-- -- --- --------- - ~~-~~----~~- -~ - --~- --- ~~----- - --- - - --- =-----~--------~ The EWISH VOICE & HERALD SER V ING RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHEASTERN M ASSACHUSETTS 8 Sivan 5764 Jewish Federation of Rhode Island May 28, 2004 Inside ... Israel Jewish Vets plan observance withdraws WARWICK The Rhode fromRafah Island Jewish War Veterans QWV) By Dan Baron will hold a Memo­ T EL AVIV OTA)-Israel rial Day obser­ ended its operation in a Gaza vance on Sunday, Strip refugee camp this week SAY CHEESE - To cheese­ May 30, at 11 a.m. amid heated criticism - even cake and kugel. See page 20. in front of the from within the Israeli govern­ group's Memorial ment. Wall of Honor at During the week.long the entrance to O peration Rainbow, the army Lincoln Park killed 41 Palestinian terrorists C emetery. and 11 civilians and destroyed Sunday will three tunnels used to smuggle be the formal weapons, Brig. Gen. Shmuel unveiling of new Zakai said. Zakai also said 56 names inscribed homes were demolished. on the wall to But in Jerusalem over the honor the Jewish weekend, Israel's actions suf­ veterans who have fered their worst critique from died this past inside Prime Minister Ariel year. Sharon's own government. Guest speak­ "On television I saw an old ers will include woman rummaging through the R.I. Chief Justice M ayor Scott Avedisian of W ar­ Cranston, Sen.Jack Reed and ruins of her home in Rafah, Frank Williams; Reginald wick, Rabbi Emeritus George Congressman Jim Langevin. searching for her medication, A. Centracchio, adj. general Astrachan and Cantor Remmie There are approximately J. Brown, of Temple Sinai in of the R.I. National Guard; See VETS, page 3 See RAFAH, page 7 Bonding with Israel a R.I. Jewish tradition Rona Trachtenberg AUTHOR - Meet Bristol By author. See page 22. PROVIDENCE - On Feinstein June 8, the R.I. Committee for State of Israel Bonds will hold to receive its annual dinner at Temple Emanu-El. At the event, M ark R. Feinstein, president of the Bondsawan Jewish Federation of R.I., will PROVIDENCE receive the Freedom Award for M ark R. Feinstein, who has his support oflsrael and leader­ played a prominent lead­ ship in the Jewish and secular ership role in both the communities. Jewish and secular commu­ nities, will be honored with For more than half a cen­ the Israel Bonds Freedom tury, the group has been work­ Award at a reception on ing to raise funds for Israel. Tuesday, June 8, at 6 p.m. In 1950, the fledgling State of at Temple Emanu-El in Israel was struggling to develop. Providence. The tribute is Its barren land was home to being held under the aus­ BATTER UP - To a 'Field of H olocaust survivors, displaced pices of the Rhode Island Dreams.' See page 29. persons and Sephardic Jews Israel Bonds campaign. fleeing from Arab- dominated Iraq and North Africa. These Rhode Island Israel Section Page immigrants lived in primitive Bonds C hairperson Susan Calendar 2 Leach D eBlasio said, "We tent cities with rationed food ELEANOR ROOSEVELT accepts an orchid corsage at a R.I. Israel Op-ed, Letters 4 -5 very much look forward to and scarce resources. Some­ Bonds sponsor's dinner in 1954 from Henry Hassenfeld, who served Federation 6 honoring M ark Feinstein thing had to be done. as chairman of the General Jewish Committee Drive in Providence. Israel, briefs 8-11 at our Rhode Island Israel In the fall of 1950, Israeli To his right is Alex Lowenthal. Community 12-14 Bonds community event. Prime Minister D avid Ben­ Photo cour tesy of the R.I. Jew ish Historical Association Arts 21 Mark has been an extremely G urion formed the State of Books 22 proactive member of the Israel Bonds. The venture was pipelines, power plants, etc. invited 50 American-Jewish Terna Gouse 27 nce community, and Obituaries 30-31 designed to sell securities to As their first public rela­ businessmen to tour Israel and fund infrastructure projects in tions task, Ben-G urion's team C See FEINSTEIN, page 7 Israel - harbors, highways, See ISRAEL BONDS, page 3 - - - 2 Jewish Voice & Herald May 28, 2004 The Jewish Communitv Calendar Voice & Herald Mon., May 31: second fl oor. tion, call 331-6070. See Commu­ NCJW annual meeting For more information, con­ nity. Editor Mystical Alphabet Noon. Temple Beth-El, 99 Jonathan Rubin 8 p.m. Providence H ebrew tact Peg Boyle 331-5437 or visit Mon., June 7 Orchard Ave., Providence. www.AdoptionOptions.org. See Assistant Editor Day School, 450 Elmgrove Ave., JCC golf tournament Mary Korr Community. Thurs., June 10 Providence. The Mystical Hebrew 11:30 a.m. Lunch, play begins Production NCJW Scholarship awards "Annie Jr.'' & Graphic Design Alphabet with Rabbi Yaakov at 1 p.m. Ledgemont Country Marcus of Jerusalem. No experi­ 7 p.m. Tamarisk, 3 Shalom 7:30 p.m. See June 3 listing Leah Camara Club, Seekonk. Silent auction to for details. Advertising ence in H ebrew or Jewish mys­ Drive, Warwick. National Coun­ follow play. For info, contact Alex Representative ticism needed. Free. Call Rabbi cil of Jewish Women scholarship Turek at 861-8800, ext. 149. Sun., June 13 Frank Zasloff Aaron Lapin at 935-5238. awards night. Torat Yisrael breakfast Copy Editors Hadassah annual meeting Marylyn Graff Tues., June 1 Sun., June 6 7:30 p.m. Meeting and 9 a.m. Temple Torat Yisrael Gladys Soll osy Women's Alliance Youth & 5k/10k runs installation of officers. Temple breakfast, 330 Park Ave., Crans­ Publi shed by the Jewish Annual Meeting 8 a.m. registration. River Emanu-El, 70 Orchard Ave., ton. Federation of Rh ode Isla nd Schechter graduation President 7:30 p.m. Tamarisk Assisted Run. The Gatehouse, Richmond Providence. Call 463-3636 or Mark R. Feinstein Living Residence, 3 Shalom Square, Providence. Youth races [email protected]. 10:30 a.m. ASDS graduation Executive Vice President at 9:15 a.m., 5k/10k runs at See Community. at Temple Emanu-El, 99 Taft Janet Engelhart Drive, Warwick. Call Lisa Burtan, 421-4111, ext. 163. 10 a.m. Registration fee: $20 Tues., June 8 Ave., Providence. The Jewish Voice & Hera ld Cub Scouts Pack 104 on race day, S7 for kids. For Israel Bonds reception PHDSawards (ISSN number 1078-723 2, USPS information and registration, con· #465-710) is printed twice a 7 p.m. Congregation Beth 6 p.m. Temple Emanu-El, 6 p.m. Providence Hebrew month, except in June, July and tact: www.teachingeveryway.org/ Day School Amudim Awards December when it is printed Shalom, 275 Camp St., Prov· riverrrun.html or Brenda 99 Taft Ave., Providence. Cock­ once a month. idence. Annual meeting. See tail reception in honor of JFRI dinner. 450 Elmgrove Ave., Prov­ Abramovich at idence. Telephone/ fax : Ed itoria l Community. [email protected]. See Com· President Mark Feinstein. Guest phone : 401 -421 -4111. Advertis­ Wed., June 2 munity. spealcer, Prof. Raymond Tanter, "Annie Jr." ing phone 401 -421-4111 ext. authority on terrorism. Call (800) 160. Fa x: 401 -331-7961 ; Cranston Senior Guild Shalom blintz brunch 2 &5 p.m. See June 3 listing 752-5651. for details. Mail : Th e Jewish Voice & Noon. Venus de Milo res­ 11 a.m. or noon, two seat­ Israeli folk dancing Herald, 130 Sessions St. , Provi­ taurant, Rte. 6, Swansea. Annual ings, Temple Shalom, 223 Valley UPCOMING dence, RI 02906. 8 p.m. Jewish Community E-mail: install ation luncheon. $17.50 per Road, Middletown. Tickets S8, Mon., June 14 voiceherald @jfri.org paid-up member. Entertainment S5 for children under 6. Blin­ Center, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Prov­ idence. The Hora Afula Dance Beth-El golf tournament Editorial Board: by Sandra Evans. For reserva­ tzes, coffee ca ke, fruit, beverages. Elean or L. Lewis, chair tions, call Mal Ross, 723- 8580. Reservations required. Open Troupe will perform. Prices: $8, 1 p.m. Temple Beth-El S5 for seniors and children. Call Brotherhood youth scholarship Members: Stanley Aron- ASDS 25th annual meeting to the public. Call for tickets, son, MD, Alan Axe lrod, Patri­ 846-9002. 861-8800, ext. 108 for more infor­ golf tournament. Triggs Memo­ cia Cohen, Marty Coo per, 7 p.m. Temple Emanu-El, mation. See Community. rial Golf Course, Providence. Rabbi Alvan Kaunfer, Toby 99 Taft Ave ., Alperin Meeting Annie Jr. Cost: $ 80 (includes golf, cart London, Alyssa Nordhauser, 1 & 4 p.m. See June 3 listing Wed., June 9 Robert Riesma n, Alison Rose, House. Lila Winograd to be hon­ & dinner). For more informa­ Richard Shein, Josh ua Stein, ored. Refreshments served. for details. Holocaust Museum tion, contact Steven Botwick at Norman Tilles Thurs., June 3 Fall River Yiddish Club annual meeting 223-0399. Correspondents : Stanley 7 p.m. The Jewish Com· Aronson, Terna Gouse, Yeh uda 'Annie Jr.' 1 p.m. Adas Israel Syna­ Sun., June 27 gogue. Kosher deli lunch and munity Center, 401 Elmgrove Lev 7:30 p.m. Jewish Theatre Hope High '39 reunion dessert. Bob Fradkin wi ll per· Ave., Providence. R.I. Holo­ Advertising : The Jewish Ensemble performance. Jewish Noon. Laurelmead, 355 Voice & Herald does not accept form Yiddish songs. For info, call caust Museum annual meeting Community Center, 401 Elm­ Blackstone Blvd. Chair, Stella adve rtisements for pork or (508) 678-4273. and installation of officers. See shellfish, or attest to the grove Ave., Providence. Tickets Community. Pollock. RSVP at 732-8012. kashrut of any product. S10, S5 for children. Reserve by Beth-El concert Copy Deadlines: All news calling 861-8800, ext. 189. 2 p.m. Temple Beth-El, 70 releases, photographs, etc. Adoption Options Orchard Ave., Providence.
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