Bringing nature back through LIFE The EU LIFE programme’s impact on nature and society Study EnvironmentSocial Europe & Climate Action EUROPEAN COMMISSION ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE-GENERAL The contents of the publication “Bringing nature back through LIFE - The EU LIFE programme’s impact on nature and society” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union. Edited by Ben Delbaere Main authors: Lynne Barratt, An Bollen, Ben Delbaere, John Houston, Jan Sliva and Darline Velghe Contributions by: María José Aramburu, Andrej Bača, Oskars Beikulis, Lars Borrass, Anne Calabrese, Stefania Dall’Olio, Jean-Paul Herremans, Sonja Jaari, Bent Jepsen, Mitja Kaligarič, Anastasia Koutsolioutsou, Andras Kovacs, Maud Latruberce, Ioana Gabriela Lucaciu, João Salgado, Camilla Strandberg Panelius, Audrey Thenard, Stanislaw Tworek, Ivaylo Zafirov. Cover photo: Lake Cerknica - LIFE16 NAT/SI/000708 - © Jošt Stergaršek This document has been prepared for EASME by the NEEMO LIFE Team under Framework Contract EASME/LIFE/2018/001 Contract management and editor in EASME, B.3 Unit, LIFE: Sylvia Barova Suggested citation: EASME (2020) Bringing nature back through LIFE. Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Brussels. LEGAL NOTICE This document has been prepared for EASME, but it reflects the views of the authors only. The Agency cannot be held responsible for any use for any use of the information contained therein. GETTING IN TOUCH WITH THE EU In person There are hundreds of Europe Direct information centres throughout the European Union. You can find the address of the centre nearest you at: http://europa.eu/contact On the phone or by email Europe Direct is a service to help you answer your questions about the European Union. Please contact Europe Direct via any of the following: • Freephone: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (certain operators may charge for these calls) • Standard number: +32 22999696 or • Electronic mail: http://europa.eu/contact FINDING INFORMATION ABOUT THE EU Online Information about the European Union in all the official languages of the EU is available on the Europa website at: http://europa.eu EU publications You can download or order free and priced EU publications from EU Bookshop at: http://bookshop.europa.eu. Multiple copies of free publications may be obtained by contacting Europe Direct or your local information centre (see http://europa.eu/contact). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020 © European Union, 2020 | Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). For any use or reproduction of photos or other material not under the EU copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders. BRINGING NATURE BACK THROUGH LIFE – THE EU LIFE PROGRAMME’S IMPACT ON NATURE AND SOCIETY 1 Bringing nature back through LIFE The EU LIFE programme’s impact on nature and society Study October 2020 2 BRINGING NATURE BACK THROUGH LIFE - THE EU LIFE PROGRAMME’S IMPACT ON NATURE AND SOCIETY List of acronyms and abbreviations 4 1. Executive summary 5 1.1 ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF THE LIFE PROGRAMME .......................................................................6 1.2 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE LIFE PROGRAMME ..............................................................................6 1.3 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................................8 2. General introduction 9 CONTENTS 2.1 ABOUT THIS REPORT .............................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2.2.1 Assessing Member State reports 10 2.2.2 Collecting examples of local impact 12 2.2.3 LIFE in numbers 13 2.3 THE STATE OF NATURE IN THE EU ...................................................................................................... 14 2.4 EU NATURE LEGISLATION, NATURA 2000 AND THE WIDER CONTEXT .................................... 16 2.5 THE EU LIFE PROGRAMME .................................................................................................................... 17 2.5.1 How much has LIFE invested in nature? 17 2.5.2 Who benefits from LIFE? 19 2.5.3 What’s next? LIFE in 2021-2027 20 3. LIFE improves – contribution to preserving Europe’s protected species and habitats 21 3.1. LIFE MAKES A DIFFERENCE FOR BIRDS........................................................................................... 22 3.1.1 The EU Birds Directive 22 3.1.2 Summary on birds 22 3.1.3 Status and trends 23 3.1.4 LIFE programme response 24 3.2 LIFE MAKES A DIFFERENCE FOR OTHER SPECIES ......................................................................... 37 3.2.1 Species protection in the EU Habitats Directive 37 3.2.2 Fish 40 3.2.3 Reptiles and amphibians 46 3.2.4 Invertebrates 50 3.2.5 Mammals 56 3.2.6 Plants 63 3.3 LIFE MAKES A DIFFERENCE FOR HABITATS ..................................................................................... 68 3.3.1 Freshwater habitats 70 3.3.2 Marine habitats 75 BRINGING NATURE BACK THROUGH LIFE – THE EU LIFE PROGRAMME’S IMPACT ON NATURE AND SOCIETY 3 CONTENTS 3.3.3 Coastal habitats 79 3.3.4 Rocky habitats 85 3.3.5 Grassland habitats 87 3.3.6 Peatlands 91 3.3.7 Forest habitats 95 3.3.8 Heath and scrub 102 4. LIFE protects – contribution to Natura 2000 106 4.1 LIFE AND DESIGNATION OF NATURA 2000 SITES .......................................................................109 4.1.1 Natura 2000 expansion 109 4.1.2 LIFE and nationally protected areas 110 4.1.3 LIFE and legal protection through land purchase 111 4.2 LIFE MANAGES NATURE .......................................................................................................................113 5. LIFE and sustainable development 115 5.1 RESTORING ECOSYSTEMS AND THEIR SERVICES THROUGH GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AND NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS ........................................................................116 5.2 LIFE SUPPORTS SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES ........................120 5.2.1 Agriculture 121 5.2.2 Forestry 122 5.2.3 Fisheries 122 5.3 LIFE COMBATS INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES ......................................................................................123 6. LIFE enables and empowers 127 6.1 LIFE AND GOVERNANCE AND CAPACITY BUILDING ....................................................................128 6.1.1 The importance of governance and capacity building 128 6.1.2 LIFE’s contribution to better governance and improved conservation 130 6.2 LIFE AND WILDLIFE CRIME .................................................................................................................132 6.3 LIFE AND NETWORKING AND SHARING EXPERIENCE .................................................................135 6.4 LIFE AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT .........................................................................................137 6.4.1 Volunteering 137 6.4.2 Monitoring and citizen science 138 6.5 LIFE AND PUBLIC AWARENESS-RAISING .......................................................................................139 6.6 LIFE AND FUNDRAISING ......................................................................................................................142 Selected bibliography 147 4 BRINGING NATURE BACK THROUGH LIFE - THE EU LIFE PROGRAMME’S IMPACT ON NATURE AND SOCIETY LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BIO LIFE Biodiversity project IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature CAP EU common agricultural policy MAES Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and CBD Convention on Biological Diversity their Services CCA LIFE climate change adaptation project MFF EU multi-annual financial framework CCM LIFE climate change mitigation project MPA marine protected area DG ENV EC Directorate-General for the Environment MS EU Member State EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive Development NAT LIFE Nature project EASME Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized NGO non-governmental organisation Enterprises NNR national nature reserve EC European Commission PAF prioritised action framework EEA European Environment Agency PRE LIFE Preparatory project Eionet European Environment Information and RDP Rural Development Programme Observation Network RIMP Regional IAS Management Plan ENV LIFE Environment project RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK) ERDF European Regional Development Fund SAC Special Area of Conservation (under the EU ESF European Social Fund Habitats Directive) EU European Union SAP Species Action Plan ESC European Solidarity Corps SCI Site of Community Importance (under the EU EWRR early warning and rapid response (IAS) Habitats Directive) FRV favourable reference value SDG Sustainable Development Goal FV favourable conservation status SFM sustainable forest management GIE LIFE governance and information project SNaP LIFE Strategic Nature Project HNV High Nature Value SPA Special Protection Area (under the EU Birds IAS invasive alien species Directive) IBA Important Bird Area UK United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern IMPEL EU Network for the Implementation and Ireland) Enforcement of Environmental Law U1 unfavourable-inadequate conservation status INF LIFE Information and Communication
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