0 ( 1 p 7} 7?1~ 71 SOUVENIR OF New Orleans - -- c--~========J ~- COMPLIMEN~ OF--. -~ MA YLIE & ESP ARBE CAFE V , ~ I L1001-1009 POYl;RAS ST., NEW ORLEANS. j @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ill A. M. Lockett & Co., Anheuser- Busch Ill m LIMITED, . ll iH CoNTRACTING Branch 111 ill MECHANICAL ENGINEERS GRAVIER AND FRONT STREETS. Ill ~ ( ~ ) ) ) (Ill AUG. SCHMEDTJE, Manager. m (( COMPLETE STEAM POWER AND PUMPING PLANTS, ))) ~ ~ COMPRESS, MILL AND RAILWAY SUPPLIES, m (((1 FUEL OIL APPARATUS. lll ((( ))) II • Ill 11 Babcock & Wllcox Co., Ill m --WATER TUBE-- BOILERS · lllm ((( ))) ((( ))) Hl , m 111 Henry R. Worthtngton, suPPLIEs ciTY AN~R~~g~1~~ TRADE w1rH ALL II II . HYD_RAlJLI_C~CHINERY. Draught and Bottle Beer. II II c:- 33 BARONNE STREET, MANUFACTURED BY THE WORLD'S LARGEST IIIII !! J NEW ORLEANS, LA. AND LEADING BREWERY. 1 ~~~~~~~===~~~~:::::::::::::::~::::::::~===:::::::::~~::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::~===~~:::::::::::::::::--...;:::::::::::::::.:::::-:::~~~------~------~w1 The Maylie & Esparbe CaTe--Its History N DISTANT parts of the world a city is better at this repast added further lm;tre to the fame of I known by its restaurants and cafes than by any the house. This feature has been maintained at other feature. No matter how magnificent its their Stag Dinners to this day, both Mrs. Maylie commercial prosperity, how beautiful its boulevards, and Mrs. Esparbe superintending the cooking. or how distinguished its citizens, they do not take In 1894 Maylie & Esparbe decided to put up the as salient a place in the mind of the tourist as the building, a part of which is to-day used as the din­ "Table d'Hote" or restaurant at which he has dined. ing-room; but it must be remembered that at that Maylie & E-sparbe's Cafe was established in 1878 time the present dining-room was used for the com­ at the present location, and fifteen years later their bined purpose of a cave and dining-room. A long tabie d'hote was started. table was placed in the cent.er, and casks of assortep. J. B. MAYLIE (deceased.) In 1893 this firm had established a great reputa­ tion for serving breakfasts to the butchers and a limited number of their friends. So pleased were these people with the service, that permission was asked to invite others. The dining-room at that time could only accommodate ten people. After some deliberation, and under much persuasion, Maylie & Esparbe decided to inaugurate a strictly W. ·H. MAYLIE. Stag Table d'Hote dinner. And tne soup meat served H. ~SPARBE. BEST $10.00, $15.00 or $20.00 Suits-G U S. G ~~ E 1; Z ~ E R-826-830 POYDRAS STREET. ' .-L~~~ wines and liquors were in view on either side. and uncle. In 1907 the death of Mr. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR STRANGERS. J. B. Maylie occurred, but caused no There was also a well remembered shelf of gener­ Terminal Station. ous proportions, which held bottled wines and interruption to the business, and the style of the firm remains as former­ (Canal and Basin- all cars.) liquors well known to connoisseurs. The tout-en­ ly and retains all the old features. New Orleans & Northeastern. semble gave the visitor the idea of one of the well Even the fastidious plutocrat will New Orleans Great Northern. known French caves. In contradistinction to other not find his comfort neglected when Louisiana Railway & Navigation Company. table d'hotes, in this city, coffee is not served ·at the he dines at Maylie & Esparbe's Ta­ Colorado Southern, New Orleans & Pacific. dinner table, but is partaken of at the cafe, after ble d'Hote, and hardly a day passes the guest has done justice to the meal. but what some visitor, distinguish­ Louisville & Nashville, Canal street and River In 1901 Mr. Wm. H. Maylie succeeded to the man­ ed either for his ability or station, front-:-all cars. agement of the business, together with his father is reckoned among the guests. New Orleans, Fort Jackson & Grand Isle-oppo­ site Canal street. Louisiana Southern-Elysian Fields and St. Claude street. Baggage Transfer and Bus Companies. New Orleans Transfer Company, 840 dommon street. Parcel Transfer Company, 734 Union street. Pelican Transfer Oompan'y, 911 Gravier street. American Transfer Company, 1007 Gravier street. Clubs. Athenaeum (Y. M. H. A. Building)-St. Charles and Clio. Audubon Golf Club-Felicia and Audubon Park. Boston Club- 824 Canal. Chess, Checkers and Whist Club-Canal and Ba- ronne. Country Club-Bayou St. John and City Park. Elks' Club-121 Elks' Place, near Canal. Harmony Club-St. Charles, corner Jackson. · Louisiana Club-"--Canal and Carondelet. Pickwick Club-Canal, near Rampart. Phoenix Athletic Club-3045 N. Rampart. Round Table Club-1435 Jackson. Royal Athletic Club-126 Royal. Southern Athletic Club-Washington and Pry- tania. Southern Yacht Club-West End. St. John Rowing Club~est End. Y. M. C. A.-817 St. Chirles. THE DINING ROOM, VIEW NO. 1. Young Men's Gymnastic Club-224 N. Rampart. BEST $10.00, $15.00 or $20.00 Suits-G U 8. GRETZ N E R-826-830 POYDRAS STREET. ,... "'' I ~ ~ 1 Grocers ll( DIRECT IMPORTERS OF TABLE DELICACIES, I Wines and Liquors . SEEING NEW ORLEANS BY THE AUTOMOBILE try Club, City Park, Duelling Oaks, leon, Tomb of Almonester, Mansion of First Terri­ ROUTE. Picnic Grounds, City Park A venue, torial Governor, French Opera House, General Jack­ St. Patrick's Cemeteries, Potter's s-on's Headquarters, St. Louis Cathedral, Jackson Field, Beautiful Metairie Cemetery, Square, Jackson Monument, Spanish Cabildo, French Suggested by Prof. L. C. Spencer, President Spencer Beauregard Public School, Sewer­ Market, New York & Cuba Steamship Landing, Old age System, Canal Street, United St. Louis Hotel, Old Slave Market, Curio and An­ Business College. States Customhouse, American Su­ tique Stores, McDonogh Public Schools, Medical Professor L. C. Spencer, who is an enthusiastic ' gar Refinery, Liberty Monument, Colored College, Straight University, Jesuits' Col­ autoist, suggests the following points of interest by Mississippi River, Old Absinthe lege, Chinese Church, Chinese Row, Cotton Ex­ auto: Old Basin Canal, Little Italy, Greek Church, House, New Courthouse, Pontalba change, Chess, Checkers and Whist Club, Boston St. Joseph's Academy, Crescent City Jockey Club, Buildings, Blacksmith Shop of La­ Club, Pickwick Club, Country Club, Golf Links, Ex­ Bayou St. John, Confederate Soldiers' Home, Conn- fitte the Pirate, Retreat of Napo- perimental Station, Horticultural Hall, Washington Oak, Lovers' Lane, Duelling Oaks, Suicide Oak, Fa­ mous Shell 'Road Drives, Margaret Square, Howard Library, Confederate Memorial Hall, Site of New Post Office, Progressive Union Building, Newspaper Row, St. Charles Hotel, Old Louisiana Lottery Site, Lafayette Park, City Hall, Washington Artillery Hall, Ben Butler's Old Headquarters, Young Men's Christian Association, Lee ' Circle, Lee Monument, Carnegie Library, St. Charles Avenue, Young Men's Hebrew Association, Whitney Estate, Southern Athletic Club, Louisiana Avenue, Napoleon Avenue, Rehm Home of Flowers, Jackson Avenue, New Or­ leans University, Jewish Orphan Home, Rosa Park, Audubon Place, Tulane University, Audubon Park. The.se interesting sights are easily made by auto­ mobile route. Rules Governing the Operation of Automobiles. Ordinance 2059, New Council Series, requires operators of motor cars to obtain a permit from the Police Department-number of permit to corre­ spond with number in rear of car. When a vehicle approaches another from opposite direction both should pass to right of each other. When overtaking any vehicle from rear, pass to left. When turning a corner, slow down, give signal, and turn cautiously. When approaching a street car or railroad cross­ ing, stop, look, listen, and give signal. When you are going to stop or slow down, warn DINING ROOM, VIEW NO. 2. car behind by holding out right hand. BEST $10.00, $15.00 or $20.00 Suits-G U S. GRETZ N E R-826-830 POYDRAS STREET. ffi~~:::::::::::~~::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~::::::::~::::::::::~::::::::~::::::::::::::::::--~--::::~~::::~:::::=::~::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~~::::::::~::::~:::--......::::~::::::::~~1 (((w .... l) l!l1 AHigh Grade Angelo Myers ill Jrl Clear Havana Cigar ~~ m m m . 1!1 m D. .II )l !!! ~~:t:~~r~~~r~~ . 1s ti er ill Ill c 0 man d0 Philadelphia, : . Pa. Ill 1(~~ m (( ))) (((m Schuylkill Rye Whiskies 1B!)) ''j Old Barrel W. W. W. and Kinsey Rye lll ~( )~) !!! ljj ~~PRESENTED E. y erg ne s !:: 11 (h(I lOc to 25c Strai·ght. No. 624 Gravier Street lBl)l)l I New Orleans, La. 111 1 111 I~::::;_._._:::::_.~~~~::::::::::::~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::::::::::::::~~::::::::::~::::::::::::~:::::::::~::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~~~:::::::~~::::~~:::::w SOME INTERESTING TROLLEY RIDES. Along this route the Fair Grounds The car soon reaches the various cemeteries; and Race Tracks can be reached; then turning into Canal street, lands one in the (All cars center on Canal street. Universal trans­ also the famous Jockey Club with its heart ·of the city after an hour's most interesting fers, except between Belts and West End lines.) beautiful and handsome structure. ride. The Esplanade Belt runs along Canal street to Over the bridge of the old Bayou STEAMBOAT LINES. Rampart, turning into North Rampart until Espla­ St. John the car passes to the Coun­ nade avenue is reached; out Esplanade until Bayou try Club; then the beautiful oaks Steamboats operate on the Mississippi River be­ St. John is crossed, then along City Park to Canal of the City Park can be seEm, state­ tween New Orleans, Donaldsonville, Baton Rouge, and Canal back to the city. ly and grand, with tufts of gray Natchez, Vicksburg, Greenville and intermediate In this ride can be seen the aristocratic streets moss hanging from their enormous points. and avenues of the latter Creole days, with many "!;>ranches and covering over eighty On the Ouachita and Atchafalaya Rivers, between handsome residences and spacious grounds. acres of the park. New Orleans, Monroe, Cilumbia, Harrisonburg, Jonesville, and intermediate points on Black River, and on the Atchafalaya as high as Melville. Rates and information may be obtained from Lord & Mc­ Peake, 602 Gravier street.
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