Vol.3 No.4 THE NEWSLETTER September - October 2005 LAKE MISSION VIEJO YACHT CLIJB Member SCYA Member AOCYC Flae Officers Sailine Schedule Acting Commodore V/C Vivienne Savage Midwinter Regatta February 19120 Vice Comrnodore Vivienne Savage 830-6695 Opening Day Regatta March 20 Rear Commodore Tony Musolino 457-0899 LMYVC Invitational April 2 Jr. Staff Commodore Rick Quick 598-0469 Sunset sailing begins April 6 Officers Spring Regatta I April 17 Race Chair: Jack McCollurn 305-2374 Spring Regatta 1l Nlay 22 Fleet Surgeons; Chuck & Annmarie Seymour {-AKE SAFETY DAY 586-9153 JUNE Xl Treasurer Willi Hugelshofer 582-8350 Summer Regatta June 26 Secretary S/CAudrey Simenz 462-0838 Friday Night Sunset Sail July l5 Port Captain S/C Frank Fournier 462-3282 Friday Night Sunset Sail August 5 Board Members Annual Regatta August 2l Quartermaster HorstWeiler 714-402-4439 Fall Regatta September 25 Web Site S/C Roger Robison 855-8094 LMVYC lnvitational October 8 Sunset Reg.Chair Doug Sheppard 347-9346 Sunset sailing ends October 13 Trophy Chairs: Susan Christensen 768-5653 Top Skippers Championship October 23 Newsletter Audrey Simenz 462-0838 LMVYC ANNUAL h4EETNNG Measurer Horst Weiler 714-402-4439 NOVEh4BER 9 Turkey Regatta November 2 Fleet Captains CF{RISTMAS PARADE C-I5 Horst Weiler DECEh4EER. NO Caprit{.2 Allyn Edwards NNSTAN-{-AT{(}N DNNNER Finn Willi Hugelshofer .}ANUARY X4. 2Co,6 Lido 14 Doug Sheppard Thistle Ron Meyer Yacht Club Reciprocals for 2005 The following Yacht Clubs liave extended For YC membership information call: reciprocal privileges to the members of o Rear Commodore Tony Musolino LMVYC for the year 2005. If you visit be 457-0899 or Club Secretarv Audrev sure to have your current LMVYC Simenz 462-0838 membership card with you and sign in at the For regatta information call Race Chair: r front desk. Not all clubs have food andlor Jack McCollum 305-2374 beverage service and those that do may only offer bar and/or restaurant service on MARK YOUR CALENDAR weekends. Calling ahead to find out when they're open is a good The sailin gyear is definitely winding down. idea. Check out the bulletin board in the Club Room for Only a few dates remain on the Club additions to the list which have Calendar. The Annual General Meeting for may come in after this was printed. all members is on Nov. 9, at 6:30 PM in the American Legion YC 949 - 673-5070 Clubroom. Our Turkey Regatta will be Anacapa Yacht Club 805 - 984-0211 raced on Nov.20, to be followed by a pot- Balboa Yacht Club 949 - 673-3515 luck dinner in the Clubroom. And Channel Islands Naval YC completing our Yacht Club year is the Corsair Yacht Club 908 - 803- I343 Parade of Lights and the Yacht Club Cortez Racing Assoc. 619 - 685-7717 Christmas Party with pot-luck hors Huntington Harbor YC 562 - 592-2186 d'oeuvres and dessefts on December 10. To Lido Isle Yacht Club 949 - 673-5119 find out how yon can help or what to bring Hollywood Yacht Club 310 - 326- 4553 for the Turkey Regatta and the Christmas Pierpoint Yacht CIub 805 - 644- 6612 Sea Gate Yacht 7 Pat!.u call our super Fleet Surgeons, Club 14 - 840-8049 Annmarie and Chuck Seymour, at 586-9153. South Shore YC 949 - 646-3102 AND Remember to save Jan.14,2006 for SunsetAquatic YC \y1^ar.$al,c.o1g our Annual Installation and Awards Dinner. Westlake Yacht Club B 18 - BB9-4820 Frnm the Editor: Our Club has had some exciting sailing in %t eora.(:(.., the last two rnonths. Our Fall Regatta fol tightened tlre race for the Fleet Club The Cllub had several thaul< 1,'oLr letters fron-r championships and got us all in the rnood sailors rvho raced in oLrr Fall lnvitational. 1'or the Fall Invitational Regatta on October Dar,id Bolton. tlie.junior sailing coaclr fi'om L I r,vas fortunate enouglr to be on the RC Dana Point Yacht LllLrb, emailed. "Thunks to boat tliat da1' 3r,4 enjo1'ed seeing ot6ers eycryone ttl LMWC Jbr their outstcmding battle for position at the start for a change. kinclne,ys und genero,sih; cluring the regultu. Horvever I found it decideclly chastening to We ull hucl a lcrry'ic time . " And.junior sabot rvatch at close hand. Craham Ner,vman. on mother. Lee Rakelly. also tvanted to thanl< Horst's C-15 execute one expert dorvrrwind evervone for their l<indriess and hospitalitv sal,ing "We'll be bnck in lhe Spr"ing!" -jibe afi"er another. That sail never Iost its perfect shape! UnfortLrnately Rod u'as watching too and rnade sure I noticed. All of And rnember Eric Kaltenbach u'ho moved to us on the R/C boat also got a l<ick out of the Arizona earllr tlris 1's2'' sent an email junior sailors frorn Dana Point YC. Did the1, u,anting to be reriiembered to everyone at ever knou'their stuff. and so polite too! the Club. He and Candice are rvell and errjol,ing Scottsdale. He's rvorking at a new Septernber alu,ays comes with the -job that requires a lot of travel. so Candice Oktoberfest cooked by the Weilers: Brats. keeps her bag packed too and joins him sauerlrraut, red cabbage, potato salad etc. ln u'henever she can get away from working on spite of nerv grandparenting duties with the designs for tlreir neu'home rvhich u,ill babl'Harlev. thel'pulled it off u'ith their start building as soon as pennits are granted. usual style. Former Cornmodore Fon Koot got a surprise Next Sunday rvill be the Top Skippers visit from yours truly and Rod last r,veek Regatta. Always a keen competition rvhen lve had seventeen hours in Phoenix. betrveen our best skippers and ver1, exciting We enjo1,'ed a lovell' dinner at their nerv to watch. five races will be sailed in ten hotrre and Nott),'sa)/s she feels as if she's Lalie Capri 14.2s rvith the skippers changing livin-e in Paradise! But the1, [s16 miss their boats out on the rvater after even race. I did fi'iends at LMVYC and send love to all. sal, it r.r,as exciting to r.vatch! Sunset sailing is over for tlie ),ear ... didn't rve.just starl? Thanks are due DoLrg Sheppard for setting the line and providing starts everv Wednesd?)'fi'otr April until October. Thanlis fi'orn all of us rvlio sailed lvith vou. Doug. I.{en'members Tlre ClLrb is pleaseC to rvelcorne aboard our i'l neu,cst lnenrlret's. I t? ' David and Priscila lnglis" u'itlt son Jolrn. :--' -i::a'i-" : {'ilenn Pou'ell and Rebecca Cr"een^ u,ith Junior Menrber. D1'lan Pou,elL We Ioolt fonvard to seeing 1'ou all a1 oul' Anrrual Ceneral Meeting on Nor,. 9 (it's actualh a festive occasionl) alrd tlre Turlier, Rc'gatta on Novernber' 20. WHAT A DAY! lengths of the finish line on a port tack, THE FALL INVITATIONAL and, intent on finishing, failed to notice an Adult Sabot also preparing to finish ... on a starboard tack. Corning too close Well all I can say is that that was otre of to the other Sabot she was hailed for the best Invitational Regattas I've seen interfering. With a quick "Sorry", Kate on the Lakel Congratulations are in orcier executed her penalty turns in smaft to all who helpecl make this eveut such a fashion and therr crossed the finish line. spectacular success. From evely thitrg I hear and the feedback fi'orn the sailors What a cool, classy, sailor! and clubs who took part, a very good time indeed was had by all. And C-15s ... It took lots of hard work, planniug, and cooperation by our officers and committee members to pull it off Special thanks are due to Chris Grahatn, Dave Kem, and allthe worker bees at the Lake who went to great lengths to ensure that their end of it was all in place, plus seeing that we had extra docking space for our racers and visitors. Twenty-eight boats were entered, with sailors fi'om Alarnitos Bay YC, Balboa YC, Califorrria Yacht Club, Chula Vista Yacht Club, Dana Point YC, Newport Harbor YC, Santa Clara Racing Association (fi'orn San Diego), and our own LMVYC Thistle, Capri 14.2, C-|5, We welcomed back to the Lake, and Finn fleets taking part. champion C-l -5 sailors Barret and Randy Sprout fi'orn CYC with a l" place win, There were SABOTS ... but Horst Weiler rvith Graham . '.4 Ner,vman,(see above) and Bob Auderson : .: ::::. ' with crew George Honeycutt, fiom ABYC, gave them stiff cornpetition for their win. AND THISTLES --- OH MY! The Adult Sabot class had sailors fi'orn BYC, rvith one ringer fi'om our Club, Bud Corning, tying for l" place rvith Pinky Greene fi'orn BYC, atrd revealiug he liadn't sailecl a Sabot in forty years. What a corneback! Dana Point Jutrior Sailing Chair, David Bolton brought their Club's six boat can'ier Sabot trailer The Thistles ... arrd oh those beautiful and corrvoyed north with five sailors and spintrakers! We have to thank our avid sor.ne paretrts. Thistle sailor Don Scliaffirer for really One eager junior sailor Kate RaKelly beating the drurns to get the great turnout fi'orn Chula Vista YC had her boat of eight Thistles. What a sight that rvas, docl<ed here at I AM, ready to go! A to see tliem running clorvnrvrnd in l2 to ver;'.ir-urior sailor - ladies clon't adrnit l4 l<not breezes rvith their colorful their age- but rvas she rule arvat'el IIr otte 'chutes billorving out in fi'ont! We close finislr slie r,vas within three boat generously let some of the visitors take Silently, srnoothly, flying dorvnwind, horne l'' and 2"o place in that class.
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