OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 11, NUMBER 6 ISSUE NO. 77 OCTOBER 1964 OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Edited by John W. Green and Gordon L. Walker CONTENTS MEETINGS Calendar of Meetings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 632 Program of the October Meeting in Garden City, New York. , , • , • , , , • , , 633 Abstracts for the Meeting- Pages 662-667 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF MEETINGS, •• ,.,,.,, •• ,,,,,,,. 636 ~I:JE 1964 SUMMER RESEARCH INSTITUTE ON ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY, •• , • 639 NEWS ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 638~ 641 THE ANNUAL SALARY SURVEY •••• ,.,, •• , ..... , •• ,.,,.,,.,., ••• 643 STARTING SALARIES FOR MATHEMATICIANS WITH A Ph.D••••••• , •••• , 646 PERSONAL ITEMS •..........••.......... , • . • . • . • • . • . • 647 NEW AMS PUBLICATIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• , • 655 SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAM - Number 2 7 ••• , , ••••••• ~ , , , ••••••• , 658 MEMORANDA TO MEMBERS Postal Rates . • . • . • • . • • • . • . • 661 ABSTRACTS OF CONTINUED PAPERS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 662 ERR AT A - Volume 11 . .. • . • • . • . • . .. • . • . • 693 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 707 RESERVATION FORM •••••••••••••••••••••• -, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. 707 MEETINGS Calendar of Meetings NOTE: This Calendar lists all of the meetings which have been approved by the Council up to the date at which this issue of the cNotiaiJ was sent to press. The summer and annual meetings are joint meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society. The meeting dates which fall rather far in the future are subject to change. This is particularly true of the meetings to which no numbers have yet been assigned. Meet­ Deadline ing Date Place for No. Abstracts* 616 November 14, 1964 Los Angeles, California Sept. 30 617 November 21, 1964 Athens, Georgia Sept. 30 618 November 27-28, 1964 Evanston, illinois Sept. 30 619 January 26-30, 1.965 (71st Annual Meeting) Denve:c, Colorado Dec.. 2 April 9-10, 1965 Chicago, illinois April 12-15, 1965 New York, New York April 24, 1965 Stanford, California June 19, 1965 Eugene, Oregon August 30-September 3, 1965 (70th Summer Meeting) Ithaca, New York November 12-13, 1965 Lexington, Kentucky January 24-28, 1966 (72nd Annual Meeting) Chicago, illinois August 29-September 2, 1966 (7lst Summer Meeting) New Brunswick, New Jersey January 24-28, 1967 {73rd Annual Meeting) Houston, Texas August 28-September 1, 1967 ( 72nd Summer Meeting) Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 26-30, 1968 (73rd Summer Meeting) Madison, Wisconsin * The abstracts of papers to be presented in person at the meetings must be received in the Head­ quarters Offices of the Society in Providence, Rhode Island, on or before these deadlines. The dead­ lines also apply to news items. The next two deadline dates for by title abstracts are September 23, 1964, and November 25, 1964. The cNotiaiJ of the American Mathematical Society is published by the Society in January, February, April, June, August, October and November. Price per annual volume is $7.00. Price per copy $2.00. Special price for copies sold at registration desks of meetings of the society, $1.00 per copy. Subscriptions, orders for back numbers (back issues of the last two years only are available) and inquiries should be addressed to the American Mathematical Society, 190HopeStreet, Providence, Rhode Island 02906. Second-class postage paid at Providence, Rhode Island, and additional mailing offices. Authorization is granted under the authority of the act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the act of August 4, 1947 (Sec. 34, 21, P. L. and R.). Accepted for mailing at the special rate of Postage provided for in section 34,40, paragraph (d). Copyright~, 1964 by the American Mathematical Society Printed in the United States of America 632 Six Hundred Fifteenth Meeting Adelphi University Garden City, New York October 24, 1964 PROGRAM The six hundred fifteenth meeting Blodgett Hall and will be open from 9:00 of the American Mathematical Society A.M. till 3:30 P.M. will be held at Adelphi University in Adelphi University is located one­ Garden City, New York on Saturday, third mile east of the Nassau Boulevard October 24. station of the Long Island Railroad (Hemp­ By invitation of the Committee to stead Branch), 40 minutes by rail from Select Speakers for Eastern Sectional Pennsylvania Station in New York City. Meetings, Professor Jun-lchi Igusa of the Those arriving by air at Kennedy or Johns Hopkins University will address the La Guardia airport may take the inter­ Society on "Modular functions and theta airport limousine to the Jamaica station functions" at 2:00 P.M. in the Waldorf of the Long Island Railroad and proceed School Auditorium. This building is located by rail. at the southern (Cambridge Avenue) en­ Those traveling by auto should enter trance to the campus. the campus at the Cambridge A venue gate Sessions for ten minute contributed and park in the adjacent parking lot. To papers will be held at 10:00 A.M. and at reach the campus, take one of the follow­ 3:15 P.M. in Blodgett Hall, which is in the ing routes: Northern State Parkway or center of the campus. Provision will be Long Island Expressway to the New Hyde made for a limited number of late papers. Park Road exit, then south on New Hyde Abstracts of contributed papers are Park Road, east on Stewart Avenue, south presented on pages 662 to 667 of these on Nassau Boulevard, east on Cambridge NOTICES. The abstract of a particular Avenue to campus; or: southern State paper in the program of the sessions may Parkway to Hempstead Avenue exit, then be located through the cross reference northeast on Hempstead Avenue, north on numbers which follow the identification of Nassau Boulevard, east on Cambridge the contributor. Avenue. The registration desk will be in PROGRAM OF THE SESSIONS The time limit for each contributed paper is ten minutes. The papers are scheduled at fifteen minute intervals so that listeners can circulate easily between sessions. To maintain the schedule, time limits will be strictly en­ forced. 633 SATURDAY, 10:00 A.M. Session on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Blodgett Hall, Room 204 10:00 - 10:10 (1) On the mean integral and a mean double integral Mr. C. B. Murray, The University of Texas (615-5) (Introduced by Professor H. S. Wall) 10:15 - 10:25 (2) On Ingham's summation method Professor S. L. Segal, University of Rochester ( 615-1 7) 10:30 - 10:40 (3) On a converse to a theorem of Fatou Dr. E. J. Beltrami* and Mr. M. R. Wohlers, Grumman Aircraft Engineer­ ing Corporation, Bethpage, Long Island, New York (615-4) 10:45 - 10:55 (4) Representations of tensor products of symmetric Banach algebras Professor H. A. Smith, Drexel Institute of Technology and University of Pennsylvania (615-10) 11:00 - 11:10 (5) A generalization of Holmgren's uniqueness theorem Professor G. W. Hedstrom, University of Michigan (615-16) 11:15- 11:25 (6) A Rodrigue's formula for the Laguerre polynomials Professor L. R. Bragg, Case Institute of Technology (615-7) 11:30- 11:40 (7) On Lagrange-Hermite interpolation Dr. J. F. Traub, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey (615-13) 11:45 - 11:55 (8) Generalization of a Lax-Morawetz-Phillips time decay theorem Professor James Radlow, Purdue University (615-12) SATURDAY, 2:00P.M. Invited Address, Waldorf School Auditorium Modular functions and theta functions Professor Jun-Ichi Igusa, The Johns Hopkins University SATURDAY, 3:15P.M. Session on Algebra and Logic, Blodgett Hall, Room 204 3:15 - 3:25 (9) The rim of a locally nilpotent group Professor R. A. MeHaffey, University of Massachusetts (615-9) 3:30 - 3:40 ( 10) Some homomorphism theorems for a class of semigroups Professor K. D. Magill, Jr., State University of New York at Buffalo (615-2) 3:45 - 3:55 ( 11) Axiomatic theory of additive relations Professor J. B. Leicht, University of Toronto (615-1) 4:00 - 4:10 (12) A calculus of antinomies Dr. F. G. Asenjo, University of Pittsburgh (615-6) *For papers with more than one author, an asterisk follows the name of the author who lans to present the paper at the meeting. 634 SATURDAY, 3:15P.M. Session on Geometry and Topology, Blodgett Hall, Room 108 3:15 ~ 3:25 (13) Compact totally geodesic hypersurfaces Professor Robert Hermann, University of California, Berkeley (615~1) 3:30 ~ 3:40 (14) A nontopological 1~1 mapping onto E 3 Mr. Kenneth Whyburn, Cornell University (615-8) (Introduced by Professor G. A. Hunt) 3:45 ~ 3:55 (15) Extensions of Dehn's Lemma and the Loop Theorem Mr. D. W. Henderson, The Institute for Advanced Study (615-11) 4:00 - 4:10 (16) Some approximation theorems for rings of unbounded functions ProfessorS. G. Mrowka, The Pennsylvania State University (615-15) 4:15- 4:25 (17) The stellated forms of the sixteen~cell Professor B. L. Chilton, State University of New York at Buffalo (615~3) Everett Pitcher Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Associate Secretary 635 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF MEETINGS Six Hundred Sixteenth Meeting University of Southern California Los Angeles, California November 14, 1964 The six hundred sixteenth meeting There are numerous hotels and of the American Mathematical Society will motels in the Los Angeles area. The be held on Saturday, November 14, 1964at nearest ones to the campus are the Vaga­ the University of Southern California in bond Motor Hotel, 3101 South Figueroa Los Angeles, California. Street, telephone (area Zl3) 746-1531, and By invitation of the Committee to the Coliseum Hotel, 457 West Santa Bar­ Select Hour Speakers for Far Western bara A venue. Sectional Meetings, an hour address will Luncheon will be available at the be presented by Professor Charles W. Commons Cafeteria. A section will be re­ Curtis of the University of Oregon. The served for people attending the meeting. title of the talk by Professor Curtis is Parking will be available on cam­ "Abstract groups of Lie type". This ad­ pus for a fee of fifty cents.
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