Fall 2015 • Volume 8 • Issue 2 NASHVILLE PRIESTS ORDAINED From the Heart of Rome to the Heart of Tennessee On the weekend of June 12-14, thousands of people in Nashville were celebrating the Country Music Awards, unaware of a com- pletely different celebration taking place downtown at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Bishop David Choby ordained five men to serve the diocese as priests. Two of the new priests, Fr. Austin Gilstrap and Fr. Andy Bulso, graduated from Santa Croce in Rome. In contrast to the sometimes sad lyrics of country music, the cathe- dral was filled with musical praise to God, from the entry hymn Five new priests were ordained by Bishop David Choby at the Cathedral of the “Love Divine, All Loves Excel- Incarnation on June 12, 2015. Standing behind the altar from left to right they ling,” to the recessional hymn, “To are: Fr. Eric Johansen, Fr. Austin Gilstrap, Fr. Emmanuel Dirichukwu, Fr. Andy Bulso, and Fr. Ben Butler. Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King.” The cathedral choir brought the In his homily, the bishop said, beauty of liturgical music to lift the “That living presence among us of hearts of the congregation. the Lord ... in a special way is made present in the gift of the priest- hood.” Bishop Choby has ordained twenty-six priests since being in- stalled as bishop in 2002. Last year, an all-time high of nine priests were ordained plus twenty- nine permanent deacons. As Santa Croce alumni, Fr. Aus- tin and Fr. Andrew are following in the footsteps of two other alumni Newly ordained priests processing who became priests before them: out of the Cathedral are (from left Bishop David Choby anointing the hands of Fr. Justin Raines and Fr. Michael to right): Fr. Eric Johansen, Fr. Fr. Ben Butler at the ordination Mass in June. Fye. Seminarian Anthony Stew- Austin Gilstap, Fr. Andy Bulso, and Bishop Choby was born in Nashville and art is currently studying at Santa Ben Butler (not seen in this photo is baptized at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. and Luke Wilgenbusch and Fr. Emmanuel Dirichukwu). He is only the second native Nashville bishop Croce in the diocese’s 169 year history. Continued on page two NASHVILLE PRIESTS ORDAINED Continued from page one Rhodes Bolster have just begun their first cycle (three years) of theology. The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross was cofounded in 1984 by Saint John Paul II and Blessed Al- varo del Portillo, the Prelate of Opus Dei. Its founding fulfilled an aspira- Fr. Andrew Bulso gives his priestly tion of St. Josemaria first made in the Fr. Austin Gilstrap speaks with a blessing to Msgr. Owen Campion. late 1940s. With the other pontifi- member of Nashville’s Nigerian Below he reflects on his formation cal universities, it is the highest level Catholic community before giving at Santa Croce and his recent of formation for select seminarians his priestly blessing ordination. and graduate student priests. But that doesn’t tell the whole story... accord- Fr. Austin spent nearly eight years I always appreciated how the pro- ing to its current rector, Monsignor in the restaurant business before fol- fessors at Santa Croce imbued their Luis Romera, its fundamental mission lowing a vocation to the priesthood in teaching with the spirituality and at- is quite simple. “The Church doesn’t 2006. After completing his bachelor’s titude of Opus Dei. They certainly need more priests. We need more holy degree at Pontifical College Jose- modeled for us the truth that theol- priests. That’s Santa Croce’s mission.” phinium in Ohio, Fr. Austin entered ogy, prayer, and ministry all go to- The motto of the Diocese of Nash- The Pontifical University of the Holy gether. In that way, studying at Santa ville is: “Called to Live and Proclaim Cross for their three-year theology Croce was never just about learning the Good News of Jesus Christ.” Based program. theological concepts but about how to be a good priest, a faithful son of on the large number of vocations to He considers his formation from the Church and one who lives his life the diaconate and priesthood, they are Santa Croce to be “one of the most for the glory of God and the good of fulfilling their mission.Santa Croce rigorous and challenging programs his fellow man. benefactors can also be proud to have that a man can go through to pre- contributed, through the enthusiastic pare to be a priest. What the program Ordination is so great a gift that it priests and seminarians trained in the really gave me was a sense of confi- cannot be all for oneself, it’s meant to heart of Rome, in the success of this dence in my own abilities and the ba- be shared. On the day of my ordina- diocese in the heart of Tennessee. sic knowledge that I would need as a tion I was very conscious of the fact priest.” that I was not being ordained alone, but rather there were four other men Fr. Austin’s first assignment in with me and many more across the Nashville is as the Assistant Direc- country. Not only that, but we were tor of Vocations as well as Bishop being ordained into the fraternity of Choby’s Personal Aid. After a few all the priests present and all priests months as a priest, the reality of his throughout the world. That was a priesthood is still sinking in. “Priest- rather comforting realization. hood is wonderful and I would not trade it for anything,” he said.”I am Another key perspective that I certainly learning a great deal and be- learned from my time at Santa Croce ing exposed to many new challenges is that my vocation to the priesthood as well as blessings. I am still stunned is a part of my wider vocation to holi- at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I en- ness. The two are not separate voca- joy celebrating it every day and most tions. Rather, God is calling me to days I have to remind myself that this live out the vocation to holiness as Anthony Stewart is currently studying (being a priest) is not temporary, that a priest, as an ordained minister of for the priesthood at the Pontifical I get to do this forever.” the Church. University of the Holy Cross in Rome. 2 PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY OF THE HOLY CROSS FOUNDATION | Santa Croce | Fall 2015 Fr. Justin is a convert to Catholicism is a welcoming atmosphere, and like- who, as a teenager, attended his first minded individuals from all over the Mass on Palm Sunday at Nashville’s world. I received a solid foundation in Cathedral of the Incarnation. His Catholic theology and tradition, giv- family upbringing in the Wesleyan ing me the building blocks I would Christian tradition gave him a strong need for my priesthood.” faith foundation, but the beauty of the Today, Fr. Justin is the associate Catholic liturgy and art was a strong pastor at Holy Family Church, Brent- attraction. He researched Catholic wood, TN, where he has served for websites and was drawn to the theolog- two years. “When you return to the ical traditions and creeds. As a history- US from a place as culturally diverse as Fr. Justin Raines buff, the fact that the Church’s beliefs Holy Family Church, Brentwood, TN Santa Croce, you appreciate even more could be traced back to Christ made that no matter where you are from sense. After speaking to the priest, Fr. Bishop Choby sent Fr. Justin to San- we all have the same basic concerns. Justin joined RCIA and was received ta Croce, the first of his seminarians to We are all made in the image and like- into the Church at the young age study theology there. When asked to ness of God and we are all united in of seventeen. recall his impressions, he said, “There Jesus Christ.” Fr. Royce graduated from The Pon- the mind, but of the whole person, in tifical University of the Holy Cross particular future priests. It was an in- in 2014 where he received his de- credible experience – the quality of the gree in Sacred Theology. On June 6, faculty is world-class, true scholars but 2015, he was ordained in the diocese at the same time committed to form- of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana. ing priests.” He traveled to Nashville to visit his fellow Santa Croce alumni on their Fr. Royce Gregerson ordination day. “At Santa Croce,” says Diocese of Fort Wayne Indiana Fr. Royce, “it’s not just a formation of Luke Wilgenbusch and Rhodes tives of Nashville and were educated Their mission is simple: “To mentor Bolster begin their first cycle of the- at Catholic schools. However, it was boys into virtuous men.” The number ology at Santa Croce this month, their experience as teenagers in the of vocations from Nashville points to following their graduation from the Fraternus chapter at the Cathedral of the program’s success. Pontifical College of Josephinum the Incarnation that really energized Luke and Rhodes have reason to in Columbus, Ohio. Both are na- their Catholic faith. be excited about studying at Santa “The men in Fraternus were the Croce. “All the priests I know who first to teach me about the rich theo- have attended there have a strong logical and spiritual treasury of the understanding of the rich depths of Church,” said Luke. “Most impor- the Church’s theology,” said Luke. “I tantly, they taught me how to pray.” am really looking forward to learn- Rhodes says the program provided ing from some of the best theologians him “incredible models for the faith.
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