16—MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Jan. 5,1991 ? MONDAY A Spcciolis Bridge Decisions, leading a low card from a suit contain­ NO RTH 1-5-91 ing some strength (for example, the ♦ J 5 4 LOCAL NEWS INSIDE ♦ 9 5 decisions club king). From today’s weak club ♦ J976 suit they would lead the eight-spot. BOOKKEEPING/ CLEANING MASONRY ROOFING/ ♦ A J 10 9 By James Jacoby Against opening leaders who use this ■ Board’s apology to Staum is redrafted. I N C O M E T A X SERVICE SIDING method, declarer should be able to K 4 R Mseonry - BrtcK, stone, WEST EAST The first point of interest in today’s make the right decision whatever the Joseph P. Demeo, Jr. NEED YOUR CELLARS, concrete, peflds end chimney tep^. ♦ 9 8 ♦ 10 7 6 3 2 deal is the difference between declar­ game. When the high club is led, go up Fifteen yaers S9(pe(lenc& Fuly itiRured. YK764 ♦ Q 10 8 3 ■ Town struggles with welfare burdens. Certified Public Accountant LIONEL COTE er’s thinking at rubber bridge and at with dummy’s ace and safely make ATTICS & GARAGES License *523648 ♦ K2 ♦ 4 3 Professional tax and accounting CLEANED? ROOFING & SIDING ♦87642 ♦ K 5 tournament competition. At rubber the contract. When the lead is a low FotMotmMm on mybuthoto col bridge, with a club lead, you are abso­ card, promising something in the suit, What’S SiMwBtisfntis fikMU, RagMsrwf •30 Years ExperierKre ■ Foreign students get a helping hand. sendees. All 1040 consultations held Also junk taken to SOUTH lutely safe for nine tricks by rising take the club finesse. hWi ConsunMfffrotoetfMi •Fully Insured in the privacy ol your hotne or otiice. the dump? CSIS69-7S71 ♦ A K Q with dummy's club ace and taking a In today’s deal. West disregarded an •License #506737 a News ________ 643-9034________ Call 644-1775 ♦ J 2 diamond finesse. At worst you will important defensive consideration. ■ Bolton Ed board, teachers OK contract. 646-9564 ♦ A Q 10 8 5 have four diamond tricks and five oth­ Since North, opposite a strong bal­ ♦ Q 3 er tricks in high cards. But if you play anced opening, did not try to search Income Tax Preparation Vulnerable; North-South low on the club lead. East may win the out a possible major-suit fit, North- ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS Jan. 7,1991 Reasonable ~ Dealer: South king and switch to hearts. If the dia­ South might have more length in their SERVICES Local/Regional Section, Page 7. SNOW PLOWING mond finesse loses, you will be set. In minor suits. If West led a low heart Experienced ~ Your Home DUMAS ELECTRIC South West North East tournament competition, playing safe against three no-trump, many declar­ Do you have a room thats always 2 ^ Pass 2 ♦ Pass Scholars to D a n M o s le r GSL Building for nine tricks may be a disaster if ers would be tempted to try the club cold? A piece of electric baseboard SNOW PLOWING 2 NT Pass 3 NT All pass West is leading from the club king and finesse, and they would be set. 649-3329 heat would solve the problem. The Maintenance Co. KEN'S LAWN SERVICE every other declarer makes more Vbur Hometown Newspi^er Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper study churches installation Is affordable and Opening lead: 4 4 James Jacoby’s books "Jacoby on Bridge" and Commerclal/Residentlal Call 649-8045 tricks than you do. So what do you do? NEW HAVEN (i\P) — Yale operating cost would depend on building repair and home "Jacoby on Card Games " (written with his tather, Another point. Currently many the late Oswald Jacoby) are now available at researchers and scholars have how often you use IL or irrprovements. Interior and players use “attitude" opening leads. bookstores. Both are published by Pharos Books. 643^747 been given a $778,000 grant to CARPENTRY/ Joseph Dumas exterior painting, light car­ pentry. Complete Janitorial Call For Free Estimates study how churches are or­ REMODELING 646-5253 service. Experienced, reli­ ganized and operate. Churches Lie. E l 02888 able, free estimates. receive half of all the money and CUSTOM QUALITY Astrograph time that Americans donate, but One atop improvements. 643 -03 04 TREE SERVICE/ CBT seized by regulators Yale scholars says little attention Framing to Painting. FIREWOOD has been paid to how they’re or­ Licensed & Insured. PRUNING ceeding today, provided both parties If you lack this skill, you could turn a po­ make an equal contrlbuton. If the ar­ ganized. Call Dave Adamick tential customer Into a critic. RREWOOO % u r rangement lacks parity, it’s a whole new LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) There could “Churches are a very impor­ for a free quote. PAINTING/ HAWKES TREE SERVICE Cut, S p lit ball game. be two extremes in the way you deal tant part of the non-profit sector 645-6523 PAPERING Bucket truck & chipper. ^Birthday ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your day with friends today. With some, you’ll Seasoned, Delivered. Stump removal. Free Local depositors panic and have been largely over­ will be more delightful if you are able to show remarkable tolerance and pa­ $110/cord estimates. Special spend time with considerate and gentle tience. while, with others, you’ll allow no looked. Not the churches them­ 643-9145 N A M E Y O U R consideration for elderly and Jan. 6,1991 companions. You’ll find erratic or abra­ margin for error. selves, but the way they KITCHEN & BATH handicapped sive types extremely unnerving. Call Anytime OWN PRICE ~ SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Your per­ operate,” said Bradford H. Gray, 647-7553 You could be extremely lortunate in the TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Even If you ceptions and hunches are likely to be REMODELING year ahead when working on ventures get involved in competitive develop­ amid fears of govH lies director of Yale’s Program on Father and son painting, reasonably accurate today, but there is From the smallest repairto the Non-Profit Organizations. you think of as labors of love. Making ments today, don’t make winning overly a chance you might modify them to a largest renovation, w e will do a papering, removal. money could be easy if you get on the important. If you try too hard. It could point where their worth is tar too complete job. HEATING/ By VINCENT MICHAEL VALVO New England announced Friday that cash. 528 -50 15 right track. stimulate personality traits you’d rather m inim ized. Visit our beautiful showroom or PLUMBING it had suffered more than $450 mil­ Although FDIC chairman L. Wil­ Beggar shot WATERPROOFING not reveal. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dm . 21) In Manchester Herald call for your free estimate. lion in losses for the fourth quarter CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Lady GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Your Imagi­ evaluating others today, judge them on liam Seidman insisted that the Installation and R^acement in subway dies Heritage Kitchen & Wall Papering and Painting Luck tends to favor you today in situa­ nation is likely to be extremely impres­ their qualities of character and not on MANCHESTER — Depositors of 1990. The loss wiped out its net government will stand behind all ofOjl,Gas&Bectr1c W ET BASEM ENTS? tions that pertain to your financial well­ sive today, but your marketing skills NEW YORK (AP) — A sub­ 30 years Experience their material worth. Those who appear lined up outside area branch offices worth and left the nation’s 33rd Bath Center •Wafer Heaters Hatchways, foundation cracks, being. She might even help you do might not be comparable, especially if to be lacking In character could be the largest bank insolvent and out of way panhandler who was shot in Insurance, References and you try to turn ideas Into profit. Give of the Connecticut Bank & Trust Please see CBT, page 5. 254 Broad Street •Wami Air Furnaces sump pumps, tile lines, gravity something profitable in spite of your­ ones who possess the most. the head by another passenger self. Capricorn, treat yourself to a birth­ them more thought. Co. this morning, most determined •Bolers Free Estimates died early today, making him the Manchester feeds, and dry wens. Also damp­ day gift. Send for your Astro-Graph pre­ CANCER (June 21-July 22) There is a to withdraw all their money in the Wilson Oil Company MARTY MATTSSON year’s fost subway homicide 649-5400 ness profling of concrete walls dictions for the year ahead by mailing delicate balance that must be main­ For your personal horoscopa, wake of the federal government’s 6458393 _________64 9 -4 4 3 1 _________ and floors. Chimney dean outs, $1.25 to Astro-Graph, c/o this newspa­ tained today in your dealings with loved victim, the transit police said. lovescope, lucky numbers takeover of Connecticut’s largest stone walls, and conaete repairs. per, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH ones. If it is not obtained, friction will Pedro Velez, 58, whose last Rick's Handyman and 44101-3428. Be sure to state your zodi­ encroach upon harmony. and future forecast, call bank. Bank OF NO JOB TOO SMALL WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. Over 40 years experienced. Sen­ ac sign. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Y o u ’re not apt to known address was an upstate Carpentry Instant Senrice/Free Estimates Quality work at a The Federal Deposit Insurance ior dtizen dscounts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) N o one have too m uch trouble in getting anoth­ Astro*Tone (95# each minute; shelter, died at 12:15 a.m.
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