15072 . EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 9, 1973 i EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ASSISTANCE BY THE GREEN BERETS was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, perfected a. High Altitude Low Opening TO UNION COUNTY, S.C. as follows: (HALO) jump. UNION, S.C., April 23, 1973. While the crowd present enjoyed watching Hon. STROM THURMOND, the men land, Sgt. Griffin gave an oral ex­ HON. STROM THURMOND U.S. Senate, planation of the workings of the parachute OF SOUTH CAROLINA Washington, D.C. and what the crowd would see as the men DEAR SENATOR THURMOND: Union County descended. Sgt. Griffin went into a detailed IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES was very disappointed when told you would explanati-on and also deployed a. chute on the Wednesday, May 9, 1973 not be able to visit during Orbit Run n ground so that the spectators might get a. FTX. better perspective of what was happening. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, it is Since you are on the Armed Forces Com­ Orbit Run II is an exercise in civilian-mili­ a pleasure for me to bring to the atten­ mittee we feel a. follow-up to this Field tary coop era. tion and self help designed to tion of my distinguished colleagues the Training Exercise should include you. provide training for both military and civil­ outstanding civil action assistance being Also Sir, we desire to give credit to the ian personnel. The army, realizing the need given to rural areas through field exer­ proper ones for this very successful opera­ to keep men of the Special Forces active, cises conducted by the Green Berets of tion. Should it have been a. failure I'm sure originated the program and has had numer­ you would have heard from it. ous successes with it in other states. Al­ the U.S. Army. Sir, the Special Forces Airborne Green though Union is not the first down in rural During the first 2 weeks of March of Beret from JFKCMA, Fort Bragg, N.C., shall America to be visited by men of the Special this year, Company B, 5th Special Forces be remembered for a. very long time as gen­ :-'orces, it is interesting that it should be twice : Airborne Green Beret unit from Fort tlemen and soldiers. These men visited the selected for exercises involving men of the Bragg conducted operation, "Orbit Run homes, schools, churches and clubs-from the 5th Special Forces. The first such exercise was i II, Field Training Exercise (F'I'X) ," in kindergarten to the Senior Citizens Center. kept secret until it wa.s completed, Septem­ I Union County, S.C. This field training No age gr-oup, race or religion was denied by ber 1972. Code name for the project was Cabot these men. On one Domestic Action Project Sou nd VI. exercise had two goals. One was to pro­ (Lukesville Recreation Park) in an all black Upon successful infiltration into Union, vide the Green Berets with actual proj­ section, one man worked in a. down-pour of men of the Special Forces were taken to the ects to complete for training purposes rain he was so determined to complete an Union County Fairgrounds where they were instead of simulated projects. Second, it outdoor cookout pit. to be housed until conmpletion of the exer­ was to help the county complete much This is only one example of the devotion cise, March 22. Several projects had been needed facilities for the citizens in the these men of the Green Beret put forth to do outlined and immediately A-Teams were as­ rural communities of Union County. a. good job. signed to their specific details of work. Al­ Sir, you being a. leader of men, and having though the teams involved do not represent Mr. President, according to the Honor­ served in the Armed Forces know there is no a. full complement of men (12), they were, able James W. Blackwood, mayor of the way to place value on a. good leader. throughout the problem, able to function city of Union, the FTX was an outstand­ Leadership by a very fine gentleman officer and complete their assigned tasks under the ing success. Both the Army and the in the person of Captain Paul P. Mendes direction of Capt. Paul Mendes. county benefited by this fine effort. Local has been the key to the great success ex­ The A 23 Team was assigned to the Powell National Guard units also participated perienced by both the Green Beret and the Street Swimming Pool which prior to their citizens of Union County. This young officer arrival had been closed without much hope and contributed to the successful ac­ is everything one could ever expect in a. complishment of the assigned missions, of reopening this summer. With the help of man, soldier and leader. Knowing this man the city of Union Utility Department and which included such recreational proj­ is a. wealth alone. the Union County Vocational School ma­ ects as swimming pools, basketball These men have visited Union County for sonry class, members of the teams set to work fields, ball parks, and tennis courts. training purposes twice in the past, and for to repair-rebuild and paint the pool. The Mayor Blackwood advised me that the a. November 11th parade. Union County has first item on the agenda. was draining the been acquainted with them for approximately pool and cleaning the filtration system. Green Berets were very impressive and one year. Approval of plans to be back in won the hearts of all those citizens in Having accomplished that which looked Union on April 26, 1973 for a. Military FTX impossible with the filtration system, mem­ Union County who were associated with were announced two weeks ago by Captain bers of the team and local civilians went them. He stated that-- Mendes. to work on the pool proper. In deplorable The Green Berets shall be remembered for The thoughts I am attempting to express condition, the pool had cracked places in it, a. very long time as gentlemen and soldiers. did not come over night. These men are very blisters, fungus infected walls, and sharp deserving of a. pat on the back for a. job concrete edges which caused many cuts to Mayor Blackwood singled out the com­ well done for this County. feet last summer. All supplies and equipment ! pany commander of Company B, for Sir I and the people of Union County will used by both civilian and military person­ special commendation. He stated- be grateful for any thoughts you may pass on concerning Captain Mendes and the per­ nel alike were borrowed or bought locally by I Leadership by a. very fine gentleman officer persons, industries, and civic clubs work ing i in the person of Captain Paul P. Mendes has sonnel of Company B 5th SFGA Fort Bragg, to help their community. been the key to the great success experienced N.C. for their outstanding work. We know Colonel Earl Keesling, Command­ Although hampered greatly by bad weath­ : by both the Green Berets and the citizens er, the team accomplished the job and wh en o:t Union County. ing Officer, 5th SFGA would appreciate hear­ the State Health Inspector examined t h e ! ing from you. ' pool, he stated, "it was in the best condi­ I Mr. President, the Union Daily Times, I remain your faithful servant, and if I can tion he had seen it in years." which Mayor Blackwood forwarded to be of service, please let me know. Sincerely yours, The pool received three coats of epoxy me, devoted a special section of its news­ paint, had all ladders and hardware primed JAMES W. BLACKWOOD, paper to an excellent news feature en­ and repainted and all blisters broken and titled "Berets Complete Orbit Run II." Mayor. reworked. Also painted was the bath house It presented this field training and do­ where A-Team members replaced clothes [From the Union (S.C.) Daily Times, Mar. 22, baskets, made doors and replaced commodes. mestic action exercise in a very inter­ 1973] This Thanks to the Union County Vocational esting manner with photographs. BERETs CoMPLETE ORBIT RUN II School masonry class, crew members of the :fine newspaper is to be commended also The skies of Union were filled with the City Utility Department, and equipment for its very informative article on this drone of aircraft engines on March 1, signal­ loaned by local National Guard units, the FTX which started with Company B ing the beginning of Orbit Run n, an exer­ Green Beret, with local help, have made it parachuting into the area to commence cise in self-help conducted by a. company of possible for Union to open the pool this sum­ operations. men from the 5th Special Forces stationed at mer and have provided fun for our young­ Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ Fort Bragg, N.C. As the C-130 transport made sters. sent, for Mayor Blackwood's letter dated its first pass over Berry's Farm, a. chill of ex­ The second major project conducted by pectation rang through the warm morning members of the Green Beret was not April 23, 1973, and the newspaper article air and the first contingent of men bailed originally scheduled; however, upon arrival published as a supplement to the Union out via static line at 2,000 feet to greet the in Union a need was seen and met at Lukes­ Daily Times on March 22, 1973, to be some 2,000 onlookers present for the jump. Ville.
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