Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1957-1958 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1957 Eastern Progress - 25 Oct 1957 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1957-58/3 ' > EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Volume 35 Friday. October 25, 1957 Number 3 L -i ■ : 1 • Elks Plan Dance Former Governor Flem The Richmond Lodge of Elks Kyma Sponsors Gala Event will have their annual Homecom- A total of 48 campus organizations have entered can- ing Charity Dance at their ball- didates for Homecoming Queen, and about half that num- Sampson Addresses Group room, Saturday, November 2, at ber will enter floats in the parade on November 2 at 10 a.m. 9 p.m. Music will be furnished by The Dixiettes, with the popu- At a meeting held October 21, Capacity Crowd Attends lar vocalist Eddie Toy. Eastern Kyma officers conferred with club aub' Elaine Bates; Biology Club, : students, the alumni, and faculty representatives and queen candi- Patricia Kelly; Student Council, Former Kentucky Governor Flem Sampson delivered members are welcome. All pro- dates- and determined the sequence Harriet Harris; Canterbury Club. Ann JJ 4-M.i J an. r\ • J.- i? rr \ i r* '-J. n «-^ . IU1 u of entries for the parade. * Cooper; "E" Club, Hope an address entitled "The Organization of Kentucky Courts' ceds from this dance go to chart- The organizations entering floats, Ha»; &SF, Jeanne Adams; YM before a capacity crowd of Eastern students in the Blue ty- and their queen candidates are: and YWCA, Nancy Turner; Cwens, Room of the Student Union Council Building on Tuesday, R. B. Pergrem will be in ROTC, Betty Carol Hurst; Pershing I*™ Zarnaa; Sullivan Hall, Kay charge of table reservations. Rifles, Barbara Bowman; West- Bates: Collegiate Pentacle, Bar- October 22. minster Fellowship, Jenny Gab- bara Webster; Burnam Hall, Janet bard; Kappa Kappa Sigma, Betty Von Gruenigan; Student N. E. A.. Mu , Chapter of Cwens, national June Reed; Jefferson County, Bar- Ma*y Nell Harding; Junior Class, honorary society for sophomore bara Hinee, Vieta Club, Phyllis Pat Clevenger; Harrison County, women, and Collegiate Pentacle, Skagga; Photo Club. Carol Spur- Linda Gill; Young Republicans, lock; Sophomore Class, Susie Patricia Ely; Kappa Deha Pi, Mary honorary society for senior wom- E en, sponsored the affair. Phelps; Home Ec Club, Anna Fayc - Stanley; Kyma, Carol Louden; BryaniV; the Eastetrn Progress, Math Club, Bunny Murphy; and Prominent Richmond lawyers Wanda Callahan; Wesley Founda- Floyd County, Marrianna Martin. r were invited to assist Mr. Samp- Uon, Joyce Stanley; Senior Class, Candidates for queen will be son in imitating the actions of Pat Deal; Drum and Sandal, Nancy judged cm, (1) poise and personal- ' the Court of Appeals in Frank- Hall; BSU, Pat Baumgardner; ity, (2) posture and grace, (3) fort during a normal day session. WRA, Pat Vencil; Caduceus, Peg .beauty, figure and face, and (4) gy Parker; Freshman Cls're, Alice general appearance. The queen will The lawyers, . wearing traditional Kaye Young; Newman Club, Freda oe crowned during the half time black robes, became justices of Murphy; Harlan County, Patricia of the Homecoming game and will the court while Mr. Sampson Wilhoft; Letcher County, Angela rei8T< over the Homecoming Dance served as presiding figure. The lawyers present included Judge H. Holbrook; Off-Campus Club, Bet- Saturday night. O. Porter, Circuit Judge of this ty Lake; Sigma Tau Pi, Betty Other participants in the parade district; Jim Thompson, Law Carol Gee; and Industrial Arts will be Eastern's band and cheer- Clerk, Court of Appeals; G. Mur- Club, Barbara Holton. leaders and several high school ray Smith, president of Madison Floats Entered bands. The parade will begin on County Bar Association; James Floats are to be entered in two *"* campus, proceed down Lancas- Shannon, Local Bar, and Andrew divisions: Division 1 floats will be ter Avenue and Main Street and re- J. Ross, Local Bar. judged on beauty, design, and ap- turn to t"8 campus through Vet's Mr. 'Sampson gave a brief out- propriateness, and Division H floats Village. line of the courts describing the on originality, cleverness, and ap- Cash prizes wm be awarded for manner and amount of their juris- propriatenesa, the beat .float and two runners- diction. He then gave a more de- ' Some organizations will enter up. tailed explanation of the duties Campos policeman views fallen tree while construction gang queen candidates, but will not enter Kyma officers wholed ihe organ- of the Kentucky Court ot Appeals excavates surface. floats. Their candidates will ride ization and planning of the parade at Frankfort. In his law career in convertibles. They are: Agri- were Ted Eversole, president; Jim Mr. Sampson, as well as being cultural (fiub, Peggy Hamilton; Daft',. viceVpresident; and Bejtty governor of Kentucky, has served 1957 HOMECOMING PROGRAM Phys Ed Club, Sylvia Tracy; Music June Reed, secretary. in the positions of county judge, circuit judge, Justice of Court of Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2 Appeals and Chief Justice of Court FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 of Appeals. 8:00-12:00 Homecoming Dance, Student Union Building. Admis- sion $1.60, stag or couple. Orchestra—The Eastern Judge Porter, with the assist - Headliners. ...,-.— •- . 1 HISTORY OF EASTERN #ance ^f„_ the -other lawyers, then gave a. detailed discussion of'-*he »:S0 Presentation of candidate* for Homecoming Queen.- ' functions of the Circuit Court. He ***-" SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 * . ■. 9:80-1:00 Registration, Student Union Building. Ticket sales for gave a thorough explanation of '■ the actions which take place in football game and barbecue. TO BE RELEASED connection with both a civil and 0:00-12:00 Open Rouse, new Alumni Headquarters, Room 6, i a criminal case. Following the - ground floor, Administration Building. Inspection and discussion, the floor was mad* ' refreshments. Dr. Dorris Edits Volume open for questions which could 10:00 Homecoming Parade, leaving Campus down Lancaster be directed to any of the lawyera Avenue. Five Decades of Progress, a history of Eastern State A coffee hour in Walnut Hal? 1:45 Crowning of Homecoming Queen, presentation of float College, written by members of the faculty and edited by followed the meeting in which the prizes, Hanger Stadium. Dr. J. T. Dorris, professor emeritus of history at Eastern, students could have an opportunity 2:00 Football, Eastern versus Western, Hanger Stadium. has been promised by the publishers for Homecoming week- to ask questions privately of any 5:00 Homecoming Barbecue, Student Union Building. of the men who had taken part 6:00, Dessert Party, Walnut HllL For all alumni and guests. end and copies should be on sale here at that time. on the program. Information Notes— The book was- originally sched- Dorris; Agriculture and Stateland 1. Barbecue tickets must be reserved in advance. Price $1.00 per uled to be on sale a year ago dur- Farm, by WUliam Stocker. Quests at the affair included plate. ing the 50th Anniversary of the Student Organizations, by Miss members of Kappa Iota Epsilon, 2. Those wanting room reservations should make them in ad- educational institution. It was be- Mary Edmunds Barnhill; Student honorary society for sophomore vance to the hotel or motel of their choice. We list Blue Grass gun in January, 1955, during the Life, by Mrs. Julian Tyng and men, Omicron Alpha Kappa, hon- Motel, Glyndon Hotel, Griggs Motel, Hines Motel, New Rich- time Dr. Dorris was in the process Miss Edith G. Ford; Athletics, by orary society for senior men, pre- mond Hotel, Twins Motel, Whites Motel. of presenting another book for Fred Darling and Don Feltner; law students, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. S. The Athletic Office handles the sale of all football tickets. publication. The Reserve Officers Training O'Donnell, Mr. Victor Venettozzi, These may be ordered in advance from that office only. Gen- Dunne Press of Louisville, of- Corps, by Col. Alden O. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Presnell, Mr. eral admission $14)0, reserved seats $1.50. ficial state publisher for colleges, Maj. Paul E. Myers and Capt. Quentin Keen, Mrs. B. C. Bach, is printing one thousand copies Ernest H. Morgan; The War Jim Skagga, Jerry Boyd and Mrs. of the book In maroon buckram Years, by William . L. Keene; Emma. Y. Case, Dean of Women, stamped in gold. Town and Gown, by Miss Maude who is also advisor to Cwens and "I had rather dedicate a book (Continued from Page One) Collegiate Pentacle. Former Kentucky Governor than have it dedicated to me." These were the words of Dr. Dor- ris after the completion of the seventh book for which he has written the dedication. Previous- Relates Past Experiences ly Dr. Dorris has written several BY Bert C. Bach long magazine articles as well PROGRESS Editor as seven books having to do with history primarily of the Civil It is not often that one has the opportunity of talking War. to a great man about his life. It is even less often that The book contains thirty-six when the opportunity comes one finds it as gratifying as chapters, nineteen concerning ex- he expected. I was honored with both in a discussion with tra-curricular activities and seven- teen concerning the academic de- former Kentucky Governor Flem Sampson. As well as partments. , being governor of Kentucky, Mr. Sampson has served as The titles of the chapters to- county judge, circuit judge, Justice of Court of Appeals gether with the names of the au- and Chief Justice of Court of Appeals. Perhaps most im- thors are as follows: portant of all, Mr. Sampson now is a member of the Board The Founding of Eastern, by J.
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