PB89-154363 PART 1 OF 2 United States Department of Documentation Agriculture CSFH Human Nutrition Information Nationwide Food Consumption Survey Service Nutrition Continuing Survey of Food Intakes Monitoring Division by Individuals NFCS, CSFII Report No. 86-3 Documentation Women 19-50 Years and Their Children 1-5 Years, 4 Days Distributed by: National Technical Information Service Chapter 1 Introduction DATASET ; CSFII 06-3 CONTINUING SURVEY OF FOOD INTAKES BY INDIVIDUALS Women 19 - 50 Years of Aye and Their Children 1-5 Years of Age 4 Days, 1986 Tape Microfiche/Paper Contents File No. Chapter No. Introduction ---------------------------------------- Methodology Sample Design Data Collection Sample Weights Data Processing Food Ceding Nutrient Data Base Data Cleaning Documentation for D?rivation of Calculated Variables Calculated by Human Nutrition Information Service 1. Household income as a percent of poverty level 2. Usual amount of money spent per weak on food brought into the home ( by wave) 3. Usual amount of money spent per week on food bought and eaten away from home ( by wave) 4. Body mass index 5. Meal planner /preparer 6. Race of children 7. National origin of children 8. Employment status of male head of household 9. Employment status of female respondent 10. Nutritive values, n-day average 11. Which waves were completed? 12. Number of waves completed 13, Household monthly income 14. Imputed yearly household income Recommended Dietary Allowances, 1960 References Glossary I 1 Dataset Characteristics and Format ..................... 2 2 File Characteristics File Structure Dataset format Control Counts for Selected Variable . .................. 3 3 Dataset of women 19-50 and Children 1-5 Y of Age , 4 days ....................................... 4 Survey Instumants ...................................... 4 Interviewer ' s Instruction Book Screening Forms and Questionnaires Food Instruction Booklet 51-Character Food Description File ..................... 5 5 Manual of Food Codes for Individua l Intake ............. 6 6 Food Group List Notes and Abbreviations Food Codes coding Guidelines Used for CSFII 1986 INTRODUCTION (File 1) Note : You are reading a computer printout , microfiche, or paper copy that describes the dataset containing 4-day dietary intakes by women 19 to 50 years of age and their children 1 to 5 years of age . The information contained in Files 1 , 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the dataset is identical to the information contained in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the microfiche or paper copy . File 4 of the dataset contains the survey data, while Chapter 4 of the microfiche and paper copy contain copies of the survey instru- ments ( Interviewer ' s Instruction Book , screening forms and questionnaires , and the Food Instruction Booklet). This dataset provides 4-day dietary intakes by women 19 to 50 years of age of all incomes and their children 1 to 5 years of age surveyed between April 1986 and March 1987. A publication covering these data was published in September 1988 (1). The data were collected using 1-day dietary recalls as part of the 1986 Continuing survey of Food intakes by individuals (CSFII 1986 ) conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA). Individuals contacted as part of the CSFii 1986 were asked to provide 6 days of dietary data over a 1-year period. Each day of data was collected at approximately 2-month intervals. The first day cf data was collected using a personal interview; 89 percent of subsequent househol ..i interviews were collected by telephone . Not all of the women and children who agreed tc participate and who provided the first 1-day recall completed all 6 days. Of t:.. women who completed the first 1-day dietary recall, 76 percent completed at least 4 days, 69 percent completed at least 5 days, and 52 percent completed all 6 days. This dataset provides data on the dietary intakes women and children who completed the first 1-day recall and at least 3 additional 1-day recalls. The CSFIT was initiated in 1985 to provide timely information on the adequacy of diets of selected population groups and to provide early indications of dietary changes. Data from the CSFII allow policymakers to formulate research -based policies for nutrition and food intervention programs , consumer education , food fortification, and regulatory activities. The CSFII complements the larger nationwide food consumption surveys conducted by USDA approximately every 10 years . The surveys in 1936-37 , 1942 , 1948 ( urban only), and 1955 collected information on food consumption at the household level. An individual intake component was added to the spring quarter of the 1965 - 66 survey , and the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1977-78 (NFCS 1977-78) included individual intakes throughout the entire year. The CSFII is a major component of the National Nutrition Monitoring System ( NNMS), a set of related Federal activities intended to provide regular information on the nutritional status of the U.S. population (2). The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-113, Title X IV) called for new initiatives in research on human nutrition and food consumption patterns and directed USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services ( DHHS ) to develop the NNMS. The CSFII was designed to be responsive both to this Legislation and to recommendations made in reports of recent studies pertaining to food consumption research ( 3, 4). A number of organizations commented on or contributed to the development of the CSFII questionnaire . These include the National Center for Health Statistics and the Food and Drug Administration of DHHS, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Economic Research Service of the USDA, the House Agriculture Committee , the House Committee on Science and Technology, and several universities and food advocacy groups. National Analysts ( a division of Booz , Allen and Hamilton , Inc.), a private firm in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , conducted the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals for 1986 ( CSFII 1986 ) under contract with the Human Nutrition Information Service (HNIS ), USDA . National Analysts designed the sample ; collected the information ; edited, code-A, and keyed the data ; and prepared the final data tape. HNIS defined the information to be collected ; provided technical information such as food codes , grain weights of household measures of food , and the nutrient composition of foods; and monitored all aspects of the contract . National Analysts conducted the CSFII 1985 also. :m•c.r.a oe vmni i!lu;m n. ... ......-..^^___ -__ __---.^._....^..:..:a.A- .m..:.voev:+aa .:.ws.ee <Ica x r.-^^>..R-,.-rw.-r:,e.^t-ear::;.:.._ ._..e......: _ ... -., _;.i: i. J...- +. _:. ... ^ .:. i^,;fan...... xc..u.'+..r_< ,_.^...^;-^ . METHODOLOGY Sample Design The CSFII 1986 sample was drawn from all private households in the conterminous United States . The survey was designed to provide a multistage, stratified, area sample representative of the 48 conterminous States . The stratification plan was organized using estimates of the U.S. population in 1985. Adjustments were made at the time of the survey to reflect the 1986 population . The stratification plan took into account geograph i c location , degree of urbanization , and socioeconomic considerations . Each successive sampling stage selected increasingly smaller, more specific locations. The 48 States were grouped into the 9 census geographic divisions; then all'land areas within the divisi--ns were d`vided into 3 urbanization classifications : central city, suburban , and nonmetropolitan ( see Glossary ). The stratification process resulted in a total of 60 strata--17 central - city, 28 suburban, and 15 nonmetropolitan --which correspond to the geographic distribution , urbanization , and density of the population within the conterminous United States as reported by the Bureau of the Census. The distribution of these strata is shown below: Census region Central Suburban Nonmetro- and division city politan --- - ----number o f st rata-------- Northeast: New England ......... 1 1 1 Middle Atlantic ..... 3 5 1 Midwest: East North Central.. 3 6 2 West North Central.. 1 1 2 South: South Atlantic ...... 2 5 3 East South Central.. 1 1 2 West South Central.. 2 3 2 West: Mountain............ 1 1 1 Pacific ............. 3 5 1 Total ................. 17 28 15 Counties , cities , and parts of cities within each stratum were grouped together into smaller, relatively homogeneous units , called primary sampling units (; SU), based on political , economic , and demographic characteristics and/or geographical proximity. Two PSU were selected from each of the 60 strata resulting in a total of 120 PSU. The PSU were randomly selected . The Probability of selection was the ratio of the estimated size of the PSU to the estimated size of the stratum in which that PSU was located . The two PSU were selected from each stratum with replacement ; that is, the selection of one PSU did not preclude its selection as the second PSU. Each selected PSU was divided geographically along census boundaries into smaller clusters , known as area segments , containing a minimum of 100 housing units . A total of 206 area segments were drawn into the sample . Each area segment was selected with a probability proportional to the ratio of the number of housing units in the area segment to the total number of housing units in the PSU. The number of area segments selected from each PSU varied , depending on the size of the PSU. .. _. ,.,__._ ^amc,.:.:xne,.ra-:...a6^.
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