![2012 Annual Report](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
25/03/13 1:23 PM REPORT ANNUAL 2012 VOLUME 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 315825 - UoM-Annual Report Cover.indd 1-3 CONTENTS 04 CHANCELLOR’S LETTER 06 INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW 08 2012 HIGHLIGHTS 10 FIVE-YEAR STATISTICS 12 COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP 16 SENIOR OFFICERS 22 OUR PEOPLE 30 RESEARCH & RESEARCH TRAINING 44 LEARNING & TEACHING 60 ENGAGEMENT 74 SUSTAINABILITY 82 ENABLERS 92 UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE 100 STATUTORY REPORTING 118 REPORT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 124 COMPLIANCE INDEX 126 USEFUL WEBSITES 127 INDEX See volume two for audited Printed on paper from fi nancial statements and responsible sources. notes to fi nancial statements. CRICOS No: 00116K THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE HONOURS ITS TR ADITIONAL PROMISE TO UPHOLD THE SCHOLARLY VALUES OF INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM, HONESTY, OPENNESS AND RIGOUR. 04 CHANCELLOR’S LETTER CHANCELLOR’S LETTER TThehe HHonon PPetereter HHall,all, MLCMLC MMinisterinister forfor HHigherigher EEducationducation andand SSkillskills 2 TTreasuryreasury PPlacelace EEASTAST MMELBOURNEELBOURNE VVicic 33002002 1188 MMarcharch 22013013 DDearear MMinisterinister IInn aaccordanceccordance withwith thethe requirementsrequirements ooff rregulationsegulations uundernder tthehe FFinancialinancial MManagementanagement AActct 11994,994, iitt ggivesives mmee ggreatreat ppleasureleasure ttoo ssubmitubmit fforor yyourour iinformationnformation aandnd ppresentationresentation ttoo PParliamentarliament tthehe AAnnualnnual ReportReport ofof thethe UniversityUniversity ofof MelbourneMelbourne forfor thethe yearyear eendingnding 3311 DDecemberecember 22012.012. TThehe AAnnualnnual ReportReport waswas approvedapproved bbyy thethe UniversityUniversity ofof MelbourneMelbourne CouncilCouncil atat itsits meetingmeeting onon MMondayonday 1818 MarchMarch 2013.2013. FForor thethe UniversityUniversity ofof Melbourne,Melbourne, 20122012 markedmarked anotheranother strongstrong year.year. IItt beganbegan withwith recordrecord ddemandemand fforor uundergraduatendergraduate placesplaces andand somesome ofof thethe highesthighest ATARsATARs everever rrecorded.ecorded. GGraduateraduate oofferingsfferings ssawaw iimpressivempressive ggrowthrowth iinn iinterest,nterest, wwithith sstrongtrong ddemandemand ffromrom iinternationalnternational sstudentstudents fforor ggraduateraduate ccourseworkoursework aandnd researchresearch pprograms.rograms. RResearchesearch sstrengthtrength wwasas aagaingain ddemonstratedemonstrated wwithith tthehe EExcellencexcellence iinn RResearchesearch fforor AAustraliaustralia resultsresults pplacinglacing MMelbourneelbourne aass tthehe sstrongest-performingtrongest-performing rresearchesearch uuniversityniversity iinn AAustralia,ustralia, aandnd 9977 ddisciplinesisciplines aatt thethe UniversityUniversity ratingrating aboveabove wworldorld standardstandard inin research.research. SSoundound managementmanagement hashas ensuredensured thethe University’sUniversity’s strongstrong fi sscalcal ppositionosition iinn 22012.012. I bbelieveelieve MMelbourneelbourne iiss wwellell placedplaced toto continuecontinue ddeliveringelivering ddynamicynamic tteachingeaching andand learning,learning, world-classworld-class researchresearch aandnd mmeaningfuleaningful ccommunityommunity eengagementngagement inin tthehe comingcoming years.years. TThehe membershipmembership ofof CouncilCouncil reflrefl eectscts a bbalancedalanced representationrepresentation ooff eexpertisexpertise aandnd iinterestsnterests ssoo tthathat iitt mmayay mmostost eeffectivelyffectively ddealeal wwithith tthehe eeducational,ducational, businessbusiness andand otherother mattersmatters whichwhich regularlyregularly ccomeome bbeforeefore iit.t. BByy uutilisingtilising thethe positionposition ofof CouncilCouncil FellowFellow wewe havehave beenbeen ableable toto continuecontinue toto availavail ourselvesourselves ooff tthehe iinputnput aandnd aadvicedvice ffromrom tthehe sstafftaff aandnd sstudentstudents ooff tthehe UUniversity.niversity. IInn mmyy ssecondecond yyearear aass CChancellorhancellor iitt wwasas mmyy ppleasureleasure ttoo aagaingain lleadead tthehe CCouncilouncil iinn iitsts wwork.ork. I llookook fforwardorward ttoo tthehe oopportunitypportunity ttoo ccontributeontribute ffurtherurther ttoo tthehe UUniversity’sniversity’s ssuccessuccess iinn 22013.013. YYoursours ssincerelyincerely EELIZABETHLIZABETH ALEXANDERALEXANDER AAMM CChancellorhancellor CHANCELLOR’S LETTER 05 06 INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW The University of Melbourne ended 2012 with an outstanding level of interest shown by school leavers in our undergraduate education offerings, particularly the core degrees of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. Outstanding rankings for Melbourne Excellence and Impact to 2025, an in 2012 have encouraged interest in institutional research strategy adopted ACCESS AND EQUITY studying at Melbourne at both the after broad consultation with our In 2012 Melbourne continued a steady undergraduate and graduate levels. academic community. This identifi ed trend towards providing opportunities The University was ranked number a series of grand challenges facing for students from many backgrounds: 28 in the world, up nine places from society, and expressed the aspiration Indigenous, interstate, international. 2011, according to the Times Higher of Melbourne researchers across the Over fi ve years, enrolments of fi rst- Education World University Rankings, disciplines to contribute to solving them. year undergraduate students from and number 57 in the world according Research at Melbourne also signalled disadvantaged fi nancial backgrounds to the Academic Rankings of World an extensive program of investment as under the Access Melbourne program Universities (Shanghai Jiao Tong), a further commitment to maintaining have increased fourfold. Indigenous compared with 60 in 2011. Under and building on its research legacy. students too are fi nding new pathways both measures, the University of to Melbourne, facilitated by faculty Melbourne stood out as the highest- LEARNING AND TEACHING strategies developed in the spirit of ranked university in Australia. Growing Esteem expresses the our Reconciliation Action Plan. University’s aspiration to excel in GROWING ESTEEM IN 2012 undergraduate and postgraduate ENGAGEMENT This position refl ects the University’s education. In 2012 a majority of those The year 2012 was a time of signifi cant strategic aspiration, to be a higher completing undergraduate degrees went institutional celebrations, including the education institution making a distinctive on to enrol in one of our growing suite 150th anniversary of the Melbourne contribution to society, as articulated in of professional postgraduate courses Medical School and the 40th the Growing Esteem strategy. Echoing or a research higher degree. Data on anniversary of the Victorian College of the University’s 1853 logo, postera enrolments across the Melbourne the Arts. The collaboration agreement crescam laude, Growing Esteem is curriculum revealed that a multiplicity of reached between the Melbourne the University’s strategy for achieving pathways are being taken by students Business School and the Faculty of high regard and for making a distinctive to a range of specialist and professional Business and Economics was also contribution to society. The strategy graduate programs, and that students cause for celebration. The Melbourne is conceived around the metaphor of from a broad range of undergraduate Institute of Applied Economic and a triple helix – three strands of core disciplines are entering masters study. Social Research and The Australian activities, each sharply focused and well newspaper hosted the eighth Economic resourced, and all mutually supportive. eLEARNING and Social Outlook Conference, the The three core activities at the Universities everywhere face nation’s premiere economic and social University of Melbourne are research, new questions in the era of online public policy forum. Titled ‘Securing learning and teaching and engagement. information. Many will remember 2012 the Future: How Australia Can Thrive in particular as the year of massive in a Volatile World’, the conference RESEARCH AND open online courses, or MOOCs. explored such issues as ageing, RESEARCH TRAINING In September Melbourne joined population, economic growth, health The University’s research strength international universities including reform, education, the Asian economy, was again demonstrated in the 2012 Stanford and Princeton in the Coursera fi nancial stability, homelessness, tax, Excellence in Research for Australia consortium, an exciting experiment trade, and innovation. One of the most (ERA) survey. As with the last ERA in online and digital learning. By the signifi cant moments in the history of survey in 2010, this saw Melbourne end of 2012, 80 000 people had science, the discovery of the Higgs placed as the strongest-performing signed up for a Melbourne MOOC, boson, was celebrated at Melbourne in research university in Australia, with on topics ranging from Climate a special way, as University physicists 97 disciplines at the University now Change to Exercise Physiology and played a key role hosting the 36th rated at or above world standard in Principles of Macroeconomics. International Conference on High research. The year also saw the launch Energy Physics. In the week of the of Research at Melbourne: Ensuring Higgs boson announcement, CERN Director General Professor Rolf-Dieter INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW 07 Heuer visited the University and was fi nancing and investment strategies,
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