Ref. Ares(2018)5256680 - 12/10/2018 This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730849 D1.1 Review of definitions, standard operating parameters, best practice and requirements, including future technologies and horizon scanning Grant Agreement N°: 730849 — IP/ITD/CCA IP3 Project Acronym: S-CODE Project Title: Switch and Crossing Optimal Design and Evaluation Project start: 1st November 2016 Project duration: 3 Years Work package no.: WP1 Deliverable no.: D1.1 Status/date of document: REVISED 12/10/2018 Due date of document: 31st July 2017 Actual submission date: 12th October 2018 Lead contractor for this document: COMSA Project website: www.s-code.info Dissemination Level PU Public X Restricted to other programme participants PP (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium RE (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium CO (including the Commission Services) Page 1 of 242 Revision control / involved partners The following table gives an overview on elaboration and processed changes to the document: Name / Company short Revision Date Changes name 1 13/07/2017 UoB / DTVS / FERROVIAL / First version RRC / RSSB / COMSA / LBORO / BUT / UPA 2 26/07/2017 UoB / DTVS / FERROVIAL / General review, RRC / RSSB / COMSA / including clarification LBORO / BUT / UPA of concepts, insertion of data and pictures and correction of formatting and spelling. 3 18/09/2017 UoB / COMSA / LBORO Minor revisions to address comments from external review. 4 20/09/2018 UOB Sections and content was re-arranged to increase clarity and flow of information. The following project partners have been involved in the elaboration of this document: Partner Company short name Involved experts No. Marcelo Blumenfeld, Clive Roberts, Edd Stewart, 1 UoB Katherine Slatter, Louis Saade 2 DTVS Lukas Raif, Marek Smolka 3 FERROVIAL Jesús Alonso, Laura Tordera, Fco Javier Royo Stefan Knittel, Hannes Mathis, Andreas Marx, 4 RRC Majid Sawri 5 RSSB Neil Gofton Joan Peset, Sergio Morán, Carles Subirós, Miquel 6 COMSA Morata Page 2 of 242 Hitesh Boghani, Roger Dixon, Sharon Henson, 7 LBORO Roger Goodall 8 BUT Otto Plasek Martin Kohout, Jaromir Zelenka, Monika 9 UPA Eisenhammerová, Petr Vršanský Page 3 of 242 Table of Contents Index of Figures 8 Index of Tables 12 List of abbreviations 14 Executive Summary 16 1 Introduction 17 1.1 Introduction to Work Package 1 17 1.2 Objectives 20 1.3 Guide to this document 20 2 S&C requirements 23 2.1 Geometrical requirements 23 2.1.1 Cost-effective track and layout parameters 23 2.1.2 Signalling and electro-technical equipment 27 2.1.3 Earthing of the metallic parts 27 2.1.4 Electrical isolation of the rails 27 2.1.5 Facilitation of drainage 28 2.2 Mechanical requirements 28 2.2.1 Non-setting subsoil 28 2.2.2 High quality of supporting structure 29 2.2.3 High quality of earth work 29 2.2.4 Adequate track stiffness 31 2.2.5 High track resistance 31 2.2.6 Compatibility with bridge movements 34 2.3 Environmental requirements 34 2.3.1 Possibility to install noise and vibrations absorbers 34 2.3.2 Use of waste materials 38 2.3.3 Non-contaminant leachate 39 2.4 Construction requirements 39 2.4.1 Fast construction 39 2.4.2 Modularity 40 2.4.3 Easy transport of precast elements to construction site 41 2.5 Maintenance requirements 41 2.5.1 Low maintenance 41 2.5.2 Easy replacement of aged or worn S&C components 41 2.6 Operational/safety requirements 42 Page 4 of 242 2.6.1 Performance parameters 42 2.6.2 Compatibility with linear eddy current brakes 42 2.6.3 Electromagnetic compatibility 43 3 Review of definitions and standard operating parameters 44 3.1 Definitions 44 3.2 Identifying Standard Operating Parameters for S&C 44 3.2.1 The approach adopted 44 3.2.2 Standards Review 45 3.2.3 Output 46 3.3 Concluding remarks 52 4 State-of-the-art and Baseline scenarios 55 4.1 State-of-the-art 55 4.1.1 High Speed rail switches 56 4.1.2 Continuous Main Line Rail Turnout 56 4.1.3 Flange bearing 57 4.1.4 Rack or cog rail 57 4.1.5 Monorail 58 4.1.6 Guided vehicles 59 4.1.7 Maglev 60 4.2 Baseline scenarios 60 4.2.1 Introduction and methodology 60 4.2.2 S&C lifecycle 62 4.2.3 Design 62 4.2.4 Manufacture 73 4.2.5 Installation 75 4.2.6 Maintenance 76 4.2.7 Renewal 82 4.2.8 Digitalization & BIM 83 4.2.9 Economic and Social Impact 85 4.2.10 Environment & Climate Change 86 5 RAMS analysis 88 5.1 Reliability 88 5.1.1 Failure modes 89 5.1.2 Reliability analysis 97 5.2 Availability 107 5.3 Maintainability 111 5.4 Safety 114 5.5 Concluding remarks 118 6 Future scenarios for traffic demand 120 Page 5 of 242 6.1 Horizon scanning 120 6.1.1 High speed lines 121 6.1.2 Mainline 125 6.1.3 Urban lines – metro systems 128 6.2 Passengers traffic 132 6.2.1 Mediterranean corridor 134 6.2.2 Scandinavian – Mediterranean corridor 135 6.2.3 North Sea – Baltic corridor 136 6.2.4 Baltic – Adriatic corridor 137 6.2.5 Orient/East – Mediterranean corridor 138 6.2.6 Adriatic corridor 140 6.3 Freight traffic 140 6.3.1 Mediterranean corridor 142 6.3.2 Scandinavian – Mediterranean Corridor 143 6.3.3 North Sea – Baltic corridor 143 6.3.4 Baltic – Adriatic Corridor 144 6.3.5 Orient/East – Mediterranean Corridor. 145 6.3.6 Atlantic corridor 146 6.4 Concluding remarks 147 7 Radical innovations 149 7.1 Rivington’s self-acting railway switches 149 7.2 Abt switch 149 7.3 On-board turnout 150 7.4 REPOINT™ (Redundancy Engineered POINTs), 150 7.5 Actuated wing rails (normally closed) 151 7.6 Winter proof turnout 152 7.7 Rack and pinion railway switch on Rigi mountain 152 7.8 Auto-aligning track switch 154 7.9 Non-load bearing track switch 154 7.10 Electromagnetic turnout 155 8 Technology concepts from wide range of industries 156 8.1 Roller coaster switches 156 8.2 Landing gear (System architecture) 156 8.3 Conveyor belt systems 157 8.4 Model car road race track 158 8.5 Partition wall 159 8.6 Electrical switch (make before break) 159 8.7 RailPod 160 Page 6 of 242 8.8 Toy trains 160 9 Workshops 162 9.1 Brainstorming 162 9.2 Focus Group and Baseline Scenario Validation 162 9.2.1 Introduction 162 9.2.2 Outcomes 164 10 List of concepts 175 10.1 Selection of high level concepts 197 10.1.1 Methodology 197 10.1.2 Assessment framework 198 11 Summary 205 12 References 208 Appendix 1 – Definitions list 221 Appendix 2 – Concepts generated in Project Meeting in Brno UoT 236 Page 7 of 242 Index of Figures Figure 1. Six-step methodology for radical change in systems engineering .......................18 Figure 2. Requirements on rail head profile for high speed lines (left) and conventional (right) 26 Figure 3. Kinematic gauge reference (13) ...............................................................27 Figure 4. Adjustment of vertical curvature to face settlements on long earth works ..............28 Figure 5. Chronological development of wheelset loads (18) .........................................31 Figure 6. Load model LM71 and characteristics values for vertical loads (19).....................32 Figure 7. Load model SW/0 and characteristics values for vertical loads (19) .....................32 Figure 8. Horizontal guiding forces depending on curve radius (18) ................................34 Figure 9. Left: Artificial Grass Track, CDM (24). Right: Absorbing elements, FF Bögl (25). .....36 Figure 10. Left: Rail web damping system, Vossloh FS (26). Right: FF Bögl additional support points (25). ....................................................................................................37 Figure 32. Schematic diagram summarising the approach to identifying the operating parameters ..................................................................................................................45 Figure 33. Standards hierarchy ............................................................................46 Figure 34. A typical layout of a turnout (Switch and Crossing) on railway line .....................55 Figure 35. Independently operated switch blades (Source: Railcorp, Sydney/Australia) ........55 Figure 36. (a) Conventional S&C; (b) Continuous Main Line Rail Turnout. The photographs are taken from (44) ...............................................................................................57 Figure 37. (a) OWLS Crossing (45), (b) Partial flange bearing frog/nose (46), (c) Lift frog (47).57 Figure 38. Cog railway switch at (a) Schynige Platte Railway (© Kevin Hadley/Wikimedia Commons/CC-BY-SA-3.0); (b) Mount Washington cog railway (© Z22/Wikimedia Commons/CC- BY-SA-3.0); and (c) Pilatus railway line (Attribution: JuergenG at the German language Wikipedia). ....................................................................................................58 Figure 39. (a) supported monorail; (b) suspended monorail. Reproduced from (54) .............58 Figure 40. Track switch for single rail railways (55) ....................................................58 Figure 41. Monorail switch (a) flexible beam; (b) showing possible routes from single section of pivot switch (56) ..............................................................................................59 Figure 42. (a) Centrally guided transit mode switch (58); (b) Laterally guided transit mode "sinking" switch (58); (c) Laterally guided transit mode vehicle based switch (58); (d) electromagnetically activated vehicle based switch (59). ......................................................................59 Figure 43. Switch used
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