DrinkerBiddle ~aP1 Jennifer L. Cohen Associate 215-988- 11 01 Direct 215-988-2757 Fax LlIlv offius jcnnifcr.cohen@ dbr.com One Logan Square. SIt". :woo Philtldelphi.l, PA 1910}-6996 November 1,2011 215-988'2700 phone 215 ' 988-2757 f;.lx Via E-mail and Feder,11 Express www.d rinkcrbiddlc.com C,\UFOR\L.o. Brian Carr, Esquire l'ltIAWARf Assistant Regional Counsel lur~m:) New York/Caribbean Superfund Branch SE\'I'r [ ~ I\, Office of Regional Counsel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region II IWimSGTOS f)( 290 Broadway, 17th Floor \'I 5(OS~r'" New York, NY 10007-1866 Re: GOlfJallus Callal Superfulld Site Respollse to Supplemelltal Request for Illformatioll 42 U.S.c. § 9604(e) Dear Brian: On behalf of the Brooklyn Union Gas Company (" Brooklyn Union") doing business as National Grid New York, we write to supplement Brooklyn Union's April 23 , 2011 response to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA's") July 10, 2009 Request for Infonnation (the "Information Request") about the Gowanus Canal Superfund Site in Brooklyn, New York (the "Site"). Specifically, this supplemental response ("Supplemental Response") addresses your inquiry to Bradley S. Rochlen regarding three properties identified hy EPA on historic Sanborn maps. Specifically, you asked Brooklyn Union to provide responsive information about properties located at Percival and Court Streets, Third Avenue, and Third Avenue and the Gowanus Canal. Property #1: Court Street Yard The first of these properties was identified by EPA as the "Court Street Yard" located at the intersection of Percival and Court Streets and labeled "Brooklyn Union Gas" on 1985 and 1981 Sanborn maps. Brooklyn Union has identified this property as the Red Hook Fleet Operations yard, located at 651 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn Union has leased and occupied this property since 1979. During the entire period that Brooklyn Union has occupied the site, the location has only been used by it for fleet vehicle parking and office support services. Environmental contamination from off-site sources has been identified and addressed at the Red Hook Fleet Operations yard. Documents relating to the Brooklyn Esltlblish.. ril849 Union's lease and operations and environmental contamination identified at the Red DrinkerBiddle~aFi} Brian Carr, Esq. October 31, 2011 Page 2 Hook Fleet Operations yard are included on the enclosed disk as bates range GOWSUPPLOOOOI-001369, GOWSUPPLOO I428-001478 and GOWSUPPLOOI574- 001576. Please note that Brooklyn Union is in the process of obtaining additional information regarding current operations at the Red Hook Fleet Operations yard, and wil l further supplement this Supplemental Response with any such additional information obtained. Property #2: Third Avenue Garage The second property was identified by EPA as the "Third Avenue Garage" located on Third Avenue and labeled "Brooklyn Union Gas" on a 1926 Sanborn map. Brooklyn Union has located very little information in its files regarding this property. However, Brooklyn Union has found some historical records that identifY properties known as the "Third Avenue Garage" and the "Third Avenue Holder" that were associated with the former Fulton Works facility. Brooklyn Union's records indicate that these properties were located on those parcels identified on the Kings County tax maps as Block 419, Lot I and Block 420, Lot I, respectively. The property known as the Third Avenue Garage was sold in April of 1938 and the property known as the Third Avenue Holder was sold in December of 1934. In addition to those documents already produced tn EPA by Brooklyn Union in its April 23 , 20 11 response, Brooklyn Union is including on the enclosed disk as bates ranges GOWSUPPLOOI373-0014478, GOWSUPPLOOI499-001560, GOWSUPPLOOI577-001 662, and GOWSUPPLOO 1665- 001684, additional documents relating to the sale of Fulton Works facility and the associated Third Avenue Garage and Third Avenue Holder. Property #3: Third Street Coal Yard The third property was identified by EPA as the "Third Street Coal Yard" located at Third Street and the Gowanus Canal and labeled "Brooklyn Union Coal Co. lnc." on a 1938 Sanborn map. Brooklyn Union has searched its files and has no information or documents indicating that Brooklyn Union, or any of its predecessors had an interest in this property. Further, Brooklyn Union has no information or documents indicating that it had any relationship with the Brooklyn Union Coal Co. In fact, Brooklyn Union' s research indicates that the Brooklyn Union Coal Co. was once a subsidiary of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, an entity entirely unrelated to Brooklyn Union or any of its predecessors or affiliates. Documents from Brooklyn Union's research regarding the Brooklyn Union Coal Co. are included on the enclosed disk as bates range GOWSUPPLOO 1370-00 1372, GOWSUPPLOO 1479-00 1498, GOWSUPPLOO 1561- 001573, and GOWSUPPLOO I663-001664. Brooklyn Union incorporates and continues to assert both its general and specific objections from its earlier submission. DrinkerBiddle ~p; Brian Carr, Esq. October 31 , 2011 Page 3 Should you have any questions about Brooklyn Union's Supplemental Response, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. JLC cc: Christos Tsian1is (EPA RPM) Tracey Bell Allen Hecht, Esq. Donna Riccobono, Esq. Bonnie A. Barnett, Esq. Russell Selman, Esq. Bradley Rochlen, Esq. One MetroTech Center Brooklyn, New York 11201-3850 718-403-3064 (Direct) 718-403-3106 (Fax) RENA BARNETT, ESQ. VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL September 22, 2003 Mr. Paul Patel, P.E. Eastern Engineering Section Bureau of Hazardous Waste and Radiation Management New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-1016 -;?'"" 1 Re: New Yolk Slat<: Freedom ofInfonnation Law (FOIL) Request JR./l...., 0 3'~!5 j Historic and current Actions, Proceedings and Operations, adjacent- to, or in the vicinity of, the KeySpan Red Hook Operations Yard, 651 Court Street Brooklyn (Block/Lot No. 494/1) Dear Mr. Patel: Thank you for your prompt response to my request. Mr. Andrew Prophete advised me of your concerns pertaining to my request for information on sites located within a half-mile radius of our facility. In response, we are providing the following list of sites located within the area specified. Please provide me with any and all documentation and information pertaining to any actions, Administrative Orders, Voluntary Agreements, remedial activities or other such administrative proceedings concerning the fe-llowing properties: 1) 698 Court Street Building Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NY0776640 2) Spentonbush Red Star Co. 671 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NYR000062760 3) New Resina Corporation 265 Creamer Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NYR00004l970 1 GOWSUPPL000001 4) wrTCO Corporation Brooklyn Plant 700 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NY0001411404 5) WrTCO (fonnerly Argus) Chemical 627-641 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 6) Barrett Manufacturing 627-641 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 7) Amerada Hess Corporation Tenninal 722 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NY0993906 8) NYSDOT Asphalt Plant Hamilton Avenue & 15th Street Facility Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NY0000068171 9) Bayside Fuel Oil Depot 537 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NYR000053173 10) NYCDOT Hamilton Avenue Asphalt Plant 448 Hamilton Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NYN008006884 11) A V r Leb Associates, LLC 183 Lorrain Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 #NYR000054023 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. 72trWk ~ Rena H. Barnett, Esq. #95802 2 GOWSUPPL000002 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 2 290 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10007-1866 OCT 2 8 2003 Ms. Rena H. Barnett, Esq. KeySpan One MetroTech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201-3850 Re: Freedom of Information Request No. (2)RIN-OOl14-04 Dated: October 14, 2003 Dear Ms. Barnett: Your request for information has been referred to this branch for response. We have searched the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) files and/or computer database as appropriate to respond to your request. In addition, you may also receive information from other program areas within this Regional Office. Enclosed are copies and/or computer listings of all the available hazardous waste (RCRA) information concerning Amerada Hess Corporation at 722 Court Street; Spentonbush Red Star Company, Suite 85 at 671 Court Street, and Brooklyn Union Gas Company-Red Hook at 651 Court Street all in Brooklyn, New York. Also, we do have Clean Air Act related information for Amerada Hess Corporation Brooklyn Terminal at 722 Courst Street, and Gowanus Creek in Brooklyn, New York. If you need air information for Amerada Hess Corporation Brooklyn Terminal, please contact Mr. David Abrines of my staff at (212) 637-3043. RCRA information is available on the Internet as described on the enclosed sheet. Please include the above referenced request number in any subsequent communication relating to this request. ett, P.E. Ad/tbl.g.~i-eT--"---'-'"'" Branch Enclosures Internet Address (URL). http://www.epa.gov Recycled/Recyclable. Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 50% Postconsumer content) GOWSUPPL000003 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials Bureau of Solid Waste & Corrective Action, 8th Floor -...­ 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-7252 ~ Phone: (518) 402-8594 • FAX: (518) 402-8646 Erin M. Crotty Commissioner Website: www.dec.state.ny.us September 12,2003 Ms. Rena H. Barnett, Esq. KEYSPAN One MetroTech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201 Dear Ms. Barnett: Re: FOIL Request Regarding Crompton Corp. - Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY NYSDEC #: 03-04044 The Eastern Engineering Section has reviewed your request and can provide the following reports: Title: Crompton Corporation, Date Brooklyn NY - Documents v Closure Plan 3/01 V Sample Data Summary Package 3/02 - r--- (\0 Quality Assurance Project Plan 7/30102 Groundwater Monitoring Plan 7/30102 -f- Pilot Test Presentation 11114/02 ,-r- Pilot Test Results 11122/02 - I- Corrective Measures Implementation 4/4103 Plan Soil Excavation Summary Report 3/17/03 '-t-- GOWSUPPL000004 In addition to the above, we have correspondence between the Eastern Engineering Section and Crompton for the past three years.
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