TIME GAMES LTD STBAND ARCADE, QUEEN ST, AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND'S ONLY COMPLETE CHESS BETAIL STOCKIST PHONE (09) 358 0282 CHRISTCHURCH SCORPIO BOOKS LTD STOCKIST CNR HEBEFOBD STREET, OXFORD TEBBACE, CHBIST- CHUBCH. BOOKS, SETS, CLOCKS ETC. PHONE (03) 792-882 DUNEDIN TO[{Y DOWDEN - S SELWYN STREET, NORTH EAST VALLEY, DIJNEDIN. ALL PLAYING EQUIPMENT AND CHESS STA- STOCKIST TIONERY. BERNAED CABPINTER 7 BBOOMHILL BD, WELLINGTON 5 NIC-BASE SPECIALIST CHESS DATABASE ADVICE, INFORMATION AND CONSULTANT DEMONSTBATTON PHONE (04) 3847-600 Beautiful nton pattern set6 p 315-OO in bags - Boards to suit from $5 00 * t l9-OO in box ALSO WELL MADE WOODEN SETS, FELT BASED AND WEIGHTED IN ROSEWOOD AND EBONY, BOXED OB LOOSE FBOM $49 .EVERYTHING FOH CHESS AT N.Z.C.S' The new champion - MARTIN DREYER NEW ZEALAND CHESS is published bi- monthly (February, {pril, JLne, Auqust, October and December) by tho New Zedand Chess Federation lnc. Phil Viner (Australia) was ;r:;kerl Io represent NeW Unless otrerwiso stat6d, however, tlre Zealand at tllo views elpressed herein are not neces- FIDE Congress in Europe A Iorrn.rl sarif thoso of the Federation. matler really as thera does nor ADDRESSES ssern 10 be a lol iraDpening there All articles and letters should be addressad JUSI now to the editor, 11 Arizona Grove, Kowtrai Park, The btg, and sad, news stnL:e w(-) Wellington. lasl wrotc was rhc pa:;stng aw()y Conespondence to the federation should be of Bruc€) lvlarsrck arrrj I en Wfrrlc addressed to the Secretary, NZCF, PO Box 3130, Wellington, house They were both kerttn iurtJ aCIive players Who acht€)vr.rrJ llrir Subscriptions, changes of address and ilEW ZEALA]IID CHESS CHAMPIOIUSHIP advertising inquiries should be addressed to distinction of piayrng ll th() t);ltt()n,ri the Secretary. championship Their obrtrr;rr(!:;,u,,. 28 Dscembsr llrgl to 9January llxlz All prices include GST, where applicable. Earnes should appear clsowll(,rr , -Ihe DUilEDII{ SUBSCHIPTION BATES tournarnenl comnrllc(, i 1.t,, Bates are for one.year's subscription. Over- its usual bus'y reporl wrlIr rr,r oil seas rates are in US dollars. mondations These (-o\i elr()(l '.i i, Surface mail tef entfy rules f or ,, ()il(1r,,1,". Nar Zealand $N218.00 avents ratt|ig tor raltrtt r lir r::t; No Player Rtg Cb | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 101112Tot Other Olyrnpiad selection lli)n(,1 (1, l countries $US20.00 o Frost. Mark (lrblrorr. r 1 Airmail Noble []ob M P Dreyer 2187 AC -- 1 Yz Y2 Y2 Vz111111 more aClivity ln NZ .lLlrrror r r|(1 Austalia and South Pacific 8Yz $US20.00 Under l6 fields, cer trf rc.rlo!i nrnril 2 B M S Martin 2337 OT 0 -- Y2 I Y2', 11Y2 1111 Otl'rer countries $U32$.00 tufes or SuChlike for top lllrrto rr r Y2 Y2 1 7 NZCF evenls and other roctlJtrilllil 3 J D Sarfati 22ll WE Yz Y2 Y2Y2 1 Y2 1 Y2 ADVERTISING RATES of spectal awards arrd that Arrttur 7 4 P A GarbetL 2272 NS Y2 0 Y2 -- Y2 Y2 LY2 llh 11 Full page $N245.00 Pomeroy join the tountamenl c()n), rnitlee All more lr--ss 1/z 6 Half page or full column $N222.50 these wers or 5RW Smith 2232 WT Y2 Y2 Y2 -- Y2 Y2 1 %y, 10 approved but the first, at teasr. Hatf r:olumn $N211,25 requires geileral meetlng sanc [tor] 6RJ Lrlve ZZO I CI Y2 0 0 Y2y2 -- 1 1 01 01 5Y2 We saw draft accounts for the DEADLINE FOR COPY Ker 2325 CI 0 0 1/z 0 Vz 0 -- 1 Yz1 11 5Y2 year and congratulat6d Russell 7AF Iill copy should be in the editor's hands job by the second Safurday of lhe month Dive on the he did 8GA Spain 2180 TE0Y20 Yz 0 0 0 -- 1 Yz1 preceding publication. Just a few omissions from the lisl of nominees for the AGM Mark 9RJ Sutton 2296 OT00Y2 OY2 1 Y2 0 -- Y2Y20 3Vz Noble, councillor, Cooper and lOJN l"Ietge 2048 AC00Y2 V2V2000Y2 --Yz t 3v, Printed by Northland Printing Company Ltd Lybrand, auditors and vice- patrons Roy Kent, Alan Flelcher 22-24 Garrelt Street, Wellingrton 11 P w Strrart 21,38 NS00Y2 0 0 1 0 Y2Y2 Yz -- Y2 3% and Graham Haase lor the New Zealand Chess Federation 2128 010001 0Y2 2Y2 P0 Box 3130 Wellington The edilor's proposal that chess t2LJ Love oT000 ciubs be allowed a listit'lg in the magazine free, gratis and f or Hardware: Atari computer and Epson printer. nothing. as hinted at last issue, Software: Timeworks Desk Top Publisher was passed i.e. As from January 1992. club listrngs are FREE Round 2: Five decisive games this tim6. The one player to win with black was Garbelt, who beat Ker's Grob - thus gaining revenge for his defeat with that opening in the 1984-5 champs. Metge, Martin and NEW ZEAIAND CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP Sarfati beat Love, Sutton and Spain respectively. Sluart-Dive looked 28th Decernber lSi to gth January 1SZ headed for a draw till White's king invaded Black's queenside with terrifying speed. Dreyer survived a shaky opening to draw with Smith. By Ben Martin 1 AKer v PGarbett The otago chess club hosted the lgEl-lggz RJI national chess I d6 2 hB e5 3 Bg2 cG 4 d4 Qb6 5 e3 I{d7 6 b3 tgf6 7 congress I 94 played at Universlty college Dunedin, John l-larraway once a4 8 d5 Nxd5 9 Bxe4 Ob4+ lO IIdZ Nc3 ll Af3 te5 l2Qg2 more took on the rask of dircclor of play and performed it with his usual ilxe4 13 Qxe4 Qre4 14 ilxe4 f5 15 t4lre4 16 fxeS d5 17 NeZ thor0LiShness and efficiency. Bb4+ 18 c3 Bc5 19 Nd4 O-O 2O Ke2 Ttre venue, a uniuersity hall of residence. was excellent. All rhrse b6 Zl c4dxc4 22bxc4 Ba6 23Racl lsurnantentrs fitted easily into one huge room with th6 championship Bxd4 24 sxd4 RfS 25 Bc2 RafS 26Plh2 players in an alccive off to one sido The analysis room was larqe. with re---KI7 27 Bcl bS 2ARl2KeG 29 ,% %"m television and a ping-pong "ruzt% table iri an adjacent area Accornrnmodatiorr Bs3 bxc4 3O Rc3 BBfZ 3l Rxf3 Hxf3 ,/ru_%: was o{fered at nearby Selwyn Collega, 328d2 Kds 33 Bxf3 c3+ 34 Kdl exf3 % David fleid, olago chess club presidont, officially oponacJ rhe 35 Be3 Ke4 36 e6 Bc8 37 e7 BdZ 38 congress Thare were 64 players, a litlie clown on last year's toral hrit Bgl Kd3 39 a4 a5 40 95 c5 O-l- still a nespecfablo nurnber JSarfata v GSpain with three Dlympiad places aI stake a stronq tield was assembled for 1 e4 d5 2 exds Qxds 3 ltlc3 QaS 4 i'% i the championship lt includod five former Naw zealarrd champions and d4ltlf6 5 ltlf3 c6 6 Bd2 Bfs 7 Bc4 e6 the currBnt titlehoidBr, Thoy were top soed Ben Martirr; Anthony Ker, 8 ileS NbdT 9 Gte2 Bb4 lO NrdT l{xd7 I I a3 O-O-O 12 O-O Bxc3 champion in 1991 and winner of the North lsland championship wirh BIB; 13 Bxc3 Qc7 14 b4 NfG 15 f3 RhgB 16 Bel Nhs 17 c3 18 Oo3 Bichard sutlorr; 95 Paui Gartrett. Flussell llive and Jonathan sarfati rht: Of4 19 Qe2 Qc7 2O EaZ 21 Bh4 RdfB 22 Qe,3 g? 23 hxg3 other 94 comFjetitors were Rober1 Smith, Martin Dreyer, Graeme Spain, Nxg3 24 Hel h5 25 Bg5 Bh7 26 Bf4 tf5 27 Qe,4 ad7 28 QeS Petsr Stuart, Tony Love and NigelMetgo Kd8 29 Ob8+ Qc8 3O QraT Rg6 3l OaS+ Ke,B 32 Bd3 l-O- Round 1: lnnmediately the tournantent was of f to a f iqhring start with Round 3: Again a good round to be White. Dreyer stormed Stuart's four wins The rnajor surprise was Ker's unleashing of Basman's opening kingside to win convincingly. Love opened his score by beating Smith ro (l 95) beat spain. Dreyer bear Love, Marrirr beat Metge and Garberr and Dive converted his extra pawn into a win against Ker. Garbett and had a good win versus stuart Dive-Smith and sutton-sarfati were Sarfati had a short draw while Sutton and Metge had a longer one. interesting hard-fouqht draws Spain was a clear exchange up against Martin in an endgame but was I swindled at the last moment. PGarbettUPStuart MDreyer v PStuart I e4 c5 Z Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nc6 5 NbS d6 6 c4 trtf6 Z 1 e4 c5 2 ilc3 Nc6 3 93 HbB 4 f4 96 5 ltlf3 Bg7 6 Bg2 b5 7 d3 Nlc3 a6 I Na3 Be7 9 Be2 O-O lO O-O b6 tt Be3 Bh7 tZ Ob3 Nd7 b4 8 trle2 e6 9 O-O l{ge7 lO a3 a5 I I axb4 axb4 12 e5 d5 13 d4 l3 Rfdl NcS I 4 QcZlrlb4 t5 Od2 Bf6 t6 Bf4 Be5 tZ Bg5 ec7 lB f4 cxd4 14 Nexd4 Bd7 15 Be3 ltrd4 16 ltlxd4 O-O 17 Ad2 ReB r8 Bxc3 l9 Qxc3 hlc6 2O Qe3 Ne7 Zl Bft f6 ZZ Bh4 RfdS 23 Hact 94 BbS 19 Hfz NcG 2O lfrc6 Bxc6 2l BcS EfA 22 BxfS RxfB 23 Nd7 24 8f2 BabS 25 Bg4 Ktt 26 b4 Ba8 27 Rc3 NfB 28 I{cZ e5 f5 srfS 21 gxt5 Re8 25 e6 fre6 26 frg6 htg6 27 Oh6 Hb7 28 29 f5 Qc6 30 Bf3 b5 3 t cxbS exbS t2 Rct RdZ Ag eb3+ KeB 34 Bafl Hg7 29 Bf3 ReeT 30 Bh3 Rh7 3l Clxg6+ BhgT 32 OhG Bh7 a4 Cla5 35 RxdT NxdT 36 Bh5+ Kd8 3Z Rxd6 ec7 38 ed3 Bxe4 33 Bg3+ RhgT 34 RxgT+ BxgT 35 Qre6+ Kh8 36 Ah6+ KgB 37 39 RxdT+ QxdT 4O Qxe4 Ctxf5 4t ee2 96 tZB,g4 ef4 4i! BeC t_O.
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