June 17, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1095 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO UNIVERSITY OF alone. It is the first public university in U.S. Mr. Nappi also worked closely with local MICHIGAN PRESIDENT JAMES J. history to receive Wall Street's high Aa1 credit military bases to establish a program of sup- DUDERSTADT rating, and its endowment has increased five- port and training for service personnel prepar- fold, to more than $1.6 billion. U-M is also ing for discharge or release from active duty. HON. LYNN N. RIVERS completing a massive program to rebuild, ren- These transition assistance programs have ovate, and update all of its campus buildings. provided timely information on VA benefits and HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Dr. Duderstadt has not only expanded and programs to thousands of veterans. HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. improved the university's departments, infra- Working under the guidance of Mr. Nappi, HON. DAVID E. BONIOR structure, research, and funding; he must also the San Diego Department of Veterans' Affairs be commended for promoting diversity and Regional Office has endeavored to put into ac- HON. DALE E. KILDEE equality in higher education. His strategies tion the philosophy of former Administrator of HON. SANDER M. LEVIN have made U-M an accomplished multicultural Veterans' Affairs, Omar Bradley, when he HON. FRED UPTON community, increasing opportunities for minori- said: ``We are dealing with veterans, not pro- ties, women, international students, and fac- cedures; with their problems, not ours.'' This HON. DAVE CAMP ulty in every walk of life. philosophy has led to new and more efficient HON. BARBARA-ROSE COLLINS Dr. Duderstadt's achievements in research, lines of communication between the Depart- teaching, and educational leadership have ment of Veterans' Affairs and our veterans HON. JAMES A. BARCIA and their advocates. earned him the President's National Medal of Mr. Nappi's commitment to community rela- HON. PETER HOEKSTRA Technology, the E.O. Lawrence Award for ex- HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG tions is a particular strength. Among his most cellence in nuclear research, the Arthur Holly successful cooperative efforts was the work HON. NICK SMITH Compton Prize for outstanding teaching, the with the Navy League and the Serviceman's HON. BART STUPAK National Engineer of the Year Award for pro- YMCA. In partnership with the United Veter- HON. VERNON J. EHLERS fessional service, and the Equity Award from ans Council of San Diego and the Vietnam the Parity Committee and the Michigan De- Veterans of San Diego, the VA was also in- HON. DICK CHRYSLER partment of Education for his commitment to volved with Project Stand Down, which has OF MICHIGAN diversity and equality in higher education. met the needs of hundreds of homeless veter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He has also been elected to the American ans. Mr. Nappi was actively involved in job Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Monday, June 17, 1996 placement services with the California Employ- Academy of Engineering, Phi Beta Kappa, and ment Development Department, opening an Ms. RIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on Tau Beta Pi. In 1984, he received a Presi- outbased EDD office in the San Diego VA Re- behalf of all my colleagues in the Michigan dential appointment to the first of two 6-year gional Office to place veterans in jobs and to delegation to deliver our tribute to James J. terms on the National Science Board, which assist others in filing for benefits. Duderstadt, president of the University of he chaired from 1991 to 1994. Mr. Nappi has led by example, taking a per- Michigan, who is stepping down from his post All of us from the Michigan delegation of sonal interest in veterans. He has dem- after 8 years of outstanding and accomplished Representatives applaud Dr. Duderstadt's ex- onstrated the sincerity of his concern by be- leadership. tensive achievements and thank him for his coming involved in individual cases brought to Dr. Duderstadt has had a long and illus- service and commitment to higher education. his attention. His efforts deserve our respect, trious career with the University of Michigan. Thousands of students, scholars, educators, not because every person got the decision As both an educator and an administrator, he and researchersÐboth in Michigan and the they wanted, but because when he promised has worked tirelessly to make it one of the world beyondÐhave benefitted from his con- a timely resolution of the claim, he remained jewels in Michigan's excellent State university tributions and will continue to benefit from personally involved until a final decision was system, as well as a top research facility ben- them well into the 21st century. made and communicated to the veteran. efiting the entire Nation. Dr. Duderstadt has f Recognizing his talents and commitments, positioned the university to excel in the 21st the Veterans Benefits Administration has se- century by strengthening its academic pro- ``TO CARE FOR HIM WHO SHALL lected Mr. Nappi to become the Area Director grams, garnering strong private and Federal HAVE BORNE THE BATTLE . .'' over 13 VA regional offices in the North support, rebuilding facilities on the university's Central United States. Mr. Nappi leaves us a several campuses, enhancing its role in higher HON. BOB FILNER legacy of innovative and valuable initiatives education, and diversifying its student body OF CALIFORNIA and accomplishments that have increased the and faculty. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES level and quality of service provided to south- Dr. Duderstadt first joined the University of ern California's veterans. Michigan in 1969 as an assistant professor of Monday, June 17, 1996 He strives to keep our promise to our veter- nuclear engineering. He was promoted to as- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, today is a time to ans, so eloquently stated by President Abra- sociate professor in 1972 and to professor in convey the respect and gratitude of the San ham Lincoln in 1865: ``To care for him who 1976. His teaching and research in science, Diego veterans community and the employees shall have borne the battle, and his widows, mathematics, and engineering has included of the Department of Veterans' Affairs for the and his orphans.'' We will miss him very work on such projects as nuclear fission reac- efforts and accomplishments of Patrick Nappi, much, but we congratulate him and wish him tors, laser-driven thermonuclear fusion, and Director of the Department of Veterans' Affairs well in his new position. the development of supercomputers. Regional Office in San Diego. f From 1981 to 1986, Dr. Duderstadt served During the past 5 years, veterans in San HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE FOR as dean of the College of Engineering, trans- Diego, Riverside, and Imperial Counties have LEBANON forming it into one of the Nation's finest. He experienced in Mr. Nappi a friend and advo- was named provost and vice president for cate, who was working for them at the San academic affairs in 1986 and president of the Diego Regional Office. Mr. Nappi established HON. LEE H. HAMILTON OF INDIANIA university 2 years later. close working relationships with the State and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his tenure as president, the national county and with local and national veterans ranking of U-M programs has been the highest service organizations. These relationships Monday, June 17, 1996 ever. Ranked as the Nation's leading research have been based on a genuine mutual respect Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to university, U-M attracted $406 million in public and a concern for the needs of veterans and bring to the attention of my colleagues an ex- and private support for research in 1994±95 their dependents. change of letters I and 16 of our colleagues in · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 17, 1996 the House had with the Agency for Inter- State are actively responding to the humani- live an extraordinary life. He came to our com- national Development [AID] regarding the tarian needs of thousands of civilians who munity via the U.S. Army. He became the emergency needs of assistance in Lebanon in were displaced by the conflict in April. On commander of the Corpus Christi Army Depot April 19, the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, the aftermath of the fighting between Richard Jones, issued a disaster declaration in 1967, a position he held until he retired in Hezbollah and Israel in April. in response to a series of international ap- 1971, after 29 years of service to his country. Lebanon remains an important country for peals for assistance launched by the Govern- Also in 1971, he was named the cowinner of the United States and it is in our national inter- ment of Lebanon. USAID released $25,000 for the first Secretary of the Army Award for est to help its people as they struggle to pre- immediate provision to local non-govern- Achievement in Equal Employment Oppor- serve and strengthen the country's independ- mental organizations implementing emer- tunity. ence, territorial integrity, and freedom. gency relief activities. These organizations After serving as vice president of the Cor- The continued fighting in southern Lebanon provided immediate support and lodging, pus Christi Mercantile National Bank, he has brought untold suffering on Lebanese ci- mobilized ambulance fleets, mobile clinics, and first aid centers to assist the sick and began four terms of service as the mayor of vilians often caught in the crossfire.
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