En 20, 1944 q aATloN CAt-INDA. MEATS. t'ATS. R.O 8'a,;,,,., AX t~ro.lh l.8 .nd AI Ibr•• ," 05 , ... ludollull.IYl PI&OOENMt:lI . ·OOIlM, lI'u ••I.IU~' A8 Cloudy. Ibro.,b Z8 .a. A~ Ibr ..,b L5 ,00. IDd.UnllelYI SUGAR. •••• p, 80. SI, 31, and 83 .aob ,oed ln4eflDI•• ly for 'Ive aeordingl POUD' •••ob; .'amp 40 ,!loti 'or fjve pouod. '.r boml cap .. DID, Ibro.,b Fob. 28. 1~5; 8HOJ:S. ,I,plano .taID,. I aud 2 IOWA: ParlJ, cloudY and ,,·anDU. ,oed IDllellnltol" GASOLINE. 12. 0\ OOUPODI ,ood 'or Ibn. ,alloD. Ibr... ,b Sept. 21. lli·A coupona In new "AU book ,oad DAILY IOWAN Iday ev~iiina THE tar 'our "'ab from Sept. 22 throuch O!C. el; FUEL OIL, I prOiram or period • and G aouponl vall4 Ihra.,hout curred beaU_, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Ie m)l~lc' de. perloa. cal 'w1l\ , bt fJVE CENTS TIR AS.ooIA'UD ...... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1944 VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 3Q.4 Over WSlJ! I to be h~~r~ , ! , Stou , ,for. ALLIED ROAD TO VICTORY-NAZIS' ROAD TO DEFEAT IUslc depart. f 'verture" by 'British :Struggle to Cross Rhine; Group 'I Office':' ate student, Reds ·Near Estonian C,cpital pre.sid~nt of .. Baptist ~ei. nigh t meel. BELGIAN QUEEN GREETS LIBERATORS . , Take 2,000 Bricker Charges Use Nazis Encircle Llde M(u'l[ne . chairman. or Of Taxpayers' Money. lS; Al Slaler nan 'of ' th~ More Towns S~ Troops vice; Mary In FOR's Campaign 'casurer, and Prentis, stu. I Leningrad Army Dewey Prepares Netherlands Radio l represents. , ' Divisions Join To Speak Says British Tanks rmen named On 300·Mile Front In San F.rancisco Cross Nilmegen Bri~ge I, deputation' crship; Mllry T.. ONDON (AP)-PrOPlllJed WILKES-BARRE, Po. (AP)­ ST PREME HEADQT AR- Jongewaard by It double breakthr011gh in The Democratic national admin­ TERfi, AEF, Thnl'!lday (A P) ng, mlsslo~ Estonia by a Pom·th army istration was accused last night by -Briti h. ond army troops and Do'rothy group, the Red army'R ,:trand Gov. John W. Bricker, Republican fought d Rpl'rately today to offensivl' to rio the Baltic !It&tell vice·presldential can did ate, of rOll! the> Rhinr river at Nijm - or Germans before snow mes spendin, millions ot taxpayers' ~('n , Holland, in a rlH!p to fPScne football. has engulfl'd nearly 2,000 more money to confuse voters and pro· a huge pOrKl't or aLIiI'd oirborn towm; and reached within !)() mote 0. fourth term for President isolated in 'a grad usle, foree tlw Arnlwnl miles of Tallinn, Estonian capi· Roosevelt. :as proll\oted Furthermore, Bricker declared sector and under HhlHlling Orr­ THI! QUALITIES of a. symbolic painting a.re contained In this excellent photolraph. taken somewhere tal, Moscow disclosed last night. man attack. !nant In the on the French-German border. A British army motorcycllst Is ShOWD, In a cloud of dust, In full pursuit in a speech released by his cam­ reserve ac. An ordcl' of the day from paign staff, "New Dealers" are reo The all.im porlll n l cOllerple .f the f1eelnc Germans, heedless of the ~hattered German helmet by the roadside, symbol of the ruin Premier Pltalin to Marshal Leo· ,ncement re­ which has come upon the German Wehnnacht and all of Hitler's plans of conquest. sortine to "threats and Intimida­ bridge, a mil and II ha If long Il the naval nid A. Govorov of the Lenin· tion" and are usin, "hundreds of and 600 feet ahov the . witt command at grad front forces and the mid· thousands" of political employes. (lowing W 881 Rhinc, . till i in­ ni{4ht M 0 s cow communique "They are basing their cam· tact, headqullrter d pel 8 r t' d received a announced a breakthrough north paign first upon propaganda," he officially at midnight. but It was e University Yanks Capture Anguar Islarid of Tartu, east·central Estonian decl.ared. "The Washington ad­ QUEEN MOTHBa ELIZABETH of Belliam II shown here "'vlnc ber firmly held by the Germans, and M.B.A. from rail city, had gajned more than IT)lnistration is spend in, hundreds autolr.ph to a British loldler In Bru ell .the Bel.... n eapltal. The a ereat, awirlln, battle was ra,­ sity In Ey. of millions of dollars of the tax­ lng. 43 miles on a front 75 miles wide queen. mcKhet of Belrlum'l KInr Leopold, "",on.lIy welcome4 Ihe md his Ph.D. payers' hard earned money to pro­ allied liberators. The airborne troops in the Arn­ of Illinoi~ in 'Indispensable Man'- U: S. Names Envoy and had talten more than 1,500 pagandize them-to promote the hem sector were "completely sur­ He is a Kill 7,645 Japanese towns in four days. idea of an indispensable man and rounded" by the Nazis, headquar­ lpha Epsjlon Thrusts Westward a commander-in-chief-lo ,ather ters said of(lclaJly, ond battled i Phi ~eta together the minority ,roups who At a Glance- In P'acific Invasions To Polish Government A northern win, of the same Congress Completes furiously In the pocket a,ainst the 'h,i and Beta Truman have been the palace favorites of Gennan rine. lrIUY frafer. army t h r u s t westward from the New Deal ... hopin, to win Reaffirms Support Tbe Germans increased their 1e American Enemy Resistance Narva in a 37 -mile advanC4! in this electiQn." Demobilization Bill air activity ,reatly and threw 1 More serious than propa,anda and the Slows Advance For Regime . three days, taking more than 300 Tddoy's pLanes Into heavy bombing and of Polftical Replies ' communities. • "taking undue credit lor the war Legi.lators to Recess • .trafine operation. both at Arn­ Ignored by Russia On Morotai, Peleliu These fo~ces stood less than 85 effort," Bricker said, "is the with­ hem and Nij,emen, and also at i ves in r,8ke miles east of Tallinn at Rahkla holding of news from the Ameri­ Aft.r Finishing Work Britilh-held Eindhoven. is wife . and u. s. PACIFIC FLEET NEW YORK* * (AP)* _ United WASHINGTON (AP) - In a and less than 50 southeast of can people." Iowan Seventy mlles to the south Uni­ Before Nazi Collap.. HEADQUARTERS, Peud Har­ States Senator Harry S. Truman, diplomatic move with a bearing Navs. Citing the delay in the court­ ted States First army troops under bor (AP}-The 81st infantry Democratic vice.presidential nom. on the domestic political picture, Width of the latter front was martial of Rear Adm. Husband E. WASHINGTON (API - Con­ Lieut. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges Ih, who " al­ division has completely cap· inee. declared yesterday. "The in. President Roosevelt yesterday not diSClosed, but the Ust of cap­ Kimmel and Ma~. Gen. Waiter C. Brttlsh attempt* * *crossing pt gress completed yesterday the last reached Gressenlch, lour mllCil ity of Iowa, Short as an example ot concealing Rhine at Nijmejlen, encounter hued little An gun r island, dispensable mm proposition was named Arthur Bliss Lane as am- tured towns made evident that of fOul' major bil~ preparln, for east 01 StoIber" In Germany. Ger­ to the rank news, be latd-the people are en­ ~tll(. German resJstance. southern most of the P a I a u originated by RepubUcan.s." the two W!nll of the Leningrad the collapse of Germany, tendiJIl m.n forces In this area fouaht an field in He msde the statement at a ~ssador to· the exiled govern- army were )0. i ne d au"'d th a t th e titled to know the facts of "the to President Rooseyelt', del k group. furiously and with better coor­ s announced press oonference at headquarters ment of Poland - thereby sud- RUssians now had a soUd, ad­ disarocet'ul Pearl Harbor episode." Russians take 2,000 towns in "states' rllhtJ" lealslatlon drawln' dination than at any time since I. Reid, com­ Thl.' navy l"epol'ted last night of the Democratic national com. denly reaffirming United States vancing front swinging more than Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, presi­ concentrated sweep, approach the outlines for demobill%atlon the battle ot Normandy, front dis­ e field .. Lieu­ that "OUI' forces have killed an mittee when asked to comment on support for the regime Which 300 miles southwestward {rom dential nominee, rode southward Estonian capital. and reconversion. patches said. a navigation estimated 7,045 enemy troops the charge by Republican Presi. Russia declines to recognize or the gulf of Finland to points west yeste~day in a repaired train Victorious In a race against The Arnericalll were han"lni field. on Peleliu Bnd 600 on Anguar" dential 'Candidate Tho mas E. deal with. of Riga, with the LeninFad which showed no evidence of Yanks com pie tel y conquer lime, the lawmakers reached for "rlmly to the breaches In the in bitter fighting against the Dewey at Portland, Ore., Tuesday Lane is one of eight ambassa- Third, Second and First Baltic Tuesday's collision. Angaur, kill 7,645 Jap troops their hats to ,0 home until after Sie,tried line. The Nazis were Japanese defenders of those fur night that President Roosevelt dors whose names the president forces all in action. The Republican nominee told a On Anguar, Peleliu. the November electlona. Many 01 throwln, in huge reserves in an considered himself indispensable submitted to the senate yesterday On the Riga front, where only collection of somewhat banda,ed them face tough fl"hu for reelec­ effort to prevent lurther penetra­ Pacific islands.
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