Irangemen Trample Rams, 93-76 STORf PACE 8 401 lime 36 Fordham College—January 10, 1957 «S1§I?» Number 10- SG lo Hold Referendum Refugees to Receive On NFCCS 20 Full Scholarships The Student Government Con- By Martin Casey gress has voted to hold a referen- dum of the entire student body Twenty full scholarships with added aid as needed will be regarding disaffiliation of Ford- awarded to refugee Hungarian students, Pr. Edward Clark, ham College with the National Academic Vice-president, announced today. Fertpratiun ol Catholic College Students. i The scholarships will be divided in the following man- In a meeting on Dec. 13, thener: 12 -undergraduate scholarships for men; four undergrad- motion passed the two houses by uate scholarships for women; and four graduate scholau- a vote of 29 to 8 with 4 absten- __. * ships for men and women. tions. Father Clark, in a letter to Rt. Prior to the vote, SG president Rev. Msgr. Frederick H. Hoch- Jack Scott informed the Congress Registration wait of the National Catholic We!- that this summer's national con- The Office of the Registrar are Conference, Washington, D.C., vention would be held in New has announced the following tated: Yovk and that the cost of send- second semester regUtiutiuii "The scholarship Plan of the •SEMINARIAN KEFUGEE—rr. Francis Tolh of Fordham Uni- ing delegates would therefore be dates for students in the Col- University includes the following: |ty Iriclit) speaks with Jesuit seminarian Joseph Mate, who was nominal. lege: juniors, Jan. 14; seniors, "(1) free tuition and the other the first planeload of Hungarian refugees to arrive in the He added that treasurer Pat Jan. 15; sophomores, Jan. 21; academic fees until the candidate Mate, 34, had spent five years in a red concentration camp, Morgan had yet to receive a freshmen, Jan. 22. has obtained the next higher |li he described as "worse than prison," INCVVC Photo) statement of N.F.C.C.S. activities Registration will take place degree above which he or she now at the last national convention from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. possesses or until the candidate and that $150 left over from last has failed to maintain the min- year's allocation was now being imum standards demanded for the Llandfair' Girls used by the Fordham unit for degree. purposes other than designated. Sophs 'Drag' Seek Self-Su/ficiency Another motion providing for a "(2) a policy of doing all that general student debate of N.F.C.- is necessary to help the candi- irst in College Show C.S.'s status, to be conducted be- Friday Nite dates become self-sufficient as fore the actual referendum, passed Leroy Holmes and his 14-piece soon as possible." senior class production, and Frank Madigan. The team of by 20 to 17, with three absten- band will provide music from 9 (.ly Llandf airgyndroblandloch," Kehoe and Madigan wrote the mu- (See Editorial on Page 4) tions. :o 1 this Saturday night at the Fordham University will there- the first Fordham College sic and lyrics. There will be no Scott said the debate would be show to feature girls in Itssponsor. innual Sophomore Dance, "The fore be responsible for the initial held shortly alter the start of the Caveman Drag," to be held in the total care of the candidates (food, Tlie authors said that besides second semester. ym. clothing, books, lodging, etc.) and Jowntown Fordham is providing the appearance of girls, the show He added that the vote would will obtain part-time or full-time |!emale players. The two iead- Was unusual in that it attempts follow almost immediately- and The band, with its attractive employment for them. vocalist, Clare Nelson, has re- les nve Grace Padgett and | to digress from the trite college- would probably be conducted by Each candidate's situation will i O'Neill. Several other girls ! farce type productions. They feel the various class reps in their cently played at Harvard and be periodically reviewed and when n the chorus. "T-iandfsir'" will appeal not only respective sections, thereby per- Princeton. there has been adequate progress jecording to the director, John to a Fordham audience, but to the mitting free inquiry by the indi- Mr. Holmes is the band leader toward a self-sufficient state, the |oc, "the girls greatly enhance average New York theater-goer. vidual student. of Ernie Kovacs' TV show, "To- University will expect the candi- (scope of the story and the night," and musical director of date to defray a reasonable per- ". accompaniment." cent of personal and boarding ex- ! musical comedy, which will penses. [resented on Feb. 7, 8, 9 and 10, s Students Under Fr. Varga w in the rehearsal stage. The University will place these tongue-t w i s t i n g name students, when accepted, under the |mlfaii-Byndroblandloch"is that g Brother Week guidance of Fr. Andrew Varga, a In celebration of Catholic Big Brother Week (Jan. 6-13), member of the Fordham faculty, pi actiral Welsh mining town, and the Provincial of the Hun- "'' is the setting of this original the Fordham Chapter of the movement has set up an informa- tion booth in Keating cafeteria. garian Jesuits in exile. Each scholarship has been fie Plot involves Big Brothers," who man the booth, have explained to !1 a conflict be- evaluated at approximately 51600 , two brothers, one a conti- interested students the purpose and activities of the organ- annually. pal roue type, the other, a ro- ization and have distributed pamphlets. |Cd. senile character. The organization, which was? 1 jUandfair " is being produced founded on campus by Gene Dise- group'bers, Frs .Moderator Elbert J,. Rushmoresaid that ,"th the •Tom Dufftcy and Prank Dele- rlo, Class of '49, presently has 35 id tht IV ft The story was Written by Jim members. student spends only about two s«5, Joe Coyle, John Kehoe Describing the work of its mem- (Cont. on Tase 0, Col. 2) The College and School of Bus- mi"o sodalities are planning a five-day retreat beginning Jan. 25 at the Third Order Retreat (.Luc Nelson House, Garrison-on-Hudson. MOM records. His recent hits in- Fr. Norris Clarke of the Phil- In the past year the Political clude "High and Mighty," and osophy Department will be the ,. Bv Tim McCarthy Both men will be in New Yovk Union, an amalgamation of the retreat master. during January and February as "When White Lilacs Bloom JVmtois William P. Knowland, Republican and Democratic Clubs Again." Joe Zito is in charge of ar- T1' n- Humphrey and Jo-U.S. delegates to the U.N. and the Suarra Society, partici- rangements in the College and f1 R McCarthy have sent en- Senator McCarthy, Republican pated In the convention of the Bids for the dance cost $3.99 Bill Burrs in the School o£ of Wisconsin, told Crowley: "Aft- and can be obtained at the | Business. UWV replies to invitations to Citizen's Clearing House hold on Booster Club office in the gym, | Wn at 1''ortihain, according to !"!• our schedule has been set upcampus in October. Consideration for non-Sodallsts Jlm land we know jnsr. what (he work ur in ICcntin? cafeteria from l'J •f , Crowley, chairman of to 2 each day and during activity who wish to make the retreat will s, loiaiiam Political Union. ' will be, I will have the opiwrtum- Jacob K. Javits. Senator-elect be on s\ "first eome, first scrvc-u" from New York State, spoke to periods. A special prict; of $1.90 10 ty to come up to New York. If so, is offered to all Glee Club rnem- basis, according to Zito. jt* " Humphrey, Dcmor.rnt I will ceriainiy wiii get in union the Fordham students as part of "We'll try to sign up us ninny 2«™M»ta said hi a letter to his campaign. Senator Clifford P. !>fl'5. us we cau hautlle," he explained, |f*J that he wa,,|ci .-.n---!.~!,.v with you." Kemiim- Mcnm'thy hns just re- Cnse, New Jersey Republican, al- Tables mny be reserved when "but I hope the fellows will un- g-'as to i-'ordhai so appeared as a guest speaker. j^brimry. January bids are purchased. derstand that accommodations are cently been released from the hos- limited." Just prior to the national elec- John Chervokas. (lane chair- r Kllowla«a. Republican '" Meanwhile, as part of the spring tions last November, the Pelitica1 man, tolri The RAM recently-. Cuili'i'.e students may apply at tornla, wrote: "I Hope to semester program. Crowloy is or-Union sponsored a "mock clec^ "The theme is indicative of thethe Sodality office in St. Robert's l basement, Business students at lh »c opportunity of meetlm; KunizinfT a group of students from Mon" in Keating cafeteria. The common revulsion nt the moon- '"the Pordham student bed- i,-.. -iiff .i-c!)t political clubs on Hght-and-roses type of theme so Fr. Eamon Taylor's Denly Hall t results of the poll tallied almas, I office. ) campus'to'attend sessions on the exactly with the national results. prevalent In colleges." U.N. Page 2 The RAM Thursrfav • --/ French Professor Honored Campus Roundup • nirk KrivpKi I niSfrtl'MT TICKETTlfKSTS caI.-..n, hbi, •. •?„%. »r^ .. lined for "Twelfth Night" at A.«liliI"A.\ INSTITUTE OF! J ,m- rue CHEMISTS iW\»>--U., together with ! . Lamm's office. 'HIP play is junior membership, is open to ! tnleci by the Shakespeau-- Pr I seniors who have shown the high- j :hfs and runs through January FAMI liv izAustien IJeltofon r Book i f-st exci'lience in Hie study of I 'l IiKli UlAi ihtjliuilf A^litn iOSil NUESE& from the rHii FRESHMAN I.ECTMtE Kits will continue on Feb.
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