17_134696 bindex.qxp 11/8/07 7:03 PM Page 179 179 Index Bar at Times Square, 100, C 103 Cabs, 166 Index Barrack (Marjorie) Museum, Caesars Palace, 11–12, 39 49–50. See also Appian A Barry Manilow: Music & Way; Forum Shops Access-Able Travel Source, Passion, 112, 114 accommodations, 126 175 Bars, 103–106 casino, 76, 79 Accommodations, 121–136 best bets, 100 Comedy Festival, 163 best bets, 122 gay, 109 Elton John: The Red without children, 33 tipping, 174 Piano, 112, 116 rates, 136 Bartolotta, Paul, 17, 89 food court, 84, 90–91 rental properties, 168 Baseball, 173 fountain shows, 13, toll-free numbers and Beauty products and 49–50 websites, 178 accessories, 65–66 nightlife, 100, 105–107 Agent Provocateur, 28, 62, 67 Bellagio, 49, 53. See also Via Pussycat Dolls Pit, 27, Airlines, 165 Bellagio 79 toll-free numbers and accommodations, restaurants, 96 websites, 177–178 125–126 spa, 28, 126 Airport, 165 attractions, 4, 13, 16, Calico Basin, 20 Airport limos, 171 53, 55 Calico Hills, 19 Alamo, 164 buffet, 24 Caramel, 103 Alan Bible Visitors Center, 141 casino, 23, 76, 79 Caribbean Stud Poker, 153, Alternate Reality Comics, 66 nightlife, 100, 103–106 155 American Express, 172 O (show), 112, 116 Carnaval Court (Harrah’s), 72 American Foundation for the restaurants, 92, 95–97 Car rentals, 164 Blind (AFB), 175 touring tip, 53 Car travel, 165, 167 Anasazi Indians, 144 fountains, 11, 13, 53 Casino games, 145–160 Antiques, 62, 65 Bellagio Conservatory, 13, Casinos, 75–81. See also Antiques at the Market, 65 53, 55 specific casinos Antique Square, 62, 65 Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art, best bets, 76 Apartment rentals, 168 4, 16 without children, 33 Appian Way, 72 Bell Trans, 165, 171 learning the ropes, 80 shops, 70–71 Betsey Johnson, 67 rating alert, 78 Aquariums, 33, 43, 50 Big Shot (Stratosphere), CAT (Citizens Area Transit), Arcades, shopping, 5, 71–73 35–36 165, 166 Area codes, 168 Big Six, 148 Champagnes Café, 103 Around the Clock Child Care, Binion’s, 57–58 Cheetah’s, 109–110 168 casino, 76, 79 Cherry, 100, 106 Arts and entertainment, Blackjack, 148–150 Chihuly, Dale, 53 111–120 Blahnik, Manolo, 68 Children. See Families with best bets, 112 Blue Man Group, 112, 115 children event listings, 169 Body English, 106 Children’s Discovery Trail Arts Factory Complex, 70 Bonanza Gift and Souvenir (Lost Creek), 19–20 A Special Memory Wedding Shop, 62, 70 Children’s Museum, Lied Chapel, 112, 120 Bonnie Springs Ranch, 20 Discovery, 31–32 ATM machines, 168, 172 Bookstores, 62, 66–67 Chocolate, 62, 69–70 Atomic Testing Museum, 5, Borg Invasion 4-D, 36–37 Chocolate Swan, 62, 69 15–16, 39–40 Boulder City, 139–141 CineVegas Film Festival, 162 gift shop, 62, 70 Boulder Dam Hotel, 139–140 Circus Circus Hotel & Casino The Attic, 62, 67 The Boulevard, 74 accommodations, 126 Avis, 164 Boxing matches, 173 casino, 76, 79 Breezenet.com, 164 Cirque du Soleil, 5 British Foods, Inc., 69 B COPYRIGHTED MATERIALKÀ, 45, 112, 115 Budget, 164 LOVE, 115 Baccarat, 147–148 Buffalo Exchange, 67 Mystère, 17, 112, Bally’s Las Vegas Buffets, 4 115–116 accommodations, 125 best bets, 84 O, 112, 116 casino, 78 Burton, Lance, 112, 117 Zumanity, 116 Jubilee!, 5, 112, Buses, 165–167 Clark County Heritage 116–117 Business hours, 168 Museum, 38–39 The Bank (dance club), 106 Clark County Marriage Banks, 168 License Bureau, 28 Cleopatra’s Barge, 106 17_134696 bindex.qxp 11/8/07 7:03 PM Page 180 180 Clothing, 62, 67–69, 74 F Graceland Wedding Chapel, Comedy clubs, 112, 114–115 Factory outlets, 62, 69 112, 119 Comedy Festival, 163 Families with children, 169 Grand Canal Shoppes Index Coney Island Arcade, 44 best sights and (Venetian), 51, 73 Coyote Ugly, 100, 103 activities, 31–33 shops, 66, 71, 73 Craps, 150–152 FAO Schwartz, 62, 74 Grand Spa (MGM Grand), 24 Crazy Horse Paris, 24–25, Fashion Outlets Las Vegas, Gray Line, 174 112, 117 62, 69 Green Valley Ranch Resort Credit cards, 168, 172 Fashions (clothing), 62, accommodations, 128 Cupid’s Wedding Chapel, 119 67–69, 74 nightlife, 105–106 Fashion Show Mall, 74 Guggenheim Hermitage D tickets, 119 Museum, 16–17, 40 Dance clubs, 100, 106–109 Festivals, 162–163, 169 Danny Ganz: The Man of Fiori di Como (Chihuly), 53 H Many Voices, 116 Fitzgerald’s Casino & Hotel, 59 Hand of Faith (Golden Dead Poet Books, 66 Flamingo Las Vegas, 50, 166 Nugget), 58 Déjà vu Showgirls, 110 accommodations, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Desert Cab Company, 166 127–128 accommodations, 122, Desert Springs Hospital, 169 casino, 79 128–129 Dining, 83–98 comedy club, 112, casino, 76, 80 best bets, 84 114–115 Harmon Medical Urgent Care dress code, 168–169 Football, 163 Center, 170 general tips for, 88 Forum Shops (Caesars Harrah’s Las Vegas reservations, 91 Palace), 49, 72 accommodations, 129 tipping, 174 fountain shows, 13, casino, 80 Dispensary Lounge, 103 49–50 nightlife, 109, 112, 114, Dollar, 164 shops, 62, 65–68 117–118 Dolphin Habitat at the Four Queens Hotel & Casino, Rita Rudner, 112, 118 Mirage, 4, 16, 32 58–59 shopping, 72 Double Down Saloon, 103 casino, 79 Harry Winston, 73 Downtown Fred Leighton, 73 Headliners, 6 casinos, 78 Free activities, 13 best, 112 hotels, 125 Fremont Hotel & Casino, 58 Hertz, 164 restaurants, 87 Fremont Street Experience, Hilton. See Las Vegas Hilton shopping, 65–67, 69–71 20, 60 History of Las Vegas, 175–177 walking, 167 Hogs & Heifers Saloon, 104 walking tour, 56–60 G Hold ‘Em poker, 152–153 Dragon’s Lair, 62, 70 The Galleria at Sunset, 74 Honeymooners, 29 Gambler’s Book Shop, 62, 66 Hoover Dam, 139–141 E Gambler’s General Store, 71 map, 138 Eiffel Tower, 10–11, 82 Gambling, 145–160. See also Museum, 139–140 Eiffel Tower Bar, 104 Casinos Visitor’s Center, 140 El Cortez Hotel & Casino, 59 Games, 145–160 Hotels, 121–136 accommodations, 127 Ganz, Danny, 116 best bets, 122 Elephant Rock (Valley of Gaultier, Jean Paul, 67 rates, 136 Fire), 144 Gay bars, 100, 109 toll-free numbers and Elton John (eyewear), 70–71 Ghostbar, 100, 104 websites, 178 Elton John: The Red Piano, Gianni Versace, 67 112, 116 Gift shops, 62, 70–71 I Enterprise, 164 Gipsy, 109 Ice hockey, 173 Entertainment, 111–120. Glitter Gulch, 3–4 If Books Could Kill, 66 See also Headliners; Glitter Gulch (strip club), 110 Il Prato, 71 Nightlife; Shows Gold Coast, casino, 76, 79 IMAX Theater & Ridefilm best bets, 112 Golden Gate Hotel & Casino, (Luxor Las Vegas), 37, 47 event listings, 169 57 The Improv, 114 Excalibur, 9, 167 Golden Nugget Las Vegas, 58 Insanity (Stratosphere), 35–36 accommodations, 127 accommodations, 128 Itineraries, 7–20 casino, 79 buffet, 92 in one day, 9–15 shopping, 62, 70 casino, 80 in two days, 15–19 Thunder from Down Golf tournament, 163, 173 in three days, 19–20 Under, 27, 112, 118 Good Times, 109 Ivan Kane’s Forty Deuce, Excursions, 137–144 100, 104 17_134696 bindex.qxp 11/8/07 7:03 PM Page 181 181 Index J Las Vegas Premium Outlets, Marjorie Barrack Museum, Jean Paul Gaultier, 67 69 39 Jean-Philippe Patisserie, 16, Las Vegas Retreats, 168 Marriages, 27–29, 112, 120 62, 69, 93 Las Vegas Review Journal, Masquerade in the Sky, 13 Jet, 107 169 Mead, Lake, 141 Jewelry stores, 62, 73 Las Vegas Strip Trolley, 166 map, 138 John, Elton, 70–71, 112, 116 Las Vegas Weekly, 162, 169 Meadows Mall, 74 Johnson, Betsey, 67 Las Vegas Wranglers, 173 MGM Grand, 10, 24–25 Jo Malone, 65 Le Boulevard (Paris Las accommodations, 130 Jubilee!, 5, 112, 116–117 Vegas), 48, 72 casino, 76, 81 Juicy Couture, 62, 68 Le Rêve: A Small Collection Crazy Horse Paris, of Imperfect Dreams, 117 24–25, 112, 117 K Let It Ride, 155 Grand Spa, 24 Liberace, 90, 176 KÀ, 45, 112, 115 KÀ, 45, 112, 115 Liberace Museum, 4, 15, 39 Lion Habitat, 33, 45 Kane’s (Ivan) Forty Deuce, Gift Store, 71 nightlife, 108 100, 104 Lied Discovery Children’s restaurants, 92–94, 97, Kate Spade, 68 Museum, 31–32 98 Keller, Thomas, 84, 89 Lion Habitat (MGM Grand), Mid-Strip Kids. See Families with 33, 45 hotels, 123 children Little Chapel of the Flowers, restaurants, 85 Kiehl’s, 65–66 120 walking tour, 48–55 King, Mac, 117 Little White Wedding Chapel, Mikimoto Pearls, 73 King Tut Museum, 40, 47 29 Minibaccarat, 147 Krave, 100, 109 Lost City Museum, 144 Miracle Mile Shops, 44–45, Lost Creek-Children’s 72–73 L Discovery Trail, 19–20 shops, 67, 68, 71 La Cage, 117 LOVE, 115 The Mirage, 12, 51, 167 Lake Mead, 141 Luxor Las Vegas, 9, 43, 47 accommodations, map, 138 accommodations, 130–131 Lake Mead National 129–130 casino, 81 Recreational Area, 141 buffet, 95 Dolphin Habitat, 4, 16, 32 Lake of Dreams (Wynn Las casino, 76, 81 LOVE, 115 Vegas), 55 IMAX Theater, 37, 47 nightlife, 105, 107, 116 Lance Burton: Master King Tut Museum, 40, restaurants, 90, 93 Magician, 112, 117 47 volcano at, 12, 13 Las Vegas Academy, 59 touring tip, 47 Mon Bel Ami Wedding Las Vegas Bowl, 163 Chapel, 120 Las Vegas Chamber of M Monorail, 166–167 Commerce, 162, 164, 174 McCarran International Monte Carlo Resort & Las Vegas Convention and Airport, 165 Casino, 45 Visitors Authority, 162, Mac King, 117 accommodations, 131 164, 174 Madame Tussaud’s, 40 casino, 81 Las Vegas Cyber Speedway, Main Street Station, 56 Lance Burton: Master 36 accommodations, 130 Magician, 112, 117 Las Vegas 51s, 173 buffet, 95 restaurants, 91, 95 Las Vegas Hilton, 166 casino, 76, 81 Moon, 107 accommodations, 129 nightlife, 105 Mouse’s Tank (Valley of Fire), attractions, 36–37 Malls, 74 143 Barry Manilow: Music & Mandalay Bay, 42–43, 167 Mr.
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