oocoooooooooooog •♦*»«»»♦♦♦«♦«»» X t$or sit! cants a. | 3'ou won't yet | E?Ool: a ca rrier alt tho iooat a III iaavo tho nows unless j/bu dally odition o f • re a d th e The Journal * j o u r n a l . JOURNAL a t y o u r c/6 or. 1 every evening, s S o o OOOO^OOO VOL. XVII. NO. 249. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1900. PRICE ONE CENT PARSON DEPLORES DON’T BE A BRYAN CALF. TWO BIG RALLIES. LOCOMOBILES ARE ” SUNDAYJIATHING Former Pastor ot This City Responsible Hepebilcen, of Cours?, end Plans for For One of Ibo Beat Political Tficia ilovo Been Completed by tbe REFUSEDPASSAGE " Pianos and Prices Hits ot Campaign. txecutWs Committee. Rev. G eorge Swain Sttrs Up One of the most effective and convinc­ The Neptune Township Republican The Infernal Machines May Presbyteriais Synod of ing lithographs sent out by the Repub­ Executive Committee met last nlgbt In Not be Transported on !; Hard to Beat. • ' New Jersey. lican National Committee Is tbat based on Collector Giffard’o office. 'Invitations bad Ferryboats. a political address delivered at tbe Hanna Won. extended, to many'persons not mem- It is hard to beat us in A n earnest plea for Ibo ennotlty of tho meeting In tbe beach auditorium lost bero.of tbe club to be present, and nearly It may not be generally known tbat Sabbath wao moje by Rev. George Swain summer by Rev. George 0. Maddocb of ail responded. Local and national poli­ loose bay, straw, cotton and various oils price, harderiri quality and In Atlantic City at yesterday’s session ot Trenton. Mr. Haddock told tbe following tics was talked over In a quiet way. Tbe and extracts liable to explosion are pro­ hardest bf all in assort­ tbe Presbyterian Synod of New Jersey. story: •. big Republican rallies on October 24 and hibited from being carried on ferryboats, ment. Our stock does not He said he bas noted a tendency In tbe “While being driven borne one evening Novem ber! were arranged for, At the carrying passengers, by tbe laws of the consist of a high grade m cities all over tbe state to follow tbe down by a boy, a foolish calf left its mother and flfet T. Frank Appleby will act aa chair­ United States, and Included In the prohi­ piano or so in our adver-; grade. He denounced Sunday bstblog ran after a bellowlfig steer. The boy man. Edmund Wlloon of Red Bank will, bition are horseless veblcless operated by and Snnday boardwalk parading at the tried In vain to bring the calf back to its be the orator. The parade before the riapbtha or gasoline. The articles above tisement and a collection ', expense of tbe ottendance nt churches. mother’s side, when finally exhausted he meeting will be marshalled by Milan enumerated are prohibited,, when trans of “ thumpboxes” on our This space V Tbe desecration of the Lord's Day was shook bis fist at the calf and cried: Rosa. ■ ported to wagons of any kind or when floor. We have today 16 becoming more and more of an evil to tbe carried on wagons in tanks and used for will shortly “ ‘You little fool, you little fool, you, The November meeting will be presided different makes in our Injury of tbe moral well being of the over by Collector Glflard. The marshal their own propulsion. y o u fool, you’ll be sorry when supper warerooms! They rank be occupied commonwealth. He praised tho efforts time comes.’ ” chosen for the evening parade was Coun­ The attention of the employes of the of tbe Atlantic City Reform Committee Tbe moral as given on tbe lithographs cilman John Thompson of Avon. Pennsylvania Railroad Company bss been from a $6od Weber down by the for Its work. la to remember the hard times of 1898. At both meetings the gallery at E d u ­ called to tbls matter by the lBi,ue of a to a fair piano for $175. The synodical 'treasurer, Judge W. M. Don’t be a Bryan calf and get steered cational Hall will be reserved for tbe new order during the past week. The Suit you? We can’t help announcement ’Lannlng of Trenton, reported receiving order Ib as follows: away from the.full dinner pall, or “You’ll uniformed Clubs, and the first floor of the it. of one of $18,087 and expending $17,428 during the be sorry when supper time comes.” building given up to others who will at­ Notice to gate ticket sellers and vehicle year. The lithograph pictures a farm In which tend. ; ~ ■ ticket collectors: In accordance with the the largest - The Committee on Home Missions rec­ regulation prescribed by the United States the calf Is seen following the steer, and Clubs from different parts pf the county Board of Snpervising Inspectors^of Steam R. A. TUSTING, and best . ommended that tbe presbyteries be the boy shaking his fist at the foolish wilt be Invited to be present- Vessels, under Section 4,472, Revised Stat­ asked to contribute to the fund tbls year animal. utes, tbe following articles cannot be carried TAYLOR * TUSTING' BUILDING establishments $18,802.88 which was apportioned 'by the M r. Maddoeb was formerly pastor of tbo The patronage of the people and the on tbe boats of this company: Loose hay or MATTISON AVK. * BOND ST. •yood hs follows: straw, loose cotton, loose hemp, camphene, between First Methodist Cburch in tbls city. business men has made the Journal what nitroglycerine, naphtha, Oenzine, beazoine, Presbytery of Elizabeth, $1,800; Pres­ It Is—honor to whom honor Is due. coal oil, crude or refined petroleum, or like Newark and bytery of Jersey City, $2,600; Presbytery -dangerous burning fluids, or like dangerous of Monmouth, $4,000; Presbytery of«Mor- DEMOCRATS ONLY IN NAME. articles. '. Philadelphia, rls and Orange, $1,800; Presbytery of SCHOOL DEDICATED. Therefore tbe transportation of same This is Tbe Kind of Answer Gourley Gen­ in either direction must be refused. ' , Newark, $1,850; Presbytery of New to be located in erally Gets in Response to His Tbe $12,000 School in Oafcburst For­ The above prohibition, includes tbe oils Brunswick, $1,200; Presbytery of Newton, mally'Set Apart for tbe Great Work referred to above when transported In Appeal tor Funds. tank wagons or In connection with the FOR sale: Cookman Avenue, $1,100; Presbytery of West Jersey, $4,200. of'Modern Education. Bev. Or. Henry S. Butler presented the Counselor James Parker of Perth operation of hnrselss vehicles. A splendid property on Asbury Park. The new $12,000 school house In Oak- • Oil and spirits of turpentine may be report on Foreign Missions, which says, Amboy haa written a letter to William B. carried In good metallic vessels or casks Asbury Avenue, second lu part: Gourley, chairman o f the Democratic burst was dedicated yesterday afternoon or barrels well and securely bound wltb “Our Church sent sixty-nine mission State Committee, In wblcb be declines to with appropriate ceremonies. The In­ Iron. block from ocean. A WATCH FOR IT! contribute funds to support tbe campaign terest shown la educational matters In This order takes eflect immediately, decided bargain for Mies last year. W e have now 728 in fif­ and must be enforced. teen countries, assisted bv more than twice of William J. Bryan In New Jersey. that section was demonstrated by tbe somebody. Call and In tbiB.order horseless wagons operated as many natives. Tn sustain these and Mr. Parker reminds Mr. Gourley tbat large attendance of patents and scholars. by any of the prohibited oils are apeciflc- get particulars. their work the Church raised $890,000. be has always been a Democrat, that he One side of the building was reserved for ally mentioned. This Is the first notice Expenses of administration were 5 per served bis country In the Mexican War visitors, and;tbe other occupied by pupils. of the kind published. Two months ago cent. Tbe board began its year with and In the Civil War, and tbat be “helped It was In efiect n red-letter day for the superintendent of tbe Jersey City tbe real Democratic party by voice nnd Onkbnrst. $25,000 In hand, and was thus enabled to ferry communicated wltb the United vote and a fair share of my money in ail Rev. Mr. Morris of West Long Branch put up some much needed dwellings for States government officials at Washington opened the-' exercises with prayer. A d ­ 208 Bond SL, Asbury Parh, N, J. missionaries. One-third of our churches the^years from that time (1840) up to the to ascertain whether horseless wagons present time, but I don’t see anything dresses wera made by County Buperln gave nothing to tbe cause. operated by-naphtha were prohibited from that at all resembles (except in pame) tbe tendent John Enrlgbt, State Superinten “The Synod of New Jersey gave $86,000, being transported on a ferryboat under Democratic party I have known all my dent of BdujM'ttdn Charles Baxter, Presi­ NOW IS THE TIME TO abnnt one-tenth of tbe whole amount. the United. States laws, and be. was In­ life, in the offspring Of tbe conventions at dent of tb? State Board of Education Gilts from tbe churches of New Jersey formed tbat they were. Notice was then Hate Ynut House Painted averaged 69c. a member, 17c. more than Chicago Id 1896 aud Kansas City in the James L. Hayes, and T.
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