a I MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW CLASSES WILL BE RESUMED AT YEAR TO FACULTY AND 8.30 A. i\L, MONDAY, STUDENTS JANUARY 4, 1932 Vol. XXXVI, No. 20 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, MD., DECEMBER 18, 1931 Price 5 Cents Engineers' Dance Will Be Held Tonight In °:ei!e~:~:~n CALLS NORMAL Levering Hall ADES IS ·HE LO J AY S L0 S E Le;:ur;e BEARDEN FINDS The Engineering classes of the _nu_Elec_trical_Grou---=p Johns Hopkins will stage their RE sp 0 N s I B L E HARD •FD uG H y At the meeting of the Balti- NEW WAY TO SAVINGS' FLOW annual dance tonight in Levering more section of the American In- Hall, 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. The Ambassadors orchestra will fur­ Fo RLYNCHING ' GAME , 37 • 32 ~~t~=ldof a7le;~:ic;~~:gi~:e;~i~~ MEASURE RAYS VITAL FOR BOOM nish the syncopation. .Not limited to engineering stu­ University this afternoon, a lec­ Dr. Jacob H. Hollander, Pro­ dents, the subscription for to­ Attorney Is To Speak Before Temple University Quint ture and demonstration of tele­ Associate Professor Of Phy­ C. fessor Of Political Econ­ night's event will be $1, couple Liberal Club Today Defeats Strong Hopkins vision will be given by Dr. J. sics At Hopkins To Read omy Here, Makes Talk or stag. At 1 P. M. Five On Tuesday Perrine, associate editor of the Paper On Discovery Bell System Technical Journal, of ''MEDDLED'' IN SHORE TALL PLAYERS WORRY the American Telephone and INVESTIGATEDX-RAYS SAYS BANK POLICIES OTTS HELM NAMED Telegraph Company. ARE IMPORTANT CASES OF NEGROES BLUE JAY TEAM Making use of special appa- FOR PAST SIX: MONTHS ALL -STATE CENTER, ratus to be installed for the -.----,- Speaks Over Nation-Wide Fanned To Flame Resentment Camitta Plays Good Game demonstration, the address will New Method Depends Upon Broadcast On "B~nki\1g CAPTAIN FOR '31 Which Caused Lynching Of At Center; Kellys explain the basic physical and Index Of Refractions Policies'' Williams Recently Star psychological principles of image Of Rays -- Hopkins Gridder Selected transmission. The language em­ Because he has on several oc­ Playing a ang-up game, the Jays ployed, is has been ptomised, will Recent investigation of X-ray When the savings. banks of the. U nammous· 1y B y L oca 1 country resume their course of mn" ~ ,•p· k , ,, A B casions appointed himself attor­ were defeated by Temple Univer­ not be so difficult and non-tech­ by Dr. Joyce A. Bearden, associ vesting and when the country's ', IC ers s est ney for negroes held on assault sity Tuesday in Philadelphia, in the nical listeners will fail to under­ ate in physics, in_ Johns Hopkins savings flow normally, the United --- charges on the Eastern Shore, Hopkins quint's initial game of the stand the significance of what is University, has resulted in the States will have taken the first de- Cl.EVER PLAYING, because of his "meddling" in 1931-32 basketball season, by the said. discovery of a new method of cisive step toward business recov­ LEADERSHIP PRAISED affairs in that section of Mary­ score of 37-32. measuring the wave length of ery, was the belief expressed by land, many residents there direct­ Heighth of the Temple first­ X-rays, it was revealed today. Dr. Jacob H. Hollander, professor Curly Byrd, U. Of M. Coach, ly hold responsible Bernard Ades, stringers was the determining fac­ BREAK ACADEMIC Dr. Bearden will read a paper of political economy at the Johns Calls Him Threat To who speaks here today before the tor in the Philadelphian's victory. which he has just written abou Hopkins, in a talk presented over Terrapins Liberal Club on "Law Enforce­ This tallness enabled Temple to ex­ LOCKSTEP, ASKS his discovery, to the fifth meet the nation-wide network of the Na- ment On the Eastern Shore," for hibit a short passing style which ing of the American Physical So causing the recent lynching of a ciety at New Orleans on Decem tional Broadcasting Company. His 0 scar L . 1.:.:r.1.e 1m, cap t am· o f th e dazzled the Jay five. Only when SWARTHMORE HEAD Shore negro. ber 29, 1931. address, "Banking Policies In Re- J o h ns H o pk·ms 1931 e le ven, h as two, the six-foot-six basketeers lation To Recovery," was the Self-Appointed Attorney were taken from the game in the Frank Aydelottie, President Sums Ul,l SigniftcallCe ninth in a series of economic talks been named all-Maryland center and In summing up the significance captain of this year's all-State foot­ Twice Ades had gone to the second half by oach Usilton, after Of Penn. Institution, Op­ sponsored by the National Advil'}ory ball team by every leading local Shore section in an effort to have Temple had piled up an eight-point poses Mass Education of the discovery Dr. Bearden said Council on Radio In Educ;ation. trials of two negroes, one of "There are now two methods o Will Play Parts sports writer and by two coaches lead, did the Homewood five begin whom is the confessed murderer measuring X-ray wave lengths Each of the three essential parts who selected the mythical team. clicking. WANTS STUDENTS TO of his employer, and another of Solve Defense ruled gratings and crystal grat of the American banking structure Highly Commended whom was charged with assault­ Solving their defense, the Hop­ QUIZ PROFESSORS ings. The result obtained by these -savings banks, commercial banks, His coolpess of head, his out- ing a whi.te women, brought to methods differ only by twenty and Reserve banks-"will play its standing leadership, and his clever kins players then began a rain of Baltimore in order to assure Believes Curriculum Should five percent." part in our impending economic re- playing on the gridiron received field goals into the basket. The "This new method which de covery," said Dr. Hollander. high commendation. Curly Byrd, "justice" to the colored men held. substitutions of the Temple coach's Be Adjusted To Needs pends upon the index of refrac "Savings banks and savings de- University of Maryland coach, paid On each occasion he, under no did not play as well as the first Of Individuals tion of X-rays in a quartz prism partments of other banks serve the Otts a personal tribute by declar­ jurisdiction, made himself defense stringers and, as a consequence, the shows that the results from the el:onomic life of the cuuntry in a ing he was glad to see the Jay play­ attorney for the accused, it i~ Jaws were able to score more. (From N. S. F. A.) crystal ,gratings are correct. duel capacity," declared the noted er complete his gridiron career, said. Kellys Star "Why shouldn't the student quizz Caleb and Don Kelly, playing at the professor instead of the profes­ Index Of Refraction Hopkins ~conomist in his radio ad- since "Otts" always could be count- Blames Him For Lynching "The experimental measure ed upon to cause the Terrapins Eastern Shore residents ex- forward and guard respectively; sor quizzing the student," asks dress. "They provide the c h am1e l ments of the index of refraction trouble. One sports writer, Craig plain that Ades's "meddling" in and Siegel, at forward; and Camit­ Frank Aydelotte, president of through which an important part which are necessary for the E. Taylor, of The Sun, declared this manner fanned to a flame ta, at center, were instrumental in Swarthmore College, who spoke re­ of surplus revenue-the excess o f . measurements of the rays are that in "addition to plamng his the bitter feeling which existed raising the score from 35-23 to cently on the subject "Breaking the individual income over expenditure J • probably the most accurate that -drains into a central pool. Into position in better fashion than any toward this outbreak of crime 35-32. Before the game ended Academic Lockstep," in a program have ever been made." this flow the penny savings of of his competitors, Helm displayed and which culminated in the Temple tossed into the net another broadcast over the Columbia Sys­ Practically all of the facts on school children, the self-denying qualities of vigor in leadership lynching of Williams, a negro goal, bringing the final score to 37- tem. President Aydelotte is one of the ruled gratings have been dis · f d which have earned him the further arrested for murder, who was 32. the mort advanced educational lead­ provision for the ramy day o mo - covered by Dr. R. W. Wood, pro est households, the thrifty econo- ·distinction of being named captain confined to an Eastern Maryland (Continued on page 2, column 3) ers who believe that the college cur­ fessor of experimental physics o mies of the better circumstanced. of the 1931 All-Maryland team." hospital for treatment of wounds riculum should be adjusted to the the Johns Hopkins, and the late Supply Capital To Be Graduated In June received in a · skirmish with the needs of the individual. As such he "And, on the other hand, it is Helm is to be graduated in June police. JAY IS TO APPEAR is severely opposed to the system of Dr. Rowland. from out of this pool of saved in- and will, as a consequence, be lost Shoremen, it was said, feared mass education in use in many of All the work on this new meth come, by the purchase of invest- to the 1932 team at Homewood.
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