Ghosts BM 9/29/04 3:35 PM Page 601 INDEX Note: (ill.) indicates photos and illustrations. A Apartments. See Haunted hous- ghosts that gave proof of es and apartments their existence, 213–16 A12 highway (England), 402 Apparition soldier, 542–44 haunted civic buildings A23 highway (England), 402 Archangel Michael, 273–75 and prisons, 476 A465 highway (England), 402 Archer Avenue (Chicago, Illi- Automobiles. See Haunted auto- Adams, Abigail, 288 nois), 400–401 mobiles Ahrimanes, 567–68 Arensburg Cemetery (Baltic), Autoscopic hallucination, 254–55 Aiello, Richard, 15–16, 16 (ill.), 353–55 Avebury, England, 321 173–74, 545–49 Arizona Avery, Gregory, 42 (ill.), 43–45, Airplanes. See Haunted air- haunted hotels, motels, 44 (ill.) planes and inns, 428 Alabama, haunted mansions and haunted restaurants, bars, plantations, 364–65 and theaters, 435–36 B Albany, New York, 508–9 haunted roads and high- Allensbach Institute, 143 ways, 408–9 Bachelor Bouley’s Hellhole, Almeida, Avelino de, 270 Arkansas 315–17 Almquist, Jan, 467 glowing lights and orbs, Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery Alstate (Apache chief), 54 56–57 (Chicago, Illinois), 356 (ill.) Amarillo, Texas, 440–41 haunted civic buildings Bailey, Brit, 53 Amersham, England, 442–43 and prisons, 468 Baltic, 353–55 Ames, Iowa, 409–10 Arkansas Highway 64, 405 Baltimore, Ohio, 71–74 Amherst, Nova Scotia, 98–105 Arthur, Desmond, 502–4 Banneaux, Belgium, 265 Amityville Horror, 32–37 Astral projection, 252–53 Baptist, Fr. John, 427 Amityville, New York, 32–37 autoscopic hallucination, Barbanell, Maurice, 226, 227–29 Anastasi, John, 469 254–55 Bard, Thomas, 459 Andreu, Luis, 275 Beard, S. H., 253–54 Barking ghost, 27–28 Andrews, Mrs., 358 (ill.) Powys, John Cowper, 254 Barrentine, Merry, 436–39 Angels, 141–43, 142 (ill.), 146, Vardogr, 255–58 Bars. See Haunted restaurants, 150, 153 Attacks. See Malicious attacks bars, and theaters Angleton, Texas, 53 Attic, 11–12 Bartholomew, Paul, 32 Animal sacrifice, 321–22 Atwater, P. M. H., 242 Barton, Brick, 504–5 Animals. See Haunted animals Auerbach, Lloyd, 489, 489 (ill.) Basildon, England, 351 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 122–27 Augusta, Georgia, 157–58 Battlefields. See Haunted battle- Anson, Jay, 36 Australia fields [601] Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places Ghosts BM 9/29/04 3:35 PM Page 602 Index Batts, Old Kate, 91–98 Brahm, Gerard Will de, 55 Callen, Glenn, 330 Bayside, New York, 265 Bransen, Colette and Jeff, Calvados Castle, 379–84 Beacham, Deanna, 407 161–63 Camera, 43–46 Beard, S. H., 253–54 Brookdale Lodge (Boulder Canada Beatles, 294–95 Creek, California), 427–28 haunted hotels, motels, Beattie, John, 239 (ill.) Brooklyn, New York, 441–42 and inns, 433 Beaudoin, Thomas, 142 Brown Lady of Raynham Hall, haunted mansions and Beauraing, Belgium, 265 388–90, 389 (ill.) plantations, 367–69 Beck, James, 103 Brown Mountain (North Caroli- haunted ships, 484, 486 Beck, Raymond, 466–67 na), 54–55 haunted trains, 500 Becker family, 321 Browne, Sylvia, 225 Capitani, Sr. Caterina, 259–61 Bed-lifting, 3 Brownie (dog), 306–9, 307 (ill.), Caritte, Dr., 100–102 Beelzebub, 119 308 (ill.), 309 (ill.) Carr, Jane, 2, 5 Belgium, religious apparations, Bruyere, Rev. Rosalyn, 291–93 Carroll, Stephen, 441–42 265 Buckland, Raymond, 16–18 Cars. See Haunted automobiles Bell, Archibald, 447 Buddhism, 141 Castles. See Haunted castles Bell family, 91–98 Buddhist temple (Taiwan), 133 Catawba tribe, 55 Bell Witch, 91–98 (ill.) Catchings, Bertie, 223 Bellamy, Rev. Arthur, 155 Budgen, Ed, Sr., 306 Cats, 309–11, 310 (ill.) Bellingham, Washington, Bull, Rev. Henry Dawson Ellis, Cemeteries. See Haunted ceme- 420–26, 425 (ill.) 341–42, 345–46 teries and burial grounds Bells, 23 Burial grounds. See Haunted Chaffin, James, 207–8 Benchley, Peter, 431 cemeteries and burial grounds Chamberlayne, Richard, 67–68 Benevolent ghost, 57–58 Burial rituals, 139 Chandeliers, 72 (ill.) Benio, Mike, 432 Busch, Most Rev. Joseph F., 122 Changler, Christopher, 507 Bernhardt, Clarisa, 237–40, 238 Buterbaugh, Colleen, 329–30, Channels, 221, 224–25 (ill.), 300–302 332–33 Chaplin, Joan, 297 Berry, Dale, 495 Butts, Robert, 224 Chapman, Peter, 350 Big Bay Point Lighthouse (Big Buxhoewden family, 353–55 Charles I, 391 Bay Point, Michigan), 493 Charles XII, 283–84 Birmingham, England, 317–18 Charlotte, North Carolina, “Black Abbot,” 352 (ill.) C 185–86 Black magic, 107 California Château de Versailles, 325 (ill.) Blake, William, 151 (ill.) ghosts that returned to bid Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Blanton, Dennis, 407 farewell, 158–59, 159–60 England, 352 (ill.) Blessed Mother. See Mother Mary ghosts that warned of Chequers pub (Amersham, Eng- Block, Carl, 230 approaching danger or land), 442 Blue Bell Hill, 402, 404 (ill.) death, 182–84 Cherokee tribe, 55 Bogl, Rev. Carl, 122 haunted battlefields, Chicago, Illinois, 400–401 Boleyn, Anne, 384–86 459–60 Chinati Mountain (Texas), Bolle, Sir John, 390 haunted churches, 346–48 53–54 Boot and Slipper (Amersham, haunted hotels, motels, Ching, violinist of Korea, England), 442 and inns, 416–20, 458–59 Boots, 23 427–28, 428–29 Chloe (slave), 374–77 Borley Rectory (England), haunted houses and apart- Christianity, 140 339–46, 340 (ill.), 343 (ill.), ments, 20–21 Churches. See Haunted church- 345 (ill.) haunted mansions and es Boston, Massachusetts, 171 plantations, 369–74 Cimarron, New Mexico, 426–27 Bosworth Battlefield (England), haunted restaurants, bars, Civic buildings. See Haunted 403 (ill.) and theaters, 439–40 civic buildings and prisons Bottles, 72, 74–79 haunted stores and office Clark, Joseph James “Jocko,” Boulder Creek, California, buildings, 518–22 489 427–28 hooded figures, 533–34 Clarksville, Tennessee, 91–98 Bowyer-Bowyer, Eldred, 156 poltergeists, 68–70 Clensy, David, 397 Brackley, Chris, 337 (ill.) spirit parasites, 127–36 Clift, Montgomery, 419–20 [602] Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places Ghosts BM 9/29/04 3:35 PM Page 603 Index Clouds, 146 Dallas, Texas, 493–95 Dobban, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Colburn, Nettie, 286 Daminas, Don Alejandro, 274 367–68 Cold spots, 29, 30 Dancing ghost, 6–11 Doctors, 143–44 Collier, Bill, 468 Dancing sun, 269–70 Doerfel, Herr, 65 Collins, Charles, 403–4 D’Angelo, Joseph, 442 Dogs, 304 (ill.), 305–9, 313 Colorado, glowing lights and Danza’s Restaurant (Brooklyn, (ill.), 315–19, 318 (ill.) orbs, 56 New York), 441–42 Domke family, 149–50 Connecticut Davie County, North Carolina, Dorcester, South Yorkshire, Eng- haunted churches, 351–53 207–8 land, 335–39 haunted hotels, motels, Deathbeds and funerals Dorrington Hotel (Dorrington, and inns, 431 angel appears with parents, California), 427 haunted ships, 486 153 Dorrington, Rebecca, 427 Connolly, Viki, 469 angel severs cord, 153 Dovi, Chris, 406 Conrad, Barry, 542–44 angel takes mother and Downey, Charles, 152 Constable, Trevor James, daughter after auto acci- Downing, Bob, 55 567–68 dent, 150 Dreiser, Theodore, 254 Contactees, 557–60 angel taps at window, 150 Drury (soldier), 469, 471–74 Cook, Florence, 235 (ill.) angelic comforter, 153 Dryden, Daisy, 193–96 Coolidge, Grace, 288 angels vs. spirits, 141–43 Duncan, Helen, 226 (ill.) Cooper, Millard, 468 clouds, 146 Dwyer, Moses, 447–48 Cooper, Montague, 517 (ill.) couple’s death, two days Corbett, Tom, 366 apart, 146 Cornet, Captain, 64–65 doctors and nurses, regard- E Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, ing, 143–44 Earling, Iowa, 116–21 324 dream of sister’s death, 152 East African lion country, Corregidor (Philippines), female spirit comes for lit- 456–57 451–52 tle girl, 147–48 Ebenezer, New York, 321–22 Corwin, Jonathan, 81 friend’s soul leaves during Ebon, Martin, 231 Costello, Angelo N., 152 funeral, 150, 152 Ectoplasm, 226, 227 (ill.), 232 Courtland, Alabama, 364–65 grandfather accompanies (ill.) Cox, Esther, 98–105 granddaughter and great- Edge Hill (England), 449–51, Cox, Jane, 98–99, 101–2, 104 granddaughter to “other 450 (ill.), 451 (ill.) Cox, William, 100 side,” 148 Edison, Thomas, 320 Crawford, Christina, 291–92, kiss of stranger foreshad- Edmunds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 292 (ill.) ows death of infant, 368 Crawford, Joan, 289–93, 290 149–50 Edward, John, 225 (ill.) oval light over dying hus- Edward, Prince, 484 Crawl space, 23–24 band, 146–47 Egypt, religious apparations, Crenshaw, James, 319 Palmer, W. Bennett, 265, 275–77 Crete, 452–53 research of, 145–46 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 395 Cromarty, Barbara and Jim, 37 Wills-Brandon, Carla, Elephant and Castle (Amer- Crookall, Robert, 242, 247–48 research of, 139–41 sham, England), 442 Cross, Patrick, 537–42, 541 (ill.) Debat-Ponsan, E., 262 (ill.) Elizabeth I, 386–87, 391 Crowe, Richard, 400–401 Debatt, Michael, 442 Elizabeth II, 390, 392 (ill.) Crown Hotel (Amersham, Eng- Defeo, Ronald, 33, 37 Elliott, Rev. Maurice and Irene land), 442 Delaware, haunted civic build- H., 153 Crystal goblet, 169 (ill.), 169–71 ings and prisons, 467–68 Embarrass, Minnesota, 509 Culzean Castle, 395 Demons. See Spirit parasites Emminger family, 127–36 Cumnor Place (England), 391 D’Esperance, Mme., 236 (ill.) England Currie, Ian, 171 Detroit, Michigan, 171 ghosts that returned to bid Devil, 67–68 farewell, 168 Diego, Juan, 264 haunted airplanes, 502–4 D Dieppe, France, 449 haunted animals, 317–18 Daemon, 221 Direct-voice communication, haunted automobiles, Dahl, Sam, 329–30, 332–33 227 505–7 Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places [603] Ghosts BM 9/29/04 3:35 PM Page 604 Index haunted battlefields, Florida, haunted restaurants, haunted civic buildings 449–51, 453–56, 457–58 bars, and theaters, 441 and prisons, 476–78 haunted castles, 386–95, “Flying Dutchman,” 485 (ill.) religious apparations, 263 395–98 Flying saucers, 557–60 (ill.) haunted churches, 335–39, Fodor, Nandor, 71, 73–74, 94, Ghost hunting, 348–49 348–49, 351 320 Ghostly encounters of famous haunted civic buildings Foiled burglary, 186–88 men and women.
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