Atlantic Union Gleaner .Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.. VOL. XXXVI SOUTH LANCASTER, MASS., SEPTEMBER 1, 1937 No. 34 Colombia Waiting hundred members. He also writes Priests Inviting Us L. H. Christian that a colporteur has just returned N. P. Neilsen ONE of the most promising mis- from La Goajira—the most north- sion fields in all the earth is Colom- ern part of South America—and NOT long ago it was my privilege bia in South America. In a letter reports a group there keeping the to attend a workers' meeting at our just received Elder L. V. Finster, Sabbath, and that they are sending ruliaca Training School. There superintendent of the Colombia- in their tithe and offerings. Broth- were more than eighty of our In- Venezuela Union Mission, writes as er Gonsales, our field man for that dian workers present, also most of mission, has just returned from follows : the white workers in that mission. the upper Choco province and "The Lord is opening up things It is interesting to notice how the found many there interested in the work is progressing and how souls here faster than we can fill the truth. He was the first colporteur calls. When Elder Baxter arrived are being won for the truth through to enter that part of the country. the efforts put forth. Many inter- in Bogota the first Sabbath there Brother Kinzer writes : "But what were some five or six delegations esting experiences were related dur- can I do to meet these calls ?" He ing these days of study and prayer. there to beg him to come to their is now holding an effort in a suburb place to instruct them so they could We will give but one here. Broth- of Barranquilla. In his last letter er Pedro Neira, an earnest Indian be baptized. He writes that in one he said that they had one hundred place, through the efforts of a lay worker who has charge of our Ur- three last Sabbath at their Sabbath cos mission station, said : member, there are one hundred school. twenty-four waiting baptism as soon "The church of Malaga got some "On one occasion the priest invit- as they can be instructed. There people interested in Capitaneojo— ed me to dine with him, and he are scores of small groups back in some twenty-five miles distance— offered me some chicha (an in- the Llamas where they are keeping and they soon grew to be a larger toxicating drink),which I refused. the Sabbath. When I visited him church than the mother church. He said to me, 'There is much the other day in Ibague we found After a while they got some people truth in your books.' Later on a a large number there who are wait- interested in La Bricha—some two certain colporteur from another ing baptism. In a town near by we days' journey distance; they soon denomination was invited to his also met with another group of over grew larger than their mother home and he also offered him some forty who are keeping the Sabbath. church. I just received a letter chicha. This colporteur accepted A large number there are waiting from there saying that three of the drink. The priest then reproved baptism. Up in the mountains near their men had just returned from a him and said, 'How is it that the by there are many families who are four-day trip over the plateau Adventists do not drink and you interested. We are arranging for where they have another interest do?' Our colporteurs have been Brother Carlos Plata to settle at and are calling for help." blessed in their work and especially Ibague. He will be kept busy for in visiting the priests. They have a long time preparing those who are Elder Finster pleads for a small training school, which is so greatly also dined with them. These priests now interested for baptism. needed, and for more missionaries. have urged our colporteurs to "Brother Kinzer just made a trip He urges strongly that Colombia, preach Christ." hack in the interior of Bolivar to the third largest country in South Perhaps some of these priests baptize some that were ready for America, should wait no longer. may accept the truth. It was so the rite. Delegation after delega- Brother Finster also expresses his in the days of the apostles. for tion came to him for some one to go gratitude to all in America for their we read that "a great company of to their place and hold meetings. faithful Harvest Ingathering work the priests were obedient to the He says that if they could have a in behalf of foreign missions. Sure- faith." (Acts 6 :7) May God worker to send back there that in ly the fruitage of this work is grant that it may be even so in our a short time they could have five abundant. work ! might supply one or more of these NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND Elder Gram says : "The Utica C. M. BUNKER, President suggested sets, and thus help us District will do its full duty." J. E. EDWARDS, Sec.-Treas. to meet a real need along these Telephone 540 Elder Anderson says : "You can 55 So. Main St. Rochester, N. H. lines : count on Jamestown." White, E. G., Conflict of the Pastor Scott says : "The Adiron- St. Johnsbury, Vt. Ages Series, 5 v., Pacific Press dack District will go over early." THERE will be an all-day meeting Publishing Association. $8./ii. Pastor Jenkins says : "We hope at St. Johnsbury, Vt., on Sabbath, (Three or four sets) to join the roll call of victory September 4. Hart, A. B. (ed.), American Na- churches soon." And my brother Sabbath school convenes at 10 tion Series, 28 v., Harper Bros., and sister, what do you say about A. M., daylight time. $63. your personal goal ? Why tarry ? Elders Bunker and Strickland Chronicles of America Series, so Raise it immediately ! will be present. v., Yale Univ. Pressed. 1915-21, "Over by October" All within driving distance are $75. THEODORE CARCICH, H. M. Sec. cordially invited to attend. Come, .ncyclopedia Britannica, 15th 0 bring your lunches, and spend the ed., 24 v., 1936 ( ?) $125. ( ?) Elmira and Binghamton District day. Any one feeling impressed to help The meeting will be held in the along these lines, please communi- WE have now arrived at our new field of labor, and are busy visiting Odd Fellow's Hall on Railroad cate with us at once. Street. W. H. HOWARD. the churches, calling on the mem- H. R. RoLFE. bers, and assisting in the Harvest 0 Ingathering. We have received a Utica District Outing hearty welcome in every church, NEW YORK CONFERENCE W. H. HOWARD, President MEMBERS of the Utica District and feel that we are going to enjoy J. B. FRANK, Sec.-Treas. our labors in our new district. Telephone 35 and many others interested are cor- Union springs New York dially invited to attend the annual There is noticeable an enthusiasm outing at To A. M., daylight saving for and loyalty to this work, mani- Union Springs Academy time, Sunday, September 5. fested by both officers and members alike, which will make the burdens THERE is an air of busy activity Come early, bring your lunch, lighter. around Union Springs Academy and be prepared to enjoy the recre- The Harvest Ingathering is in these days as preparations for the ation that the committee is plan- full swing; the solicitors and sing- opening, September 6, are being ning. ing bands are doing their part, and rushed to completion. Rather ex- To reach the grounds, follow W. soon this district will give a good tensive improvements have been Thomas Street out of Rome for account of itself. As there is great- made in the plant in anticipation of five miles to Bloods grove. Signs er joy in an early start and a short a banner enrollment, which seems will mark the way. campaign, we pray that every mem- assured. H. P. GRAM, Dist. Supt. ber will rally and make this possible This institution was founded. we by doing his part so we may com- believe, under the guidance of God 0 plete our goal by October 1. to meet the educational needs of Ingathering Flashes We request your prayers as we the youth in our territory, and the LINCKLAEN CENTER has reached take up our new duties and re- school merits the whole-hearted the full $io goal. That makes four sponsibilities. support of every believer in the victory churches in three weeks. ALEXANDER HOUGHTON. New York Conference. What about your church? Why We have a strong, well-balanced wait till later in the year? Raise ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER faculty; an improved physical your goal now ! Published weekly except one week in July and one week in December by plant; a stronger operating policy; Keene is the first, minute man the promise of the best enrollment church in the conference. Their ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE in years ; and now we must support per capita stands at $11.74, and they OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS this institution in every possible do not know the meaning of the AT way. word "stop." South Lancaster, Massachusetts, U. S. A. Our needs are still many, not the The Albany, Jamestown, Adiron- Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year least of which is the building up of dack, and Utica Districts are de- `FiNA M. LINSCOTT EDITOR our library, and inasmuch as our termined to finish the campaign in -Entered at South Lancaster, Mass., as second-class matter.
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