WILLIAM BLAKE Short list 30 Item 00 Blackwell’s Rare Books 48-51 Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BQ, UK Tel.: +44 (0)1865 333555 "ax: +44 (0)1865 794143 %&a'l: rareboo)*+(la,)-ell.co.uk T-'tter: +(la,)-ellrare (la,)-ell.co.uk/rareboo)* B123KW%11’S R25% BOOKS S6O5T L7ST 30: W711728 B12KE 1. Bla'r (5o(ert T9e :ra;e. 2 <oe&. 5.6. 3ro&e), 1808, -'t9 a =ortra't front'*='e,e after <9'll'=*, a> et,9ed t'tle-=a?e and 11 e>?ra;ed =late* (@ 1.'?' S,9'a;onett' after Bla)e’* de*'?>*, a l'ttle *,attered fox'>?, ==. x';, 3!, A4B, 4to, ,onte&=orar@ 9alf ,alf o;er &ar(led (oard*, neatl@ re(a,)ed, ,orner* and ed?e* a l'ttle -orn, ,onte&=orar@ (oo)*eller’* t',)et '>*'de front ,o;er, 4. 5o('>*on, 1';er=ool, and *&all round red moro,,o (oo) la(el of Ne;a and G.@ L'ttell, good (Bentle@ 435B D3,000 "'r*t Euarto ed't'o> (al*o '**.ed '> fol'o , rare '> a> earl@ ('nd'>?. 0. Bla)e (4'll'a& 2ll 5el'?'o>* are One. Tr'ano> <re**, 1$#0, 10 ,ollot@=e =late* -'t9 9and-,olor'>?, a furt9er 30 ,ollot@=e =late* *9o-'>? t9e =late* '> ;ar'o.* *tate*, 8 ==. =r'nted text '>,lud'>? de*,r'=t';e ,o&&entar@ and ,olo=9on, 4to, or'?'nal full ?ree> &oro,,o, s='ne faded, or'?'nal sl'=-'n ca*e, good D$#5 One of 3! deluxe ,o='e* fro& a> ed't'o> of !!0. Fad'>? of ?reen moro,,o i* al&o*t ine;'ta(le. 3. Bla)e (4'll'a& 2.?ur'e* of Inno,e>,e. A,olo=9on:B Fla>*9a&: <ear Tree <re**, 1$14, =r'nted o> 2r,9e* 9and&ade =a=er, 'nta?l'o =r'nted '> (lue and *'l;er to a de*'?> (@ Fa&e* :ut9r'e, t9e ,all'?ra=9@ (@ 1'l'a> Fro*t, w't9 1! plate* (=r'nted on re,to of ea,9 leaf , i>,lud'>? half-t'tle, t'tle-=a?e, 11 pa?e* of text, colo=9o> and 0 =late* of :ut9r'e’* 'll.*trat'o>*, &'nor fox'>? to t9e front endlea;e*, ==. A10B =r'nted o> 1 *'de onl@ ((ut not re,to* onl@ , *&all 8;o, or'?'nal (lue ,ard -ra==er* -'t9 a *&all 'nta?l'o =r'nted t'tle o> a la(el o> t9e front ,o;er (t9'* not re=eated '> t9e text , =re*er;ed '> a ,lot9 fold'>? (ox, (oo)la(el of 2.F. S@&o>* to '>*'de of up=er -ra==er, good (Bentle@ 201G To&)'>*o> 144 D800 T9'* '* '>*,r'(ed, o> t9e =a?e follo-'>? t9e ,olo=9on, '> ?ood ,all'?ra=9@, a* HOf 05 3o='e*/t9'* '* No. #’. T9'* l'&'tat'o> '* not re,orded '> t9e ('(l'o?ra=9'e*. T9e .*ual edt'o> -a* 100 ,o='e*, of -9',9 30 -ere =la'> and ,oloured, and #0 ,oloured. :e>erall@ re?arded a* :ut9r'e’* f'r*t reall@ ,o&=etent =late boo), an ex,ellent p'e,e of pr'nt'>?. 4. Bla)e (4'll'a& T9e Boo) of 1o*. Tr'ano> <re**, 1$#!, 5 ,ollot@=e =late* 9and-,olo.red (@ *te>,'l, 8 ==. de*,r'=t';e ,o&&entar@, 00 furt9er ,ollot@=e =late* *9o-'>? =ro?re**';e *tate*, a ?.'de *9eet, I'>, *te>,'l, and a> or'?'nal ,o==er =late for t9e t'tle-=a?e, 4to, or'?'nal full ta> &oro,,o, *l'=-'> ,a*e, &oro,,o t'= to ed?e of e>tr@ to sl'= ca*e dar)ened, ot9er-'*e f'ne D800 No. X7I of 30 deluxe co='e*, out of a total ed't'o> of 510. 5. Bla)e (4'll'a& T9e Boo) of T9el. %d&onton: 4'll'a& 8.'r, 1885, -'t9 l't9o?ra=9ed ded',at'o> and 8 del',atel@ ,olo.red l't9o?ra=9ed =late*, all -'t9 t'**.e ?uard*, or'?'nal t'tled (lue =a=er -ra==er*, ,rea& =a=er (a,)*tr'= a* '**ued, *l'?9t *=ott'>? to -ra==er*, and (a,)*tr'= *=l't for a *9ort wa@ at e't9er end, pre*er;ed in a green clot9 c9e&'*e and sl'=-'> ,a*e, S'r 6.?9 4al=ole’* ,o=@ -'t9e Bra,)e>(ur> (oo)=late '>*'de fro>t ,o;er, ;er@ good (Bentle@ 24$B D3,000 No. 21 of t9e onl@ 50 pr'nted. !. Bla)e (4'll'a& T9e Boo) of T9el. So>?* of Inno,e>,e. 2nd So>?* of %x=er'e>,e. A,olo=9on:B <r'nted at t9e Balla>t@ne <re** ... and Sold (@ 8e**r*. 6a,o> and 5',)ett*, A18$#B, =r'nted o> 9and-&ade =a=er, -'t9 a> 'll.*trat'o> and de,orat';e (order to t9e t'tle-=a?e and 0 9'*tor'ated '>'t'al*, all (@ 39arle* 5',)ett*, one or t-o *=ot*, ==. lxxx', 8;o, or'?'nal (oard* -'t9 =r'nted =a=er la(el* o> .==er ,o;er and *='>e, (oard* a ('t *=otted, *='>e *l'?9tl@ dar)ened and -or> at 9ead and ta'l, one ,orner *l'?9tl@ wor> (T9e Vale Pre** B$G Bentle@ 23# D!05 One of 210 co='e*. #. Bla)e (4'll'a& T9e Boo) of T9el. Tr'ano> Pre**, 1$!5, 8 collot@=e plate* hand-,olo.red, 8 p=. de*,r'=t';e ,o&&entar@, 0$ furt9er ,ollot@=e =late* *9o-'>? =ro?re**';e *tate*, a ?.'de *9eet, and a I'>, *te>,'l, 4to, or'?'nal full bro-> moro,,o, sl'=-'n ca*e, moro,,o t'= to ed?e of e>tr@ to sl'= ca*e dar)e>ed, f'ne D1,000 3o=@ No.1# of 00 deluxe co='e*, out of a total ed't'on of 40!. 0 B123KW%11’S R25% BOOKS S6O5T L7ST 30: W711728 B12KE 8. Bla)e (4'll'a& K3all'>? 3ardL for :eor?e 3.&(erland. A4'll'a& Bla)e, 180#B, f'nel@ =r'nted ,all'>? ,ard, 41 x 80 &&, =r'nted '> (la,) '>) o> t9',) ,ard, tra,e* of &o.>t'>? o> ;er*o (B'nd&a> !54G %**',) 1$83 XXI(7: D10,#50 Bla)e’* la*t e>?ra;'>?, exe,uted for one of 9'* ,lo*e*t fr'end*. T9e '&a?e ex=re**e* o> of Bla)e’* ?reate*t t9e&e* - t9e relat'o>*9'= (et-ee> t'&e and eter>'t@. 2lt9o.?9 =ro(a(l@ 'ntended a* a ,all'>? ,ard, t-o (oo)* 9a;e (ee> lo,ated -'t9 t9'* ,ard =a*ted 'n, (ot9 (@ 3.&(erland. T9.* 't '* *o&et'&e* de*,r'(ed a* a (oo)=late. %xa&=le* o> ,ard not '> 3.&(erland’* (oo)* are ex,e=t'onall@ rare, and 9a;e (ee> =re*.&ed to (e of t9e earl'e*t =r'nt'>? and =o**'(l@ (@ Bla)e 9'&*elf. 2ll ot9er '&=re**'o>* (o> la'd =a=er &o*t ofte> are =o*t9.&o.*. 3$ exa&=le* '> all are )no-> to %**',), not '>,lud'>? t9o*e no- untra,ed, of -9',9 8 are o> ,ard (and 1 of -9',9 '* de*,r'(ed a* be'>? pr'nted i> ?reen i>) . $. Bla)e (4'll'a& 39a.,er* Canter(ur@ P'l?r'&* Pa'nted i> Fre*,o b@ W'll'a& Bla)e & b@ h'& E>?ra;ed M <.(l'*9ed O,to(er 8 1810. 3olna?9', after 5t9 of 8ar,9, 1881, e>?ra;'>? ($3$ x 300 &&, =r'nted o> la'd Ind'a =a=er and mounted, D$,000 "'nal state, earl@ i&=re**'on. See E**',), Se=arate Plate* of W'll'a& Bla)e, XJI. 10. Bla)e (4'll'a& 39a.,er* 3anter(ur@ <'l?r'&* <a'nted '> Fre*,o (@ 4'll'a& Bla)e M (@ 9'& %>?ra;ed M <.(l'*9ed O,to(er 8 1810. 3olna?9', after 5t9 of 8ar,9, 1881, e>?ra;'>? ($3$ x 300 &&, =r'nted o> la'd Ind'a =a=er and mounted, D$,000 "'nal state. See E**',), Se=arate Plate* of W'll'a& Bla)e, XJI. 11. Bla)e (4'll'a& T9e de*,ent of 8a> 'nto t9e Jale of Neat9. 5. 2,)er&an, 1*t 8ar,9 1813, or'?'nal e>?ra;'>? b@ L. S9'a;onett' after t9e dra-'>? (@ Bla)e, 2#8 x 1#0 m& to plate mar), D305 Or'?'nall@ p.(l'*9ed in Cro&e)’* ed't'o> of Bla'r’* T9e Gra;e, 1808. 3 B123KW%11’S R25% BOOKS S6O5T L7ST 30: W711728 B12KE 10. Bla)e (4'll'a& T9e :ate* of <arad'*e. For 39'ldren. For t9e Sexe*. Tr'ano> <re**, 1$!8, 4 ;ol*., t9e f'r*t, HIntrod.,tor@ vol.&e’, ma'nl@ text, and 8;o, t9e re&a'nder, 10&o, all plate* -'t9 t9e add't'o> 'n t9e la*t of a ,o==er=late and a ne?at';e t9ereof (deta,9ed fro& mount , f'r*t 3 ;ol*. i t9e or'?'nal tan &oro,,o, t9e la*t '> ,lot9, t9e *='>e* of t9e &oro,,o ;ol*. ;er@ *l'?9tl@ a(raded at t9e end and *l'?9tl@ d'*,olo.red, t9e *='ne of t9e clot9 vol.&e a tr'fle faded, in t9e or'?'nal ste==ed clot9 sl'=-'> ,a*e, sl'= ca*e a l'ttle faded, good D1,500 2> ed't'o> totall'>? #0! ,o='e*, ,o&=r'*'>? #00 >.&(ered 1-#00, of -9',9 t9'* '* one of t9e f'r*t 50 (>.&(er 05 -'t9 add't'onal &ater'al and '> a *=e,'al ('nd'>?.
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