www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• Joint statement by Presidents Bush and Yushchenko — page 3. • More on the Yushchenko visit to the U.S. — pages 10-13. • Remembering Pope John Paul II’s visit to Ukraine — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIIITHE UKRAINIANNo. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 10,W 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine visits U.S. Meets with President Bush at White House Addresses joint meeting of Congress by Andrew Nynka the hall. Mr. Yushchenko thanked the United WASHINGTON – Ukrainian President States for its support during the Orange Viktor Yushchenko addressed a joint ses- Revolution. “We highly appreciate the sion of the U.S. Congress on April 6, message sent by your country’s leader- offering eight specific points on which ship before the elections and during the the Congress could take action to help his revolution,” he said. “It was clear and country, including help with integrating unambiguous. The U.S. condemned Ukraine into European and Euro-Atlantic fraud and upheld Ukrainian’s right to bodies. freely elect their government.” Mr. Yushchenko, who read from a pre- As he entered the congressional hall, pared text but also added sections extem- President Yushchenko, placing his right poraneously, asked that Congress lower hand over his heart in a show of appreci- trade and travel barriers to Ukraine and ation of the resounding applause that support Ukraine’s effort to replace a dete- welcomed him, looked visibly touched riorating concrete sarcophagus that cov- by the display of support. He proceeded ers the destroyed nuclear power plant at to shake hands as he approached the Chornobyl. podium before delivering a 40-minute Mr. Yushchenko said Ukraine had address to a packed house that was inter- Andrew Nynka done much to open its markets and that, rupted by applause 26 times – five times “in return, we expect the United States to Presidents Viktor Yushchenko and George W. Bush with First Ladies Kateryna with standing ovations. cancel the restrictions that apply to Yushchenko and Laura Bush at the White House. The first standing ovation came after Ukrainian goods in the U.S. market.” he introduced his wife, saying that the by Andrew Nynka White House Press Spokesman Scott Members of Congress, several of two met through a program run by the McClellan told journalists after Messrs. whom could be seen wearing orange United States. “It was through one of WASHINGTON – President George Bush and Yushchenko briefed the press lapel pins, warmly greeted the Ukrainian your programs that I met my wife, W. Bush of the United States welcomed that the discussion between the two pres- president as he entered the hall at 11 a.m. Kateryna, whose love and commitment Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to They all stood and clapped as chants of the White House on Monday, April 4, stat- (Continued on page 9) “Yushchenko, Yushchenko” began to fill (Continued on page 13) ing that the visit marked “a new era of strategic partnership” between the two states. Mr. Yushchenko’s visit to the United Ukraine mourns Pope John Paul II, recalls 2001 visit States – a four-day trip that included by Zenon Zawada Mr. Yushchenko wrote. ever by a pope to Ukraine. stops in Washington, Chicago and Kyiv Press Bureau “Ukrainians, who are proud of their At the time, Kyiv residents didn’t quite Boston – marked a dramatic shift in the close blood relation with this great per- know how to react to the pontiff’s visit. relationship between the two countries. KYIV – Gripping pink roses, an elder- son, have always been deeply grateful Some protested in contempt; others were That relationship had steadily deteriorat- ly Orthodox Christian, Halyna for the sympathy and sincere love of His welcoming and many were indifferent. ed over the last five years but took a new Dobrovolska, gently climbed steep Holiness, for my people, his respect for Orthodox Christians such as Ms. turn with Mr. Yushchenko’s invitation to church steps on a sunny morning. our European history and culture. [He Dobrovolska were among those moved. the White House. The two leaders issued She placed the bouquet at a memorial was] a symbol of good, peace, justice, “I became familiar with him then,” a joint statement following their meeting for Pope John Paul II, crossed herself, and love of neighbor,” he added. she said. I attended the liturgy, and I felt in which they stressed that the relation- whispered a short prayer and went inside Pope John Paul II earned a special that God brought me there. I really liked St. Alexander’s Roman Catholic Church ship had indeed turned a sharp corner. reverence among Ukrainians after his his sermons.” to pray further. “Today, the United States and Ukraine 2001 trip to Kyiv and Lviv, the first visit Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, primate of affirm a new era of strategic partnership “He showed us love and spirituality,” the Ukrainian Catholic Church, flew to between our nations and friendship she said. Vatican City on Sunday. At the end of between our peoples,” a portion of that Ukrainians of all faiths lit candles, March, Cardinal Husar had two success- statement read. worshipped and prayed this week as they ful operations on his eyes. The patriarch In addition to affirming a new partner- mourned the passing of Pope John Paul, was supposed to remain in the hospital ship, the two leaders met in the Oval the Roman Catholic Church leader for several more weeks under doctor’s Office prior to briefing reporters in the whose historic visit to Ukraine in 2001 care. Instead, he decided to fly to Rome. White House East Room. The two said made a deep impression on the largely In a letter to clergy and faithful of the they discussed Ukraine’s future in the Orthodox Christian nation. Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, World Trade Organization, the North Ukraine’s leaders, representing the Cardinal Husar wrote: Atlantic Treaty Organization and other nation’s diverse spectrum of confessions “The holy memory of Pope John Paul Euro-Atlantic institutions. and faiths, expressed their sympathies II during his many years of service as Standing at a podium to Mr. and condolences to the Vatican. successor to St. Peter is of a man of Yushchenko’s left, Mr. Bush said he sup- Before embarking on his trip to the Providence. Today, as we emotionally ports Ukraine’s aspiration to join the United States, Ukrainian President live through the pain of loss, we lack the WTO and to lift trade restrictions that he Viktor Yushchenko sent a letter of con- perspective of time to properly value his said “were created in a different era.” dolence to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, historic stature and his multi-faceted Mr. Yushchenko, whose face and ears dean of the College of Cardinals that activity. We will do this over the course still appear deeply scarred following his selects the pope’s successor. of many following months and years. dioxin poisoning last year, appeared “In the memories of Ukrainian citi- Today we can only say that during the earnest and focused, though relaxed and zens – Orthodox and Catholic, believers years of his pontificate he greatly helped at ease, and smiled only when Mr. Bush of other confessions, all who hold our Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in welcomed Mr. Yushchenko’s American- Christian values – there will always Pope John Paul II during his 2001 visit born wife, Kateryna. dwell a bright image of the Holy Father,” to Ukraine. (Continued on page 9) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2005 No. 15 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Yushchenko’s visit to U.S. Officials confess to killing Gongadze ry of the country and had a significant effect on the geo-political situation in the heralds return to “golden era” KYIV – In an interview published on world. He stressed that the new democratic April 4 on the Ukrainska Pravda website Ukraine is an integral part of the European by Taras Kuzio U.S. congressional delegation, declared (http://www2.pravda.com.ua), President community of democratic nations and that Eurasia Daily Monitor that Mr. Yushchenko is “an international Viktor Yushchenko said that two former it cannot close its eyes to human rights April 4 hero” (Ukrainska Pravda, March 26). Internal Affairs Ministry officers have “con- violations in any country. In this context, Mr. Yushchenko’s visit is not likely to fessed, and the first stage of the probe in the he said that Ukraine is calling for Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko’s see any major policy issues resolved, but case [of the murder of journalist Heorhii improved mechanisms for cooperation in official visit to the United States on April 4- it will serve to break the ice after four Gongadze] is over.” The two suspects have 6 is set to radically transform U.S.-Ukraine the area of human rights protection within frosty years of U.S.-Ukrainian relations. helped investigators to reconstruct the the framework of the United Nations. relations and return them to the “golden The latest State Department report on September 2000 killing and “led them to era” that existed under President Bill Among other things, he called on the human rights outlines how the United locations where it all happened.” One addi- Security Council to pay greater attention to Clinton. U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John States assisted Ukraine in its election year tional suspect, Internal Affairs Ministry Herbst predicted, “We expect not only the protection of human rights and give the (state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2004/41715.htm). Gen. Oleksii Pukach, is still wanted and an United Nations’ high commissioner for revival of the friendly ties that existed U.S.
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