HARYANAscHool,SHIKSHAPARIYoJNAP.ARISHAD (Regd.Under SocietiesRegistration Act, 186Cr) Shiksha S.dun, 3'a & 4tr'Floor, Sector-S,Panchkula-134109 Tel: 0172-2590s05,2586026(F) | E-mail: hssppadmn@gmaril'com I Website:www,.hssPPin Ref. No. SSA/Admn12017 128372 Dated_I3.10.2017 Notice The candidates who will appear for interview fbr the post of Assistant project Coordinatoron 14.10.2017& 15.10.2017must be requiredto bring the hardcopy of their Service Profile uploaded on MIS Portal alongwith their other documents. [q^^* 4%\.-'r'-]- DeputY SuPrerintendent For Additional StarteProject Director sj' q Rrsrr6r siFrs'* -* - wd Rrwr a$*ne' sc q+ sc ct M r, Sector-5, PKL dated14.10.2017at10'00AM,ShikhaSadan'6thF Name orfSchool Sr. Name of candidate Employee Present presentlYPosted No Sh./Smt. II) Designation C iSS Mohrri I Alka Jain I 159 Lecturer B nnokheri, AMB C JSSmain.Branch, 2 Amar Jeet Singh t232 Lecturer r. nb ( VtSNo 0,5,Kaithal 3 Ashok Kumar 2279 HeadMaster (EHM) ( SSStvt.tttraPur, KKR 4 ni. esnot kumarSaini 3r502 Lecturer 1010 Lecturer SSSet Ua.Pur,Ambala - | l',tottinderSingh I I Randhawa ISSSChandwas, 6 PawanKumar 63286 Master ihiwani iSSS Ru.oPur,AMB RajeshAggarwal 1680 Lecturer }SSSRarnPur, AMB 8 Raieshkumar 8566 I Lecturer iSSS Dhigawa Jattan' 9 RameshChander 7483 Master ]hiwani 3HS RampurChhaPra, t0 SanjeevKaumar 1557 Lecturer A.mbala GSSSPrem 11 SusheelK Channa 63142 Lecturer Nagar,Arnbala GMSBansogate,Karnal 12 | SunitKumar 26265 Master GSSSNathuwas 13 Smt. DurgeshNandm 7t89 Princiapl GMSSSNIT-FBD t4 lr. fai Singtt | 15696 Lecturer GMS Burdhena, 15 KaramvirSingh 15427 Master Faridabad GHS Sotai, Ballabgarh T6 Rajesh Singh 207r21 Lecturer GHS Gerhkhera,FRB I7 SatenderKumar 12634 Lecturer GHS Kumharia, 18 Anil Kumar 44r34 Master Fatehabad Present Name of School Sr. Name of candidate EmploYee Designation presentltYPosted No Sh./Smt. ID Master G ItS UttuoiPal,Hansi-I, 19 SurenderPal 68128 H SAI G {S Majod, Hisar 20 Dr. Anil Yadav r9359 Lecturer Master C FISKhatl,,ati, Hisar- 1 21 Rajender Singh 59151 EHM ( MS Dharmkot, 22 Sh. SurenderSingh 44403 \ amunanagar Lecturer ( SSSJuglan, Hisar z) SushilaKumari 19822 ffioitodh, Jhajjar 24 JogenderGulia 42086 Lecturer ;BSSSOltd Faridabad 25 ParveenKumar 79791 Lecturer iSSS,Jhaijar 26 PremjeetSangwan 42183 Lecturer Lecturer ]SSS Asi.akiGorawas, 27 R"JS*gh I 39154 lwr SSSSGudha, JJR 28 SanjayKumar 63060 Master GSSS DhLalanwas, 29 SaudhagarSingh 4144t) Head Master Jhajjar GSSS Kilrodha, Jhajjar 30 Sh. Bhup Singh 42357 Lecturer GSSSGojrodh, Jhajjar 3l SurenderKadain 40151 Lecturer Jhajjar a^ Lecturer GGSSSJDighal, 3L Vineeta Kumari 201447 JND aa Master GHSKhokhari. JJ Amarjit Singh 22852 Ttral, kamal 34 Dalbir Singh 63168 Master GMS Jind 3s Dr. Ashokkumar 59324 Lecturer GSSSA.lewa, Dhatrath,Jind 36 Dr. JagmahenderSingh 23034 Lecturer GSSS Present Name of School Name of candidate EmploYee Sr. presentlYPosted No Sh./Smt. ID Designation Jind a- Master G iSDni[o*al, )t HarishKumar s9009 G ItSAnoolPcarh, Jind 38 Jai Bhagwan 20457 Master G ISS Bhannbewa,Jind 39 JitenderSingh 59070 Lecturer c HS RajanaKalan, Jind 40 ParveenKumar 20520 Master ( SSSKalova, Jind 41 Rajbir Singh 22865 Lecturer ( HS Siwalha,Jind 42 RajeshKumar 58095 Master 'SSSDhatrath, Jind 43 RajeshKumar 58154 Master ;SSS Ptra'ttdheri,Hisar 44 Ram Mehar 79649 Lecturer iHS Singhana,Jind 45 SanjeevKumar 78375 Lecturer iGSSSKhatkar, Jind 46 SatyapalSingh 23246 Lecturer iHS Brah Kalan,Jind 47 SatyenderKumar 63527 Lecturer 3HS Gha.so,Jind 48 VirenderSingh 21557 Lecturer GSSSKakkar, AMB 49 Sanjit Kumar 90117 Lecturer GSSSHamsi, Hisar 50 Dr. Rita Sangwan 2006r Lecturer bhcrjraj,Hisar 51 Dr. SatishKumar 2006'3 Lecturer GHS GHS Chlhot,Kaithal 52 Raj Kumar 29343 Master Peedal,Kaithal 53 Rajpal 29966 Lecturer GSSS GSSSKaithal(on 54 Satbir Singh s2569 Master deputatironin Sakshar Bharatrnission -Name Present Name of School Sr. of candidate EmploYee presentlYPosted No Sh./Smt. ID Designation G ISSKaithal 55 SatpalMalik 29390 Master K rithal 56 Suraj Mal 29495 Lecturer C iSS Kaithal 51 SureshKumar 28568 Lecturer master CSSSBalbehra, Kaithal 58TMuhuuir Singh 67256 Head ( HS Nagla Megha, 59 Anurag Dhingra 78596 Lecturer I arnal SSSAssandh, KN 60 Ashok Mehta 25619 Lecturer |SSSMehra, 61 BhupinderSingh 24898 Lecturer -urukshetra ISSSDaduPur Roran, 62 ChanderMohan 24717 Lecturer .amal iHS SamanaBahu, 63 Dr.IshwarSingh 25878 Lecturer Lamal }SSS Taraori, Karnal 64 Isham Singh 265'l'l Lecturer ]SSS Sarnbhi,Karnal 65 | KrishanChand 203827 Lecturer 3SSSBeri, Jhajjar 66 | KrishanKumar 28103 Master Khanpur, Karnal 67 PremPal | 63344 ESHM GSSS GMS Main Mati, Karnal 68 SatpalPanwar 70530 ESHM GSSS Taraori, Karnal 69 Smt. Ranjit Kaur Dogra Not PGT in Hindi mentioned (2002) GSSSTaraori, Karnal 10 Som Nath 79432 Lecturer Daha 71 SudarshanKumar 26319 Master GSSS Daha, Karnal 72 SureshKumar 26070 Master GSSS Present Name of School Sr. Name of candidate Employee presentlYPosted No Sh./Smt. ID Designation G iSSSambhi, Karnal 73 Sh.Rakesh Kumar 90339 Lecturer G iSS Safidon,Jind 74 Sant Kumar 2307r Master c JSS Karora, Kaithal 75 SarvjitSingh 31542 Lecturer ( SSSKatc,ta, Kaithal 76 JitenderSingh 91375 Lecturer ( SSSDhoolgarh 77 Dr. KuldeeP Kumar 79316 Lecturer ( uldehra, .Kurukshetra 'SSSBabain, KKR 78 SanjayKaushik 63264 Master iHS Ramgarh, 79 Sh. Balram 84041 PGT SociologY .urukshetra IRC Tharreshar, 80 Stt.Cautam nutt | 205185 PGT Engltsh Lurukshelra in iSSS Thana,KKR 81 Sh. Ishwar Singh 63028 Lecturer English )IET kailhal 82 Vidya Dhan 22738 Lecturer SSSSKanti, 83 | Gautam 70684 Master Mahendergarh GSSSNi'yamat Pur, ga I Or. Jai ParkashYadav 71337 Princpal Mhgh GSSSSehlang, 85 Gian Singh 74r8 Lecture (Biology) Mahendergarh GHS Bhaini Bathotha" 86 Khushi Ram 51518 Master MHGD GSSSBzurihari, M/Garh 87 Man Singh 49974 Lecturer GSSSKanwi, M/Garh 88 Manoj Kumar 51298 Lecturer GSSSBanihari, M/Garh 89 Manoj Kumar 6t526 Master NiyamatPur 90 Manoj Kumar 71805 Lecturer GSSS Present Tu*e of School Sr. Nameof candidate EmploYee Designation presentlYPosted No Sh./Smt. ID Lecturer G ,SSBaghot, M/Garh 91 Manu Yadav 62234 G ;ss Ateli, M/Garh 92 Raj Kumar 61s51 Master c iSSNangal 93 RajeshKumar 49818 Lecturer C raudhary., in CSsSNagal ChaudharY, 94 Rattan Singh 5t204 Lect English Ttahenderg;arh -sangram ( SSSNag,al ChaudharY, 95 Singh 5l 148 Lecturer l tahender6larh ( MS Dhanota, 96 SanjayKrishan 51657 Master Iahendergarh |SSSDahLa, Karnal 97 SurenderKumar 11540 Lecturer ;SSSNautana, Mhgrh 98 SurenderSingh 79162 Lecturer Nameof School Sr. Nameof APPlicant Employee Designation No. 5h./Smt. ID DSE 99 HarpreetKaur 05L595 Lecturer GS:> Khudal.lalan, AMB 100 ManuAbrol 202301 Lecturer GSISBakra N4kt, AMB 101 RishuSharma 078596 Master Lecturer GSS Bhainsrawali,Frb 102 I Dr.Parveen 07979t GSiSGoria, -lhajjar 103 Om ParkashPanwar 094628 Lecturer G(SSSchooll, Gohana 1_04SampaArYa Lecturer GIISSSTauru, Nuh 105 AnilKumar 096769 Lecturer G:SSBhaproda, Jhajjar 106 Dr.Suman Lata Lecturer G /lS Kanrach Khera, to7 Ajit Singh Master Jitd School Sr. Nameof APPlicant Employee Designation Nr me of No. Sh./Smt. ID 108 PoojaTaneja Lecturer s.5 tal Sadan High Schoo, Kaithirl 109 AktaChauhan Lecturer S8SS S Schcrl Panauri, KNL BRP 110 GautamDutt Lecturer BRCT rhneshrras LIL MeenakshiRani Lecturer MS Pt blicSc ool ,lV LLz Viveka Lecturer CISKI Punlri )abnal Karnal 113 SanjivKumar 207607 Lecturer GSSS a, >atikra Lt4 VandanaGajraj 209986 Lecturer GSSS M/Garh Hala 115 Sh.Amit Yadav 203285 Lecturer GSSS/{agho Dateof Interview15.10.2017 Sr. Name of candidate Employee Present N me of School No Sh.iSmt. ID Designation p sentlyposted I Sh. Rohtash 89474 Lecturer in GSSSvlustafabad, English Yamu anagaf 2 Bikram Singh I 5839 Master GMS .ajpura,Palwal a J Dr Anju Kajal 54195 Lecturer GSSSJhuri, Panchkula 4 Harinder Singh I 5809 Master GMS iansMohali. Chauhan Palwa 5 PohapSingh r5502 Master GMS o 6, Palr,val 6 SamarSingh t2166 Master GMS o-6, Palwal Sh.Hukam Chand tztt4 Master GMS lasantGarh, Palwal 8 SohanLal 70444 Master GHS 1alwal Camp 9 Vijay Kumar 68r02 Lecturer GHS I )hhaprola,Palwal 10 VirenderPal Singh 88225 Master GMS {adupur,Palwal 11 JaspalSingh 52808 Master GMS hergarh,Sirsa l2 Anil Panwar 28058 Lecturer GSSSSandliKalan, PNP 13 DevenderDutt 58836 Master GSSSUjha, Parripat I4 JaideepSingh 66s81 Lecfurer GSSSBabail,Panipat 15 KrishanKumar 28069 Master GHS )ikatta,PNP l6 Rajender Singh 60420 Master GHS rinjhal,PNP Sr. Name of candidate Employee Present N meof School No Sh./Smt. ID Designation pr sentlyposted t7 Ranvir Sineh 27416 I-ecturer GSSS(arhans, Panipat 18 SatyaNarain 58822 Master GHSI ondhanpur,Pnp I9 Smt Neeta rani 28096 Master GSSSvlodel Tc'wn, Panipr 20 Ajay Kumar 8242 Lecturer GSSSrlangi Godha, Rewar 2l Anil Gera 70694 Master GSSS3ujar Majri,Rwr 22 Anil Kumar 33981 Lecturer DIET {ussainpur,RWR LJ Mani Ram 42697 Lecturer GHS {usepur,Rewari 24 Pvare Lal Kataria 51821 Lecturer GHS Machl garBallabgarh, FRB 25 Raj Kumar 34tr6 Master GSSSBharawas,Rewari 26 RajenderKumar 34005 Master GSSSDhawana.Rewari 27 SavitaDevi 34298 Lecturer GGSIS Majra Sheoraj, RWR 28 SubhashChander 39168 Master GHS ladatNagar, Rewari 29 SurenderSingh 29412 Master GSSSBhakli, Rewari 30 YashPal Singh 62526 Lecturer GHS vlalodi.N{/Garh 31 BirenderSinsh 034107 Master GSSSBhudpur JZ Amit Kumar 79677 Lecturer GSSIMandi, Panipat JJ Anuj Kumar 37081 Lecturer GHS iubenderpur Soneat 34 Arvind Kumar 36624 Lecturer GSSI Ajaib, Rohtak 35 Arvind Kumar s8191 Master GSSIBaliana,Rohtak candidate Employee Present I ame of School Sr. Name of 'esently No Sh./Smt. ID Designation p trrosted 36 Kusum Lata 3r725 Lecturer GGSSS Kansala, Rohtak
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