OGES OISIEE SAISIKK A 8 UEISIGSSAISIKK GYMASEKSAME 0 EUCAIOA SAISICS Mtrltn Exntn 0 SAISISK SEAYÅ CEA UEAU O SAISICS O OWAY OSO IS 8202604 OO ee uikasoeieoesaisikk oe esuaee a eame aium og eksame e Okoomisk gymas i 0. seie oges oisiee saisikk, OS, Ueisigssaisikk, gi Saisisk Sea yå ees u isse uikasoee: oke og amasskoe, okeOgskoa, easkoa og gym as, ag og ykesskoe, Uiesiee og Ogskoe, akseoig og okeoysig og A sue uaig. Kosue Ke ogsa a ee aeie me saisikke. Saisisk Seayå,Oso, 6. ai ee ako ee Ea ikea EACE This publication contains statistics on the results of matriculation examinations held by secondary general schools in 1970. The series Educational Statistics comprises in addition to this publication also the publications on Primary and Continuation Schools, Folk High Schools, and Secondary Schools, Vocational Schools, Universities, Adult Education and Popular Education and Finished Education. The publication has been prepared under the supervision of Mr. Kjell Hogstad. Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo, 16 April 1973 Petter Jakob Bjerve Eva Birkeland • INNHOLD Side Prinsipper og definisjoner 7 Prinsipper og definisjoner på engelsk 9 Tabellregister 12 Vedlegg 1. Tidligere utkommet 59 2. Publikasjoner sendt ut fra Statistisk Sentralbyrå siden 1. januar 1972 61 3. Utvalgte publikasjoner i serien Statistisk Sentralbyrås Håndbøker (SSH) 65 Standardtegn . Tall kan ikke forekomme - Null COES Page Principles and definitions 9 Index of tables 13 Appendices 1. Previously issued 59 2. Publications issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics since 1 January 1972 61 3. Selected publications in the series Statistisk Sentralbyrås HåndbOker (SSH) 65 Eaaio o Symbols . Category not applicable - Nil 7 ISIE OG EIISOE Saisikke oe gymaseksame omae ae omee i eame aium og eksame e Økoomisk gymas i 0. åe omee i u eksame, i eeksame, i ieggsOe og i usae ee ye Oe e å ee øseksame e såees a me i saisikke. Saisikke uaeies ee o ye ogae omeige i eksame og meige om uae a eksame. Omeigsskemae i es y u a e omee og es a skoe. Skemae gi oysige om skoe, ie, kasse, a, Osesag, måe og å, oes a, eesaus, oaksguag og måom. essue e e å omeigsskemae e am oys ige om osOge, oseskommue, osOges yke og oees uaig. Kaakeiee igee om uae a å og oseksame i y u a skoee. egge se a ogae i a skoee se i Gymasåe o eaig og koo. eee i maeiae uå i Saisisk Seayå o saisisk eaeiig. I uikasoe gis e oysige om ie oegue a omee: . Ae omee 2. Eksamiae oe i u eksame . Eksamiae oe i eeksame 4. Eksamiae som eso eksame me oekaake o ae gue a omee e e gi oysige am kø, eesaus, ie og skoe yke. Ae omee og eksamiae som eso eksame me oekaake e essue gue ee emsesyke. Oysige om ae og eksamesuae e gi o eksamiae oe i u eksame og o eksamiae oe i eeksame. o eksamiae som eso me oekaake e e essue gi oysige om osOges yke og oees uaig. å gu a egiseigs meoe e e ikke muig a skie e eksamiae som eso eame aium ee eksame e Okoomiak gymas ue oekaake (asagsis ca. 400 u a eksamiae som ikke uOe eksame. eeeee e e ekee eso i ae aee. E ome ee e eksamia e såees ae e me e gag i samme ae, se om ekommee a aag Oe åe e å og Oseksame. E uak e ogaee i ae , o esoee e e me e gag o e aag oe. Eksamiaee e i saisikke O o me e eesaus og e ye Oe som ga e omeige. a og me 6 e e åe agag o iaise i å å uskee iemå o e så eame aium ee eksame e Økoomisk gymas å guag a eeksamee å Oee e a ekeis. Kae i uae a e samee Oe a e eeksamee e e samme som ees. e eOeoige ka eksamiaee "ygge o" si gymaseksame e a mee seg i eksame i e ag e Oske, uase ekkeøge og aa. Me esom e i e og samme ag oes ee Oe å samme kassei, må isse as same. Såees må .eks. Oee i osk oesi, osk ieggssi og osk muig as ue e å eksamiaee a sike å ie mi å guag a eeksamee. Eksamiae ka gå o i e ag så mage gage e ske, og is eksame esås ee gage, å e eoe e ese kaakee i e ag. Oige iee også a eksamiae som syke e oi Oe sie å gå o i eksame å y i ae agagsag. e som syke ka å å iemå e å aegge eOe e ese åeksame i e ag e ikke eso. Eksamiae som a eså gymaseksame ka ikke å oeO kaak - ee a seee aage eeksamee i iemåe. e e osa aeig i å a Oe i ekea, aså ae 6 (eeue o a e Oe som oes i e ag. Kaakeee a sike oe ka imiei ikke igå i eksames iemåe. 8 øgee eiisoe e uk: Eesaus E ieig a e omee i eee og iaise. Omee i u eksame a skoe me eksamese e ege som eee, ese a e omee e gue som iaise. Eksamiae Omee som møe i eksame. Oes a e soes meom: . u eksame, e i si aysuee eksame.(e skies meom u eksame me og ue oekaake 2. eeksame og øe i ekeag . Same Oe o . og 2. kasse, ee oåsOe 4. ieggsOe (ieOsOe o esoe me iigee eså gymaseksame, me Oe ee eksame a åig ekisk skoe . Usa Oe (øe o eksamiae som ue iigee eksame ae goke oa 6. y Oe (Oe o eksamiae som e iigee eksame ikk kaakee som måe oees o A kue å iemå om eså eksame Uae a eksame (esuae e sue a åe e soes meom: . eså (me oekaake 2. Usa Oe (e i usa Oe åe ee . y Oe, e i si koiuee (e i y Oe åe ee 4. SOke . iakeme m.. (ukke seg, ikke mø, eså ue oekaake e yke som skoe igge i. Som eksamiaes skoe e ege e skoe o ekom mee e ee. iaise ue skoegag e saisikkø e e skoe ekommee a me seg i eksame. oees uaig Mos og as øyese uaig sesiise i samsa me Ukas i Saa o uaigs - gueig i oeig osk saisikk. oeosøges yke Yke sesiise ee esieiåe i Saa o ykesgueig i oeig osk sai sikk. 9 ICIES A EIIIOS The statistics on matriculation examinations relate to all persons who in 1970 entered for examinations at secondary general schools, upper stage. Included are all entrants for full examination, as well as entrants for part examination, supplementary, postponed or new examinations. The statistics are based on the registers for examination and on the reports of the examination results. The registers for examination are filled in partly by the entrants and partly by the schools. The register gives information about school, branch, grade, name, birthday, -month and - year, type of examination, status of pupils, basis for entrance and official language. In addition to these details the register for examination demands information as to supporter, municipality of residence, occupation of supporter and education of parents. The reports of the examination results are submitted by the schools. As well the registers for examination as the reports of the examination are sent by the schools to the State Council on Secondary Education for consideration and control. After that the material is lent to the Central Bureau of Statistics for statistical processing. The tables contain information about the following groups of entrants: 1. All entrants 2. Examinees present for full examination 3. Examinees present for part examination 4. Examinees who passed full examination with a total average of marks For all groups of entrants information is given about sex, status of pupil, branch and school county. In addition all entrants and examinees who passed full examination with a total average of marks are grouped by county of domicile. Information about age and result of examination is given for examinees who passed full examination and for examinees who passed part examination. Further, for examinees who passed full examination, information is given about occupation of supporter and education of parents. The available data do not allow for differentiation between examinees who passed full examination without a total average of marks and examinees who did not pass the examination. In all tables the counting unit is the single person. One examinee is only included once in the same table, even if he has entered both for spring and autumn examination. The statistics in table 15 represent an exception where the persons are counted once for each examination. In the statistics the examinees are entered according to status of pupil and type of examination valid at the time of registration. Beginning 1969 private pupils can obtain a testimony for having passed their matriculation examinations based on part examinations, when the examinations have been passed one by one. The demands for the results of the total examinations passed by means of part examinations are the same as otherwise. As for the part examination arrangement the examinees can "build u" their matriculation examination by entering for examination in the subjects they choose, irrespective of order and number. But in case there will be several examinations on the same level for one subject, these examinations must be passed jointly. Thus, for instance, the written and oral examinations in Norwegian language must be passed jointly when the examinees aim at a testimony based on part examinations. Examinees can enter for examination in one subject as many times as they want and in case the examination has been passed several times they can keep the best mark obtained for each subject.
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