LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. In Train's Opera Bouse Block. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXVI. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 18110. NUMBER 26. Durx nviub FAILURES IN LIFE. THE INDIAN WAR, A HOWLiNQ BLAST. HUMANS CREMATED. EICHIUAAN STATE KKWS. People fail in umnv ways. In bu«loe«e. A raHoo. Ulliur.1 sweep. Tkr .asb tb. morality, in religion, in happmces, Lxook Here! Kuslrrs NUtra. Health In Mleblnn, and in hralth, A weak Iniart is often an Bowne, Combs & Striker, The Sovanth Cavalry RocapturM A Mother and liar Three ChildroD unsuspectiil came of failure in life. If KEW Yona. De«-. -27.—The beax-y snow- Reports to tbo State Board of Health Bl.i Foot's Baud. Meet Death in Flames. the bluod do«*s not circulate pro|v riy in storm which began here during Thnra- by sixty ol •servers in dlffen-nt parU the lung*, there is shortness of btvalh. BANKERS, day night continued with unabaU'd of the Mat-- for the week emlisl lle- a«thtita,etc,; in the brain, diuiiiew, head- Boy Spankers For Sale! Man, II0.1II# loflian. Ea nnatr for lb* fury yrstenlay. ami at oooa the snow A Chlaaar SIMDiah p Said tn Have Bmm eember •-*» intlieated that dipMlieria, ache, etc,; in the sto.nnch, wind, pain, Thev are nut altogether new, these spangen; some mothers hare used similar Lowell - Michigan. Asrnrte.. and Uir ITobaldltt, [• was eight inchen deep in the streeta, Uumed at Kra-lla Crew of >l«ly measles and typhoid fever in-r i- 1 and indigestion, faintspelKetc,; intheliver, ones for years and they claim that Tual tbr Tronlilra Ara causing great delay to traffic. All the Natlrra I'M lib in the Klauu. inflaminulioiiiif tlie brain, sc.i.ii t fever, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the Now Uivr. or Are Uroirurd. TraaMct a General Bankin* Buiino* railroads running into New York have membranous erunp ainl pneimtonla de- •eft side, shoulder and stomach is caused Buffered fr»>m the xtorm. In Itrooklyn ereased in an a of prevalenei-. lliph- by heart strain. For all three maladies and issue Draft* aviillable in all a ivrcvvri'L cnase. parts of the World. the storm has praetically paralysed MET A* FIX UKATIK. theria was r.-p-'rtol at twenty-nine Dr Miles' New Cure for the heart and They Work Like a Charm. PISE BIIHIK. S. 1).. Di-c. jv lii(r Foot busineM and bnt few pedestrians are Bocnr.ST»:n. N. V., Dec. 27.—A terri- places, scarlet fever at forty-four, ty- lupg* is the I iest remedy. Sold, gtmran- if. C GR1SWOLD, and his IKKUI OI ho-vtilea have liccn capt- ble couflagnitiou occum-d Friday phoiil fever at sixteen and iui-asles at teed and recommended by Yciter ft Look, We call your attention to our stock of aeen upon the streets. Be ports continue Druggists. Treatise free. CA8HIU. ured by the Srvrnth lavnlrr. imdor to bo received from all parts of the morning whereby a woman and thirU-en places, Major Whit-'siJc*. The capture «aa three children lost their Uvea. The vic- State showing a heavy fall of snow and PILES! PILES' PILES! made on t'.irvnpinc cnt-k tvitiumt acun- tims were Mrs. John Dietrich, of No, 7 ami (iranlfr I>f«Irr«. HOLIDAY SLIPPERS. consequent interruption of traffic. ; flict All the other Indiaus in the Bad Orchard street snd her tliree children. A Stat- or^,ir «ition of ranrhle and Dr, Williams Indian Pile Ointment BCTLASH, Vt, Dec. JT.—Snow hogan granite deal-r- was pcr'i-M ••I at I.an- We can give you beautiful goods.at very low pnees. Lands hare disadM U> cane in. am! the falling in Rutland Friday morning Libbie, sged # years; Jacob, aged 3, is the only dure cure for Blind, Bleeding ting with the <.>llowin;.' ofllii rs: I'ri-si- or Itching Piles ever diso.-ered. It pmlutbiiH't-h ar.- that the tninble is and continued steadily all day. Reports and Lmiso. aged II months. How the Men's Velvet Slippers, Embroidered f0,75 dent I'hilo I ne-Mlell. of port llurou; never fails to cure old chronia cases of < ndod. 1!1.» Koot's iatid oonhistcd of from other seetions of the State indi- fire origiuab-d is a mystery. Mrs. 1.00 Vice-1'res.<1 -nt of .Nortiiern district. W. long sUnding. 1.25 1-JO m^n and SJU nomcn and children. cate that the storm has been the heavi- Dietrich had arisen at 4 o'clock to start L. Parker, of Cum: V ice-Cn-sideut of Judge Coons. Maysnlle. Ky.. says: . ... 1.50 This dlxpiMeK «if th«- hostile element, est of the season. Railroad traffic haa a fire In the kitchen atove and awak- Soutluastern l istri -t. Roll > I'onil. of "Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment Plush " " 1.25 and it nnw c, rl-iin that all are been greatly impeded. ened her hnsbanil >uon after with an cured me after jean o' suffering." coming in. The camp in the Itad Lands Owosso: Vice-t'n-sident ol Southwest- Tan Goat Slippers. Plain 1.50 LrnMsnu-s, Vt. Dec. 27. — The alarm of fire. She rushed in to save Judge Cotfinbury. Cleveland, U.,tavs: Moquet " " U now diverted. ern district, i harles .Schmidt, of lirmd 1.00 thermometer registered W degrees be- her three little ones and per- | "I have found by experience that Dr. Rapids: S.-rr> -,ry and Treasurer. B. L Leai her " " LOO Rarm CITY. S. D.. Dcc. General low zero Thor.-Jay night and 30 below Ished in the flames. Her husliand and William's Indian Pile Ointment gives All Felt " " 1.25 Pease, of Detroit Miles has jnst reoei»ed a dispatch from Friday morning. one son escaped. When the firemen suc- immediate and permanent relief." General UrtM>ke statinp that Major Wo have several styles in Ladies' Pltni lew also. Velvet. Leather and Felt, POMUIXD. Me.. Dee. 97.—A heavy ceeded in qnenehinr the flames they Ifi> * r«t|>hrrr KllllrH. We have hundreds of such teftirao- F'red G. Stone, Whiteside had ciiplured Ui|f Foot's nials Do not sutler an innant longer, All presents bought of us will do your friends real good. gale is blowing from the northeast, found In the bedroom where the &l E' •«!. who diiil rvicntly at hia camp. «!eniral Miles rxpres.vs the sold by all druggists at 50c and |1 per AGENT. with the mercury 10 degrees above woman had slept the bodv of home in Mount Morris, bad a tomb- opinion that Uie untfit will nut pox. <88jl) ROBRRTSON & SON zero. The snow has fallen fast ainee the un fortunate woman lying stone ertvteil iast summer at the head again escap«'the military. The Indiana across the bed with the feet Full Stock of Overshoes. noon aad drifts badly. The trains ara orhis wife's i.n-ave in the Mount Morris Fnr ^alo JBeveral choice farms lo- Collars, 2c that to.>k n-Iufre i# the fahtnekses on the floor. Beside her lay the three all late. Cemeten-. an 1 another beside it t» mark rur oaie. Kecnei Vergen- of the Itad Lands, failing to reoeiTe little children, their bodies burned to a Cuffs, per pair, 4c SnusenELO, Mass.. Dec. The his last r,-stin /-place. Thinking he iies. Bowne and Boston. Ah* several aid from sitting Bull and s -eing them- crisp as well as that of their mother. storm here reached such a point aa to w ould live some tiuie he had the year of liuuaes and lots in the village uf i»weil. Shirts, IOC selves surr.'unil<il bj' trw-pn wllh a fljfht delay travel greatly, all the railroad SAKATOGA. N. V.. Dec. 27.—Mrs. Ellen 'Jan suit all classes of customers. Fur to U>e death or stanalion confronting his death ••ii."r4\>-d U|SIII it a» nine trains being late. Gibbons, aged su years, was burned to year, h -a e, a prophecy that proved in- further particulars inquire at tlie office Leave goodf or ordert at them, yielded to the boliritatioos of the death at her home on Ash street Friday PaoviDi-tcr. R. L, Dec. »7.—The vio- com-ct if 8. P. HICKS, frii'Uilftt» and are slowly moving into lent snow-storm which set In here yes- morning. Mrs. tiiW-.ns was addicted itf over West ft Cos dmg utore C, 6. Stone & Son's Store. the agency. Miles' wonts and caval- toamokiug. Keep line Kye Open, CHRISTMAS IS PAST! terday, accompanied by high wind, did ry are in poNseasSun of their much damage to shipping. The MILWAI-SKE. D-c. 27.—Fire was dis- The fann-rN in Heaeiiee Coonty are AN IMPORTANT MATTER natnral strongholds. Thuv by the schooner A. II. Ilurlbnt of Gloucester, oovered in Ijwler's «iloon building at sleeping with one eye open now a-nighta, Druggists everywhere report tliat the But in the hurry have you not forgot someone you want- aid of the railroad and telegraph and Captain Thurston, was wreeked. and Fn-emont Friday morning, and before because a band of iaermliarii-s is work- sales of the Restorative Nervine—a nerve L F. SEVERY, the nnpreoed'-nted qpick movement of Captain Thurston. Steward Hammond it was under control it damaged two ing the county, 't has liam-buming food and mcdlcme—are astonishing, troops anmnd and all over the rrserva- down to an art. i hris Atherton. of ed to remember? If \ ou have it is not too late even now, to DEALER IN and Seaman Lawrence were drowned.
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