Index Abbreviations of chemical warfare agents, Blood ChE inhibition, nerve agent critical 152 toxic effect on, 23 Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition, Blood ChE inhibition, nerve agent species nerve agents and, 18 variation of, 21 Acetylthiocholine iodide, RBC-ChE activ­ Blood cholinesterases, nerve agent effects ity and, 22 on, 20 AChE (acetylcholinesterase) inhibition, Butyrylcholinesterase (plasma-ChE), nerve agents and, 18 nerve agent effects on, 20 Acronyms for chemical warfare agents, 152 Acute inhalation toxicity, CK and, 114 Carboxylesterases (aliesterases), nerve Acute toxicity, CK (cyanogen chloride) agent effects on, 21 and, 113 Carcinogenicity, CK and, 122 Acute toxicity, GA and, 68 Carcinogenicity, GA and, 73 Acute toxicity, GB and, 78 Carcinogenicity, GB and, 90 Acute toxicity, GD and, 94 Carcinogenicity, HD and, 38 Acute toxicity, HD and, 30 Carcinogenicity, HN2 and, 53 Acute toxicity, HN2 and, 51 Carcinogenicity, HT and, 49 Acute toxicity, HT and, 49 Carcinogenicity, lewisite and, 107 Acute toxicity, lewisite and, 103 Carcinogenicity, VX and, 61 Acute toxicity, T sulfur mustard and, 50 ChE (cholinesterase), nerve agent effects Acute toxicity, VX and, 54 on, 20 Agent CK, see CK or cyanogen chloride ChE inhibition, nerve agent potency on, Agent GA, see GA or Tabun 23 Agent GB, see GB or Sarin Chemical warfare agent disposal tech­ Agent GD, see GD or Soman niques,3 Agent HD, see HD or Sulfur mustard HD Chemical warfare agent non-stockpile Agent HN2, see HN2 or Nitrogen mus- sites U.S., 4 tard Chemical warfare agents, 1 ff. Agent HT, see HT or Sulfur mustard HT Chemical warfare agents, acronyms/abbre­ Agent L, see L or Lewsite viations of, 152 Agent T, see T Sulfur mustard Chemical warfare agents, air exposure lim­ Agent VX, see VX its of, 7 Aliesterases (carboxylesterases), nerve Chemical warfare agents, environmental agent effects on, 21 cleanup of, 3 Anticholinesterase agents, 18 Chemical warfare agents, environmental Army chemical destruction, 3 ff. fate/effects resulting from, 127 Army chemical non-stockpile sites U.S., 4 Chemical warfare agents, estimated refer­ ence doses of, 8, 146, 150 Chemical warfare agents, glossary, 156 Birds, GB toxicity effect on, 142 Chemical warfare agents, identifications, Birds, VX toxicity effects on, 142 6 Blood agents, chemical warfare, de- Chemical warfare agents, physical/chemi­ scribed,9 cal properties of, 10, 12, 14, 16 185 186 Index Chemical warfare agents, RID (reference Cyanogen chloride, estimated reference doses) of, 8, 146, 150 dose of, 123, 146, 151 Chemical warfare agents, storage sites Cyanogen chloride, lacrimation, coughing U.S. of, 4 caused by, 25 Chemical warfare blood agents, de­ scribed, 9 Chemical warfare nerve agents, described, Delayed neuropathy, nerve agents and, 19 9 Delayed toxicity, HD and, 34 Chemical warfare vesicants, described, 9 Delayed toxicity, HN2 and, 52 Chemical Weapons Convention, 3 Developmental/reproductive effects, CK Cholinesterase inhibition, nerve agent po- and, 118 tency and, 23 Developmental/reproductive effects, GA Chronic toxicity, 32 and, 73 Chronic toxicity, CK and, 116 Developmental/reproductive effects, GB Chronic toxicity, HN2 and, 52 and, 88 Chronic toxicity, HT and, 49 Developmental/reproductive effects, HD Chronic toxicity, T sulfur mustard and, 50 and, 35 CK (cyanogen chloride), described, 9 Developmental/reproductive effects, HN2 CK, acute inhalation toxicity caused by, and, 52 114 Developmental/reproductive effects, lewis­ CK, acute toxicity from, 113 ite and, 105, 109 CK, carcinogenicity of, 122 Developmental/reproductive effects, VX CK, chronic toxicity caused by, 116 and, 60 CK, developmental/reproductive effects Distilled mustard (Agent HD), 11 of, 118 CK, ecotoxicology of, 145 CK, environmental fate of air caused by, Ecotoxicology, CK and, 145 144 Ecotoxicology, lewisite and, 143 CK, environmental fate of water caused Ecotoxicology, mustard agents and, by, 144 132 CK, estimated reference dose of, 123, Ecotoxicology, nerve agents and, 141 146, 151 Environmental fate, mustard agents and, CK, fish toxicity and, 145 127 CK, genotoxicity and, 122 Estimated reference dose, CK (cyanogen CK, hydrolytic pathway (diagram) of, chloride), 123, 146, 151 144 Estimated reference dose, GA (tabun), 74, CK, physical/chemical properties of, IS, 146, 150 16 Estimated reference dose, GB (sarin), 91, CK, subchronic toxicity of, 114 146, 150 CK, toxicity mechanisms/symptoms Estimated reference dose, GD (soman), caused by, 25 100, 146, 150 Cyanogen chloride, acute toxicity of, 113 Estimated reference dose, HD, 45, 146, Cyanogen chloride, described, 9 149 Cyanogen chloride, physical/chemical Estimated reference dose, HN2, 53, 146 properties of, 15, 16 Estimated reference dose, HT, 50, 146 Cyanogen chloride, toxicity mechanisms/ Estimated reference dose, lewisite, 108, symptoms caused by, 25 146, 151 Cyanogen chloride, environmental fate Estimated reference dose, VX, 62, 146, and, 144 149 Index 187 Estimated reference doses, chemical war­ GB (sarin), physicaUchemical properties fare agents, 146 of, 13, 14 Exposure limits (air), chemical warfare GB (sarin), rat tracheitis incidence caused agents, 7 by, 86 GB (sarin), subchronic toxicity of, 80 GB (sarin) type I, RBC-ChE subchronic Fetal effects, RD and, 36 activity of, 83 Fish, CK toxicity in, 145 GB (sarin) type II, plasma ChE sub­ Fish, GA toxicity in, 141 chronic activity of, 84 Fish, GB toxicity in, 141 GB (sarin) type II, RBC-ChE subchronic Fish, mustard agents toxicity in, 132 activity of, 82 Fish, nerve agent toxicity in, 141 GB, bird toxicity caused by, 142 Fish, VX toxicity in, 141 GB, fish toxicity caused by, 141 Fluorophosphonate chemical warfare GB, hydrolysis of, 136 agents, 137 GB, hydrolytic pathway (diagram) of, 137 GB, hydrolytic products of, 137 GA (tabun), acute toxicity of, 68 GD (soman), acute toxicity of, 94 GA (tabun), carcinogenicity of, 73 GD (soman), estimated reference dose of, GA (tabun), described, 9 100, 146, 150 GA (tabun), developmental/reproductive GD (soman), genotoxicity of, 100 effects caused by, 73 GD (soman), LD50 values of, 94 GA (tabun), estimated reference dose of, GD (soman), neurotoxicity of, 98 74, 146, 150 GD (soman), plasma-ChE subchronic ac­ GA (tabun), genotoxicity of, 74 tivity of, 97 GA (tabun), LD50 values, 68 GD (soman), RBC-ChE subchronic activ- GA (tabun), neurotoxicity, 72 ity of, 96 GA (tabun), physicaUchemical properties GD (soman), subchronic toxicity of, 95 of, 13, 14 GD, hydrolytic pathway (diagram) of, 138 GA (tabun), plasma-ChE subchronic activ­ GD, hydrolytic products of, 137 ity of, 71 GD, photolysis of, 134 GA (tabun), RBC-ChE subchronic activ- Genotoxicity, CK, 122 ity of, 70 Genotoxicity, GA, 74 GA (tabun), subchronic toxicity of, 68 Genotoxicity, GB, 90 GA, fish toxicity and, 141 Genotoxicity, GD, 100 GA, hydrolysis of, 136 Genotoxicity, RD, 43 GA, hydrolytic pathway (diagram) of, 136 Genotoxicity, RT, 50 GA, hydrolytic products of, 137 Genotoxicity, lewisite, 108 GB (sarin), acute toxicity of, 78 Genotoxicity, T sulfur mustard, 51 GB (sarin), carcinogenicity of, 90 Genotoxicity, VX, 61 GB (sarin), chronic toxicity of, 85 Glossary, chemical warfare agents, GB (sarin), described, 9 156 GB (sarin), developmentallreproductive effects caused by, 88 GB (sarin), estimated reference dose of, H sulfur mustard, described, 9 91, 146, 150 RD, acute toxicity of, 30 GB (sarin), genotoxicity of, 90 RD, carcinogenicity of, 38 GB (sarin), LD50 values of, 79 RD, chronic toxicity of, 32 GB (sarin), neurotoxicity of, 87 RD, delayed toxicity of, 34 188 Index HD, developmental/reproductive effects HT sulfur mustard, physical/chemical caused by, 35 properties of, 11, 12 HD, distilled mustard, 11 Human carcinogenicity, HD and, 38 HD, environmental fate of air caused by, Hydrolytic pathway, GA (diagram), 136 128 Hydrolytic pathway, GB (diagram), 137 HD, environmental fate of soil caused by, Hydrolytic pathway, GD (diagram), 138 131 Hydrolytic pathway, HD (diagram), 129 HD, environmental fate of water caused Hydrolytic pathway, VX (diagram), 135 by, 128 Hydrolytic products, GA, GB, GD, 137 HD, estimated reference dose of, 45, 146, Hydrolytic products, HD, 130 149 Hydrolytic products, VX, 135 HD, fetal effects caused by, 36 HD, genotoxicity of, 43 HD, human carcinogenicity and, 38 L (lewisite), described, 9 HD, hydrolytic products of, 130 L, acute toxicity of, 103 HD, physical/chemical properties of, 11, L, carcinogenicity of, 107 12 L, ecotoxicology of, 143 HD, primary hydrolytic pathway (dia- L, environmental fate of air caused by, gram) of, 129 142 HD, skin tumors caused by, 43, 44 L, environmental fate of soil caused by, HD, subchronic toxicity of, 31 143 HD sulfur mustard, described, 9 L, environmental fate of water caused by, HD sulfur mustard, physical/chemical 142 properties of, 11, 12 L, estimated reference dose of, 108, 146, HD, teratogenicity of, 46 151 HD, toxicity effects on dogs caused by, L, genotoxicity of, 108 34 L, physical/chemical properties of, 15 HD, vapor effects on eyes caused by, 33 L, toxicity mechanisms/symptoms caused HN2 (nitrogen mustard), physical/chemi- by, 25 cal properties of, 12 L, subchronic toxicity of, 103, 109 HN2, acute toxicity of, 51 LD50 values, GA, 68 HN2, carcinogenicity of, 53 LDso values, GB, 79 HN2, chronic toxicity of, 52 LD50 values, GD, 94 HN2, delayed toxicity of, 52 LEL (lowest-effect level), nerve agent HN2, developmental/reproductive effects ChE inhibition and, 24 caused by, 52 Lewisite (L), described, 9 HN2, estimated reference dose of, 53, Lewisite, acute toxicity and, 103 146 Lewisite,
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