the Folklore Jul i Musgr ave, Edi t or Soci et y Box 19114,20th Street Station, Washington, DC 20036 BM HHIB Vol ume 22 No. 4 DECEMBER 1985 PHONE: (703) 281-2228 BOK, TRICKETT & MUIR Special event Dec. 14 Back by popul ar demand, the Fol kl ore Soci et y of Great er Washi ngt on is pleased to present Gordon Bok, Ed Trickett, and Ann Mayo Muir in con­ cer t on Sat ur day, Dec. 1$ at 8: 30 p. m. As advance t i cket sal es i ndi cat e many of you need no i ntroducti on to these extraordi nary musi cians, who together have been delighting audiences for almost ten years. The three are not a "tri o” in the * conventi onal sense. Even shar­ ing a concert stage, each retains his or her own musical identity. The texture of their concerts is extremely rich and varied as each brings th their own tastes and experiences in music. You may hear sea or mountain songs, dance t unes, st or i es, cl assi cal pi eces, and an ar r ay of i nst r umen­ tal combinations. The se*nse of wholeness the audi ence feel s from, thei r perf ormances ari ses from their mutual affection and respect for each other and thei r musi c. The concert wi l l take pl ace at Gaston Hal l at Georgetown Uni versi ty. Admi ssi on is $5. 00 f or FSGW member s and $?. 00 f or non- mem­ bers. Advance ti ckets are avai l abl e by send­ ing a check payable to FSGW and a SaSE to "Bok, Tri ckett, and Muir Tickets" c/o Lesl i e Barr 700E Sycamore Ave. Takoma Park, MD 20912 If checks are received too late to return tickets by mail, they will be held at the door the night of the concert. ROY BOOKBINDER—Program Dec. 13 Roy Bookbi nder says if he hadn' t met- bl uesman Rev. Gar y Davi s, " I ' d be r espect ­ able now." Instead of that awful fate, Book­ bi nder became a nat i onal l y known i nt er pr et er of country bl ues and fi nger-styl e guitar. Si nce st udyi ng and worki ng wi t h Gary Davi s, Bookbi nder has pl ayed and sung al l across the count r y and t our ed wit h musi ci ans i ncl udi ng Bonni e Rai tt, John Hartford, Doc Watson, and B.B. King. He will pull his Ai rstream motor- home i nt o Washi ngt on on Dec. 13 f or our Dec. Program. Pl an to attend this eveni ng of laid back bl ues and st or i es of t he r oad. The con­ cer t begi ns at 8: 30 p. m. at t he WES Hal l , 7750 16t h St . N.W. Admi ssi on i s f r ee f or FSGW mem­ bers and $^. 00 f or non-members. INSIDE: MINI-FESTIVAL NEWS, HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS & MORE!!?!!!!!!! I M o r e F S G W NewTl WFF VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT MINI-FESTIVAL NEWS Organization is beginning for the Wash The 19 8 6 edition of FSGW's annual Mini- ington Polk T?estival, to be hold June 7 and 8, Festival comes our way Saturday, Jan. 25 at 1986 at Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, MD. This Takoma Park Jr. High School. 76II Piney Branch is the Pestival's 10th Anniversary. We want Rd. Takoma Park. The noon to midnight event to make it a special celebration, and your help features daytime music and dance workshops, is needed. mini-concerts, crafts and food. The evening what makes the Festival so extraordinary is devoted to an old-fashioned sampler con is that it runs completely on volunteer effort, cert, and a dance featuring the New England including the donated talent of musicians, band Swallowtail, whose members will be par craftspeople, and behind the scenes staff like ticipating in workshops earlier in the day. sound technicians and stage managers, all of The program of events and the full bill whom are from the 'Washington area. One rea for the evening concert have not yet been set, son the FSGW is able to produce an event en but tentative plans call for Helen Schneyer, joyed by some 20,000 people over the course of storyteller A1 Booth and the Mill Run Dulci a weekend, and stage it all on a low budget, mer Band, plus others to entertain in the eve is that hundreds of people help. ning concert. Watch for upcoming Newsletters for a Prices for the Mini are $5*00 for FSGW phone number to call to donate a few hours on members, and $7*00 for non-members for a day the day of the Festival, or to help plan the or evening session, or you may purchase a com whole weekend Festival. Meetings will be bined ticket for both sessions, $7*00 for FSGW held the second Tuesday of every month begin members and $9*00 for non-members. Children ning in Jan. at Glen Echo Park. Contact Sandy under 16 are half-price, and children under Solomon at 232-1896 for more information. two are admitted free. The Coordinating Committee for the Festival Make plans to attend, and make plans to this year is Tammy Zaheb, Bob Hitchcock, and volunteer too, to make this a fine event. To Sandy Solomon. volunteer contact Bob Clayton or Jennifer Woods at (703) 528-8537* OPEN SING ENGLISH DANCE WORKSHOPS Bob Hitchcock wants people willing to The English Dance Workshop will be held brave the Dec. weather (and pre-Christmas shop on Tuesday Dec. 17 at 7=30 p.m. at Christ Chu ping traffic) to sin^r of brave deeds and nefar Church Parish Hall, 3116 0 St. N.W. in Geo- ious doings in Dec. oth's Open Sing, "Heroes regetown. Admission is $3-00. Musicians and Villans," at the Washington Ethical Society should contact Elizabeth Donaldson at 986- Auditorium, 7750 16th St. N.W. The admission 1291. For other information call Peter to the 8:30 p.m. singing session is $2.00 and Fricke at 565-9530. includes light refreshments (wine and punch). You won't need to learn any new songs for Holiday Dance Party Jan.'s Open Sing. Tom McHenry wants to hear "Oh, no! Not again!!" Songs that have been Join us on Friday Dec. 27 at Adelphi OVERDONE. See you on Friday Jan. 3« 1986. Mill for an evening of American and English contras, squares, and traditional dances GOSPEL SING called by Tuppence Blackwell to the music of John G'Loughlin and Friends. These will No copy was submitted for the Gospel not be beginners dances, but all are wel Sing this month. come. Pot-luck supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the dancing from 8 p.m. Admission is $3*50 for FSGW members and ,35*00 for non-members. F-or information and direc tions call Peter Fricke at 565-9530. SACRED HARP SING NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The Sacred Harp Sing for Dec. will be held on Dec. 15 at the home of Peggy and The deadline for the Jan. Newsletter is Hunter Jones. Call 762-636-3 for more in Sunday, Dec. 15* All copy must be received by formation. that date, typed or legibly written. No copy will be accepted after that date for any reason Please include a name and phone number for in STORYTELLERS formation. Send copy to: Storytelling and Cookie Exchange will be on Saturday Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. at the home of Juli Musgrave Richard Henderson in Silver Spring, MD. Please 1635 Belvedere Blvd. don't wait until the 7th to call 588-2799 for Silver Spring, MD. 20902 directions. BOARD MEETING HIGHLIGHTS BOARD MEETING The FSGW Board met on Get. 2, and Nov. 6. The next FSGW Board meeting will he on Among other motions passed, the budget for I985- Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. at the home of 1986 was approved. The budget assumes a 5;£ Vice President Jennifer Woods in Arlington, growth in membership, and a relatively optimis VA. For directions call Jennifer at 528-8537* tic projection for FSGW programs and events. n/ 9- 2 p~> EDITORIAL NOTE SUNDAY NIGHT DANCES Every effort is made to include all notices Sunday Night Dances will continue at the submitted by the deadline to the FSGW Newsletter. Takoma Fark Jr. High, 7611 Piney Branch Pd, However, in some instances it is impossible to one block north of East-West Highway and Piney print an announcement in full due to space con Branch. There is plenty of safe parking be siderations. When space is tight, FSGW news re hind the auditorium. These are not beginners ceives top priority, followed by local non-FSGW dances, but all are welcome. Admission is news, with last priority given to out-of-town $3.50 for FSGW members and $5*00 for non-mem non-FSGW news. bers . Dances begin promply at 8 p.m. Dec.'s The Editor schedule is: 1 Larry Edeiman, from Pittsburgh, calling his famous Kentucky Punning Squares to CLASSIFIED ADS the music of The Tompkins Co. Horseflies. CLASSI FI ED AD POLI CY: FSGW member s onl y 8 Ken Haltenhoff, from Bluemont, VA, cal may pl ace ads. Lost & Found ads are free; all ling "A bunch of wild contras," to the ot her s ar e $1.
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