Index of Bryophytes 2001–2004 Marshall R. Crosby Robert E. Magill Authors’ addresses: Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 U.S.A. [email protected] [email protected] Printed in an edition of 200 and distributed free until supply is exhausted. This index may currently be downloaded as a pdf file. Go to http://www.mobot.org/mobot/tropicos/most/welcome.shtml and find Index of Bryophytes in the list under Bryology. © Missouri Botanical Garden, 2005. All rights reserved. Sidre Presse, Sugar Grove, North Carolina INTRODUCTION For new names the “Replaced name” and the “Blocking name” that prevents the reuse of an In this index we attempt to list, in an epithet are indicated. abbreviated form, the citations for names Orthotrichum jetteae B. H. Allen, 2002: 639. Replaced published for bryophytes: between January 1, name: Orthomitrium tuberculatum Lewinsky- 2001 and December 31, 2004 for hepatics and Haapasaari & Crosby, 1996. Blocking name: January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2004 for Orthotrichum tuberculatum Mitt., 1869. mosses, synchronizing the indexes for mosses and Names preceded by an asterisk (*) are hepatics (Crosby & Engel, 2005; Crosby & interpreted by us as contrary to the St. Louis Code Magill, 2004). All ranks are included. We also list (Greuter et al., 2000): *Anastrophyllum sect. Hypocladopsis R. M. Schust., some names that were overlooked in previous 2002b: 315, invalid, no Latin description. indexes and some corrections to previous indexes. Later homonyms have their earlier We have adopted an abbreviated style for homonyms indicated as “Earlier name”: several reasons. First, it allows us to compile the *Jungermannia polycarpa Gao Chien & Bai Xue-liang, index from the data accumulated by us and 2001: 147. f. 6, illegitimate, later homonym. Earlier colleagues in the TROPICOS database much name: Jungermannia polycarpa Nees in Mart., 1833. more quickly than in the previous, more expanded The “Original placement” of new taxa is format (see listing under Crosby in the indicated, when the publishing author indicated it. Bibliography for citations of earlier indexes). Physothecoideae J. J. Engel & Gradst., 2003: 770. Second, the resulting index is much smaller Original placement: Geocalycaceae. (many fewer pages), reducing production and Entries preceded by a dagger (†) are names distribution costs. Third, there is a steadily of fossils. decreasing demand for this sort of index, so it is †Acroporiites longirostris J.-P. Frahm, 2004c: 26. harder to justify the effort and expense of Occasionally names are annotated, and some producing the former, more detailed form. All of these are names published before the period names listed here are in TROPICOS, and by covered by this index. Because of the way the accessing that data base database is constructed, this results in the full (http://mobot.mogot.org/W3T/Search/most.html), (abbreviated) citation’s being listed and an entry additional information may be obtained. in the Bibliography: A plan for future indexes might be to produce Iwatsukia spinosa (Fulford) R. M. Schust., 1990: 249 a printed version such as this for each year and (Cladomastigum spinosum, 1972). Note: redundant in R. M. Schuster, Nova Hedwigia Beih. 119: 59. 2002. make a cumulative version, starting with 2001, Similarly, entries in the Bibliography may be available for down load from the web. annotated: Ochyra, R., J. Żarnowiec & H. Bednarek-Ochyra. 2003. The citation for taxa is the name followed the Census catalogue of Polish mosses. Biodiv. Poland 3: name of the author(s), abbreviated generally 1–372. — The importance of this catalog reaches far following Brummitt and Powell (1992; most beyond Polish floristics, as many new taxa are names not listed there may be checked at recognized and many nomenclatural novelties are http://www.ipni.org/ipni/query_author.html) , the introduced. year of publication and page number. By combining the author’s name and year, the full We thank A. R. Perry for pointing out the reference may be found in the bibliography: existence of Bryum chibinense and numerous Acrobolbus caducifolius R. M. Schust., 2001b: 154. colleagues for sending reprints. Authors of papers From the bibliography: containing new nomenclature are encouraged to Schuster, R. M. 2001b. Revisionary studies on austral send reprints or pdfs to the senior author. Some of Acrobolbaceae, I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 90: 97–166. the original input for names listed here into By combining the information in the index TROPICOS was made by Bruce Allen (MO), and that in the bibliography, one may construct William R. Buck (NY), Len Ellis (BM), Angela the standard citation: Newton (BM). Acrobolbus caducifolius R. M. Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 90: 154. 2001. Citations for new combinations contain parenthetical references to basionyms or replaced names, which are not listed separately here: Amazoopsis diplopoda (Pócs in Váňa) J. J. Engel & G. L. S. Merr., 2004: 245 (Arachniopsis diplopoda, 1984). 4 Index of Bryophytes, 2001–2004 HEPATICS Calyptrocolea aureomarginata (R. M. Schust.) R. M. Acrobolbus antillanus R. M. Schust., 2001b: 143. f. Schust., 2002b: 189 (Adelanthus aureomarginatus, 13–14. Note: invalid, no description, in R. M. 1978). Schuster, New Man. Bryol. 2: 989. f. 58. 1984. Calyptrocolea pittieri (Steph.) R. M. Schust., 2002b: Acrobolbus caducifolius R. M. Schust., 2001b: 154. 189 (Tylimanthus pittieri, 1922). Note: “comb. n.” Acrobolbus diversifolius R. M. Schust., 2001b: 150. repeated on page 193. Acrobolbus spinifolius R. M. Schust., 2001b: 137. Calyptrocolea squarrosa (Grolle) R. M. Schust., Adelanthus aureocinctus (R. M. Schust.) R. M. Schust., 2002b: 189 (Adelanthus squarrosus, 1989). 2002b: 178 (Adelanthus decipiens subsp. Calyptrocolea tenuis (J. J. Engel & Grolle) R. M. aureocinctus, 1978). Schust., 2002b: 191 (Adelanthus tenuis, 1972). Amazoopsis J. J. Engel & G. L. S. Merr., 2004: 242. Caudalejeunea streimannii Sass-Gyarmati, 2002: 129. Original placement: “relationships are not known.” Cephalozia chilensis (J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust.) R. Amazoopsis diplopoda (Pócs in Váňa) J. J. Engel & G. M. Schust., 2002b: 29 (Metahygrobiella chilensis, L. S. Merr., 2004: 245 (Arachniopsis diplopoda, 1988). 1984). Cephalozia elachista var. spinophylla (Gao Chien in Amazoopsis dissotricha (Spruce) J. J. Engel & G. L. S. Gao Chien & Zhang Guang-chu) Gao Chien, 2003: Merr., 2004: 247 (Arachniopsis dissotricha, 1882). 181 (Cephaloziella spinophylla, 1981). Amazoopsis gracilis J. J. Engel & G. L. S. Merr., 2004: Cephalozia hamatiloba subsp. siamensis (N. Kitag.) 246. f. 84. Váňa in T. J. Kop. et al., 2004: 16 (Cephalozia Amphicephalozia geisslerae Pócs & Váňa, 2001: 145. siamensis, 1969). Amphilejeunea reflexistipula (Lehm. & Lindenb. in *Cephaloziella sect. Stoloniferae R. M. Schust., 2002b: Lehm.) Gradst. in Gradst., S. P. Churchill & N. 118, invalid, no Latin description. Note: the Salazar, 2001: 143 (Jungermannia reflexistipula, statement “The Latin diagnosis of the species [C. 1833). stolonifera, which is referenced by the author] Amphilophocolea R. M. Schust., 2001a: 98. diagnoses the section” is incorrect under the Code: to Amphilophocolea sciaphila R. M. Schust., 2001a: 98. validate the sectional name, reference must be made Anastrophyllum sect. Anastrophyllopsis R. M. Schust., to a previously published description “of a genus or 2002b: 310. subdivision of a genus.” *Anastrophyllum sect. Hypocladopsis R. M. Schust., Cephaloziella biokoensis Váňa & F. Müll., 2003: 1. f. 2002b: 315, invalid, no Latin description. 1. *Anastrophyllum hypnocladopsis R. M. Schust., 2002b: *Cephaloziella rufobrunnea R. M. Schust., 2002b: 144. 315, invalid, herbarium not indicated. f. 265A, invalid, herbarium not indicated. *Anastrophyllum intermedium R. M. Schust., 2002b: Cephaloziopsis randii (S. W. Arnell) Grolle, 2002: 75 303, invalid, no Latin descripition and type not (Cephalozia randii, 1953). indicated. Ceratolejeunea dussiana (Steph. in Urb.) G. Dauphin, Anastrophyllum lignicola D. B. Schill & D. G. Long, 2003: 54 (Pycnolejeunea dussiana, 1902). 2002: 130. Ceratolejeunea minuta G. Dauphin, 2003: 66. Anastrophyllum paramicola R. M. Schust., 2002b: 316. Cheilolejeunea celata M. A. M. Renner & Glenny, Andrewsianthus subgen. Cephalolobus (R. M. Schust.) 2003: 169. f. 1. R. M. Schust., 2002b: 326 (Cephalolobus, 1966). Cheilolejeunea holostipa (Spruce) Grolle & Zhu Rui- Andrewsianthus subgen. Pseudotritomaria R. M. liang in Grolle, Zhu Rui-liang & Gradst., 2001 Schust., 2002b: 323. [2002]: 1071 (Lejeunea holostipa, 1884). Andrewsianthus cuspidatus R. M. Schust., 2002b: 331, Cheilolejeunea insecta Grolle & Gradst. in Grolle, Zhu invalid, replaced name not indicated. Note: based on Rui-liang & Gradst., 2001 [2002]: 1071. “Cephalolobus squarrosus Schust.” Cheilolejeunea norisiae G. Dauphin & Gradst., 2003: Andrewsianthus perigonialis (Hook. & Taylor) R. M. 259. f. 1. Schust., 2002b: 336 (Jungermannia perigonialis, †Cheilolejeunea suzannensis (Grolle) Grolle & Zhu 1844). Rui-liang in Grolle, Zhu Rui-liang & Gradst., 2001 Anthocerotophytina Doweld, 2001: I. Note: validated [2002]: 1073 (Cyrtolejeunea suzannensis, 1984). by reference to Anthocerophyta Stotler & Crandall- Chiloscyphus subgen. Eurychiloscyphus Hässel, 2001 Stotler, Bryologist 80: 425. 1977. [2000]: 38. Aphanolejeunea azorica (V. Allorge & Jovet-Ast) Chiloscyphus aperticaulis J. J. Engel, 2004a: 229. Bernecker & Pócs in Gradst. & D. P. Costa, 2003: Chiloscyphus concavus (Steph.) Hässel, 2001 [2000]: 109 (Cololejeunea azorica, 1955). 40 (Lophocolea
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