Index A baitfish, 80 baking fish, 305–307 action, of rods, 26–27 balance, reels and, 36 Adams, Charles, 105 Baldwin, Ned adjustable disc drag, 37 How to Dress an Egg, 298 Akstens, Connelly (guide), 46, 166 Balkans, for trout and salmon, 328 Alabama, for bass, 167 bankside trees/shrubs, 239 Alaska, for trout and salmon, 327 barb albacore, false, 177–178 hackles and, 116 albies, 177–178 in hooks, 54 Albright Knot, 292–295 Barnwell, Robert, 165–166 Allen, Jack (bass guide), 46, 164–165, 169 barometric swings, 253 American shad, 152 bass anadromous, 138 casting for, 156–157 anchovies, for saltwater fish, 195–196 destinations for, 163–168 Anglers All, 128 diet for, 157–163 Anglers Journal, 341 drag and fishing for, 39 anglersall (website), 128 fishing for, 140, 155 angling, compared with fishing, 10–12 flies for, 169–171 ants, 80 hooking, 258 Arbor Knot, 291–292, 293 largemouth, 140–141, 155–157 arbors, 38 line weight for, 46 Arctic char, 134 net for, 264 Argentina, for trout and salmon, 326 rods for, 28, 29, 156 Atlantic salmon, 139 selecting, 142 Au Sable River (Michigan), 322–323 smallmouth, 141–143, 155–157 Ausable Wulff, 106 striped, 175–176 time of day for fishing, 252 B bass-bug taper, 47 backcast, 221 COPYRIGHTEDBattered MATERIAL Fish recipe, 304 backhand, 228–229 bay anchovies, for saltwater fish, 195–196 backpack, 279 bays, 248–249 Bahamas, for saltwater fishing, 331 beetles, 80 bait, for saltwater fish, 193–202, 247 Belize, for saltwater fishing, 331 Index 345 0004968188.INDD 345 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 24, 2020 11:32 AM bend, of hooks, 54–55 books, recommended, 335–339 Big River, for bass, 165 The Book of the Tarpon (Dimock), 189 big-headed deer-hair flies, for bass, 170 boot foot waders, 274 Bimini Twist knot, 189 bottoms Bing, Sandy, 336 base layer, 272 birds, watching, 244–246, 250 fleece, 273 Black Caddis, for Yellowstone River, 320 bouncing under limbs, 230–231 black crappie, 149, 150 bowing, to jumping fish, 262 Black River, for bass, 165 breaking rods, 14 Blados, Joe, 205 Breck, Eddie, 338 Blue Winged Olive (BWO) British Columbia, for trout and salmon, 328 about, 70, 93–94 brook trout (brookies), 134 for Au Sable River, 323 Brown Drake for Fall River, 322 for Au Sable River, 323 for Missouri River, 318 for Henry’s Fork, 317 for South Holston River, 324 for Missouri River, 318 for South Platte River, 320 brown trout, 130–131 for Upper Delaware River, 315 bucktail, 101 for White River, 324 bullheads, 150–151 bluefin tuna bunker, for saltwater fish, 196–197 fishing for, 184 burrowers, 69–70 rods for, 29 butt, 20, 21, 22, 50–51 bluefish fishing for, 176–177 line weight for, 46 C Cabo San Lucas, for saltwater fishing, 333 rods for, 29 Caddis flies teeth in, 177 about, 73–75 bluegill for Deschutes River, 321 fishing for, 149 for Missouri River, 318 rods for, 29 for White River, 324 takes, 257 Cahill, for Upper Delaware River, 315 boat Callibaetis boating fish, 264–270 about, 91 fishing from a, 174 for Fall River, 322 speed for, 254 for Henry’s Fork, 317 boat clock, 234–235 camouflage, 17–18 bobbin, 114 Capt. Jack Productions (website), 343 bodkin, 114 caring, for rods, 30–33 bonefish carp, 153–154 fishing for, 185–186 carrier, rod, 31 line weight for, 46 case, rod, 30–31 rods for, 29 346 Fly Fishing For Dummies 0004968188.INDD 346 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 24, 2020 11:32 AM casting Chatham, Russ, 337 about, 17, 209 Cheat Sheet (website), 3 backcast, 221 Chernobyl Ant, 108–109 backhand, 228–229 Chile, for trout and salmon, 326 for bass, 156–157 chinook salmon, 138 boat clock, 234–235 choosing bouncing under a limb, 230–231 bass, 142 distance and, 223 flies, 111–112 double hauling, 223–225 rods, 19–33 drag and, 227–228 Christmas Island, for saltwater fishing, 332 false, 232 cigar grip, 22 fishing the clock, 234 cinder worms, for saltwater fish, 197–198 forward cast, 212–219 cleaning fly lines, 50 keeping flies dry, 231–232 clingers, 69 for largemouth bass, 156–157 clippers, 280 managing headwinds, 222–223 clock mending, 231 boat, 234–235 pile cast, 229–230 fishing the, 234 quarter, 232–233 clothing roll cast, 219–220 about, 17–18, 271 for smallmouth bass, 156–157 basics of, 272–273 speed of, 215–217 color of, 273 Spey cast, 226–227 dressing in layers, 271–272 steeple cast, 222 gloves, 275 stripping baskets, 233 hat, 273, 274 styles of, 23 lanyard, 279–280 tips for, 210–212 pack, 276–281 two-hand retrieve, 233 sunglasses, 281 catastrophic drift, 240 sunscreen, 273 Catch (magazine), 342 vest, 276–281 catch and release, 267–270 waders, 274 catching Clouser, Bob, 109, 167 about, 257 Clouser Minnow boating, 264–270 about, 109–110 fight, 260–264 for bass, 161, 170, 171 hooking, 258–259 for bluefish, 177 landing, 264–270 for bonefish, 185 process of, 259 for saltwater fish, 205 takes, 257–258 for sea trout, 180 catfish, 150–151 for shad, 151 Caucci, Al, 77, 171, 173 for striped bass, 176 chain pickerel, 147–148 for weakfish, 180 Index 347 0004968188.INDD 347 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 24, 2020 11:32 AM coffin fly, 87 debris, 239 Coho salmon, 138 Deceiver Cole, John, 200 for bass, 170–171 color for bluefish, 177 for clothing, 273 for saltwater fish, 195, 205 of fly line, 47 for sea trout, 180 Columbia River, for bass, 167 for snook, 188 Comparadun, 77, 104, 122, 124–125 for striped bass, 176 The Compleat Angler (Walton), 131, 336 for tarpon, 190 compound hatch, 93 for weakfish, 180 cooking fish, 297–310 dehooking snooks, 188 Coosa River (Alabama), for bass, 167 depth, for fishing, 246 cork, 20 Derren, Jim, 76 cork and ring reel seat, 40 Deschutes River (Oregon), 321 Cotton, Charles, 131 desiccants, 232 cover, disappearing into, 262 destinations Crab fly for bass, 163–168 for mud crabs, 199 for salmon, 325–328 for saltwater fish, 204 for saltwater fishing, 329–333 crappie, 29, 149, 150 for trout, 325–328 crawlers, 68–69 diet, for bass, 157–163 crayfish, for bass, 161 Dimock, Anthony Crazy Charlie The Book of the Tarpon, 189 for bonefish, 185 dip net, 281 for fluke, 182 distance, for casting, 223 for permits, 187 Dobson fly, 160 for saltwater fish, 202–203 Dolly Varden, 134 Crease fly, for saltwater fish, 205 Dolomieu, Deodat, 143 crickets, for bass, 159 double hauling, 223–225 Crispy Skin Fillet recipe, 301–302 down-locking reel seat, 41 Cuba, for saltwater fishing, 331 down-wing fly, 75 current, using as a tool during catching, 261 drag Current River, for bass, 165 casting and, 227–228 cutthroat trout, 135–136 defined, 38 testing, 40 dragonflies, for bass, 158–159 D The Drake, 341 damselflies, for bass, 157–158 drop-offs, 244 dead drifting, 59–60, 86 dry flies dead water, 241 about, 98–99 deadfalls, 239 tying, 121–122 debarbing, 57 348 Fly Fishing For Dummies 0004968188.INDD 348 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 24, 2020 11:32 AM dry fly fishing, 60, 231–232 grilling, 308–310 dry-fly fly rods, 28 killing, 266 drying substance, 232 landing, 264–270 “Duffers Fortnight,” 132 looking at, 16 duns matching rods to, 29 Blue Winged Olive, 93 pan roasting, 300–302 Callibaetis, 91 playing the, 263–264 Giant Michigan Caddis, 92 poaching, 298–299 Green Drake, 87 pumping, 262–263 Hendrickson, 85 requirements for, 9–10 March Brown, 86 tips for increasing survival rate, 267 Quill Gordon, 83 “fish on,” 259 Fisherman’s Knot, 284–285 fishing. See also specific topics E angling compared with, 10–12 eddies, 239 from a boat, 174 Elk Hair Caddis, 105 defined, 8 emerger stage, 65 depth for, 246 emergers, 65, 72 history of, 10 England, for trout and salmon, 328 learning, 13–16 Enos, Apaius, 135 at night, 253 escaping air-bubble effect, 103 time for, 251–253 Everglades, for bass, 163, 164–165 fishing holes, reading, 241–244 eye, of hooks, 55 fishing licenses, 17–18, 140 fishing the clock, 234 F Flagler, Tim, 128 Fall River (California), 321–322 flashlight, 281 false albacore, 177–178 flats, time of day for fishing, 252 false casting, 232 Flick, Art, 89 farm ponds, for bass, 168 flies. See also specific types ferrules, 20, 21, 30, 32 about, 63–64 Field & Stream, 341 for bass, 169–171 “fight,” 260–264 choosing, 111–112 fillfish, rods for, 29 dry, 98–99 first-aid kit, 281 matching leaders to, 51 fish. See also specific types for saltwater fish, 202–205 about, 7–8 tying on, 59 anatomy of, 8 floatant, 231 baking, 305–307 Florida Keys, for saltwater fishing, 330 boating, 264–270 flow, of water, 238–240 cooking, 297–310 fluke, 182 frying, 303–304 Fly Fisherman, 316, 341 Index 349 0004968188.INDD 349 Trim size: 7.375 in × 9.25 in September 24, 2020 11:32 AM fly lines Elk Hair Caddis, 105 cleaning, 50 escaping air-bubble effect, 103 color of, 47 Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear, 102, 103, 125–127 length of, 46 Griffith’s Gnat, 107 taper tips, 47 Light Hendrickson, 121–122, 123 threading, 48–49 Muddler Minnow, 111 using as a tool during catching, 260 nymphs, 125–127 weight of, 25, 45–47 online help, 128 fly reels. See reels Parachute Adams, 105–106 fly rodder, 10–11 Prince Nymph, 102–103 fly rods requirements of number of flies, 97–102 action of, 26–27 Rusty Spinner, 107, 108 anatomy of, 20–23 tools for, 112–127 for bass, 156 wet flies, 99–100 breaking, 14 Woolly Bugger, 110, 115–120 caring for, 30–33 Zebra Midge, 107–108 choosing, 19–33 flyfishfood (website), 128 holding, 210–211 Fly-Fishing the 41st: From Connecticut to Mongolia for largemouth bass, 156 and Home Again: A Fisherman’s Odyssey (Prozek), 338 length of, 25 The Flyfish Journal, 341 line weight, 25 Flying Ants, for Upper Delaware River, 315 matching to fish, 29 Flylords, 342 raising, 259 flymenfishingcompany (website), 171 for saltwater fish, 174 The Fly
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