The identity of Zamia katzeriana and Z. verschaffeltii (Zamiaceae) 1 1 2 FERNANDO NICOLALDE-MOREJÓN ,ANDREW P. V OVIDES ,DENNIS W. STEVENSON , 1 AND VICTORIA SOSA 1 Instituto de Ecología A.C., Km 2.5 Carretera Antigua a Coatepec No. 351, Congregación El Haya, Xalapa, Veracruz, C.P. 91070, México; e-mail: [email protected] 2 The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, 10458-5126, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The morphological variation of recently described species (also the older taxa) of Zamia distributed within southeastern Mexico that have wide, coriaceous leaflets is analyzed. The complex is designated as the Z. katzeriana species complex in reference to an historic collection of this name, which is also the earliest named species in the complex. The complex consists of Z. cremnophila, Z. lacandona, Z. splendens and Z. purpurea. During the 1990’s, Z. splendens was separately synony- mized under Z. katzeriana and Z. verschaffeltii, both collected in Mexico by German collectors during the 18th century, but the precise locality is unknown. Information concerning the incomplete holotype of Z. verschaffeltii is particularly ambiguous, and the possible type locality suggested by Schuster, Socorro, is imprecise, thus generat- ing taxonomic confusion. Morphometric characterization and discriminant analysis of the contemporary and historic collections (i.e., Z. katzeriana and Z. verschaffeltii) included all the known populations (11) and individuals (115) of the complex throug- hout its range. The results show that Z. verschaffeltii is not morphometrically related to any of the species in the complex and that Z. splendens should be considered a syno- nym of Z. katzeriana. Key Words: Cycads, discriminant analysis, holotype, Mexico, morphometry. Resumen. En este artículo se caracteriza la variación morfológica de las especies de un complejo de Zamia, que presentan folíolos anchos y coriáceos con distribución en el sureste de México, la mayoría de reciente descripción. El complejo es denominado Z. katzeriana, por una colección histórica de este nombre, y consiste de Z. cremnophila, Z. lacandona, Z. splendens y Z. purpurea. Zamia splendens fue sinonimizada separa- damente bajo dos colecciones históricas Z. katzeriana y Z. verschaffeltii, de las cuales se desconoce con exactitud su lugar de procedencia, excepto que fueron colectadas en México por botánicos alemanes del siglo XVIII. La información, en especial sobre el holotipo incompleto de Z. verschaffeltii es muy ambigua y la posible localidad tipo mencionada por Schuster, Socorro, es imprecisa, lo cual ha generado confusiones taxonómicas. La caracterización de la variación morfométrica incluyó a todas las pob- laciones (11) e individuos (115) conocidas actualmente para el complejo en todo su rango de distribución en México. El análisis discriminante incluyendo a las colecciones históricas, determina que Z. verschaffeltii no está relacionado morfométricamente con ninguna especie del complejo y Z. katzeriana está estrechamente correlacionada con Z. splendens. There are approximately 58 known species and 18° S. It occurs in Georgia and Florida in of Zamia L. (Hill et al., 2004a, b, c) and it is the United States, throughout the Greater the most widespread cycad genus in the Antilles, Mexico, Central America, and in neotropics, ranging between latitudes 30° N South America (Balduzii et al., 1982; Sabato, Brittonia, 60(1), 2008, pp. 38–48. ISSUED: 30 April 2008 © 2008, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. 2008] NICOLALDE-MOREJON ET AL.: ZAMIA (ZAMIACEAE) 39 1990; Norstog & Nicholls, 1997; Stevenson, 2001a). Zamia also has the greatest variation within the cycads in such features as leaflet shape and size, habitat and life form, as well as a wide range of karyotypes and chromo- some numbers (Vovides, 1983; Moretti & Sabato, 1984; Moretti, 1990;Vovides& Olivares, 1996; Norstog & Nicholls, 1997). The last complete taxonomic treatment for the neotropical species of Zamia was by Schuster (1932). Later works (Sabato, 1990; Stevenson, 1987, 1991a, b, 2001a, b, 1993, 2004; Norstog & Nicholls, 1997), including the typification of valid names (Stevenson & Sabato, 1986), have provided data concerning the nomenclatural and taxonomic errors of this treatment, mainly due to insufficient field work and collections, notably, the destruction of all cycad specimens and types in Berlin. Various regional treatments on the neotropi- cal Zamiaceae have since appeared (see Vovides, 1983; Stevenson, 1987, 1991a, b, 2001a, b, 1993, 2004). However, none of these treatments has dealt with the problem of the identity of Zamia katzeriana (Regel) E. Rettig (Fig. 1), Z. verschaffeltii Miq., and FIG.1. Holotype of Zamia katzeriana (E. A. Regel Z. splendens Schutzman. The binomial Z. s.n., LE). verschaffeltii was published in 1870. More recently, Z. verschaffeltii appears in the pub- lished World List of Cycads (Hill & Stevenson, In the publication of the World Cycad List by 1998), although Stevenson et al. (1995)and Hill & Stevenson (1998), Zamia katzeriana Osborne et al., (1999) placed this taxon under and Z. splendens are included as synonyms of synonymy of Z. muricata Willd. Later, Hill & Z. verschaffeltii, the status of which has been Stevenson (1998) placed Z. splendens and Z. upheld by the Cycad Specialist Group (Hill et katzeriana under synonymy of Z. verschaffeltii al., 2004a, b, c). The main discussion has been (see Hill et al., 2004a, b, c). The existing centered on the synonymy of Z. splendens information on the geographic origin of Z. under Z. verschaffeltii as discussed and refuted verschaffeltii, as reported by both Miquel by Schutzman (2004) whose argument is (1870) and Schuster (1932), and the sterile based solely on the fragmentary nature of the holotype consisting of an incomplete leaf and Z. verschaffeltii holotype and ambiguity of leaflets are very ambiguous. According to where it was collected. Schuster (1932) the type locality is Socorro, Because there is no revision that corrob- Mexico and the material used for the descrip- orates the taxonomic and nomenclatural sta- tion was probably cultivated. There are eight tus of these entities, the goal of this research localities with the name Socorro in Mexico, of has been aimed at defining the identities of which only two are within the climatic and Zamia katzeriana, Z. verschaffeltii, and Z. elevational range for Zamia. In the case of Z. splendens. In doing so, the study also in- katzeriana, although no locality is mentioned cluded Z. cremnophila Vovides, Schutzman other than Mexico, the holotype, though sterile, and Dehgan, Z. purpurea Vovides, J. D. is in excellent condition, and there is a Rees and Vázq. Torres, and Z. lacandona published photograph of a fertile living plant Schutzman and Vovides. The latter species (Rettig, 1896). have been included in the analysis because 40 BRITTONIA [VOL. 60 these taxa are morphologically similar and Javier Clavijero, Instituto de Ecología, A. C., they also share the same distribution in were examined as well as herbarium speci- southeastern Mexico (Fig. 2), especially in mens from the following herbaria: B, CHIP, the arc florisitic refuge of Wendt (1987), ECOSUR, ENCB, FLAS, FTG, HEM (Uni- which is an area consisting of relict species versidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, of ancient floristic affinities that range from México), IBUG, IEB, K, LE, MEXU, NY, U, northern Oaxaca and southern Veracruz to and XAL. Measurements used only for the northern Tabasco and Chiapas. Zamia varie- discriminant analysis were taken directly gata Warsz., though not within the geograph- from the types of Z. katzeriana and Z. ical range of the taxa under study, was verschaffeltii, and other characters were taken included because of the similarity of its from the original descriptions. habitat to the taxa under study, i.e., evergreen tropical rainforest with similar edaphic con- CHARACTER SELECTION ditions and altitudinal range in southeastern Twelve quantitative vegetative morpholog- Mexico. Zamia paucijuga Wieland was in- cluded because of certain morphometric ical characters were selected (Table II). Mea- surements were made manually using calipers similarities to the Z. verschaffeltii holotype. or a ruler. These variables represent a suite of characteristics that have been used for diag- Materials and Methods nosing species of Zamia. The emphasis on vegetative characters was necessary because POPULATION SELECTION specimens represented in herbaria are often A total of 115 individuals from 11 known sterile and taxonomic treatments have placed populations of the Zamia katzeriana complex major emphasis on foliar characters (Miquel, were studied as presented in Table I, which 1861; de Candolle, 1868; Schuster, 1932; represents the total number of populations Eckenwalder, 1980; Vovides et al., 1983; and individuals currently known to occur in Newell, 1986; Stevenson, 1993, 2001a, b, Mexico. Also, specimens held in the living 2004; Schutzman & Vovides, 1998). Addi- cycad collection at the Jardín Botánico Fco. tionally, 28 qualitative morphological charac- FIG.2. Distribution of natural populations in Mexico of the Zamia species used in this study. 2008] NICOLALDE-MOREJON ET AL.: ZAMIA (ZAMIACEAE) 41 TABLE I THE NATURAL POPULATIONS AND THE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS OF ZAMIA SPECIES FROM MEXICO USED IN THIS STUDY Species State of Mexico No. of populations No. of individuals Z. cremnophilaa Tabasco 2 20 Z. lacandonaa Chiapas 2 20 Z. katzerianaa (=Z. splendens) Chiapas, Veracruz 3 32 Z. purpureaa
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