and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY. AUGUST 3 .1 *7 * S'Kond-ClaupMlogapoMloflurtWwd. NJ. SuW»*npt,o»iMOO Publish'd Weekly G irl Stars O n Kiuxm is Team ! - Alumni Picnic Gome orie. come all to a grand reunion and A ction Against H M D C picnic a t the Bergen Cbinty Park, Area A in Lyndhurst on Sunday, August 13, beginning at U a.m. Bring your friends, chikfcren, and loved ones-and enough to eat and drink throughout the day and you will be sure to have a great time when you see and rarinisoe with a ll your former classmates from the good, old days.(?) There will also be gam es of fun a n d chance to enliven the Lyndhurst Takes O n Jensen CBS Stars result of the Jensen ap­ pearances. The game, as usual, will he played under th e lights at the Brest in Memorial Stadium in' the county park. The game is scheduled to begin atSP.M. A game between the firemen and policemen will precede the Jensen ap­ pearance I n pest appearan­ ces Jensen pitched his team Lori Tha Slugger - i h * hit ■ horn* ran In tha opening to victory. A onetime gam * of Om Maaon. Nobody chaUangvd th* fact sha It aspirant fo r a big league a girt from thtnoni baseball career, Jensen has shown considerate ability as a pitcher and a t bat. Theatre Trip f ^8* lOfc^T"^ The Lyndhurst Parks \ \ jL4L' ..V ^ Department under the V supervision of Com- \ ^ *• | / i D C u M W . : ; missioner Ronald W Bogle «1 E a \ - A * it / j£ i and the Lyn*urst Cuhural | Jfu t V J Ek\ M & * Arts Committee arwowce k JT fc#rl, seventh grade the latest m their continung | k ‘ * student in Sacred Heart series of the«re trips to see * ^ |L > the Bob Fosse smash show School, completed her third D ancin• 1 T zZ M k J t W*r with the team. Her Umited Uarmn tickets 'Vp -* folks are her biggest are available at CO 00 for ho sate is. But they never poled a home run and her Nationalists. Orchestra seats and *1500 f thought they’d see the play during the season Lori plays softball and for Mezzanine Transpor helped Kiwanis win the youngster playing with badietball — and is con­ American League cham tatior to and from the l.vn I "■■■•' :* j { *,-% i " * '*'» *! '■? '* .f' ■ji g tinuing with her tennis dhurst Parks .Department, _ begged far the op- ptonship 250 Cleveland Avenue. Lyn- FIDEEXAMP1X Whw Mayor EHaaFrtai of BHiMwam, I a n *. » W f d Lywrihurat tart W w tty to try ’out for the The Kiwanis finally lost from all M catiam Lari dhurst is provided. w t k Hm >»rw d > itiia tawnsNp wm a e p a llh drtv tar Ha ? t'BO» l(>wdr Mayer said Mrs Luuo. the township title to the will also be a track star For reservations contact Frtt| pro wptty w d a a eoaWbMttow whM» l— yw J o sspfc A C a w ed , IM t, baaaaad "We newer thought she d be National League. bU Lori when she «ts to hirt Cultural At played her hardest to try to * * * * * * Garmain, a»d Towmihtp Qarfc Httoart Pwry uMmi tw m * : far i%K Is T aaaract Scant ' * » « . But jhe was picked. 9 * Coordinator at 43&OOGO E eecullve Dlrwtor Stan SladM d. "• *•* Pfayed repgarty. It bring the title to the represent th e people o f evidential documentation the Public Utilities Oom- Counsel Asked To O ppose W ater Rate Bergen County, to ask th e I certainly sun also opposed m ission concludes the toi^h questions and to be completely to the Water hearings That idea should move immediately to retain sure that the Pttfic Utilities Oompeuiy's* suggestion that not even be given a second Freeholder Charles Reid Freeholders to retan rate motion to Stare rate counsel has asked the Board of counsel to represent the someone with expertise to Commission dues not grant they ought to get a partial th oug ht by th e P ublic at a- freeholder executive be at the' hearings and this increase without full rate increase even before UtilitiesOomirission." M o dels NEEDED county* in hearings, before session yesterday' the Public Utilities Com­ He said, “The Water mission in August, wherein Company is looking for >mar» M o n s r, 2 Q&-6 D O PM the Hackensack Water Com­ nearly 30 percent in in­ NO APPOINTMENT NE€D€.D pany will seek1 rate in­ creases from the public Room at the top STUDIO 404 225 * 57m Sirfm N VC ’dCU creases Rad introduced a They make the argument 46 Park Ave., Rutherford, N .J. (201)(201)939-461 939-4614* that their stock value would increase if the rate increase is approved and leads to a better cash flow situation c o n v e n ie n t They then argue that better stock prices will lead to a lo c a tio n s ! 1 0 5 3 Bloomfield A ve., Clifton, N.J. (2 0 1 ) 7 7 7 - 1 9 9 2 stronger bond rating so that future capital i m- ^provements mghi be made at lower interest rates and thus prevent rale increases later on T he Water Company also argues that a rate increase would guarantee that they ( ( would be in a position to in-- ' I sure a rat e of return and a 1 1 return of equity. The corrv ( i- pany presents data that j, shows that they are- i ’ realizing l e s s than authorized profits, but I would really like to see a thorough examination at the rate hearings of the methods they used to com­ pute their statistics I want to be sure that the total worth of the company's i , holdin gs are being i adequately included in the ( analysis. 1 O u r light-as-oir cuf7~Hght 4 We cannot know any of iL the answers to this without flecked w ife Frosty Roulite. You'll Jove.the 4 having somebody - besides easily managed set that Bounces Back; J the limited staff to the "you II love the arHully placed lights that 1 Public Advocate argue this Rouxs supert Bleach imports. Air-do ? matter before the Public | Utilities Commission- We — Our hair-do for you! Come for a tree 1 have had sucoessin the past consultation. 1 in entering such hearings 1 f with our own rate counsel in I , matters affecting the’ II Rockland Electric Company i f and the Water Company: it* , ( self, earlier this year The 223 STUrVESANT AVE. freeholders have taken the position that it is our LYNDHURST, NJ. I responsibility to step into (Oppo**** lawfang AJWy) j the act as the devil’s ad- 935-0 9 9 6 - 4 3 S- 9 8 6 4 T vocate in utility rate rises t and we must take that ac- INSTANT CLEAN W ill MAKE IT THE SAFEST AND MOST IE IIC IO IS DRINKING W ATER VON NAVE EWER TASTEDI 3 S T U N I Q U E ONLY SYSTEM: TESTED AND APPROVED 41387-K-S-01 I B E CONFUSED UNIT GOOD FOR UP TO 5 YEARS '“ m odels which WITHOUT RECHARGING (NO COSTLY REPLACABLE FILTERS) ISE REP'-ACABl.E f i l t e r s _____ F O R P E O P L E ON T H E G O — INSTALLS IN SECONDS TOOLS OR PLUMBING REQUIRED) (NO The Traveler In its watertight, carrying configuration. CLHN H flTR M 4KH? MAKES CLEANER, SAFER, BETTER-TASTING WATER RIGHT FROM YOUR TAP GAP DISTRIBUTORS ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED P.O. BOX 1656 UNIOtt, N JTJ70B3 , Credit Card No ■ ______ REMOVES 1 0 0 % OF CHLORINE, RUST, ALGAE, SEDIMENT, BAD TASTE, ODOR ANO COLOR. ALSO SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF DETERGENTS ANO SUSPECTED CANCER-CAUSING CHLOROFORM, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Address AND ASBESTOS FIBERS. INSTANT CLEAN will not ajfd salts or chemicals, nor-remove fluoride and minerals essential to good health and growth O M N MATER A THURSDAY, AUGUST3, W » _ 3 : - -**?» • Could Be Successful Hartz Mountain Industries Presetted a report b£ HSG- Bergen Associates have It is believed that one or Hackensack1 which has told Hartz would like to build' If the HMDC is persuaded two shopping developments, says the> meadowlands can Gould Associates of filed applications for shop­ the other will be approved. Rutherford mayor and coun­ on a site north of Route 3 on by the study, it would be a the consultants estimate accomodate two shopping Washington to back up its ping center permits to the However, a third ap­ cil all about it but has yet to acreage straddling the New significant victory for Har­ that just over one million centers successfully Last contention. Hackensack Meadowlands plication is expected from file an ‘-application with Jersey Turnpike. On one tz, which h as contended all persons in the area served week the Secaucus company Hart* Mountain and. ,, ; Commission, the Hocker-Squitieri Oo. of HMDC. side Hartz would build a along that the meadowlands by the centers will be able regional shopping center, on can support two new shop­ to spend a total of $1.1 B e r g e n _______ the other a Meal shopping ping centers billion a year on merchan­ center Bergen Gouty Associates dise by 1981 Bergen Associates, and some observers of the The study'Assumes that Wants Meadowland headed by Selif Sisselman, months-lorig shopping cen­ the population of the would build on Berry's to- rivalry have argued that “trading area ” will remain Bergen Community parks program for the Creeek in East Rutherford only one plan will survive.
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