Organic Carbon-Rich Pelitic Sediments in the Federal Republic of Germany

Organic Carbon-Rich Pelitic Sediments in the Federal Republic of Germany

Courier Forsch.-lnst. Senckenberg, 152:1-142, 62 Figs., 8 Tabs. — Frankfurt a. M., 15.9.1992 Organic Carbon-Rich Pelitic Sediments in the Federal Republic of Germany compiled by W. Zimmerle & B. Stribrny with contributions of BLAU, J., BRUMSACK, H.-J., CLAUSEN, C.-D., DAVID, P., DIEDEL, R., ERZINGER, J., FISCHER, R., HAAK, V., HINSCH, W., HORN, M., HOFMANN, T. M., JAKOBUS, R., KUNZ, R., JAGER, M., LOH, H., LUKAS, V., MAUL, B., MULLER, H., MUTTERLOSE, J., NOLTNER, T., PELZER, G., PETSCHICK, R., PlECHA, M., PRAUSS, M., PUCHELT, H., REDECKE, P., RIEGEL, W., SCHAUER, M., SCHINDLER, E., STEIN, R., STEUERWALD, K., STOPPEL, D., STRIBRNY, B., URBAN, H., VOGT, C, VOGTMANN-BECKER, J., WERNER, W., WILDE, V., WILDNER, G. & ZIMMERLE, W. IGCP-Project 254 — Metalliferous Black Shales Contents I. Introduction 1.1 Definition of organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments (ZIMMERLE, W.) 1.2 Stratigraphic position, thickness and regional distribution of organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments (ZIMMERLE, W.) 1.3 Depositional environments of organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments (STRIBRNY, B.) 1.4 Methods of investigating organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments (ZIMMERLE, W.) 1.5 Classification and nomenclature of fine-grained sedimentary rocks in black shale series (STRIBRNY, B. & URBAN, H.) 10 1.6 Reflections on the mctallogenesis of organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments (ZIMMERLE, W.) 13 1.6.1 Case histories of metallogenesis in organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments of regional and stratigraphic limitation 14 1.7 Geochemistry and metallogeny of organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments in Germany (STRIBRNY, B. & PUCHELT, H.) 15 1.7.1 Trace element contents of organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments 15 Vanadium/Chromium ratios 18 1.7.2 Metallogenetical aspects 18 Synsedimentary enrichments 18 Early diagenetic enrichments 25 Late diagenetic enrichments 25 Supergene alterations of Lower Permian age 25 Faulting of Meso- and Cenozoic age 25 Supergene alteration of post-Triassic age 27 1.7.3 Conclusions 27 1.8 Black shales and geophysics (HAAK, V.) 27 1.9 Future aspects exploring organic carbon-rich pelitic sediments (ZIMMERLE, W.) 28 1. Cambrian 28 1.1 LippertsgrOn Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 28 1.2 Bergleshof Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 28 1.3 Cambrian Black Shales 29 1.3.1 Cambrian Black Shales and Clayshales (REDECKE, P. & VOGTMANN-BECKER, J.) 29 1.3.2 Cambrian Black Shales and Clayshales(DAVID, P.) 30 1.4 Gillersdorf Roofing Slates (ZIMMERLE, W.) 30 1.5 Black Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 30 2. Ordovician 2.1 Leimitz Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 2.2 Roofing State (ZIMMERLE, 13. 2.4 Ordovician Claystones 2.4.1 Ordovician Claystones (CLAUSEN, C.-D.) 2.4.2 Shale-Banded Shale-Siltstone-Sequence(ZIMMERLE, W.) 2.5 Ordovician Black Shales and Clayshales (REDECKE, P. & VOGTMANN-BECKER, J.) 2.6 Marginal Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 2.7 Griffelschiefer (ZIMMERLE, W.) 2.8 Plettenberg Banded Shales (MULLER, H. & STEUERWALD, K.) 2.9 Lederschiefer 2.9.1 Lederschiefer (ZIMMERLE, W.) 2.9.2 Lederschiefer (WILDNER, G.) 3. Silurian 41 3.1 Graptolite Shale 41 3.1.1 Graptolite Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 41 3.1.2 Graptolite Shale (SCHAUER, M.) 42 4. Devonian 43 4.1 Hunsriick Slate 43 4.1.1 Hunsriick Slate (ZIMMERLE, W.) 43 4.1.2 Mosel Slates (ZIMMERLE, W.) 44 4.2 Singhofen Shales (JAKOBUS, R.) 44 4.3 Tentaculite Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 45 4.4 Wissenbach Shales 46 4.4.1 Wissenbach Shales (WERNER,W.) 46 4.4.2 Wissenbach Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 48 4.5 Fredeburg Beds (MULLER, H. & STEUERWALD, K.) 50 4.6 Schwarzschiefer (ZIMMERLE, W.) 50 4.7 Odershausen Beds (CLAUSEN, C.-D.) 51 4.8 Wallen Shale (MULLER, H. & STEUERWALD, K.) 52 4.9 Nuttlar Roofing Slate (ZIMMERLE, W.) 52 4.10 Flinz Shales 53 4.10.1 Flinz Beds (MULLER, H. & STEUERWALD, K.) 53 4.10.2 Givetian Black Shales and Flinz Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 54 4.11 Bildesheim Shale (PIECHA, M.) .54 4.12 Grenzschiefer (REDECKE, P.) 55 4.13 Kellwasser Limestone 55 4.13.1 Kellwasser Limestone (CLAUSEN, C.-D.) 55 4.13.2 Kellwasser Horizons (SCHINDLER, E.) 56 4.14 Matagne Shale (REDECKE, P.) 58 4.15 Cyclic-banded Shale (PIECHA, M.) 59 4.16 Annulata Shales (CLAUSEN, C.-D.) 60 61 4.17 Sapropelite (ZIMMERLE, W.) 61 4.18 Cypridina Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 61 4.19 Weitershausen Beds (ZIMMERLE, W.) 4.20 Black shale intercalation within the Hangenberg Clayshales (STRIBRNY, B. & URBAN, H.) 62 5. Carboniferous 63 5.1 Lower Alum Shales 63 5.1.1 Lower Alum Shales (STRIBRNY, B. & URBAN, H.) 63 5.1.2 Lower Alum Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 65 5.1.3 RuB-Schiefer (ZIMMERLE, W.) 68 5.1.4 Black Pelite (NOLTNER, T. & ZIMMERLE, W.) 68 5.2 Pont d'Arcole Shales or Peracuta-Shales (REDECKE, P.) 69 5.3 Bordenschiefer (ZIMMERLE, W.) 69 5.4 Kulm Lydites (STRIBRNY, B. & URBAN, H.) 70 5.5 Upper Roofing Slates (ZIMMERLE, W.) 71 5.6 Kulm Posidonia Shales 72 5.6.1 Kulm Posidonia Shales (STRIBRNY, B. & URBAN, H.) 72 5.6.2 Kulm Posidonia Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 74 5.7 Kulm Clayshales (STRIBRNY, B. & URBAN, H.) 74 5.8 Upper Alum Shales (REDECKE, P.) 75 5.9 Carbonaceous Shales (ZIMMERLE, W.) 76 5.10 Carboniferous Clayshales of the Ruhr Area (DAVID, P.) 76 5.11 Saar Claystones (DAVID, P.) 77 6. Permian 77 6.1 Paper Shales (ZIMMERLE, W. & NOLTNER, T.) 77 6.2 Black Pelites 78 6.2.1 Black Pelites (ZIMMERLE, W.) 78 6.2.2 Black Pelites (ZIMMERLE, W.) 80 6.3 Kupferschiefer 82 6.3.1 Kupferschiefer (DIEDEL,R. & REDECKE.P.) 82 6.3.2 Kupferschiefer (STEIN, R., HOFMANN, T.M, & VOGT, C.) 83 6.3.3 Kupferschiefer (DAVID, P.) 85 7. Triassic 85 7.1 Zone of Gray Clays (ZIMMERLE, W.) 85 7.2 Orbicularis Beds (HORN, M.) 86 7.3 Lower Marl (ZIMMERLE, W.) 86 7.4 Partnach Formation (PETSCHICK, R.) 87 7.5 Lower Clays with Dolomite (ZIMMERLE, W.) 87 7.6 Raibl Formation (PETSCHICK, R.) 7.7 Galena Bed (ZIMMERLE, W.) 7.8 Dark Marls (ZIMMERLE, W.) 89 7.9 Bell Horizon (ZIMMERLE, W.) 89 7.10 Bituminous Marbles within the "Hauptdolomit" and "Plattenkalk" Formation (PETSCHICK, R.) 89 7.11 Rhaetian Shale Beds (ZIMMERLE, W.) 90 7.12 Kossen Formation (PETSCHICK, R.) 90 8. Jurassic 91 8.1 Black Bituminous Marlstones, Oil Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 91 8.2 Liassic Claystones (STEIN, R., BLAU, J, ERZINGER, J. & LUKAS, V.) 91 8.3 Sinemurian Oil Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 93 8.4 Bituminous Claystones/Marlstones (ZIMMERLE, W.) 93 8.5 Posidonia Shale 93 8.5.1 Posidonia Shale (JANICKE, A. & FISCHER,R.) 93 8.5.2 Posidonia Shale (JOCHUM, J.) 96 8.5.3 Posidonia Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 97 8.5.4 Posidonia Shale (RIEGEL.W., LOH,H., PRAUSS, M., MAUL, B. & BRUMSACK, H.-J.) 97 8.5.5 Posidonia Shale (NOLTNER, T.) 97 8.5.6 Posidonia Shale (JAGER, M.) 99 8.5.7 Manganeous Shales (PETSCHICK, R.) 100 8.6 DOrnten Beds (FISCHER, R.) 100 8.7 Opalinus Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 102' 8.8 Kohlstatt Formation (PETSCHICK, R.) 102 i 8.9 Ornaten Clay (PRAUSS, M., KUNZ, R. & RIEGEL, W.) 103: 8.10 Kimmeridge Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 103] 8.11 Bituminous Limestone (ZIMMERLE, W.) 1041 9. Cretaceous 104 9.1 Bituminous Claystones (ZIMMERLE, W.) 104 9.2 Wealden, BUckeberg Formation (PELZER, G. RIEGEL, W. & WILDE, V.) 105 9.3 Lower Barremian Clay and Upper Barremian Clay (MUTTERLOSE, J.) 105 9.4 Fish Shale (MUTTERLOSE, J.) 105 9.5 Dark Clays (ZIMMERLE, W.) 106 9.6 Bituminous Marls (ZIMMERLE, W.) 108 9.7 Wang Formation (PETSCHICK, R.) 110 10. Tertiary Ill 10.1 Palaeocene Claystones (ZIMMERLE, W.) 111 10.2 Tarras Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 111 10.3 Messel Oil Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 111 10.4 Bituminous Layers in the Lymnea Marls (ZIMMERLE, W.) 112 10.5 Pechelbronn Beds 112 10.5.1 Pechelbronn Beds (RIEGEL,W. et al.) 112 10.5.2 Bituminous Marls (ZIMMERLE, W.) 113 10.5.3 Melania Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 113 10.6 Sannoissian Fish Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 114 10.7 Fish Shale (ZIMMERLE, W.) 114 10.8 Stinkkalk (ZIMMERLE, W.) 115 10.9 Banded Marls (ZIMMERLE, W.) 115 10.10 Lower Mica Clay (HINSCH.W.) 116 10.11 Upper Mica Clay (HINSCH,W. & ZIMMERLE, W.) 116 10.12 Lignite Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 117 10.13 Ohningen Limestone (ZIMMERLE, W.) 118 10.14 Bituminous Laminite (ZIMMERLE, W.) 118 10.15 Laminite Sequence (ZIMMERLE, W.) 119 •.;J.l. Quaternary 122 i U. 1 Carbonaceous Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 122 12 Lauenburg Clay (ZIMMERLE, W.) 122 i.3 Diatom Gyttia (ZIMMERLE, W.) 124 2. References 125.

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