Steady-Steady-Index.Pdf (Pdf, 105.16

Steady-Steady-Index.Pdf (Pdf, 105.16

164 INDEX Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bin Awel, Hassan, 134 Arts Board, 118 Bin Awel, Karim, 134 Adams, Raymond, 46 Bin Dol, Jenap, 16, 17 Adams, Tidja, 16 Bin Gapore, Baddah, 14 African-American music, influence Bin Garape, Doseena, 17 of, 30, 73, 141 Bin Hoosen, Dahlia, 17 Ah Boo, Manji, 14 Bin Juda, Betty, 31 Ah Mat, Budden, 32, 40, 124 Bingarape, Desiree, 152 Ah Mat, Jaffa, 14, 29, 79 Bingarape-Minniecon, Sade, 152 Ah Mat, Sarina, 31, 90 Binjuda, Frances, 95 Ahwang, Ernest, 132 Binjuda, Leilani, 95 ailan kastom, 3 ‘Black Swana’, 75–6 ‘Ailan Kwiktaim’, 88–9; use in The Straits Bligh, Anna, 122 TV series, 89 ‘Blues on a Ukulele’, 123–4 ‘Ailan Man’, 122–3 Bolton, Helen, 74, 75 Akee, Fred, 80 Bolton, Roger, 74, 75 Aniba, Alfred, 146 Bon, Father Dalton, 116 Aniba, Wilfred, 147 Bonham, Emily, 114 Anno, Ketchell, 14, 33, 126 Bowie, Mary, 31 Anu, Christine, 151 Bran Nue Day, 102 ‘The Arafura Sea’, 82 Brandy, Peter, 103 ‘Are You from TI?’, 97–8 Bridie, David, 120 ARIA Awards, 64, 117, 118, 133, 148 Brockenshire, Libby, 85, 133 Artback NT, 104 Arts Queensland, 104 Cairns Gondwana Indigenous Children’s ‘As the Goodwill Sailed Away’, 29 Choir, 80, 151 Asai, Iona, 48 Cairns; Alligator Creek, 29–30; cultural Australia Council for the Arts, 100, 104, 118 life during Second World War, 29–32; awards, 64 homegrown entertainment 30–1; Malay Town, 29–30, 141; periods living in, 60 ‘Baba Waiar’, 145–6; re-recorded for Still Cam, Dave, 80 on Deck album Carr, Bob, 122 Bagiri, Norah, 118, 130 Cedar, Olive, 31, 32 Bani, Danny, 151 Cedar, Pensio, 3, 321 Bani, Dimple, 68, 150 Charles, Brett, 133 Bani, Ephraim, 70–1, 75, 96 Christian, George ‘Toofie’, 127–8 Bani, Gabriel, 68, 85, 102, 117, 150 cinema on Thursday Island, see Thursday Barba, Marian, 63 Island cinema Barkus, Russell, 130 Clarke, Jenni, 68, 85 ‘Barron Delta Blue’, 93 Cobb, George, 97 Baudet, Andree, 101, 133 Cole, Malcolm, 133 Beattie, Heather, 121–2 Cole, Nat King, 43, 58, 95, 149–50; songs Beattie, Peter, 121 recorded for Sunnyside album, 150 Beckett, Jeremy 3–4 Collins, Andy ‘Sugarcane’, 93 Bell, Alistair ‘Azo’, 93–4, 106–7 Collinson, Div, 42–3, 102 Beloff, Jim, 123–4, 125–6 Collis, Winnie, 31, 32 bends, the, 45–6, 54–5 Conboy, Nelson, 68 Benjamin, Danny, 133 Consolidated Mining Industries, 56 Benjamin, Yunup, 68 Cook, Louise, 118 Big Talk, One Fire event (Cairns), 149 Cooper, Mike, 85 Index 165 Cordona, Peter, 42, 102 De Torres, Luis Váez, 2 Crabbe, Des, 80 Deane-Freeman, Jesse, 68 Cropper, Steve, 140 death at sea, 144–4 Crowdy, Denis, 68, 85, 95, 101, 110–12, Delacruz, Dorrie, 33 115, 150 Delacruz, Nocky, 33 Cruz, Russell, 42 Dewis, George, 46, 70, 129, 134 CSIRO, 44 Dewis, Margie, 63 Cubillo, Delfin, 42, 43 Diefenbach, Dale, 118 Cunha, Rick, 18 diving suits, 44–5 Cunningham, Josh, 136 ‘Dock of the Bay’, 140–1 Cyclone Mahina, 143 Doll, Nikki, 150 Doolah, Jeffrey, 14 Dan, Bill, 52 Dorante, Bert, 60–2 Dan, Catherine Jaira (adoptive mother) Dorante, Clare, 52 [Granny Dan] 7, 9, 11, 18, 29, 34 Dorante, James, 52–3, 82, 138 Dan, Connie, 52 Dorante, Owen, 60–2 Dan, Darkie, see Dan, Henry Maynard Dorante, Vincent, 52–3, 82, 138 Dan, Elvianna, 52 Dorante-Lyons, Jenetta, 152 Dan, Henry Gibson ‘Seaman’; ancestors, 7; Dow, Dave, 151 awards, 64, 84, 117; baptism, 9; birth, 7; Dowling, Clive, 42, 43 contracting pneumonia, 149–50; diving Drummond, Ali, 123 accident, 52; early years on TI, 8–11; Drummond, Cindy, 90, 118, 130, 150 education, 9, 19–20; first job, 10; first Dubbins, Billy, 13 performance with other musicians, 41–2; Dubbins, Eddie (Dubbo), 74, 75 getting the bends, 54–5; Koolpinyah Cool Dubbins, Jumila, 17 Stores, 41–1; learning music, 26; learning Dun, Ken, 131 to dive, 34–8, 81–2; learning to ride 23; Dun, Loftus, 131 iving on Hammond Island, 58–9; marriage Dunbar, Bob, 134 and children, 52; meeting Karl Neuenfeldt, Durante, Brianna, 152 66–7; mineral exploration in PNG, 56, 57; move to Cape York (Coen), 17, 18–19; Edwards, Webley, 90 multicultural heritage 7; mustering, Egan, Ted, 41, 68, 83–4, 104, 151, 153 23–5; nickname, 7, 35; quitting diving, Elarde, George, 35, 81–2 55; recordings, 64; return to TI after war, Ella, Peter, 150 34; taxi driving on TI, 58–60; time on Entrance Island, 77 Paxie, 44–50; transporting fishing boat to Erub, see Darnley Island Tweed Heads, 60–2; war years in Cairns, Eyken, Thomas 12 27, 28–33; years in Coen, 18–26; years in Northern Territory, 39–44 ‘Farewell to the Torres Strait’, 82–3 Dan, Henry Jnr, 52 Farquhar, Sarah, 76 Dan, Henry Maynard (adoptive father) Fatiaki, Rev. Iveni, 119 [Darkie Dan], 7, 8, 11, 13 Fell-Tyrell, Rita [Rita Mills], 16–17, 63, 73, Dan, Simon, 52 98–100, 151 Daniel, Norman, 53 Fernandes, Bernard, 122–3 Daniel, Stephen, 53 Filewood, Alan, 108 ‘Danville’, 74–5 Fitzgerald, Ella, 95 Darnley Deeps, 46, 51, 52–5, 81, 116, 143 ‘The Floria Sails Again’, 55, 138–40 Darnley Island, 81 Floria, 53, 82, 138–40; restoration Darwin Festival, 104 project, 139 Darwin; athletic life, 41–2; social life, 41–2; Follow the Sun album, 68–84; awards, 84 see also Parap Camp; Sunshine Club ‘Follow the Sun’, 70, 92 David, Fred, 151 ‘Forty Fathoms’, 51, 55, 81–2; re-recorded for David, Michael, 53 Still on Deck album, 151 166 Index Foster, Betty, 63, 130 Ho’opi’i, Sol, 126 Foster, Steve, 129, 130 Hodges, Harry, 30 Foster, Thomas, 76 Hodges, Noel, 73 Fox, Jason, 101, 118 Hodges, Patty, 17 Foyster, Clive, 56 Homberger, Ruedi, 85, 150 Fram, 39–40, 56 Hondo, Gladys, 17 ‘Frangipani’, 106–7 Horn Island, 77, 95; see also Wongai Hotel ‘Friday Night Blues’, 62–3, 80–1 Hot Records 68, 85, 101, 117 ‘Full Fathom Five’, 143–5 hotels on TI, 80–1; Federal Hotel, 62, 63, 81; Grand Hotel, 62, 80, 81; Royal Hotel, Gab Titui Cultural Centre, 133–5 Gaffney, Ellie, 63 9, 11, 62, 80; Thursday Island Hotel, 153; Galton, 53, 138 Torres Hotel, 62, 80 Garcia, Joe, 40 house parties, 13–14 George, Murray, 53 ‘House Party Hula’, 32 Ghee, Tony, 102, 117 House Party Hula event (Cairns), 90 Gibuma, Tim, 151 Howard, Shane, 142 Gilbert, Steve, 68, 71, 85, 101, 103, 109, 150 hula dancing 16, 31, 98–100, 127–8 ‘Going Back Home’, 102–3 Goodwill, 29 Idalia, 35 Grafton, 53, 82, 138 ‘Island Lady’, 78–9 Gray, Vicky, 114 Island Way album 118–32 groper, 49–50 ‘Island Way’, 131–2 ‘Gubaw Paruka’, 96–7 ‘Islander Drums/Warraber’ 116–17 Guivarra, Francis, 33 ‘Isles of the Torres Strait’, 76–7 Guivarra, Ivy, 33 Ives, Donna, 105 Guivarra, Joan, 33 Guivarra, Nancia, 75 Jackson, Christine, 133 Guivarra, Pedro, 39–40 Guivarra, Thomas, 33 Jacob, Ben, 30 Jacobs, Cecilia, 31, 32 Haddon Anthropological Expedition, 3 Janke, Terri, 118–19, 131; Butterfly Song, Hakalitz, Ben, 101, 150 118–19, 131 Hakaora, College, 136 Janke, Toni, 151 Hakaora, Taki, 136 Jia, Kathleen, 16 Hakaora, Terina, 136 Jia, Seri, 16 Hall, Dinah, 115 Jib, Robbi, 101 Hammond Island 58–9 Jimmy Little Lifetime Achievement Award, Hancock and Gore Ply Mill, 32 64, 91; see also Little, Jimmy Harold, 97 Johnno’s Blues Bar, 136 Harris, Russell, 85, 150 Jones, Nadene, 133, 150 Harrison, Mat, 68, 85 Jose, Becky, 31, 32 Harry, Elda, 53 Jose, George, 31, 32 Hau’ofa, Epeli, 119 Joseph, Victor, 108 Hawaii, visit to, 125–7; see also Society for Joye, Col, 90 Ethnomusicology conference (Hawaii) ‘The Hawaiian Turnaround’, 125–6 ‘Jymeekah’, 128–9 Hawaiian War Chant, 63 Hazelbane, Dave, 42 Kailag, 97 Hazelbane, Ken, 42, 43 Kala Kawaw Ya language 146–7 Hillier, Tony, 84 Kala Lagaw Ya language, 4, 62, 75–6, 88, 96, Hippie, Dorrie, 31, 32 133, 145–6, 148 Ho’opi’i, Richard, 126–7 Kalemo, Sopa, see Pitt, Sopa Index 167 ‘Kapa Roa’ia Se Lalonga’, 119–20; reprise, Massey, Stella, 101 131–2 Matha Loose Choir, 85 Kazamias, Charlie, 81 Matters, Enid, 63 Keawe-Aiko, Genoa Leilani Adolpho, Mau Power, see Mau, Patrick 126, 127 Mau, Patrick, 118, 122–3, 151 Kennedy, Florence, 126 Mau, Royce, 114 Kepa, Will, 68, 103, 133, 144, 150 Mauar (Rennel Island), 8 Ketchell, Franceen, 114 Maugham, Somerset, 5 Ketchell, Stacee, 114 McDowall, Jim, 19–20 Ketchell, Thomas, 114 McGinlay, Peter, 74 Kim and Jeff, 74 McGinlay, Tracy, 74 Kimiia, Rubina, 85, 150 McGinness, Val, 26, 27 Kismet, 97 Mcgrath, Clare, 31 Kiwat, Fred, 151 McGrath, Vic, 68, 130, 133, 134, 150 Kiwat, Richard, 151 McIntosh, Wayne, 68, 85, 150 Knight, Alan, 57–8 McKenzie, Kerry, 85 Kole Kabem Wed, 4 McMenamin, Simon, 150 Koolpinyah Cool Stores, 40–1, 104 ‘Mena Menali’, 87–8; use in RAN (Remote kores, 4, 62, 145, 151 Area Nurse) TV series, 88; use in The Straits Ku-Olga, Klare, 68 TV series, 88 Meredith, Hazel, 33 Laifoo, Ron, 108, 109 Meriam Mir language, 4, 62, 87–8, 117, languages, traditional, see traditional 133, 146–7 languages Messa, Salu, 152 Lawe-Davies, Chris, 115 Middleton, Cliff, 44 Lee, Reggie, 40 Mills Sisters (Darwin-based) 26 ‘Let’s Get to Where We Ain’t’, 120 Mills Sisters (TI-based) 16–17, 62, 63, 73, 81, Levi, Miseron, 145–6, 151 98–100, 151; Frangipani Land album, 73 Levi, Patrick, 151 Mills, Ali, 26 Lewin, Jerry, 32, 59, 63, 90, 129, 134 Mills, Cessa, see Nakata, Cessa Lewin, Sammy, 32 Mills, Ina, see Titasey, Ina ‘Lighthouse’, 135–6 Mills, June, 26 ‘Little Pony’, 18, 21, 67, 77–8 Mills, Kath, 26 Little, Jimmy, 85, 85, 90–1 Mills, Rita, see Fell-Tyrell, Rita Lloyds, Chris, 68, 85, 150 Milroy, Billy, 106 Loesser, Frank, 115 ‘Minna Murra Moon’, 114–15 luggers, see pearling luggers Moa Island, 145 Lui, Geoffrey, 118 Mohamad, Edna, 17 Montgomery, Ric, 101 Mabo, Bua, 71, 75, 83, 117, 134, 146–7 Moyden, Jessie, 17 MacDonald, Tom, 18, 19 Mua, Makereta, 119 MacFarlane, Mrs, 97 multiculturalism, 3 MacFarlane, Rev.

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