This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu October 9, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO THE LEADER FROM: JOHN DIAMANTAKIOU SUBJECT: POLITICAL BRIEFINGS Below is an outline of your briefing materials for your appearances in New England and New York. Enclosed for your perusal are: 1. Campaign briefing: • overview of race • biographical materials • Bills introduced in 102nd Congress 2. National Republican Senatorial Briefing 3. City Stop/District race overview 4. Governor's race brief (NH, VT) 5. Redistricting map/Congressional representation 6. NAFTA Brief 7. Republican National Committee Briefing 8. State Statistical Summary 9. State Committee/DFP supporter contact list 10. Clips (courtesy of the campaigns) 11. Political Media Recommendations (Clarkson also has a copy) Thank you. Page 1 of 62 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu BOB DOLE KANSAS Wntteb ~tates ~enate OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN LEADER WASHINGTON, DC 20510-7020 OCTOBER 9, 1992 SENATOR: The Torkildsen campaign would like you to stress Peter's integrity, honesty and commitment to public service. They would like you to stay away from mentioning Congressman Mavroules' corruption charges. As a state legislator, Peter was a vocal opponent to then-Governor Dukakis' tax increases and will continue to be a tax-fighter on Capitol Hill. JOHN D. Page 2 of 62 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 10-01-1992 03: 28PM FROM TORK I LDSEN COt"iGRES'.3 1992 TO 12022243163 P.02 MEMORANDUM To: John Oiamantakiou From: Mike Armini Date: 10/1/92 Re! Torkildsen Campaign Background Themes and Issues: Peter is running as a fiscal conservative and a reformer. These are issues that he has a great deal of credibility on given his track record in the Massachusetts' House. Peter supports a Capital Gains tax cut and restoration of the investment tax cradit. He has also vowed to vote for a Balanced Budget AmendlD.ent and a Presidential line-item-veto. To reform Conqress Peter is a supporter of term-limitations, elimination of PAC contributions to U.S. House and Senate candidates, elimination of Congress' special exemptions and consolidation of congre~sional committees and subcommittees. On the issue of health care reform, Peter opposes the "single payer" and "pay or play" methods of reform proposed by Democratic leaders. Instead Peter supports a system of tax incentives and vouchers to help reduce costs for those with insurance and to provide health care to those without it. Page 3 of 62 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 10-01-1992 03=29PM FROM TORKILDSEN CONGRESS 1992 http://dolearchives.ku.edu TO 12022243163 P.03 Recent Polling Data: During th~ week of 9/21 to 9/25 an ~xtensive poll of the sixth congressional district was conducted. In the head to head with Congressman Mavroules the results were: Torkildsen 52%, Mavroules 36%, undecided 12%. This is significant, not only because Peter has a substantial lead, but because Peter has already (one week after the primary) crossed the 50' threshold. At this point Nick not only has to clean up his own image but he must also attempt to cut Peter down somehow. Another point worth mentioning is Peter's support of abortion rights in a district that is polled to be over 85% pro- choice while Mavroules remains staunchly pro-life. District: The sixth district of Massachusetts consists of 36 cities and towns. These comm.unities range from blue-collar cities like Lynn, Haverhill and Peabody to affluent suburbs such as Marblehead, Swampscott and Manchester by the Sea. The district has a significant number of high-tech and defense-related companies. The major players include: AT&T in North Andover, General Electric in Lynn and Raytheon in Bedford. The new towns: R9ading, Wilmington, Burlington and Bedford ~ake up a good piece of the Rte. 128 technology belt. In addition, Hanscom air-force base is also located in Bedford. For these Page 4 of 62 ----- ··--·'----· ··- This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 10-01-1992 03: 29PM FROM TORKILDSENhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu CONGRES ~ 3 1992 TO 12022243163 P.04 reasons Peter has publicly pledged to seek a position on the House Armed Services committee. In 1988 the sixth district voted as follows: BUSH 48% OUKAKIS 50% Page 5 of 62 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 10-01-1992 03: 2'3PM FROM TORKILDSEr-1http://dolearchives.ku.edu CONGRESS 1992 TO 12022243163 P.05 De.ar Friend, We need to bre~k up the old bor nerwork it1 Congress, ::ind rhis year prcsc:nts the first time in 50 years to do just that. I want to be: part of rhat CHA,.".:G.I::. _.co begin rebuilding our economy and creating jobs. We: won't have an unlimited amount of ddtn$e dollars pouting into our state. In rhe next Congress ideas will be: more important than seniority in helping put people back to work I am commirred to sweeping reforms to make Congress mofe effk:icnt, more accountable. Those who have: t3.ilc:d us in Congrc:~ tnust go, those: wlio have: taxc:d us into bankruptcy ot would promote such programs are not welcome, and those who hope to join Congress to be: political operatives or influence peddler~ , need not 2pply. fu your Congn:s~1nan I will work for an invc:stmc:m tax credit and a ~pita] gains ta." rc:duction to help crcarc ;obs. l will acrivdy work for an an1end.mc:m requiring a balanced Fc:dc:ral Budgt:t. I will support a ~ .:.t= ve~c •. the .same .powc~ cl::.a.r. 4.3. Gn:rn~~ s. h2xt.: .to n::Ju,. t" wasti:ful 5pc:nding. I will support term limits, so we won't have a permanent Corigre.o;.~ spending all ofiu time gening itsdf re-elected. I will work to cut congressional perks including the numbc:-r of subcommirree chairmen and staff. With your suppon we crn make these changes happen. INTEGRI1Y, COMMITMENT ... CHANGE. ABOUT PETER TORKILDSEN ... • In 1984 Peter Torkildsen challenged the Majority Leader of EDUCATION The House of Represenracives from Peabody in a district • Harvard Univer$iry, M.P.A., ~i.•h ti~c:s ..1 -~ man)'. Dern.~c _rars_~_ R~publicans . Though J.I:.K S.:;hool of.Govc:mmc:nt the "expem" said he couldn't win, Peter did win rhar efectic)n • University of Massachusetts/Amherst and scTYc:d three terms as an advocafe for Legislative rules B.A.. PolicicaJ Science reform, reducing unfair taxes and crearing jobs for Massachusetts. EXPERlf.NCE • Commissioner, Massachuscrrs Dcparrmcnt of labor and • In January 1991 Governor Bill Weld appointed Peter Industries, January 199 I-April 1992 Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Industries. • State: Rc:present.ative, M.assachusens 13th Essex Discrict, ~the Commissioner, Peter reduced by 63% rhe inherired Danvers and Peabody, J985-1990 backlog of wage cases, reduced by 43% tht: inherited backlog • Visiting Nurse Association of Boscon, of safety e;:a.se..o; and increased by 21 % the amoum of federal Service Coordinator, 1982-1984 grant:; n:u::ived by the de:partmc:nt. Peter resigned from this COMMUN I' I)' position in April in order to rnn for Congress. • Essex County Chamber of Commerce, Ipswich, President, 1989-1991 • Peter Torkildsen grew up Danvers, the sixth in in a family of • Guardian Membc:r Award, Boy Scouts of America, ten brothers and sistc:rs, and is a Danvers homeowner. North Bay Council for work on behalf of scouting • Weld for Governor/Cellucci for Lt. Governor Comminee, Ma!>sachusc:tt~ Co-Chair in the 1990 gcm·ral clc:ction. Page 6 of 62 TOTAL P.05 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 09-29-1992 12: 1 BPM FROM TORK ILDSENhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu CONG RES ~3 1992 TO 12022243 163 P.02 Peter G. Torkildsen 12 Spruce Street Danvers, Massachusetts 01923 508-777-45'30 EXPERIENCE: Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries, January 1991 to April 1992. Appointed by Governor William Weld to serve as chief exe.cutive and administrative officer of $5.8 million department. Resigned position in April, 1992 to campaign full time for the U.S. Congress. Major accomplishments include reducing the inherited backlog of wage cases by 63 percent, reducing the inherited backlog of safety cases by 43 percent, initiating improved deleading, industrial safety, and child safety regulations, and increasing federal grants received by the Department by 21 percent. Additional responsibilties included coordinating Governor Weld's initiatives on regulatory reform and privitiiation for the Exe.cutive Office of Labor. State Representative, Massachusetts 13th Essex District, 1985 to 1990. Member, Taxation and Post Audit and Oversight Committees, 1987 to 1990, Government Regulations Committee 1985 to 1986. Carried minority position for many major taxation bills. Sponsored House Post Audit studies into the abuse of "03" state consultants and the issuance of "phantom" license plates. Both studies preceded administrative or legislative changes to eliminate abuse in both areas. Defeated Majority Leader of the House in 1984 in a 4-1 Democrat district. Re-elected with 66 percent of the vote in 1986, and without opposition in 1988. Received Legislator of the Year award from the Massachusetts Municipal Association in 1988. Service Coordinator, Visiting Nurse Association of Boston, 1982 to 1984. EDUCATION: Harvard University, M.P.A., J. F.K. School of Government. Unh•ersity of Massachusetts at Amherst, B.A., Political Science.
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