Stations in the U.S. California %C. 3/0-275-9266 9454 Zf/Clakúce blfvd. fl '.ax 3/0-274-4076 6t4 7 a e.acley qi.'lla, 64 90212 0104de4at %aduatuy óac °ve-4 74wrt# Zle444 aea)tue@att. Piet KRXV(FM) -SeeYermo. 07. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Format: Adult contemp, news. 4th St. (92225). (760) 922 -7143. FAX: (760) 922 -2844. News staff one; news progmg 20 hrs wkly. George Licensee: Blythe Radio Inc. Net: USA. Format: Adult con - 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N34 KSZL(AM) -June 25, 1986: Dabis, opns mgr; Barry Rose, vp sls & gen sls mgr; temp. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Jim Mayson, pres; Rd. 54 44 W117 01 39. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.29000 Radio Rhonda Amoe, nati sls mgr; Laura Gomez, prom mgr; Jim Morris, gen mgr & natt sls mgr. FAX: (760) (92311). (760) 256-2121; (760) 256 -5382. Kevin Brown, progmg dir; Ken Glaser, mus dir; Brenda 256 -5090. Licensee: Tele -Media Co. of Southern Califor- Ross, news dir; Susie Lee, pub affrs dir. nia. Net: ABC /D, Westwood One. Rep: W.R.B.S. Format: Brawley Talk. News staff 2; news progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: -Licensed to Brawley. See El Centro. 25 plus. Tom Shealy, gen mgr; Ken Price, opns mgr; Beverly Hills KKSC(AM) Michael Garcia, progmg dir & news dir; Dave Rose, Joe KSIO(FM )-Licensed to Brawley. See El Centro. Talbot, chief engrs. Rates: $15; 15; 15; 10. KGIL(AM) - October 1947: 1260 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N34 14 58 W118 2715. Hrs opn: 24.1500 Cotner Ave., KWST(FM) -April 4,1988: 94.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 254 ft. KXXZ(FM) -1989: 95.9 mhz; 4.4 kw. Ant 781 ft. TL: N34 Los Angeles (90025). (310) 478-5540. FAX: (310) 478- TL: N324827 W1153218. Stereo. Hrs opn:24. Box 1018, 58 15 W117 02 21. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.320 W. College 4189. Licensee: Mount Wilson FM Broadcasters Inc. EI Centro (92244); 626 Main St., El Centro (92243). (760) Ave. Pleasant Gap (16823). FAX: (760) 256 -1913. Licen- (acq 11- 20 -92; $2.5 million; FTR 12- 14 -92). Net: AP. Rep: 352 -2277. FAX: (760) 352 -1430. Licensee: Brawley see: Tele -Media Company of High Desert. Format: Clas- D &R Radio. Wash atty: Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader Broadcasting Co. Net: ABC. Format: Country. Target aud: sic rock. News staff 5. Target aud: 21.54. Ed A. Belsky, & Zaragoza L.L.P. Format: Broadway show tunes. News 25-54. Carlos Ciseros, chmn, vp, sls dir & mus dir; Allen CEO & gen mgr; Brad Sobel, vp opns; Bob Wellman, gen staff 6; news progmg 22 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. Stelmach, progmg dir; Phillip Plank, chief engr. sls mgr; Cindy West, mus dir. Saul Levine, pres; Tom White, chief engr. Buena Park Bayside Big Bear City `KBPK(FM) -July 6, 1970: 90.1 mhz; 20 w. Ant 130 ft. 'KZPN(FM) -Apr 15,1992: 91.5 mhz; 125 w. Ant 823 ft. KBHR(FM)-Dec 17,1995: 93.3 mhz; 1.5 kw. Ant 663 ft. TL: N33 5135 W11800 53.321 E. Chapman Ave., Fuller- TL: N4049 32 W124 0005. Hrs opn: 24. Box 915, Bayside TL:N341641 W1164731 . Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 2979, ton (92832). (714) 992 -7419. Licensee: Buena Park (95524); 2803 Greenwood Heights Rd., Kneeland Suite C -3, 501 W. Valley Blvd. (92314). (909) 584-5247. School District. Wash arty: Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper. (95549). (707) 444-8006; (707) 444 -8727. Licensee: FAX: (909) 584 -5347. Licensee. Parallel Broadcasting Format: Adult contemp, educ. Target aud: 25 -54. Ed Community of Humboldt Educational Enhancement Ra- Inc. (acq 1- 17 -95; FTR 3- 13 -95). Format: Adult contemp, Berger, gen mgr & news dir; Edward Ford, opns mgr; Don dio Service. Format: Class, news, educ. News progmg AAA. News staff one; news progmg 11 hrs wkly. Target DePuy, engrg dir. 42 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Jazz 6 hrs, aud: 25 -54; upscale second home owners, resort visi- drama 4 hrs, science 3 hrs, relg 3 hrs, farm 2 hrs wkly. tors. Spec prog: Blues 2 hrs wkly. Rick Herrick, pres, Floyd Bettiga, CEO & chmn; Monica L. Olsen, stn mgr, gen mgr & progmg dir; Cathy Herrick, opns dir; Jay Tun- Burbank opns dir & news dir; Monica Olsen, vp opns; Dr. Robert nel!, sls dir; Casey Dolan, mus dir. Rates: $25; 25; 27; KRCK(AM )-Licensed to Burbank. See Los Angeles. A. Wallace, mus dir; Lee Olsen, Tom Williams, engrg dirs. 10. Beaumont Big Bear Lake Burney 'KIBC(FM )-Nov 15,1985: 90.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 1,456 ft. KAEH(FM) -1996:100.9 mhz; 890 w. Ant 590 ft.TL: N33 KBBV(AM )-Nov 1, 1964: 1050 khz; 250 w -D, DA. TL: TL: N40 52 29 W121 46 13. Hrs opn:24. Box 1717, 20410 54 29 W116 59 46. Box 2235, do Barbara Brindisi, Sun N34 14 53 W116 53 20. Box 9494, Moreno Valley Marquette St. (96013). (530) 335 -5422. Licensee: Bur- City (92586); 100.9 Spirit FM, 22661 Buttercup Pl., Can- (92556); 19939 Galling Ct., Katy, TX (77449). Licensee: ney Educational Broadcasting Foundation. Format: yon Lake (92587). (909) 769-9734. Licensee: RGB Corn - Broadcast Management Services (acq 1-97; $30,000). Educ, relg mus. Target aud: General. Wayne Hen- munications Inc. Format: Contemp Christian rock. Format: Talk. Target aud: Rates: $10; 7.50;10; General. nessey, gen mgr; Leona Hennessey, progmg dir; Michael Barbara Brindisi, CEO, chmn, Ares, CFO & gen mgr; na. Barry O'Connor, chief engr. Wilkins, progmg mgr; Jack Drake, chief engr. KXSB(FM)-May 1,1975:101.7 mhz; 90 w. Ant 1,500 ft. KMCA(AM )-Aug 13,1967:1450 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -1.TL: TL: N34 12 47 W116 51 59 (CP: 300 w). Stereo. Hrs opn: N40 52 32 W121 39 42 (CP: COL: Shasta. 260 w -D, 250 Berkeley 24. Box 6940, 200 S. A St., Oxnard (93030). (909) 275- w -N. TL: N40 3917 W122 31 26 -D, N40 36 28 W122 27 5277. FAX: (909) 275 -5316. Licensee: Lazer Broadcast- 1967: 90.7 mhz; 500 w. Ant 778 ft. TL: 36- N). Hrs opn: 5AM- 10PM.4531 ShannonPl.,Redding `KALX(FM) -July ing Corp. (acq 1995; $750,000). Format: CHR, Sp. Target N37 52 40 W122 14 44. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.26 Barrows (96001). (530) 246 -1450. Licensee. Mark C. Allen (acq aud: 25-54; adults, serious minded. Alfredo Plascen- #5650 (94720 -5650).(510)642 -1111. Licensee: The Re- 10.9.96; $35,000). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz. Format: Coun- cia, Ares; Salvador Prieto, progmg dir. gents of the University of California. Format: Educ, div. try. News staff 8; news progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: News progmg 4 hrs wkly. Sandra Wasson gen mgr & 24-55. Tom Collins, pres & chief engr; Mark Collins, progmg mgr; Monica Herms, opns mgr, dev mgr & adv Big Pine gen mgr & opns mgr. mgr; Kitty English, prom mgr; Dan Stracota, mus dir; Kelly 'KNCA(FM) 1992: 89.7 mhz; 2.28 kw. Ant 1,465 Calkin, news dir; David Elzey, pub affrs dir; Bill Jones, KRHV(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown:93.3 mhz; -July ft. TL: N40 52 30 W121 4614. Stereo. Southern Oregon engrg mgr; Steve Hawes, chief engr. 850 w. Ant 2,926 ft.TL: N36 58 33 W118 07 05. Box 1284, Mammoth Lakes (93546). Licensee: David & Mary State College, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR Oregon KBLX -FM- Listing follows KVTO(AM). Digerness. (97520). (541) 552.6301. Licensee: State of Board of Higher Education. Net: NPR, PRI. Wash any: 'KPFA(FM) 1949: 94.1 mhz; 59 kw. Ant 1,330 ft. -April Arter & Hadden. Format: Jazz, MA, news. News staff TL: 13 12. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 1929 N37 51 55 W122 one; news progmg 37 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec (510) -6767. FAX: Bishop Martin Luther KingJr.Way (94704). 848 prog: Blues 6 hrs, folk 3 hrs, pub affrs 7 hrs wkly. Ronald 848-4189. Licensee: Pacifica 1 (510) 848 -3812; (510) KBOV(AM )-Apr 1,1953:1230 khz; kw-U. TL: N37 20 Kramer, gen mgr & progmg dir; Bryon Lambert, opns dir; owner: Pacifica Foundations Inc. dba Foundation. Group 44 W118 23 43. Box 757 (93515); S. Hwy. 395 (93514). Paul Westhelle, dev dir & mktg dir; Eric Alan, mus dir; Potts. Format: Pacifica Radio. Wash atty: Haley, Bader & (760) 873-6324; (760) 873-5427. FAX: (760) 872 -2639. Lucy Edwards, news dir; Darin Ransom, engrg dir. Div mus, pub affrs. News staff 4; news progmg 11 hrs Licensee: Great Country Broadcasting Inc. Net: ABC /E, wkly. Target aud: 25 -50. Spec prog: C&W 18 hrs, Black ABC /SMN. Rep: W.R.B.S. Format: Oldies. News staff KRRX(FM) -Licensed to Burney. See Redding. 18 hrs, jazz 15 hrs, folk 10 firs, women 10 hrs, world 18 one; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec hrs wkly. Jim Bennett, gen mgr & opns mgr; Greg prog: Los Angeles Dodgers baseball. John Dailey, Bridges, Klay Ordona, mus dirs; Mark Mettle, Aileen Ares, gen mgr & news dir; Sandy Dailey, exec vp; Jett Calexico Alfandary, news dirs; Philip Maldari, pub affrs dir; Michael Marcell, gen sls mgr; Mike Chevuront, progmg dir; Gary KICO(AM) -Apr 6,1946:1490 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N32 41 Yoshida, chief engr. Young, mus dir; John Young, chief engr. 58 W115 30 10. Hrs opn: 24. Box 232, 695 Hwy. 111 Licen- KPFB(FM) -Co-owned with KPFA(FM). February KIBS(FM) -Co -owned with KBOV(AM).
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