The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More Information

The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521474388 - The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More information Index Abbensetts, Michael, 144 The Happy Haven,76±7 Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 165, 217 Live Like Pigs, 62, 65±6, 68 Abercrombie, Nigel, 122 Serjeant Musgrave's Dance,72±3, Actors' Studio, 93 111, 114 Actors' Training Scheme, 94 The Waters of Babylon,62 Albee, Edward, 88 The Workhouse Donkey,89 Albery Theatre, 193 Arts Council, 4, 8, 11±15, 27, 38, 56, Aldwych Theatre, 85, 91, 106 73±4, 90±1, 113, 115±16, 118±19, Allen, Jim, 192±4, 195±201 121±3, 132±5, 141, 145, 153±7, Perdition,178,192±4,195±201 159±63, 165, 170±1, 172, 174±6, Allsop, Kenneth, 69 178, 182±5, 188, 190±2, 203±7, Alrawi, Karim, 194 209±11, 217, 221, 227, 234 n.34 A Colder Climate, 194 Arts Council Drama Panel, 184±5 Ambassadors Theatre, 225 Arts Theatre Club, 64, 85 American Hurrah!,120±1 Ashcroft, Peggy, 2, 23, 39, 41, 52±3, 60, Anderson, Lindsay, xix, 59, 62, 68, 68, 73, 92, 97, 112, 117, 124, 135, 69±70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77±8, 79, 88, 146, 149±50, 163 89, 92, 97±8, 100±1, 105, 108, Aspern Papers, The,52 111±12, 128, 129±30, 131±2, Assistant Artistic Directors, 56, 71, 86 132±5, 136±8, 139±40, 142, Associate Directors, 71 143±50, 155, 156, 158±60, 162, Attorney-General, 177±8 187, 213, 215, 221, 243 n.17, 246 Auden, W. H., 39 n.46, 247 n.2 Audrey Skirball-Kenis Foundation, Andrews, Dennis, 171 220±1 Anouilh, Jean, 59 The Rehearsal,59 Babe, Thomas, 166, 180 Anstey, Paul, 32 Prayer for my Daughter, 166 Antrobus, John, 126 Badel, Alan, 18±19 Apollo Theatre, 131 Bagnold, Edith, 51 Arden, John, 57, 62, 63, 65, 72±3, Baker, Frank, 8 76±7, 89, 139 Barber, John, 48, 51 277 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521474388 - The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More information index Barbican Theatre, 227 Blin,Roger,58 Barclays New Stages, 208±9 Blond, Elaine, 137, 156, 192 Barclays New Stages Festival, 212, Blond, Neville, xix, 21±4, 26±7, 28, 225 30±1, 32, 36, 38±9, 40, 41, 47, 51, Barker, Howard, 137, 152±3, 165, 174, 53±4, 55±6, 58, 60, 61, 62±3, 180, 192, 203, 210 64±5, 66, 67±8, 69, 70, 73±4, 77, Fair Slaughter,165 82, 83, 84±5, 86, 88, 89, 90±1, The Last Supper, 203 95±6, 97, 99, 101, 106, 113, 114, No End of Blame,174 115, 117, 118±19, 120, 121, 123±5, Seven Lears, 210 129, 133±8, 144, 229, 241 n.26 Victory, 180, 218 Bloom, Claire, 18±19 Women Beware Women,192 Bond, Edward, 63, 72, 91, 108±11, 117, Barry, Sebastian, 226 118, 121, 122, 128, 131, 139, 144, The Steward of Christendom, 226 148, 151, 152±3, 160, 162, 173±5, Beaumont, Hugh `Binkie', 45, 48, 65, 179, 186±7, 222, 229 125 Early Morning, 118±21, 123±5, 126, Beckett, Samuel, 37, 49, 56, 58±9, 64, 128, 130 67, 91, 137, 144, 152, 154, 167, The Fool,153 176, 239 n.68 Lear,131 Act Without Words,58 Narrow Road to the Deep North,128 Endgame, 58, 64, 66, 99, 154 The Pope's Wedding, 91, 175, 186 Happy Days, 81, 100, 167 Restoration,173±5,186,229 Krapp's Last Tape,66 Saved, 91, 108±11, 112±13, 117, Ohio Impromptu, 176 122, 123, 128, 186, 222 Beddoe, Jo, 185, 188, 197, 205 Summer, 175 Behn, Aphra, 183 Boyle, Danny, 186 The Lucky Chance,183,185 Bradwell, Mike, 185 Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, 65, 72, 80 Brecht, Bertolt, 19±20, 29, 33±5, 37±9, Bell, Tom, 167 41, 52±3, 57, 64, 88, 102 Benham, Colin, 145±6 The Good Woman of Setzuan, 33, Bennett, Alan, 192±3, 195 37, 39, 52±5 Kafka's Dick,192,194±5 Happy End,102 Bentley, Eric, 52 Man is Man,88 Berkoff, Steven, 159 Puntila and his Man Matti,88 Berliner Ensemble, 52±3 TheResistibleRiseofArturoUi,92 Bessborough, Eric, 17, 19±20, 47, 77 St Joan of the Stockyards,90,98 Betti, Ugo, 37 The Threepenny Opera, 19±21, 29, Billington, Michael, 146 38 Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 165 `Brecht on Brecht', 91 Blacksell, J.E., 17±18, 20±1, 26, 47, 62, Brenton, Howard, 115, 131, 137, 144, 65, 99, 101, 125, 142, 145 159±60, 162, 182, 184, 195, 203±5, Blair, Betsy, 84 211±12, 217 Blatchley, John, 77 Berlin Bertie,217 278 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521474388 - The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More information Index The Genius, 181 Byrne, John, 179, 217 Greenland,204 Colquhoun and Macbryde, 217 Iranian Nights (with Tariq Ali), 205 The Slab Boys Trilogy,179 Magni®cence,144 A Short Sharp Shock (with Tony Cadogan, Lord, 94 Howard), 173 Calvert, Phyllis, 58 Brickman, Miriam, 108 Cambridge Arts Scheme, 80, 88 BrideofDenmarkHill,The,7 Caplan, Isador, 19, 21, 146, 178 Brighton, Pam, 139±40, 142, 171 Carleton Greene, Hugh, 167 Bristol Old Vic, 34, 145 Carr, Marina, 226 British Council, The, 9, 91 Portia Coughlan, 226 Britten, Benjamin, 17, 19, 29, 41, 47 Carrington, Lord, 191 Let's Make An Opera,17 Cartwright, Jim 192±4 Broadway, 79 Road, 192±4, 218 Brome, Richard, 217 Casey, James, 119 AJovialCrew, 217 Casson, Lewis, 7, 41 Brook, Peter, 90, 101 Catty, Jon, 154±5, 162 Brown, Alan, 165±6, 182 Central School of Speech and Drama, Panic, 182 211 Wheelchair Willie,166 Cesarani, David, 196±7 Brown, Ian, 210 Chagrin, Claude, 93 Brown, Pamela, 84 Changeling, The,81,86 Browne, E. Martin, 17 Channon, Paul, 133 Bruce, Brenda, 91 Chapman, Gerald, 171, 202 Brunner, Elaine, 6 Chapman, Henry, 88 Bryceland, Yvonne, 175 That's Us,88 Bryden, Bill, 149, 224 Chaste Maid in Cheapside, A, 111 Buckle, Dicky, 47±9 Chelsea Classic, 144 BuÈ chner, Georg, 47 Chenalls, A.T. & Co., 21 Danton's Death,47 Churchill, Caryl, 78, 144, 162, 171, Bullwinkle, Jean, 202 176, 180, 182, 194±5, 198±9, Burge, Stuart, xix, 79, 148, 155, 157±62, 201±2, 205, 207±9, 211, 228 164, 165, 166±8, 177, 178±9, 185, Cloud Nine,166 198±9, 211, 212, 214±16 Fen,182 `Burning Boat, The', 28 Icecream,205 Burrell, John, 1 Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, Burton, Anthony, 176, 178, 192, 198, 154 200, 216 Mad Forest, 211 Bush Theatre, 210 A Mouthful of Birds (with David Butler, Richard, 110 Lan), 195 Butterworth, Jez, 225±6 Serious Money,194±5,199,201±2, Mojo,225 207, 218 Byam Shaw, Glen, 1±4, 5, 12, 42, 95 Top Girls, 180±2, 212, 218 279 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521474388 - The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More information index Cilento, Diane, 84, 94 A Jamaican Airman Foresees his Citizens Theatre, Glasgow, 65, 157 Death,212 Clark, Kenneth, 12 Daldry, Stephen, xiii, xix, 71, 213±17, Cleopatra, 79, 87 218, 219±20, 221±5, 226, 227, 228 `Club' performance, 103, 110±11, 121 Daniels, Sarah, 182, 194, 210 Codron, Michael, 82, 137 Bedside Herself, 210 Cole, Toby, 122 Byrthrite,194 Collins, Norman, 112, 134, 150 The Devil's Gateway, 182 Come Together, 138 Masterpieces, 182±3 Comedy of Errors, The,8 Darlington, W. A., 69, 90 `Coming on Strong', 221 Davies, Elidir, 94 Cookson, Harry, 75 Davies, Howard, 212 The Lily White Boys,74±5 de Angelis, April, 217 Cooper, Gladys, 38 Hush,217 Copeau, Jacques, 24, 42±3, 76 Declaration,62 Corey, Giles, 46 de Jongh, Nicholas, 184, 215 Country Wife, The, 50, 52±3, 55±6, 62 Delaney, Sheila, 78, 80 Coveney, Michael, 172, 180, 213, 216 The Lion in Love,78 Coventry Cathedral Festival, 89 A Taste of Honey,78 Cowley, Graham, 205, 207±9, 221±2 Dennis, Nigel, 33±4, 37, 41, 45, 51, 56, Cox, Peter, 186 61, 79, 87±8, 237 n.43 Up to the Sun and Down to the August for the People,79,87±8 Centre, 186 Cards of Identity, 36±7, 41, 51±2 Craig, Edward Gordon, 5, 42, 67, 235 The Making of Moo, 61, 81 n.56 Devine, George, xiii±xiv, xix, 1±16, Cregan, David, 63, 102, 116, 117, 120, 17±18, 21, 23±43, 45±7, 49±78, 126 79±104, 105, 106, 107, 109±10, Miniatures,102 111±12, 114, 115, 118±19, 120, Three Men for Colverton, 116 121±2, 144, 151, 158, 159, 171, Crimp, Martin, 211, 218 173, 181, 189, 195, 209, 219±20, No One Sees the Video, 211 221, 223±4, 227, 229, 243 n.17 The Treatment, 218 George Devine Award, 112±13, Criterion Theatre, 119 213±14 Crucible Theatre, Shef®eld, 176, 210 Devlin, Anne, 194 Cruddas, Audrey, 81 Ourselves Alone,194 Cruickshank, Harriet, 139, 215±16 Dexter, John, xix, 59, 72, 79, 88, 91±3, Cudlipp, Hugh, 151, 187 168±9, 188 Curtis, Simon, 185, 193±4, 199, 201, Diamond, Gillian, 139±40, 142, 162 213 Dixon, Doreen, 97, 108 Cuthbertson, Iain, 101, 107, 109, 110, Dodgson, Elyse, 193, 204 115, 116 Doncaster, Stephen, 42 Dorfman, Ariel, 212 D'Aguiar, Fred, 212 Death and the Maiden, 212±13, 218 280 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521474388 - The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage Philip Roberts Index More information Index Drogheda, Earl of, 69 Epstein, Jacob, 17 Druid Theatre, Galway, 226 Esdaile, Alfred, xx, 7, 8, 11, 13, 18±20, Dublin Festival, 194 22±3, 25±7, 28±30, 31±3, 36, Duchess Theatre, 28 38±40, 47, 54±5, 96, 110, 117, Dudley, William, 225 123±5, 137, 143, 153 Duke of York's Theatre, 202, 220, 223, Establishment Club, GreekStreet, 92 225±6 Etherege, George, 220 Duke of York's Theatre (Holdings) The Man of Mode, 220 Ltd, 220, 224±6 Evans, Edith, 59, 112 Dunbar, Andrea, 172, 176, 180, 192 Evans, Matthew, xx, 181, 185±94, The Arbor,172,173 197±204, 212 Rita, Sue and Bob Too, 176, 218 Everitt, Anthony, 211 Shirley,192 Eyre, Richard, viii, 155, 157, 172, 218, Duncan, Ronald, xix±xx, 16±25, 27±9, 226 31, 33, 35±8, 40, 42, 46±7, 49±50, 56, 59, 62, 64±6, 73±6, 81, 88, 101, Falkland Sound, 182, 210, 218 114, 187, 233 n.16 Farquhar, George, 203, 207 The Catalyst,56,64 The Recruiting Of®cer, 203±4, 207, The Death of Satan, 17±19,49±50 218 Don Juan, 17±18, 49±50 Faulkner, William, 62 Dunlop, Frank, 101, 145 Requiem for a Nun, 62, 237 n.44 Dury,Ian,205 Fearon, George, 21, 35±6, 48, 54 Apples,205,207±8 Field, Anthony, 154±5 Finch, Peter, 97 Edgar, David, 166 Findlater, Richard, 161, 164 Mary Barnes, 166 Finney, Albert, 68, 79, 86, 92, 103, 112, Edinburgh Festival, 61, 79, 95 142, 146±7 Eisenberg, Debbie, 194 `First Results', 93 Pastoral,194 Forman, Denis, 185 Eleven Men Dead at Hola Camp, Forsyte, Kerman & Phillips, 21 70 Fox, Robin, xx, 66, 73±4, 77, 85±6, Eliot, T.

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