"Central Illinois' Only&ar Music and 1)tanur Theatre'f fourteenth Stdsoh May 8-Nov. 1, 1970 ~~llivan,Ill. 6uy S. Little, Jr. Prwnts EILEEN FULTON in The Star Spangled Girl" . *-...Sctober -... ., 1 3-November.. 1, 1 970 6uy S. Little, Jr. Presents EILEEN FULTON "The Star Spangled Girl" BY Neil Simon , - LC-,1 DAVID wiii~~~~~ '-"Y R--'-lE Q Directed by RICHARD MlCHA Production Designed by JEROME ROSENBElWMt Lighting Designed by W. T. BYRP, JR. Production Sb-e Manager TIchni-l Dinator W. T. BYRD, JR RAY CARLSON I ENTIRE PRODUCTION UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. LITTLE I CAST (In order of appearance) Andy Hobart ........................................ ..... BAVm DWIGHT Norman Cornell .................................. .., ... JOHN REMME Sophie Rauschmeyer ......................,. ........ Synopsis of Scenes A duplex studio apartment in San RFWfkoi ACT I ACT I1 SCENE 1: It's late afternoon, early summer. SCENE 1: A few days later. SCENE 2: Three days later. SCENE 2: The next day. Eady afternoon. SCENE 3: The next day. About 5 P.M. THERE WILL BE A TEN-MINUTE INTERMISSION BETWEEN ACTS NO SMOKING IN THE THEATRE No Pictures Please - Ceme~sNot Permitted in The#& PRODUCTION STAFF FOR MR urn= Public Relations md Publicity Director ........................ Dee Bradley sristant to the Producer ........ Bill Haddad cxecutive Secretary ...... Carolyn McFarland Business Manager .......... Guy 8. Little, Sr. ~tuSpa~tfed Girl presented with pc~&t;i&$*(W&h. ba, rt.1:~ IUATlONAL WNK OF SULLIVAN 1 S. MAIN STREET SULLIVAN. ILLINOIS 61961 YOUR COMPLETE FAMILY DRUG STORE Prescriptions -& Unique Gifts Men's Fragrances +Ez? Baby Gifts When you care enough A very complete line of cosmetics and to send the very best fragrances a UNCASTER DRUG STORE W. H. LANCASTER, R. Ph. 8 East Harrison Sullivan, Illinois Phone 728-7388 Our Thanks Compliments And Congratulations To The of Little Theatre - On The Square for its Gauger Outstanding Contributions to our community Lumber Co. Brown Shoe Co. -,.- .I *. Sullivan, Illinois Sullivan. 4llinois Lewis Floor Covering and Sleep Shop 21 01 North Main Decatur, Ill. KAISER AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS WELCOME TO SULLIVAN ENJOY THE SHOW ad gcznilr Lin95 A MORE COMPLETE SELECTION THAN EVER BEFORE Silver China Brass Pewter Porcelain Art Gallery of Boutiques Visit Our More Spacious New Location (After June 1) (Formerly located at 1035 W.' hdarado) Some people think we're part of the act. On the East Side of the Square Across from the Little Theater A lot of folks have made the Red Fox their "before-and-after-theater" place. And why not, when before the play, you can unwind in the beautiful Tack Room, with your favorite cocktail and a sizzling Prime Steak. Or how about a delicious Barbecue Rib or Chicken dinner. straight from the famous Hickory Pit? And after the show, there's nothing like the Red Fox for a nightcap with friends. vening. For a "curtain raiser", or a "curtain call" Fox. Just look across the street. ATIONS: PHONE 217-728-4911 f Square, Sullivan, Illinois The Incomparable Longines Ultra-Chron The World's Most Accurate Watch.* The World's Most Honored Watch. See our complete collection of 1970 Longines watches lor ladies and gentlemen from $75 to over $1.500. 'Guaranteed accurate to a minule a month. If necessary, adjustment to this tolerance will be made by us. Guarantee is for one full year. MOSCHENROSE JEWELERY 605 Archer Ave. 6 E. Harrison St. MARSHALL, ILL SULLIVAN, ILL. U. S. GRANT MOTOR INN Fine Furniture and Carpeting Route 16 DOWNTOWN MATTOON ARTHUR'S FURNITURE The Famous Rebel Room For 906 E. Wood St.-Decatur, Ill. Fine Food And Cocktails Buffet Friday And Sat. Nights. Sun. Noon Free Parking Lot--Convenient Credit "Your Health Is Our B~rsiness" NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE SODA FOUNTAINS Before the Show or at Intermission ALSO IN BETHANY Sullivan 728-4211 Bethany 665-3141 I Urbana Alexander Lumber Co. MI LLER-0 'NEI U 1 "Decatur's Favorite Store for Your Full Service Dealer Floor Coverings and Draperies' 402 E. Prairie SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS DECATUR, ILLINOIS TOWN & COUNTRY TRAVEL Air - Rail - Tours Sea - Rent-A-Cars COMPLETE Phone TRAVEL SERVICE 342.71 15 (AC 217) a 100 West Washington - Effingham, Illinois ~?- - - Before or After the Show. Meet the Cast @do 0 0 Jibby's Harold and' Harry Pedigo Welcome You To "PEDIGO JUNCTION" The Place For Fun Newly Decorated - Same Friendly Atmosphere ONE BLOCK NORTH OF SQUARE ESTABLISHED 1872 Corner Prairie & Merchant Streets H. POST & SONS Telephone 423-9781 JEWELERS DECATUR, ILLINOIS THE HlGHT STATE BANK DALTON CITY, ILL. "Serving This Community 728-7616 Since 1892 Thru Faith and IF NO ANSWER - 797-6910 or 797-6917 or 797-6445 LOCATED SIX MILES WEST OF SULLIVAN Friendship" I ON EDEN ST. ROAD I MAILING ADDRESS R.R. 4 - SULLIVAN 61951 Phone 874-2396 HARSHMAN PLUMBING, HEATING and ELECTRICAL CO. Residential - Cotnmercial - lndr~strialContractor 113 South Main Phone 728.7391 DICK BROWN Grace Super Premium Dry GENERAL CONTRACTOR Grace NH-3 Nurish Plow-Down ' FREE PLANNING & ESTIMATING Grace Chemicals VISIT YOUR GREENTOWN Phone Bethany 6653054 REPRESENTATIVE! RENT A FINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FOR PENNIES A DAY PIANOS - Chickering. Baldwin, Everett, HAMMOND ORGANS Cable Nelson, Wurlitser, Yamaha BAND INSTRUMENTS GUITARS MATTOON a0 EFFINGHAM Phone AD 4-3356 Phone 342-41 19 ENJOY LIFE MORE WITH MUSIC EVERY THING IN TRAVEL AIR . SEA . RAIL . CALI, 365-33 16 TRAVEL SERVICE 117 LINCOLN SQUARE-URBANA r 3 Some of our Savers have never seen the inside of the Mutual Home & Savings' office Although they're always welcome and we would like to visit with them from time to time. many are too busy .-others live some distance from us. So they initiated their seeounts by mail. with a coupon like the one blow, and have continued to rave. conveniently. by mail ever stnce. (We pay the postage-- both- - ways- - l - - -- - - - - - - - To: Mutual Home & Savings 1 135 E. Main I I Decatur, Illinois I Your savings can earn 5% interest I is my check for I quarterly on passbooks and 6% 1 Please open a: I quarterly on $5,000 savings I - 596Panbook I -6% S5.~oavingrcertificate I certificates without seeing the - in my alone I I inside of our office. Fill out the I - ln my name ~olntlywith I coupon and rave-by-mail. I I I I Signature I I I L-S"eB'----------- C"v--; MUNAL HOME 6 SAVINGS ASSOCIATION L 135 E. MAIN. DECATUR. ILLINOIS 160 South. Water St., at.Orlando Hotd DECATUR, ILLINOIS 62623 428-530s ASK US A Truly the Dawning of The Age of Aquarius Liberal Discounts for Gr rnERPY OUTBOARDS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE LITTLE THEATRE On the Square ON ITS 14th SEASON STUBBLEFIELD,- INC. 1131 W. JACKSON ST. SULLIVAN, ILL. 61951 ELZY'S FLOWERS harrnecy AND GIFTS JOHN BARLOW, R. Ph. 412 S. Hamilton Route 32 I Call 728-7358 in Sullivan Make Reservations Now June 30-July 12 HARVEY COMPLETE KORMAN TRAVEL Carol Burnett Show ARRANGEMENTS TOURS "U'TTE ME" GROUPS Season's First Musical INDIVIDUALS 0. K. JOBBERS AUTO & IMPLEMENT SUPPLIES LYNN R. HUNTSBURGER. Owner 404 W. Roane St.-Phone 728-7378 SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS For Details On GUY S. Little Jr's. LONDON-PARIS- COMPLIMENTS OF SHOW TOUR Call Ralph Owen SULLIVAN COUNTRY CLUB FRANKLIN MALL 7-423-2561 Free Parking I BOUTOUR I oups and Organizations MOTEL MILROY Phone 728-71 13 STUBBLEFIELD, INC. Routes 121 and 32 1131 W. JACKSON SULLIVAN. ILLINOIS 61911 I I PHONE (7.171 7- I BEST WISHES TO THE LITTLE THEATRE Air Conditioned ON THE SQUARE FOR A SUCCESSFUL SEASON SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS P. N. HIRSCH & CO. i, South Side Square ~ullivan I I I For There Great Musicals I RHODES UMBER CO. 1 * Lumbering - Roofing Cement - Paint - Hardware 1117 W. Jackson Stmet Sullivan, Ill. "YOUR KIND OF PLACE" 1835 E. Eldorado DECATUR Banquet Rooms 450 East Pershing Road Breakfast Decatur, Illinois Luncheon Dinner Phone: 21 7/877-1891 Open Daily Restaurant Mon. - Sat. 6:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. -Cocktail Lounge Sun. -Banquet Facilities 6:00 a.m. - 10 p.m. For Up to 300 -Featuring Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus -Watch our marquee for the star you may see each week from The Little Theatre-On the Square. COLLECTIONS MATTOON-CHARLESTON ACCOUNTS SERVICE * 619M 410 Bouth 17th Street - Mattoon, Illinois - Phone 2171235-0302 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY ACCOUNTS SERVICE * SW Ave. West University - Urbana, Illinois 61801 - Phone 217/3651041 * ROBINSON ACCOUNTS SERVICE 215 South Cross Ptreet - Robinson, Illinoia 62454 - Phone 6101544-3536 SERVING ALL OF IUlNOlS COUCTIONS OF ALL TYPES NO COLLECTION - NO FEE lMedial Monthly lCommercial lDental lWholesale lHospital Remittance lRotail lCllnical lR.porarzians "THIS IS MONEY YOU THOUGHT YOU LOST" - IN ARCOLA -= 1C ., I -IN CADWELL - Meet Paul, tho frlendly operator at "THE OLD STORE" 8 Miles Northeast of Sullivan OPEN DAILY PHONE 543-2916 (Ac-217) Gourmet Foods and Antique Reproductions THE RAGGEDY @- GIFTANN SHOP Rout# No. 133 - East, a THE WING HOUSE At Interstate- No. 57 406 E. MAIN A VlCTORlAN HOME AUTHENTICALLY Antiques FURNISHED IN THE STYLE OF THE 1870% "SMITH'S Opon TUOR through Sun. 10 rm.5p.m. BARN ADMISSION 225 N. Locust Adulta $l.OCLChildm 50c Phone 2-14 chumlng bld bm -atmosphere EILEEN FULTON'S Courtesy Car Compliments of Hertz System Licensees Harold McClellan Lewis Tanner Decatur, Ill. Champaign, Ill. - Nsw On Display and For Sale in Our Box Office - Eileen Fulton's Newly Published Autobiography and Album If you've never had the opportunity to hear Eileen sing on stage, in her night club act - or anywhere -NOW is the time to purchase her new rec- ord, "The Same Old World". A lovely and exciting album. In her book, Miaa Fulton explains that hef own life story is not unlike a TV drama.
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