CONTINENTAL EDITION mmsn TRIPES 1 Daily Niwjpaywr of &&. krmnd fmxm OS<*^V* *■ **» Europeaa Ifcaatsr of Operatives Vol. 1 No. 12 Printed "Somcwher* In France" Monday, July 17, 1944 Goebbets' Desire Japs Execute For Easier Terms U.S.TROOPS EDGING INTO LESSAY; HinisatCract\up YARD BY YARD FIGHT FOR ST. LO Captured U.S. NEW YORK, July 16 (AP)— A suggestion by Dr. Goebbeis, German propaganda 'minister Battle Typified b] that Britian an<4 the U.S. should Flying Bombs, Aimed Toward England, soften their demands for nil- Report: Took 3 B29 Raiders conditional surrender—as re- ported by the Office of War Boomeranging Against Germans He re Information—has revived the Hedgerows Fate Is In Store feeling that, as in 1918, Ger- Flying bombs launched from the Pas de Calais area against many might crack suddenly Southern England have swept around in a wide arc, boomeranged Two key towns on the Gennai For Ally Enemy and the European war might back, and exploded in the German lines, it was disclosed at SHAEf western flank in Normandy wen finish with etartling abrupt- over the weekend. almost in American hands las Radio Says In one of several proven instances, a flying oomb zoomed a night The suggestion of more len- couple of miles past Allied sol- Yank troops were forcing theii KEV» YORK, July 16—Word ient terms, made by Goebheta diers in Normandy before its mand would ever use the planes way into Lessay at the coastal end that several U. 3. fliers whs baited in an article in Das Reich, m motor cut off, and Allied sol- as military support weapons of the St. Lo-Perjers-Lessay high- Mt orer Japan in the first super- taken here aa an indicatioa diers cheered as it exploded in Reconnaissance photos showed way from the outskirts. One field Fortress raid last month had been of German civil and military he middle of Get-man lines, the craters — not caused by Allied report unconfirmed at Supreme executed came from the Japs disaffection which is last forc- announcement said. bombing — scattered within 100 Headquarters, said that the Yanks ing the Nazi leaders U take Although robot planes have yards of some of the launching had entered end captured Lessay, themselves over the weekend. fallen within the Allied beach- In a broadcast to U. S. forces in action, from which it » de- platforms These craters were The battle of St. Le moved to duced that Germany may to- head there is no evidence that believed to have been caused by its climax as big guns on both tilt Southwest Pacific and picked nearer to collapse thaa gener- Germans have built launching up here by Federal Communica- the flying bombs themselves, sides dueled in the American drive ally believed. platforms south of the battle area when the bombs nose dive into for the road junction center. U. S. tions Commission monitors, a Jap- The Goebbels plea Is tat«r- to attack the beachhead. Robot anese spokesman said: the ground on the take-off, troops were reported to have the preted as a willingness en lb* planes which have landed there probably killing some of the hign- town completely surrounded. "Here is a special announce- part of the Nazi leaders "to to and behind the German front ly trained launching crews. ment. Several American airmen British troops on the eastern business" if easier terms arc have come inland from the sea, Massive concrete structures flank captured a town six and one captured after the first B29 super- offered apparently after their delicate near the launching ramps were yartress raid on the coast on gyroscopic apparatus — out of half miles southwest of Caen in a at first thought to contain some local attack which broadened their Korthern Kyushu have been exe- control—caused them to make a intricate apparatus connected stmi-circular flight and boomer- salient across the Odon River. cuted and you are warned that with the bombs, but it Is be- Report Naai Withdrawal any Alied airmen who fall or bail Russians Capture rang back. lieved now that they may be Doomed Lessay was flanked on cut over Japan will be executed. Because the erratic robot plane only shelters for the crews, who three sides by the Yanks and tine This K an order of the day." can turn against its own creator, would have to run for cover right after launching each bomb Germans were reported to be Reception of the station which like Frankensteins monsters, withdrawing. U. S. forces crossed is afc Singapore, was poor here and Hinge of Nazi Line Allied officers consider it doubt- to avoid being blown up them- ful that the German army com- velvea the Ay river after clearing the If details were given as to the northern bank under artillery number of fliers executed or the mortar and maohme-#wi fire from ■aanner of their death, they could Near East Prussia Germans entrenched on tile »ei be picked up. The announcer Whistles and Grumbles Greet southern bank. wag heard to say, however, that Strongly-reinforced Soviet storm The heaviest pressure on the Allied raiders over Japan would troops overwhelmed trie fortress Germans appeared to be on both teujr a "one-way ticket to hell" and junction of Rod no yesterday and sides of Lessay Yanks north of that the B29 crews met "the same forced the Germans virtually to First WACs to Reach France the town had to fight their way late meted out to the raiders the 1939 border of East Prussia through mine belts cm the road •OIK two years ago." Fall of Grodno, which was the BT BARBARA WACE junctions. East of Lessay, other This was a reference to the ex- hinge of two German lines guard- tosottated Trett CcrrMpondent troops pushed through knee-deep ecution of several members of the ing East Prussia, the vaunted Bal- SOMEWHERE IN NORMANDY, JULY 16—With GI Joes as an swamps. force led by lit. Gen. James Doo- tic Line protecting the arterial unofficial reception committee—some whistling, others grumbling United States forces at St. Lo BMte. railroad running from Warsaw to about following women into battle— a detachment of 49 WACs and held positions southeast, north- Four super-forts were lost in the Vilna and Dvinsk and the already six WAC officers from 23 American states landed here to work at east, north and northwest of the June raid—two by enemy action, breached Niemen River Line headquarters of the Forward Echelon, Communication Zone, town and needed to capture and two by acidents. Another B29 reaching north from Grodno to Even though they all looked ground to the south and south- raid or. Japan a was carted out Kaunas, was revealed by the alike under their heavy packs was1', to complete the ring Ger- without loss. German News Agency. and some featured a feminine man guns from wooded hills to the This newest Nazi defeat, remov- version of the GI haircut, the 1,000 Heavies Hit south poured heavy fire on the ing tht last big East Prussia ob- beys still whistled. The reaction of the WACs ranged from un- advancing Yanks and threw in stacle standing in the way of a long-range fire in support of Nazi Russian push into East Prussia concealed excitement to quiet de- Army, Navy Act termination to do their jobs, like Munich Area Again paratroop defenders. came bare hours after Berlin an- 'Advance Three Hedgerows' nounced that the Ukraine Army of good soldiers. 'Why the boys whistle at us I LONDON, July 16—American St. Lo was under its sixth euc- Marshal Gregory Zhukov had cesive day of siege yesterday. Trie To Probe Dec. 7 gone over to the offensive south of cant imagine," laughed little Sgt. heavy bombers resumed their con- Sirkka Tuomi, of Baltimore centrated attacks on Munich to- fighting was as hard in its way as the Priepet marshes and begun » "With all this stuff hanging the first landings on the toughest WASHINGTON, July 16 (ANS) two-way attack on the enemy's day when more than 1,000 Fort- around us I'm surprised thsy resses and Liberators, for the beaches on D-Day, one field dis- —Complying with a Congressional stubbornly held Polish base ?t patch said. The dispatch added Lwow. know we're feminine." fourth time in six days, struck at resolution which has ordered an S/Sgt. Carol Baker of Belling- communications and other targets that the whole story of the bloody investigation into the facts sur- The new soiithern offensive hem, Wash., was sad. battle could be summed up in one about which Moscow as usual had in areas around Germany's fourth rounding the capastrophe of Pearl 'We had a baseball game with largest city Targets in Saar- report which reached a command Harbc/r, a naval beard of inquiry nothing to say pending a demon- the boys," she explained, "but post outside St. Lo: "Advanced strated success, was reported by brucken were also raided, accord- will convene here tomorrow to the loudspeakers called the boys ing to USSTAF headquarters, thtee hedgerows," a sizeable bitter- commence its study. the Berlin correspondent of tho away. We shook hands and said ly contested advance in this kind Stockholm Aftonbladet. He said while German reports said that Formation of the board was goodbye. They said it was a U S. bombers also hit Nurnberg of fighting. announced yestedray by Secretary the Russians were striking from sbame they had to go just when Last night, U. S. troops were a of the Navy James V. Forrestal.
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