City of Stockholm Annual Report 2013 The Capital of Scandinavia Introduction 4 The year in breif 6 Foreword 8 Administration report How the City is governed 24 How the City is governed 29 Quality and renewal 32 International The City of Stockholm Annual report gives you an overview of the City's finances and operations during 2013. The report covers Enterprise both the City's committees and the operations 34 Enterprise carried out through joint stock companies. A separate Annual Report is also produced for 37 Financial assistance Stockholms Stadshus AB and the companies 40 The Environment which are part of the Group. 43 Homes and home environments Additional copies of the Annual Report may 46 Traffic and infrastructure be ordered from the City Administration Office: 48 Culture and sports Finansavdelningen, 52 The living enviroment Stadshuset, 105 35 Stockholm 54 Choice and diversity Tel: 508 290 00 switchboard Fax: 508 293 60 56 Pre-schools and schools [email protected] 62 The care sector The Annual Report for Stockholms Stadshus 68 The City as an employer AB may be ordered from: 70 A cost-effective city Stockholms Stadshus AB 105 35 Stockholm Tel: 508 290 00 switchboard Fax: 508 290 80 Economic and financial analysis [email protected] 74 General economic analysis 10052 Stadsledningskontoret 2014-04 76 Economic and financial analysis Production The City Administration Office's Finance Apartment in collaboration with Annual Financial Statements Blomquist AB 88 Income statement and statement of cash flows Editor Charlotte Goliath, Elin Andréasson 89 Balance sheet and Eva Bowden (photo) 90 Accounting policies Layout and production of original Blomquist AB 93 Notes Cover photo 105 Auditor's report Yanan Li, Colourbox, Vision image: Tele2 Arena, 106 Operational outcome Inside cover: Fredrik Persson 109 Key figures for committees Repro and printing Edita Västra Aros 2014 111 Stockholmers CITY OF STOCKHOLM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 3 Safe and reas- The year in breif suring care for the elderly Satisfaction with the City's care for the elderly remained high during 2013, and rose within a number of areas. Throughout 2013, the City Council also pri- oritised skills development for City employees involved in care for the elderly. PHOTO: JANY PLEVNIK JANY PHOTO: PHOTO: LIESELOTTE VAN DER MEIJS VAN LIESELOTTE PHOTO: A business-friendly city Prevention The City of Stockholm was designated of drug misuse the Growth Municipality of the Year for The Social Services Administration, 2013. Stockholm’s innovative strength, in collaboration with the City District attractiveness to major new enterprises, Administrations’ prevention coordi- dedicated support for the business nators, has initiated a programme of sector and clear sustainability profile preventive action against cannabis. A were all cited as reasons for the City number of educational and infor- being given the award. mation projects on cannabis have been arranged for both parents and PHOTO: SARA MC KEY PHOTO: professionals. Sustainable environ- Freedom of choice Cultural Year 2013 ment for living Simple and accessible information In August, the Stockholm Culture Festi- Stockholm’s Housing Company has is vital if Stockholmers are to ex- val and the Youth Festival, We Are Sth- implemented energy efficiency im- ercise their freedom of choice, for lm, took place, breaking attendance provements as part of a refurbishment example with respect to pre-schools. records by a considerable margin. programme. As part of this approach, Liljevalchs had around 20,000 more the company responsible for school visitors than expected, and August – buildings, Skolfastigheter i Stockholm en djefla utställning [an exhibition on AB (SISAB), implemented measures Strindberg] , was awarded the museum during 2013 which have reduced ener- sector’s highest award, ”Exhibtion of gy consumption by around 8 percent. the Year”. PHOTO: XXXX PHOTO: PHOTO: JANY PLEVNIK JANY PHOTO: An expanding city Following a quieter period, housing construction has again accelerated. Overall, construction started on 6,670 apartments during 2013, in- cluding refurbishment and new construction. The construction of 5,372 new homes began, an increase of 69 percent compared to 2012. PHOTO: LENNART JOHANSSON LENNART PHOTO: PHOTO: LIESELOTTE VAN DER MEIJS Strong finances The City as an The City of Stockholm was again employer awarded the highest possible credit Staff surveys show that the rating from the international credit City’s staff are committed rating Institute, Standard & Poor’s, with and motivated to improve the short-term and long-term credit ratings City's operations, and they of AAA/Stable and A-1+ respectively. appreciate that their work is meaningful. PHOTO: SAMI SALMAN PHOTO: PHOTO: MATS BÄCKER PHOTO: FREDRIK PERSSON Childcare and education The Swedish Schools Inspectorate's assessment is that the vast majority of pupils are given an education A city in work delivered through goal-directed work. During 2013, benefit dependency continued to fall. The proportion of people receiving benefits dropped by 2.0 percent in relation to popu- PHOTO: SAMI SALMAN PHOTO: lation. PHOTO: LIESELOTTE VAN DER MEIJS 4 CITY OF STOCKHOLM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 CITY OF STOCKHOLM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 5 A flourishing Stockholm Stockholm maintained its strong position as Sweden’s engine for growth the City is increasingly publishing data as open data which every- concept developed by the architect, Peter Celsing. Kulturhuset during 2013. This growth is due to an increase in population, employment one can use and benefit from. Stadsteatern has opened for groundbreaking ideas and inter-disci- and new businesses, incontrovertible evidence of Stockholm’s attractive- Pre-schools and compulsory schools are currently facing a plinary artistic approaches. major requirement for expansion, and a continuous and substan- In 2013, the City's new arena, the Tele 2 Arena, was officially ness. The combination of a strong local economy and clear ambitions for tial expansion programme is in progress. The number of children opened in the Globe area. The arena is an important facility for the future ensure a stable foundation for a city with an enviable living in the City's pre-schools is continuing to increase, and, in 2013, an both Stockholmers and the tourist industry. environment, where people want to live and work – a world-class city. average of 53,000 children were enrolled in the City's pre-schools Stockholm has an excellent provision of care for the elderly, and educational care. Since 2005 over 2,000 new children have with a diversity of players and considerable freedom of choice for hroughout the year, our work has been guided by the homes by 2030. In 2013, there were 6,670 new housing starts, the been given pre-school places every year. Stockholm’s pre-schools the elderly. The results of user surveys show that satisfaction rates City’s vision; at least 140,000 additional homes by 2030, highest rate of housing construction since 2006. have a higher staff/child ratio than those in the rest of Sweden. are increasing among older people living in special accommoda- securing agreements to ensure the expansion of infra- We are making substantial efforts to reduce exclusion and User surveys show that, on the whole, parents are extremely tion. Targeted improvements in resource provision – not least in Tstructure – from public transport to cycle and vehicle isolation among disabled people. The construction of sheltered satisfied with the city’s pre-school provision. dementia care – and a clearer focus on quality and follow up are routes – and achieving a high standard of quality throughout the housing remains a priority. During 2013, around 82,000 pupils attended compulsory achieving results. In recent years, the City Council has prioritised City’s service and agency provision. During the year, an historic agreement on the expansion school in Stockholm, an increase of 3,000 on the figure for skills development for employees, both staff and managers, in More and more people are seeing their future in Stockholm, of four underground railway lines was signed. The agreement 2012. Pupils in Stockholm achieve good results in comparison care for the elderly. A model for in-depth quality monitoring in both in the City itself and in the Region. During 2013, the City’s strengthens the County's accessibility infrastructure, at the same with those in other municipalities. The qualifications awarded in the care for the elderly sector is under development. The main population grew by 16,465 (equivalent to 2 percent). The number time as it facilitates the construction of new homes. It will make year 9 showed an improvement over 2012. In particular, results feature of this monitoring approach is that it focuses on quality of visitors also continues to rise. life easier for Stockholmers. improved in schools facing more challenging socio-economic in the actual interaction between the elderly and staff in the resi- Over 650,000 people in the County are employed in knowl- In addition to creating opportunities for new housing, the new conditions. The Education Administration is continuing its efforts dential units. During the year, the approach to support and service edge-intensive sectors, which represents 60 percent of total underground stations will improve public transport in existing to improve results in schools which have the lowest figures for for local people with disabilities reflected a clear user-focus and employment. The labour market in Stockholm City is even more areas such as Sofia in Södermalm and in Hammarby Sjöstad. achieving targets. The City intensified this effort in 2013 by improved accessibility. knowledge-hungry, with almost 400,000 working in knowl- Hagastaden Station will also make a major contribution to the initiating a purpose-design programme involving 17 focus schools In both individual and family care, considerable weight contin- edge-intensive sectors, approximately 65 percent of total em- attraction of the new City districts. which have the lowest figures for achieving targets.
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