On The News A WORLDWIDE FACTUAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT SPECIAL REPORTS: U.S. REDS FELT R.F.K. BETRAYED THEM - SEE PAGE 11 - McCARTHY: U.S. COMMUNISM'S TROJAN HORSE - SEE PAGE 5 - ARE RAP & STOKELY ON U.S. PAYROLL? PRICE PER COPY: 35 0. 'JUNE 15, 1968 INSIGHT On The News is published fortnightly in Miami, Fla., by Independent Research and Publishing Association, inc. office of pub- imsiGHT lication: 8551 Coral Way, Suitt 301-A, Miami, Fla. 33155. Subscnp- norm United States and Possessions 54.00 half year, 56.00 one year. • All other countries add 51.00 year per subscription. Address subscl1P On The News lion communications to: INSIGHT On The News, Subscription Dep- ailment, P.O. Box 591, Coral Gables, Fla. 33134. Editor: Dr. Fernan- do Penabaz. Contributors: Alan Courtney, Nguyen Cong Vien and William S. Buren. Subscription and Circulation Department: Ann JUNE 15,1968 VOL. II, NO. 10 Gathings. President of 1.R. & P.A.: John W. Chblfant. AN INTELLIGENCE REPORT FOR KEY PERSONS DEMANDING UNSLANTED, IN-. DEPTH INFORMATION OPEN LETTER Dear Readers: and very especially in U.S. academic circles? Once more, we have been exposed to the pathetic, grue- Who has turned his back on the men who sailed aboard the some, and seemingly endless spectacle of violent bloodshed, abandoned and forgotten, ill-fated Pueblo? national abasement and the total inability of American "Lib- Who maintains the shameful farce now going on in Paris eralism" to take stock of itself and what it has brought about under the guise of "peace" talks which, in truth, are accom- in this country and abroad plishing nothing more than giving Ho Chi Minh a prolonged op- Once more, the cynically hypocritical spokesmen of the portunity to wipe out our unrepresented allies in Saigon? "Liberal establishment" cry over the "sickness afflicting the Who, almost invariably, can find a thousand reasons to jus- United States" without having the courage to admit and pub- tify the legalization of the use of marijuana and other stupe- licly confess that if there is "sickness in the land," it is they, fying drugs? and they alone, who are to blame. To all of these questions, there is one answer: The "Liberal" Who else but the spokesmen of "Liberalism" in our coun- and the Marxist. try have, for more than a quarter of a century, condoned, es- Yes, America must rid itself of its "sickness" if it is to sur- poused, promoted and urged that everything that is intrinsical- vive. Thdt, no one doubts. To do this, it will be necessary to er- ly rotten or corrupt be upheld, defend- radicate the "Liberal" and Communist ideologies that are af- ed and consolidated?It is the "Liberal" flicting our country. Nothing else will suffice. spokesmen on radio, on television, in the written press, on college campuses, In a nation governed by men and women respectful of our flag, our traditions, our legal system and our basic moral fa- and from political rostrums who have bric, it is very probable that an agent of Castro-Communism time and time again called for leniency for the felon while ignoring his victims; would never have had the opportunity to murder John F. Ken- for coddling of the lazy and the wilful- nedy, or would a militant pro-Red have been able to snuff out ly parasitic at the expense of the de- the life of a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, cent and hardworking person: for aid- Robert F. Kennedy. ing our enemies abroad while kicking Penabaz Only complete sweeping away of "Liberal" and Marxist rot our friends and allies in the teeth. Yes, it is the American "Lib- corroding almost every facet of American life will alter what is eral" who, to use his favorite expression, is sick, sick beyond occurring today here at home. May God help us in accomplish- apparent cure, and it is this sickness which now has been tran- ing this huge task, for if we are not successful, our future will smitted to considerable segments of the American people. be far worse than anything most Americans can now imagine Who defends the Viet Cong and attacks our allies in Viet- or conceive. nam? Who is always willing to rationalize the criminal acts of in- Sincerely, ternational Communism in order to justify it and meekly ac- Dr. Fernando Penabaz cept it? Who wants the death sentence abolished, no matter how heinous the offense committed by the convicted criminal? Who favors laxity in the application of the law and simulta- FAMOUS QUOTES neously campaigns for severe measures to handcuff the law en- "Some men say that there is a necessary connection between la- forcers? bor and capital, and this connection draws within it the whole of the Who champions lax and immoral practices in the dormito- labor of the community. They assume that nobody works unless ries of must of our "ivy League" and leading universities and capital excites them to work. They say there arc but two ways: the colleges? one is to hire men, and to allow them to labor by their own consent: Who is always willing to find a valid excuse for the flag the other is to buy the men and drive them to it, and that is slavery." burner and the draft dodger% ABRAHAM LINCOLN.-1859 Who has aided in promoting Castroism in the United States 2 INSIGHT On The News, June 15, 1968 -Florne Front- Senators Challenge Court Criminal Jurisdiction Is Subject At Issue By ALLAN C. EROWNFELD This article, from "Roll Call," pre-dates passage of "Crime Bill." Its facts and reasoning are still valid. HE SENATE IS now in its third Despite this permissiveness on the part bill will bring federal control of local Tweek of debate on the omnibus crime of many courts and other officials, a re- police forces along with federal aid. Ma- bill as public concern increases over the cent F.B.I. study showed that 57% of ny feel that legalized wiretapping will be rapid rise in lawlessness throughout our offenders released on parole in 1963 a further infringement on the right to society. were rearrested within two and one half privacy. Others believe that limiting the The F.B.I. reports that the incidence years. 83% of those acquitted or dis- sale of guns in this way violates the Con- of major crime in the United States is missed in 1963 were rearrested within stitutional guarantee of the right to bear rising at an annual rate of 16%, far above the same 30 month period. arms. the rate of growth in our population. If The crime bill which has been pro- But the issue which has generated the the trend is projected through 1968, posed includes a number of separate pro- most controversy is none of these. It is more than four and one third million visions. The Administration's safe streets Title II which specifies that a "volunta- major crimes will be committed this bill authorizes $100 million in fiscal ry" confession is admissible as evidence year. 1970 for upgrading local police forces. in any federal criminal case and provides Based on our population of a little Another section permits wiretapping that delay in bringing the accused be- over 200 million, this means that an in- under court order by federal and local fore a magistrate cannot be the sole rea- dividual citizen will have one chance in authorities in the investigation of crime. son for ruling a confession inadmissible. 47 of being murdered, maimed, or A third section bans the interstate mail It provides that neither the Supreme robbed in the next twelve months. order sale of handguns to individuals and Court nor any other federal court has It has been evident for many years prohibits across the counter sale of a jurisdiction to review a state trial court that the trend in law enforcement has handgun to a person who does not live judge's ruling that a confession is volun- been one of blaming society for the in the dealer's state. tary and it provides that federal courts crime, and often permitting the perpe- These provisions are all controversial. cannot review state criminal convictions trator of the particular act to go free. Many legislators fear that the safe streets on writs of habeas corpus. (Continues) INSIGHT On The News, June 15, 1968 Members of Congress and others in sion in U.S. v. Wade, which said that sus- farious crimes should be reversed and society have for some time been con- pects in police lineups were entitled to overruled." cerned with Supreme Court rulings, counsel. It would reverse Mallory v. U.S., There has been much criticism of the which have often had the effect of per- which held that no confessions would proposed amendments. Senator Wayne mitting guilty persons to walk free be- be admissible if they were given during Morse (Ore) attacked both the court re- cause of technical rules imposed by the an unreasonable delay between arrest view and wiretapping titles. The provi- Court and never previously considered and arraignment. sions restricting the Supreme Court, he an intrinsic element in proper procedure. In reality, the proposed amendments said, "could start us down the road to- Now, Senators John McClellan (Ark) and do not change the law, they restore it. ward a government by police state pro- Sam Ervin (NC) have chosen to do some- Justice Hugo Black noted that "Judges... cedures." He said that the wiretapping thing about it. with an honest belief that changes are provisions could permit "total invasion Imbued with the old maxim that "the absolutely imperative, take it upon them- of our homes through spying." Senators law is whatever the judges say it is." selves to make changes which Congress Joseph Tydings (Md) and Edward many Americans forget that there is a alone has legislative power to make." He Brooke (Mass) also urged that the court Constitutional means for reversing court recently went on to challenge the "judi- provisions be killed and Senator Edward decisions.
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