University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-15-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 03-15-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 03-15-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/3023 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS r 1 u f vfiATHER FORECAST No. i p. m-N- J 4 5.50 p. m. No. 7 10.55 p. m. ALBUQUERQUE Oenrer, Colo., March 1 5 Tonight I Cl in No. 8 6.40 p. m Tuesday fair with rising temperatan. No. 9 1 1.45 p. m. WlrC GET THE NEWS Fl iWHil VOLUME 24. ALBUQUEKQUE. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY. MAHCII lo. f i) MJMHm. 53 OF COURT TARIFF SESSION BEGINS COUNCIL PREFERS NO MARCH 1ERM SPEAKER CANNON RE -ELECTED "BABBLING" LADY WARWICK WINS $J,500,000 IN STOCKS FOR BERNALILLO CO. BY MEMBERS OF HOUSE TODAY WITH LARGE CROWD INVESTIGATION OF AT CAPITOL BEGANJODAY TERRITORY . - f ?$&!?.,UWm rf"iPe'lr,Sl Juries Are Organized and Congress Convenes at Call of Turns Down Resolution Urged Start Work Under the the President to Revise by Curry and Pass- Supervision of the Present ed by the Attorneys. Dulles. House. CANNON WILL NOT CHANGE KLOGK TAKtS CHARGE . BY BIG ' THE COUNTY AS THE NEW AlTORfiEY MAJORITY SEAT Efforts of the Insurgents to Defea! Curry Vetoes BUI Regarding Trial of Cases Expected to Begin Sier " Him Proved of No Avail -- ra County and House Without .Much Delay and L, , & i K. Hlm-An-o- - Dem- ther y , ; j Clark Advises Sustains Several Interesting vpi jr " '-i-- f ocrats What K -- Bill Ones Are Dock- V v. llW Tv'Ul to do. Goes eted. in. - W , Washington. Marvt) K. Joseph (J. Santa Fe, N. M., March li. Th Tin: March term r.f i;.'! D.iiiii" Cannon, of Illinois, was toay governor today announced having county court "i ncil tin: morning. led speaker of the" House of the Sixty-- I signed twelve bills, the most import- witli the orgni ;: I'.iou Ui' I'nitcd first I'ongress, receiving 204 vote. ant of which was the Walters bill . I Champ Clark received 166 votes; providing for an Indeterminate sen- st;it. s uiiil ti ri it.ri.'il grand and I'nit-(- Cooper, of Wisconsin, 8; Ksch, of tence and parole law, and the Spies - terrl-l- . States petit juries. Tin- Wisconsin, 1; Xorris. of N'eoranka, 2 district attorney bill. r'i:' petit Jurors tire BUmmnncil to Hepburn, of Iowa, , Governor Curry today announced ' i .ft a week r.i.ni today. that he had vetoed House bill No. The I'nltrt) States sra rul jury was Washington, Miiich 13 Precisely 256, changing the county sent nf KI- - at noon today an extraordinary ses- ' rra county from Hillsboro I in ' to Cutter. i organized, an. went to work sion of the sixty-fir- st Congress, called because the provisions of the measure a i n. ir 'iii1 busr-ne- "f '.in' couit by the president for the purpose of were improper and unjust and be- I hi." Uli.tO'i enacting tariff legislation, began. As faff cause house, under direction of he thought the people of tho i cu-s- gL. always the o with convening i county he Attorney J. Leahy and As- "1 should allowed to vote on States 1. !f r? new Congress, sistant United States Attorney Clark. gieat crowds were at hanging the county seat. The House territorial grand jury, with Geo. traded to the cupitol. Interest In to promptly sustained the veto by The Washington. C., r. t. nay s n- - us foreman, began work I. March 13. Speaker Joseph Cannon ws eln proceetimgs in the .senate .c BICAl'TIFI'L LADY WARWICK. unanimous vote. li. Thomas speaker of the House today, imposition on pan of tered on new vice president. Mr Jury room on the second tloor desi.ite the the liemorrats the 15. The countess of Warwick has again surprised the Previous to the announcement ot in the ind "insurgents" a set n, Sen-- 1 London. March - who united to defeat Ivni to put in force new Sliernm and the swearing in of le- nine,- the direction of District Attor- hard heaibil British business people, as well as shocked that exclusive the governor's veto on this bill, of rules for the consideration bills. on been con utor of Wisconsin. wiio vy ney S. in his initial work of The Cannon has nobility scorns the very suspicion or being connecte.i it h Chaves of Hierra, father of the bill. Cto. Kloek. tinued i re- - lei-te- r nient of the that for more than a vear. has after a bitt a new bill, in that position in New Mec.eo. fight. trade. introduced the provisions petit iury was Lady been quietly and successfully trading on tne of which are practically the same ex The United States At the other end of t.ie capit d. For Warwick has ilisi)' ssed nfter ucing orry.ni. ' nn-t.- " Ijindoii markets for some time. Shecan afford to laugh at all the hostile cept that the people of the county however, a dlfl'ereut situation was I morning in :'ie abn-nc- net gains of this rcmurkahlc woman, who nl be allowed to vote on oues- - tomorrow GOV. CURRY pr. sentj d. The House, with Its darts from her critics, for the the of a case ready f .r trial. ENTERTAINS SOLONS maps ner lingers at all rorms ami customs in ivriiisu iniumi). "" ' " tlon of changing the county seat at a new memlxTs. Inal to -- in .1111,0110. past special to, "ho United States i'lit i"fy. the and thi took considerable nearly all won during the few montlm. houm Airican election be held for this a!..-erc- e trial, was in parts or the world have purpose, In of a case ready for time. this being doll". minis. American rallwas and securities other the first Monday June, organized, While win is now said to have sulllcient invest- 1911). (i'sm sscd after being until AT DINNER FOR GIFFORD PINCHOT Alexander McDowell, cb k. acted us contributed to her winnings, and she gilt-edge- d snug many years. tomorrow morning. The tirst case presiding With swearing ments in stocks to assure her a Income for The bill passed under suspension of officer. the In the business world, had not been announced at a late in of nu in roups by Not only is the countess shrewd and successful the rules Hy a unanimous vote. the mbers i states In ICnglaud, as well as i.. .nr thia afternoon. The cases nf completed, (House upon but she is also famed as the most beautiful woman Urown Introduced a bill carrying viO' the entered strangest of an uncompromising, Webb and Miller, charged with the work of fleeting a speaker. Asld" an orator of exceptional ability, and, all. an appropriation of $i,000 to straight laws, It Was a Notable Gathering and the Occasion Was One ( revenue and , luting the Internal front the of what would be revolutionary socialist, i , en the, course "'j, Cmarron Mause, charged iiuestion John Myers, alius Remembered-.Response- done the rubs, greatest river at K"olotn. t'ni'in county, i IVe Long to be s Were Made to Toast with the with having two wives, are probably wns shown In the outcome H'ttiH. of a destructive Jlond some the most Important cases to he tried of the biennial lottery for seats. This (line ago. they cannot be brought and Representative Robens Aroused Applause by Big LOS ANGELES COUNCIL TELEGRAPH OPERATORS this term, but always Is an interesting ceremony. Speaker .1 mimed a conference nn before the last of the week. Both The liemocri.tie caucus today cho-- c before. Eulogy ol Governor Curry. committee, consisting of Stackhouse. these cases have been tried Champ Clark, of Missouri, candid. IN Vuldez Garcia, w a like. with them. SELECTS A MAYOR STRIKING PARIS and to act ith and the public is familiar speaker. In a speech Clark urged committee from the Council on Coun- The former trial of Webb and Miller his party associates to stand together :iti Santa Fe. .V. M March 13. The i Council, gave "The 1'resideiit of the cil substitute for Council hills and resulted in a hung Jury. The first as the country is expecting much of 37, increasing dinner given Saturday night by Gov- I'nileii Stales." and Mr. 1'lnchot spoke (.rows Serious and .cn salaries nf collectors trial of thu second named case re and the immediate future ,.f siepliciM Will He In Charge linil The Situation Hid on "The. them Kximm-Ici- I assessors. Fin-cho- Conservation of Our N- Is i'mlav. suited in a conviction in the lower ernor Curry in honor of (iifford t. party is in tin Ir keep- cull Klivllon settles Things. eral Strike Hi sources." Speaker Mieraof the Democratic Tho House went Into executive ses i I supreme court reversed ational oui but the chief forester of the I'nited re-- ing. He said: sion at 1 I to the House of Beprcseritatives. ' I is In o'clock consider the ih loiree on error and it was re "My and fellow Demo- Los Angeles, 'al.
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