COSUPPORT COMPUTATIONS FOR FINITELY GENERATED MODULES OVER COMMUTATIVE NOETHERIAN RINGS PEDER THOMPSON Abstract. We show that the cosupport of a commutative noetherian ring is precisely the set of primes appearing in a minimal pure-injective resolution of the ring. As an application of this, we prove that every countable commutative noetherian ring has full cosupport. We also settle the comparison of cosupport and support of finitely generated modules over any commutative noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension. Finally, we give an example showing that the cosupport of a finitely generated module need not be a closed subset of Spec R, providing a negative answer to a question of Sather-Wagstaff and Wicklein [29]. Introduction The theory of cosupport, recently developed by Benson, Iyengar, and Krause [7] in the context of triangulated categories, was partially motivated by work of Neeman [25], who classified the colocalizing subcategories of the derived category of a commutative noetherian ring. Despite the many ways in which cosupport is dual to the more established notion of support introduced by Foxby [15, 6], cosupport seems to be more elusive, even in the setting of a commutative noetherian ring. Indeed, the supply of finitely generated modules for which cosupport computations exist is limited. One purpose of this paper is to provide such computations. We first show that for a finitely generated module over a commutative noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension, its cosupport is the intersection of its support and the cosupport of the ring, which places emphasis on computing the cosupport of the ring itself. With this in mind, we prove that countable commutative noetherian rings have full cosupport, and hence cosupport and support coincide for finitely generated modules over such rings having finite Krull dimension. We also give new examples of uncountable rings that have full cosupport. Finally, we present an arXiv:1702.03270v2 [math.AC] 1 Jun 2018 example of a ring whose cosupport is not closed, unlike support, yielding a negative answer to a question posed by Sather-Wagstaff and Wicklein [29]. One method to determine the support of a module is to identify primes appearing in its minimal injective resolution, as done by Foxby [15], using the decomposition of injective modules described by Matlis [22]. Our systematic approach to computing cosupport is to appeal to the parallel decomposition of cotorsion flat modules due to Enochs [11] and use minimal cotorsion flat resolutions studied in [31]. * * * Our goal is to better understand cosupport in the setting of a commutative noetherian ring. Over such a ring R, the cosupport of a complex M is denoted Date: June 4, 2018. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13D02, 13D07, 13D09, 13C11, 13E05. Key words and phrases: cosupport, minimal complex, cotorsion flat module, countable ring. 1 2 PEDER THOMPSON p cosuppR M. This is the set of prime ideals p such that RHomR(Rp, LΛ M) is not acyclic, where LΛp(−) is left derived p-adic completion; see Section 1 for details. Prompted by the fact that if M is a finitely generated Z-module, then there is an equality cosuppZ M = suppZ M [7, Proposition 4.18], we investigate to what extent cosupport and support agree for finitely generated modules. The cosupport of finitely generated modules over a 1-dimensional domain having a dualizing complex is known [29, Theorem 6.11]; this is recovered by part (2) of the following. Part (3) gives an affirmative answer to a question in [29]. Theorem 1 (cf. Theorem 4.13, Corollary 4.14). Let R be one of the following: (1) A countable commutative noetherian ring; (2) A finite ring extension of a 1-dimensional commutative noetherian domain that is not complete local; (3) A finite ring extension of k[x, y](x,y) for any field k. Then R has full cosupport, i.e., cosuppR R = Spec R. If R is one of these rings and has finite Krull dimension, and M is an R-complex with degreewise finitely generated cohomology, then cosuppR M = suppR M. An obstruction to having full cosupport is completeness at a non-zero ideal. In particular, if (R, m) is a complete local ring, then cosuppR R = {m}. Setting cR to be the largest ideal of R such that R is cR-complete, the inclusion (⋆) cosuppR R ⊆V(cR) always holds [7, Proposition 4.19] (here, V(cR)= {p ∈ Spec R | p ⊇ cR}). We give a condition for equality to hold in (⋆): Proposition 2 (cf. Proposition 4.12). Let R be a commutative noetherian ring and cR be as above. Then cosuppR R = V(cR) if and only if R/cR has full cosupport. For example, if R is a ring such that Theorem 1 applies to R/cR, then equality of (⋆) holds. However, Example 5.6 shows that strict inequality in (⋆) can occur, providing a negative answer to a question in [29]; moreover, this example shows that cosuppR R need not be a closed subset of Spec R, unlike the support of a finitely generated module. Two of our main results towards establishing these goals are Theorem 2.7 and Theorem 4.6, which involve the notion of cotorsion flat modules (recalled in Section 2). In Theorem 2.7, we describe how the cosupport of a module can be computed by identifying the prime ideals appearing in a certain minimal complex of cotorsion flat modules. Further, in Theorem 4.6 we show how cosupport passes along finite ring maps, by explicitly examining the structure of a minimal cotorsion flat resolution of the ring. * * * An outline of the paper: We set notation and define cosupport for our setting in Section 1, and in Section 2 we show how cosupport can be detected by minimal complexes of cotorsion flat modules (Theorem 2.7). In Section 3 we compute co- support of cotorsion modules. In Section 4, we compare cosupport and support of finitely generated modules (Corollary 4.4), prove a result describing how cosupport passes along finite ring maps (Theorem 4.6), and establish Theorem 1 from above. Finally, in Section 5 we give a number of explicit examples of cosupport of commu- tative noetherian rings, including an example that exhibits a ring without closed cosupport (Example 5.6). COSUPPORT COMPUTATIONS FOR FINITELY GENERATED MODULES 3 1. Cosupport in a commutative noetherian ring We set notation, discuss certain derived functors, and define cosupport. Setting and notation. Let R be a commutative noetherian ring throughout this paper. Our main objects of study are complexes of R-modules, primarily in the derived category D(R), which we now briefly describe. A complex of R-modules, or R-complex for short, is a Z-graded R-module along with a differential whose square is zero. An R-complex C, whose differential is understood to be ∂C , is written as i−1 i i+1 ∂ ∂ ∂ ··· −−−→C Ci −−→C Ci+1 −−−→·C · · , where we primarily index cohomologically. We say that an R-complex C is bounded on the left (respectively, right) if Ci = 0 for i ≪ 0 (respectively, Ci = 0 for i ≫ 0). For R-complexes C and D, the total tensor product complex C ⊗R D and total Hom complex HomR(C,D) are defined as direct sum and direct product totalizations of their corresponding double complexes, respectively. An R-complex C is acyclic if Hi(C) = 0 for all i ∈ Z. The homotopy category K(R) is the category whose objects are R-complexes and morphisms are degree zero chain maps up to chain homotopy. If we also invert all quasi-isomorphisms (morphisms of R-complexes which induce an isomorphism on cohomology), we obtain the derived category of R, denoted D(R). We use the symbol ≃ to denote isomorphisms in D(R) (i.e., to indicate there is a diagram of quasi-isomorphisms between two complexes). For details on complexes, homotopies, and the derived category, see for example [3] or [33, Chapter 10]. i We say an R-complex F is semi-flat if F is flat for i ∈ Z and F ⊗R − preserves quasi-isomorphisms. An R-complex P is semi-projective if P i is projective for i ∈ Z and HomR(P, −) preserves quasi-isomorphisms. Dually, an R-complex I is semi- i injective if I is injective for i ∈ Z and HomR(−, I) preserves quasi-isomorphisms. (These are the “DG-flat/projective/injective” complexes of [4].) Every R-complex ≃ M has a semi-projective resolution (and hence also a semi-flat resolution) F −→ M (for existence of such resolutions, see [30, Proposition 5.6] and also [4, 1.6]); simi- larly, semi-injective resolutions exist. This extends the classical notions of projec- tive, flat, and injective resolutions of modules. Derived completion and colocalization. We remind the reader of two functors on D(R) that will be used to define cosupport: left-derived completion and right- derived colocalization. For an ideal a ⊂ R, the a-adic completion of an R-module M is defined as ΛaM = lim (R/an ⊗ M); it will also be denoted by M a. This ←−n R extends to a functor on the homotopy category Λa : K(R) → K(R) and—beingc not necessarily exact outside of the category of finitely generated R-modules—has a left derived functor LΛa : D(R) → D(R), defined using semi-projective resolutions; ≃ see [1] and [26]. For any R-complex M, and semi-flat resolution F −→ M (or, more generally, a semi-flat complex F isomorphic to M in D(R)), we have an isomorphism in D(R) [21, page 31]; see also [26, Proposition 3.6]: (1.1) LΛp M ≃ lim(R/pn ⊗ F ). ←− R n The functor RHomR(Rp, −) : D(R) → D(R), referred to as right-derived colocal- ≃ ization, is the usual right derived functor of HomR(Rp, −); namely, letting M −→ I 4 PEDER THOMPSON be any semi-injective resolution of M, there is an isomorphism in D(R): RHomR(Rp,M) ≃ HomR(Rp, I).
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